běi wèi zuòzhělièbiǎo
liú Liu Hubái Bai Yalisituò shí Taba Shi
tuò guī Taba Guituò Taba Situò dào Taba Dao
tuò Taba Yutuò jùn Taba Juntuò hóng Taba Hong
tuò hóng Taba Hongyuán Yuan Keyuán Yuan Xu
yuán zhāo Yuan Zhaoyuán yōu Yuan Ziyouyuán Yuan Ye
yuán gōng Yuan Gongyuán lǎng Yuan Langyuán xiū Yuan Xiu
tuò hóng Taba Hong
běi wèi  (454nián476nián)
wǎngbǐhào: xiào wén huáng
miàohào: gāo
língmù: cháng líng

  běi wèi xiàn wén tuò hóng ( 454 nián -476 niánzài wèi 465 nián -471 niánshì nán běi cháo shí běi wèi de huáng shì wén chéng tuò jùn zhǎngzǐ。 456 nián bèi wéi tài , 465 nián wèi chóng wén zhòng jiàoxīng xué qīng xuán hǎo 。 469 nián jiù jiāng qiǎng bǎo zhōng de zhǎngzǐ wéi tài huáng xīng nián( 471 niánchuán wèi tài tuò hóng wéi tài shàng huángzhuān xīn xìn 。 476 niányóu shā liǎo féng tài hòu chǒng 'ài de chénbèi duì fāng shí nián 23 suì
   běi wèi xiàn wén chū shēng
   wèi xiàn wén tuò hóngwéi běi wèi liù wèi huáng zài wèi shíyīn qīn zhì zhǐ huī liǎo zhù míng de shuǐ zhī zhàn 'ér míng zhù shǐ guān chū shēng ,《 wèi shūshuō xiǎn xiàn wén huáng huì hóngwén chéng huáng zhī cháng xīng guāng yuán niángōng yuán 454 niánshēng yīn shān zhī běi zhì shēng yīn shān zhī běi chùshǐ shū yān xiángshǐ zhōng shì běn wén shì jiù xiàn wén tuò hóng chū shēng zuò kǎo shìbìng jiù jiào fāng jiā
   běi wèi dào tuò guī dēng guó yuán niángōng yuán 386 niánjiàn guódìng shèng jīn lín 'ěr chéng ), tiān xīng yuán niángōng yuán 398 niánqiān píng chéngjīn shān tóng), zhì xiào wén yuán hóng tài shí niángōng yuán 494 niánnán qiān chéng luò yángzài duō shì běi wèi wáng cháo běi jìng wài qiáng héng héng róu rán shǐ zhōng chǔyú yán zhòng duì zhì zhuàng tàiróu rán shì lüè rén cái wéi zhuān de yóu guó jiāgōng yuán 5 shì chūróu rán jué běibīng qiáng shèngzhú jiàn nán qīn duàn gōng lüè běi wèi běi jìngduì běi wèi gòu chéng liǎo yán zhòng de wēi xié
   wèile fáng zhǐ róu rán qīnběi wèi chú liǎo zài běi jìng xiū zhù liǎo chì chéng zhì yuányán mào liǎng qiān de cháng chéngshè zhì liǎo chuānhuái shuò děng jūn zhènbèi zhì shù wèi chū bīng zhuī jiǎo lái fàn zhī wàiběi wèi zhū hái jīng cháng xíng xìng zuò wéi běi jìng tiān rán píng zhàng de yīn shān gǒng jiā qiáng yīn shān fáng xiànwèi shūjìzǎitài tuò dào zài wèi jiāncéng 9 xíng xìng yīn shānjǐn zhèng píng yuán niángōng yuán 451 niánjiù liǎng xún xìng yīn shāntuò dào hòu zhǎngsūn wén chéng tuò jùn wèi hòuzài wèi 14 nián zhōngshǐ shū míng què jìzǎi " xíng xìng yīn shān " jiù 8 zhī duō zhōng " xīng guāng yuán niángōng yuán 454 niánxià liù yuèxíng xìng yīn shān " shí guì rén wéi shēngzhǎng tuò hóng 。《 wèi shūshuōxiàn wén huáng huì hóng”,“ xīng guāng yuán nián yuè shēng yīn shān zhī běi”。
   wèi pín fán xíng xìng yīn shānér qiě zài yīn shān tíng liú shí jiān hěn cháng bān dōuzài liǎng sān yuèyòu shí huì gèng cháng xiē tài zài tài píng zhēn jūnjiǔ niángōng yuán 448 niánliù yuè xīn yǒuxíng xìng guǎng gōng”,“ dōng shí 'èr yuèhuáng tài cháo xíng gōng”, zài yīn shān xíng gōng dòu liú bàn nián zhī jiǔchū xún xìng de yàowèi zài yīn shān shàng jiàn yòu xíng gōngwèi xíng gōng shì wèi yùn chóu wéi zhǐ huī jūn shì xíng dòng de qián xiàn zhǐ huī shì wèi suí xíng hòu fēi shēng huó zhī suǒ zàiér zhù míng shǐ de yīn shān xíng gōng zhǐ jiàn guǎng gōng chēng guǎng diàn)。《 wèi shūzàitài tài píng zhēn jūnsān nián yuèxíng xìng yīn shān běiliù yuè bǐng yáng nán dāng cháo xíng gōngxiān shì diàn yīn shān běidiàn chéng 'ér nán dāng zhìyīn yuē guǎng yān”。《 wèi shū xiě dào:“ liù nián xià yuèchē jià xìng yīn shān běi guǎng gōng。” shàng shù duàn huà míng què zhǐ chūwèi yīn shān xíng gōng zài yīn shān běimíng yuē guǎng gōngguǎng gōng jiàn tài tài píng zhēn jūn sān niángōng yuán 442 nián), wèi zài xíng xìng yīn shān běi shízhù chù zài guǎng gōngxiàn wén tuò hóng shēng yīn shān běi dāng shēng zài guǎng gōng zhōng
   běi wèi xiàn wén shēng píng
   xiàn wén tuò hóng shì běi wèi wáng cháo de shū huáng duǎn zàn de zhèng zhì shēng zhōng yòu de cǎiyòu chōng mǎn zhe bēi de qíng diào wén quán cáishí 'èr suì wèi jiù xiǎn chū liǎo chāo rén de cái néng zhěng dùn nèi zhèngzēng qiáng guó chū zhēng tǎozhì tǒng yǎn rán yīng míng jūn zhù yòu zuò wéi de jià shìdàn shìzài qīn zhèng nián hòuzhèng dāng tǒng zhì shì jìn zhǎn shùn zhī què rán jiāng huáng wèi ràng gěi liǎo suì de tài tuò hóng
   duì tuò hóng de zhè zhǒng cháng dòng,《 wèi shū · xiǎn běi shǐ · wèi běn de jiě shì shìtuò hóng zhōng lǎo zhuāng zhī xuéyīn kàn hóng chén,“ shí cháng yòu shì zhī xīn”, xiǎng pāo kāi zhèng fēn fán de huáng wèi guò qīng jìng yōu de shēng huóérwèi shū · tiān xiàng zhìquè shuō:“ shàng tài hòuchuán wèi tài 。” zhè liǎng zhǒng shuō jiū jìng shú shì shú fēi
   shí shàngtuò hóng suī hǎo lǎo zhuāng dàn bìng yàn shì,《 wèi shū · xiǎn shuō cōng ruì ”, cóng xiǎo jiù yòu jūn lín tiān xià de mín shén zhī guī”。 shí 'èr suì qīn zhèng hòu,“ qín wéi zhìshǎng yán míng qīng jiéchù tān ”, shǐ běi wèi zhì miàn mào wéi gǎi guānběn lái běi wèi qián bǎi guān fèng guān tān shòu huì xiàn xiàng shí fēn yán zhòngzào chéng liǎo zhì de bài huàidǎo zhì liǎo jiē máo dùn mín máo dùn de jiān ruìtuò hóng yòng shǎng chù zhì de bàn suī rán néng cóng gēn běn shàng jiě jué tān shòu huì wèn dàn zàn shí shōu dào míng xiǎn de xiào guǒ,“ shì wèi zhī shǒu shǐ yòu lián jié zhù wén zhě”(《 wèi shū · xiǎn 》)。 zhè shì tuò shì zhù zhōng yuán lái méi yòu guò de hǎo xiàn xiàng néng shuō tuò hóng yòu zhì guó zhī shù hái gēn zhōng yuán de shí qíng kuànggǎi shuì zhì ,“ mìng yīn mín pín wéi sān děng shū zhī děng wéi sān pǐnshàng sān pǐn shū píng chéngzhōng shū zhōuxià shū běn zhōu”(《 wèi shū · xiǎn 》)。 zhè yàng yǐng xiǎng guó jiā shuì de shǐ yòngyòu jiě jué liǎo guǎng pín bǎi xìng yuǎn shū de wèn tóng shí shǐ pín yòu suǒ chā bié yòu gǎi tuò dào lái zhòng zhēng shuì de zhèng zài guó jiā cái zhèng réng hěn jǐn zhāng de qíng kuàng xiàshí xíng qīng yáo zhèng xià zhào miǎn chú liǎo cháng zhī wài de shí zhǒng diàojiǎn qīng liǎo zhōng yuán rén mín de dānhuǎn liǎo mín máo dùntuò hóng wèi láijūn shì shàng hěn shèng duì běi qīn shuài jūn zhēng tǎo róu ránzhǎn shǒu wàn huò wàn rén róng jiàn shèng róu rán yuǎn dùnběi biān 'ān níngduì nánzhòng yòng dàjiàng wèi yuánjiàng sòng jiāng zhòng jìngzhāng dǎng děng liú sòng zhī zhōu yǎn zhōutuò kuān liǎo běi wèi de nán jiāngtuò hóng wèi niánnèi zhèngwài jiāo jūn de xiǎn zhù chéng guǒ zhèng míng tuò hóng shì wén néng liàn yòu xióng xīn yòu yòu dǎn lüè de huáng
   tuò hóng yòu zhèng zhì jiā de gāng yán zhì bìng méi yòu bèi lǎo zhuāng lùn shù wèile jìn zhěng zhì tān shòu huì zhī fēng céng zhì dìng tiáo qiáng yìng de ,“ shòu suǒ jiān lín yáng kǒujiǔ zhě zhě cóng zuò lùn”(《 wèi shū · xiǎn 》), hái jìn guī dìngyòu néng jiū gào shàng shū xià zuì zhuàng zhěsuí suǒ jiū guān qīng zhòng shòu zhī”。 zhè tiáo shì shí fēn dechōng fēn xiàn liǎo rèn dài jià zhěng zhì shè huì de jué xīn
   duì duì tǒng zhì de réntuò hóng néng duàn rán cǎi cuò shī shā lùn róng bái yào shì běi wèi yòu míng de dàjiàng tǒng shuài běi wèi jūn sòng jūn duō zuò zhànjiàng chéng xiàn lěiduó sòng zhī qīng 'èr zhōuyáng wèi wēi dōng dàn shìyóu zài tuò hóng gāng huáng wèi shícéng tài wèi hún hún yīn zhuān shàn cháo quán bèi zhū shātuò hóng kǎo dào róng bái yào shì hún dǎng zài nán jiāng yōng zhòng bīnggōng gāo nán zhìbiàn zài róng bái yào jūn shì shàng jié jié shèng de shí hòu móu fǎn de zuì míng jiāng shā bìng shā liǎo de róng
   tuò hóng bèi jūn zhù de nèi wài zhì shànwèi zhī qián de qiē dòng dōuméi yòu biǎo xiàn chū shòu lǎo zhuāng de rèn yǐng xiǎngshànwèi zhī hòu méi yòu guò tài shàng huáng de qīng xián gèng méi yòu chén miǎn lǎo zhuāng 'ér shì wéixiāng fǎnréng shìguó zhī shì xián wén”(《 wèi shū · xiǎn 》), hái pín pín zhào lìngzhì dìng guó bìng qīn dài bīng chū zhēngshí shàng réng jiù xíng zhe huáng de zhí huī zhe huáng de zuò yòng háo méi yòu shí de xiàngyīn shuō tuò hóng shì yīn zhōng lǎo zhuāng zhī xué 'ér shànwèixiǎn rán yòu bèi shǐ shí
   wèi shū · tiān xiàng zhìsuǒ wèishàng tài hòuchuán wèi tài de shuō gèng qièhé shí 。《 zhì tōng jiàn sān shěng zhù zài yǐn yòng zhè tiáo shǐ liào zhī hòucéng féng tài hòu ruò xiǎn chuán wèidāng duó zhèngān yóu zǒng wàn wéi yóuduì biǎo shì fǎn duìxiǎn rán sān shěng shì cóng xiá shàng jiě tài hòuzhè huà de hán liǎorèn wéi shì zhǐ féng tài hòu qiáng xíng zhǐ lìng tuò hóng ràng chū huáng wèisuǒ jué nán tōngshì shí shàngcóng féng tài hòu de shēn fèn wèi běi wèi gōng tíng zhōng quán fēn pèi qíng kuàng kàn bèi zhè tiáo jiàndàn shìféng tài hòu shì zhōng zhèng zhìyòu xián quán shù de rén tuò hóng zhī jiān cún zài zhe hěn de máo dùn wán quán yòng tài hòu de wèi zài gōng zhōng de biàn tiáo jiànchuàng zào zhǒng fēn wéishǐ tuò hóng chǔyú zhǒng bèi de nèi wài jiāo kùn zhī zhōng xún qiú jiě tuōràng chū huáng wèizhè cái shì tài hòude běn
   shì shí shàngzài tuò hóng rán shànwèi hòu yòu zhí zhèng zhè xiē shì jiàn de bèi hòujiù yǐn cáng zhe yīcháng shēn 'ér yòu de zhèng zhì dǒu zhēng
   féng tài hòu shì tuò hóng qīn wén chéng huáng tuò jùn de huáng hòudàn fēi tuò hóng zhī shì cāi rěn duō quán shù”(《 zhì tōng jiànsòng cāng wáng yuán huī nián), quán qiáng de rén céng zài tuò hóng gāng wèi jūsāng jiān néng qīn zhèng shílín cháo chēng zhìzhè duàn shí jiān nèi qīn cèhuà zhū shā liǎo zhuān quán luàn zhèng de tài wèi húnshǐ cháo rándàn shìféng shì hái méi yòu lái chōng fēn shī zhǎn de zhèng zhì cái néngjiù yīn tuò hóng jūsāng mǎn guī zhèng duì zhèng zhì zhí xīng nóng hòurán 'érfēng huá zhèng mào de tuò hóng qīn zhèng hòuzhì guó yòu fāngcái néng chū zhòngshǐ féng tài hòu chā shǒu guó shì shì men zhī jiān miǎn chǎn shēng liǎo zài jiā shàng féng shì tuò hóng zhī jiān běn xuè yuán guān men zhī jiān de biàn zhú jiàn jiā shēnféng shì nián qīng guǎ ,“ nèi xíng zhèng”(《 wèi shū · huáng hòu lièzhuàn》), yǐn chén xià qiè sǔn hài liǎo tuò hóng tǒng zhì zhě de xíng xiàngtuò hóng duì shí fēn fǎn gǎn jiè shā liǎo féng tài hòu suǒ chǒng xìng de zhè dòng jìn jiāng men 'èr rén tuī dào liǎo duì de wèiyóu shǐ liào yán zhòng quē men zhī dào men zhī jiān jìn xíng míng zhēng 'àn dǒu de guò chéngdàn cóng hòu lái tuò hóng bèi féng tài hòu zhí zhèngduì wèi de xiào wén shī jiā zhǒng zhǒng hài děng shì jiàn zhōngwán quán tuī duàn chūféng tài hòu dāng shí zhèng zài chǔxīn xún zhǎo huì tuò hóng jiào liàng de liàng zhèng zài zhú jiàn zhuàng tuò hóng kàn dào liǎo zhè zhǒng miǎn de shū dǒu zhēng de duān gǎn dào liǎo hòu tǒng zhì de jiān nán shì tuò hóngrén xiào chún zhì”(《 wèi shū · xiǎn 》) de xìng suǒ jué dìnghuò zhě shì mǒu zhǒng liàng de zhì yuēshǐ méi yòu xiān zhì rénduì féng tài hòu cǎi cuò shīdàn shànwèi zhī niàn shí yóu 'ér shēng
   tuò hóng miàn duì jiāng bào de gōng tíng nèi hòngxiǎng shànwèi lái táo dǒu zhēngzhè shì jīng guò shēn shú zhī hòu cái zuò chū jué dìng dedāng shí tài què bìng méi yòu suàn huáng wèi chuán gěi tài ér shì shǒu xiān xuǎn liǎo huáng shū jīng zhào wáng tuò tuītuò hóng rèn wéishēn wéi zhōng dōudà guān de tuò tuīshěn rén hòu yòu shí ”(《 zhì tōng jiànsòng míng tài shǐ nián), zhè yàng míng wàng quán zhòng de tuò zōng shì chéng yuán néng dēng shàng huáng wèiyīnggāi néng gòu duì féng tài hòubǎo zhèng běi wèi wáng cháo de tǒng zhì wěn gèng zhòng yào de shìzhè yàng láihuáng tǒng biàn zhuǎn tuò hóng tài cái yòu néng miǎn zāo féng tài hòu suàn
   dàn shìhuáng wèi de chéng zhuǎn ràng nǎi shì fēng jiàn guó jiā zuì wéi mǐn gǎn zhòng yào de zhèng zhì wèn zài mǒu zhǒng chéng shàng bìng yóu huáng rén jué dìngér shì yóu tǒng zhì tuán zhōng zhī quán pài gòng tóng jué dìng dekuàng qiězhè zhǒng wéi cháng de shànwèi shí shǔ hǎn jiànchū rén liào tuò hóng de xiǎng jīng chūgōng qīng men xiān shì miàn miàn xiāng 'ér shì qiáng liè fǎn duìshǒu xiān chū fǎn duì jiàn de shì tuò tuī de rèn chéng wáng tuò yún shuō:“ xià fāng lóng tài pínglín hǎi shàng wéi zōng miàoxià zhào mínqiě xiāng chuán lái jiǔ xià wěi chén huáng tài chéng zhèng tǒng。” jiē zhe zhǐ chū shànwèi tuò tuī jiāng dǎo zhì de yán zhòng hòu guǒ,“ xià ruò gèng shòu bàng zhī”, jiāng jiān luàn zhī xīn nǎi huò zhī yuán shèn ”(《 zhì tōng jiànsòng míng tài shǐ nián)。 jiē zhe zhòng chén yuán zōng shì tuò shàng shū fēn fēn biǎo shì fǎn duì men fǎn duì shànwèi de gòng tóng xiǎng shìruò shànwèi huáng shū rán wěn luàn huáng tǒng zhì luàn zhī xīntuì jiǎngruò shànwèiyìng chán huáng tài zhè shì yíng zhòng yuànwěn dìng tǒng zhì de zuì hǎo xuǎn dàn shì shànwèi tài zhèng shì tuò hóng suǒ yīn wéi yàng jiù shī liǎo shànwèi de tīng wán qún chén de yán hòubiàn zuò réng xiǎng cóng bié chù kāi quē kǒu zhī chí shì yòu wèn shēn biān de xuǎn shàng shū zhào hēi dào de huí shì:“ chén fèng dài huáng tài zhī 。”(《 zhì tōng jiànsòng míng tài shǐ niánhàn yuán lǎo gāo yǔn zōng qún chén jiàn hòu chū:“ yuàn xià shàng zōng miào tuō zhī zhòngzhuī niàn zhōu gōng chéng wáng zhī shì。” dìngtuò hóng jiē shòu zhòng rén jiànbèi shuō chū:“ rán tài qún gōng zhīyòu 。” zhè guò chéng jīng hěn qīng chǔ zhǎn shì chūtuò hóng shànwèi shì deér shànwèi tài shì de
   rán 'értuò hóng bìng méi yòu zhēn de tài jiāo gěi bié rénshǐ qún gōng zhī”, méi yòu xiǎng shòu suǒ wèiyōu yóu dào shén yǎng xìng”(《 wèi shū · xiǎn 》) de tài shàng huáng shēng huóér shì zhí zhèngqiě gèng jiā yòu zhìzhè shì yóu tuò hóng gǎn dàodāng shí běi wèi de zōng shì chén rén néng gòu zhōu gōng chéng wáng yàngyòu zhì yuē féng tài hòu de liàngbāng zhù xiǎo huáng guò nán guānshùn qīn zhèngér qiě guǒ tuò hóng qīn zhèngféng tài hòu rán yào lín cháo chēng zhìzhè duì xiǎo huáng gèng jiā zài xíng shì de zhī xiàtuò hóng tài shàng huáng de shēn fèn zhí zhèng
   tuò hóng shànwèi hòuwèile chéng gōng zuǒ yòu gěi xià jiān shí de chǔ gèng jiā fèn duō zhào lìngér qiě zài zhèng zhìjūn shìnèi zhèngwài jiāo zhī shàng cǎi qièshí yòu xiào cuò shībìng liǎo lìng rén zhǔ mùdì chéng guǒ
   qīn dài bīng chū zhēngbǎo wèi biān jiānggōng yuán niánróu rán qīnbīng zhì yuántuò hóng qīn dài bīng zhēng tǎozài róu rán wén fēng yuǎn dùn zhī hòu réng qióng zhuī bùshěxiǎng guò běi xiāo miè róu rán zhù qīng chú běi biān yǐn huàndàn yīn róu rán zǒude tài yuǎnzhuī shèn nán shì fǎn huí
   dōng chì běn guī běi wèidàn zài róu rán shì qiáng zhī hòuyòu 472 nián pàn guī róu rántuò hóng zài dài bīng zhuī tǎo zhí zhuī zhì zhōng zhī shí shǐ chì de pàn táo méi yòu duì nèi zào chéng wēi hài
   tǔyùhún guī zhī hòu pànběi wèi pài bīng zhèn zhī hòutuò hóng dài zhe xiǎo huáng xún xìng biǎo shì 'ān zài xiàng tǔyùhún zhāng yáng xiǎo huáng xiào wén de wēi wéi hòu de tǒng zhì xià chǔgōng yuán47 niántuò hóng dài bīng nán bìng lìng quán guó guǎng shuì rén dīngzuò chū guī xiàng nán yòng bīng de tài zhāng shēng shì gōng wéi shǒu dào 'ān dìng nán jiāng de zuò yòng
   nèi zhèng fāng miàntuò hóngqín wéi zhìshǎng yán míngshèn shǒujìn lián tuì tān”。 bié zhòng shì xíng ,“ xíng duō lìng ”, zhǔn qīng pàn xíng zài wéi xiǎo huáng shōu mǎi rén xīn shì zào chéng liǎo qiú fàn duō nián guān de qíng kuàng shuō:“ zhì chéng fēi shàn zhì yóu cāng 'ér làn !” zài zhè zhǒng zhèng de zhǐ dǎo xiàběi wèisuǒ xíng duō ”(《 zhì tōng jiànsòng cāng wáng yuán huī 'èr nián)。 huǎn liǎo jiē máo dùnwěn dìng liǎo běi wèi tǒng zhì
   wàizài tuò hóng tài shàng huáng shēn fèn zhí zhèng jiānběi wèi hái bān liǎo xià liè zhào lìngzhū mén fáng zhī zhūjìn shā gēng niú zuò lìng gōng shāng jìn guī nóng děng děngzhè xiē zhào lìng suī tài shàng huáng zhī míng xiàdàn shí shàng shì de dìng de
   cóng shàng shù nèi róng kàn chū tuò hóng xīn xiǎng jīng zhìnèi wài bìng chuàng zào qīng míng 'ān dìng de tiān xiàwéi xiǎo huáng xiào wén de qīn zhèng xià liáng hǎo de chǔzhè jiù gèng zhèng míng liǎo shànwèi shì bèi de zhí zhèng shì bèi dedàn shìzài fēng jiàn zhèng quán zhōngzhèng zhì dǒu zhēng shì cán de shì huó biàn shì liǎng bài shāngtuò hóng suī rán zài shànwèi zhī hòu yòu bèi chóngxīn zhèn zuò láiyíng jiē dǒu zhēngdàn zhōng yīn shǒu duàn gòu qiáng yìngméi yòu xiān zhì rénzài shànwèi nián zhī hòu bèi féng tài hòu zhè wèi nián qīng de tài shàng huáng méi yòu shí xiàn de yuànwéi hòu rén liú xià liǎo shēn shēn de hàn
   zhèng zhì tǒng zhì
   tuò hóng shí jiāng xiàn wén tuò hóng zhí xíng tuò guī de zhèng zài píng chéng děng jiàn liàng fáng bìng jiāng sài wài de xiān bēi rén rén nèi qiān dào guān dōng zhè shì xiàng qiáng zhì xìng de guān fāng mín zhèng de shì huī zhǎn jiǔ jīng huài de zhōng yuán dào de què qià shēn yuǎn de chéng zhèng dāng shí de guān yuán huì liàng lǎo bǎi xìng duì de liàn zhī qínggèng dǒng zhì wěi huì zuò xiǎng gōng zuòzài zhí xíng zhèng guò chéng zhōng duō bàn shì cǎi yìng xìng de shǒu duànzào chéng liǎo xiē fāng mín zhòng de fǎn gǎn fēn liú máng lài chéng shān dòng qíng duō nián qīng rén táo wáng jié zài wài shǎo jùn xiàn chū xiàn liǎo yòu zhì de fěi huò qiáng dào
   xiàn wén tuò hóng miàn duì mín huàn shí fēn tóu téngyòu xiǎng dòng gān zhèn jiù gōng qīng men shāng liàng:“ zhèn běn lái shì yào wèimín chú hài ràng xiē guān yuán huài liǎo shì 'ér zhì luàn shì pín jīn wéi fàn de rén duō liǎo néng mendōu zhuā lái shā liǎo de shì tōng guò shè 'ān men jué zěn me yàng ?”
   yuán chéng rén hóu shuō:“ mín zhòng táo wáng zuò qiáng dàozhè shì zuì jīn gěi men dìng zuì jiù men shè miǎnnǎi shì wéi shàng zhě fǎn qiú xià běn dàozhì shì zhí xíng zhèng de rén de xíng wéi), kǒng tuǒ chén suǒ jiàn zhū shā shǒu 'èshè miǎn dǎng 'ān dìng tiān xià。” qīng rén cuī hóngzhè wèi yòu shì qīng cuī shì hòu lái dǐng dǐng yòu míng de běi wèi hàn chén cuī hào zhèng shì de zhǎngzǐ shuō:“ shèng míng de jūn zhù tǒng lǐng mín zhòng de biàn zài 'ān dìng tuán jiéér shì gēn mín zhòng jiào liàng shèng shè miǎn zuì xíng suī shì zhèng zhāodàn què biàn zhí xínghóu de shì xiān zhū hòu shèhái zhāo shè miǎn quán gǎo dìng wéi hǎo guǒ yòu rén shè miǎn liǎo zhī hòu hái lǎo shídào shí zài shā bùwèi wǎn。”
   xiàn wén tuò hóng zàn tóng cuī hóng de jiàn zhí xíngguǒ rán duō rén jiù zài wéi luànduì zuò luàn gǎo huài de shǎo shù réntuò jiù zài shǒu ruǎnpài jiāng jūn lǐng bīng wàn qián píng dìnghěn kuài jiě jué liǎo 'ān dìng de yīn
   jīng gǎi
   běi wèi jīng jìzǎi huà běi wèi xiàn wén tuò hóng tuī xíng de gǎi nèi róngxiān bēi tuò luò yuán yáo yuǎn de biān chuí zhī men de rén kǒu běn lái jiù shǎojìn guǎng mào de zhōng yuán hòu rán chéng wéi zhī shǎo shù mín guǒ jǐn jǐn xiàn qiǎng jié men lái fēngwán quán bǎo chí zhe guò de zhǒng mán de yóu shēng huó rán 'érruò shì cháng zhàn zhōng yuánzài zhè kuài shàng shēng huó xià men jiù tiáozhěnggǎi biàn guò de shēng cún fāng shìyóu yóu shēng huó biàn wéi xiān jìn de nóng gēng zuò
   běi wèi xiàn wén tuò hóng shí shè huì yuè fēng jiàn zhìshēng chǎn zhú zhǎndàn zài tǒng zhì fāng shì shàngběi wèi qián réng rán bǎo liú zhe nóng hòu de zhì cán bié shì zài tǒng běi fāng qián jiāng zhàn zhēng zhōng lüè de rén kǒu méi wéi shǎng gěi zhū wáng guì yòu zhàn gōng zhěcóng shì nóng shǒu gōng de shēng chǎn láo dòng shuì fāng miànzài tuī xíng zōng zhù zhì de píng jūn měi měi nián de diào shì 'èr 'èr jīn jīn 'èr shí shíwài jiā fāng zhēng shōu de diào wài zhī fèi 'èr zhàngqiě rèn zēng jiā lín shí zhēng diàodòng zhé měi yào jiāo sān shí shí shí dāng shí guān méi yòu zhèng shì de fèng tān huì gāo dài gōng xíngxiàn wén tuò hóng tǒng zhì jiāndàjiàng gōng sūn guǐ dào shàng dǎng ( jīn shān cháng zhì běi ), shí dān zhí biānhuí lái cóng chē bǎi liàngtuò tǒng zhì zhě tuī xíng mín shì zhèng zài zhàn zhēng zhōngbèi dāng bīng de rén mín zài qián chōng fēngxiān bēi bīng zài hòu shí 'èr nián xiàn wén tuò hóng wéi gōng ( jīn jiāng dōng běi ) shíxiě xìn gěi liú sòng shǒu jiāng zāng zhì shuōgōng chéng dedōu shì xiān bēi rén shā liǎo menmiǎn men jiāng lái zào fǎn
   běi wèi jīng zài běi wèi xiàn wén tuò hóng dāng zhèng shí shè huì shēng chǎn zhú dào huī zhǎnzhōng guó běi fāng jìn yǒng jiā zhī luàn (310) hòujīng guò shí liù guó shí de zhàn zhēng huàibǎi xìng bīng jǐnxìng cún de rén kǒu 50。 zhōng yuán pài diāo jǐng xiàngběi wèi tǒng běi fāng hòujīng guò rén mín cháng de xīn qín láo dòng gòng tóng dǒu zhēngshēng chǎn guān dào liǎo tiáozhěngshēng chǎn yòu míng xiǎn de zhǎn bié shì xiàn wén tuò hóng gǎi hòu gēng nóng mín xiǎn zhù zēng jiāxiàn wén tuò hóng qiánquán guó shù bǎi wàn jìn tài kāng nián jiān zēng jiā bèi duōnóng shǒu gōng dōuyòu xiǎn zhù de zhǎn。《 luò yáng lán chēng běi wèi hòu bǎi xìng yīn nián dēng shí bǎo zhàngzài shǒu gōng fāng miànběi wèi hòu liàn gāng shù yòu xīn de chéng jiùxiāng zhōu qiān kǒu ( zài jīn nán 'ān yáng ) zhì chéng ruì de gāng dāoshāng zhú jiàn huó yuè láitài qiánběi fāng shāng jīhū chǔyú tíng dùn zhuàng tàiqián huò suǒ zhōu liúxiàn wén tuò hóng shíyuán shū wéi dōng tài shǒudāng duō bǎi xìng nóng jīng shāngsuí zhe shāng de zhǎnhuò huī liú tōngtài shí jiǔ niányòu chóngxīn zhù zàotài zhūqiánguī dìng qián zài jīng shī quán guó zhū zhōu zhèn dōukě tōng xíng
   jūn shì zhèng
   běi wèi jūn duì nián qīng de xiàn wén tuò hóng fēi cháng shàn zhàn qīn shuài bīng zhǐ huī de zhàn shì fēi cháng chū de zhàn qīn tǒng shuài duì shuài bīng zhuī zhí zhuī dàoshí ”( shā )。 tuò hóng wèi guò 13 suìnián suī qīng tóng yàng huān liàn bīngtiān 'ān 'èr nián,( gōng yuán 467 nián), èr yuè,“ tián shānqīn shè bào”; yuè,“ tián guō shānsuì xìng fán zhì”。 tuì wèi zuò tài shàng huáng hòu zài běi yuàn de yuè bīngjīng dòng cháo
   zài tuò hóng de tǒng zhì( 465 471 nián zài wèixiàtuò rén shēng nán fāng zhōng guó wáng cháo wéi dài jiàyòu liǎo duō shèng 。 466 nián zhàn lǐng péng chéng, 467 nián zhēng huái liú , 469 nián zhàn lǐng shān dōng。 470 nián tuò rén chéng liǎo zhī xiān bēi luò měnggǔ zhǒng tǔyùhún), tǔyùhún 5 shì chū jiù zhù zài qīng hǎi
   tuò hóng shì wèi jiào shì yàng de qián chéng zhì 471 nián ràng wèi gěi shàng nián yòu de 'ér 'ér chū jiā wéi sēng tuò hóng( 471- 499 nián zài wèizài chéng nián zhī hòu duì jiào biǎo shì chū tóng yàng de gǎn qíngzài jiào de yǐng xiǎng xià cǎi yòng liǎo jiào rén dào de guī。 494 nián chéng cóng de píng chéng qiān dào luò yángyóu wán chéng liǎo tuò rén de zhōng guó huàzhèng shì zài zhè shí zài de xià luò yáng nán zhù míng de lóng mén jiào shí kāi shǐ dòng gōng
   zhè xiē shí de diāo dōushì zài 494 nián dào 759 nián jiān de tóng shí nèi wán chéngdàn shìtuò rén zài háo bǎo liú cǎi yòng zhōng guó wén huà jiào xìn yǎng shíshī liǎo men jué xiān suǒ yòu de jiān rèn yīng yǒng de pǐn zhì men de suàn shì tōng guò zhēng nán zhōng guó wáng cháo zài men de tǒng zhì xià wán chéng zhōng guó de tǒng jiēguǒ shī bài liǎo
   běi wèi xiàn wén zhī
   shíshì zhōng hún kàn dào xiàn wén nián yòuchèn jiè yòng xiàn wén de zhào lìng pái chì jiàn cái de tǒng zhì hún shàng shū yáng bǎo niánpíng yáng gōng jiǎ 'ài rénnán yáng gōng zhāng tiān píng yuán wáng wèi jiān duō hóu hài
   miàn duì xiōng cán de húnnián shàng yòu de xiàn wén méi yòu rèn bàn zhǐ hǎo zài féng tài hòu tòng kāi shǐ shíféng tài hòu duì hún fēng kuáng shā chén méi yòu rèn bàn gǎn zuì húnzhǐ néng bài wéi chéngxiàng bǎo zhù xiàn wén de wèiyóu quán wèi de zhú jiàn wěn dìng hún de wàng lái jīng mǎn chéngxiàng de wèi dòng gōng tíng zhèng biànchēng tiān xiàbēi cǎn de xiàn shí shǐ féng tài hòu kàn qīng liǎo hún de zhēn shí néng zài zuò dài liǎoféng tài hòu pāo huàn xiǎngtōu tōu zhào mìng yuán yuán niú děng rén shuài jūnbāo wéi hún hún shā yóu shì hùn luànféng tài hòu xià zhào lín cháo tīng zhèngchǔlǐ suǒ yòu de jūn guó zhèng
   jīng guò yuè de zhěng dùnféng tài hòu xiàn shì tài duō zěn me yìng jiē xiábiàn qǐng zhōng shū lìng gāo yǔnzhōng shū shì láng gāo jiǎ xiù sān rén zuǒ zhì guó jiā
   nián hòuxiàn wén de 'ér tuò hóng chū shēng liǎohòu yòu rénféng tài hòu xíng féng tài hòu xuān hái zhèng xiàn wén zài guò wèn zhèng shì jīng fàng zài péi yǎng tuò hóng shàngyóu xiàn wén zhì píng píngféng tài hòu gǎn quán hái gěi xiàn wén zhǐ shì cóng qián tái zàn shí tuì hòuféng tài hòu xiàn wén tīng de zhǐ huīrèn mìng féng wéi tài biàn yào shí qiān zhì xiàn wén
   xiàn wén qīn zhèng hòu shì dìng zhù fán shì 'ài xiàng féng tài hòu bǐng bào dào féng tài hòu de jiàn hòu zài zuòféng tài hòu duì xiàn wén jiào mǎn
   yóu nián líng de zēngzhǎngxiàn wén duì féng tài hòu yuè lái yuè jǐn tīng huàér qiě zhǎo chá féng tài hòu shēng
   huáng xīng nián ( gōng yuán 470 nián ) shí yuè, 18 suì de xiàn wén jìng féng tài hòu de nán chǒng shā liǎozhè nǎo liǎo féng tài hòu
   féng tài hòu xiàng tóu shītòng xiàn wén yáng yán yào fèi liǎo xiàn wén xiàn wén xīn hěn shì wèixiàn wén běn xiǎng chèn nián qīng zhī shízhì hǎo guó jiāmíng yáng qiān dàn xiàn zài chù chù shòu zhì féng tài hòu de běn shì shī zhǎn
   duì jiào hěn gǎn xīng de xiàn wén yàn 'è quán wèijué dìng jiāng wèi ràng gěi shū tuò tuīzhè yàng jiù bào tài hòu
   chūféng tài hòu tīng shuō xiàn wén yào tuì wèi wéi shì ràng gěi tài xīn zhōng , 5 suì de tài 18 suì de xiàn wén róng kòng zhìdàn zhī dào xiàn wén yào ràng wèi gěi tuò tuī shí tiān chī xià fàn
   huáng xīng nián ( gōng yuán 471 nián ) yuè de tiānxiàn wén jiāng chén men zhào láixuān ràng wèi shì xiàn wén shēn gǎn shī wàng chén men quándōu fǎn duì wèi ràng gěi tuò tuīyào qiú wèi chuán gěi tài tuò hóngzhè shíféng tài hòu fàng xīn liǎojiù zhè yàngnián jǐn 5 suì de tuò hóng huáng wèi
   tiānféng tài hòu bèi yīcháng jiū rén xīn xián de shēng jiǎo luàn liǎo xīn shénxiàn wén wèn tuò hóng wèishénme yào tuò hóng shuō:“ duì huáng de chǔjìng gǎn shāng tài yán zhòng liǎo。”
   féng tài hòu zhī dào hòu rán xiǎng xiàn wén shēn shàng cháng nóng bāo shítuò hóng yòng zuǐ nóng de wǎng shìféng tài hòu yuè xiǎng xīn jīngtuò hóng díquè jīng míngxiǎo xiǎo nián cōng míngjiāng lái nán jià
   zài bīng xuě fēn fēn de féng tài hòu tuò hóng dài dào jiān xiǎo huáng bèi tuō jǐn shèng jiàn dān guān zài miànliǎng tiān sān méi yòu fàn chītuò hóng kěn xiàng féng tài hòu qiú ráocóng chén féng tài hòu hái fàng xīnjué dìng fèi liǎo tuò hóngzài qún chén de fǎn quàn xiàcái xiāo liǎo zhè niàn tóu
   tuò hóng wèile bǎo duǒ zài shēn gōng shū zài guān xīn guó shìwén míng tài hòu zhī dào hòu zài huì tuò hóng liǎo
   yán xīng 'èr nián ( gōng yuán 472 nián ) èr yuètài shàng huáng xiàn wén róng zhuāng chū jīngzài běi jiāo dài zhe jiànglǐng men tuì róu rán de jìn gōngshí yuèxiàn wén shàng zhàn zhēng tǎo róu rán zhí shā dào nán róu rán hòu chè qiān
   xiàn wén hái bān zhào lìngràng gōng shāng nóngjìn zhǐ làn shā shēng chùbǎo nóng shēng chǎnduì xiē fèng gōng de shǒu jiā duì xiē tān lán cán bào de guān yuán yán chéng dài
   yán xīng sān nián shí yuèxiàn wén wéi zhēng zhàn zuò zhǔn bèixiàn wén nán xià guò huái zhōu shíxuē guì jiànyào qiú huī fāng tóu zhèn jiāng de guān zhíxiàn wén zhǔn liǎoféng tài hòu duì shí fēn nǎo dàn jiǎ zhuāng zhī dàorěn liǎo xià lái
   yán xīng nián ( gōng yuán 474 nián ) liù yuèxiàn wén zài xià lìngchǔlǐ qiē 'àn jiàn dōuyào 'àn bàn shì shì shí wéi yòng xíng yào shèn zhòng
   féng tài hòu rèn wéi guǒ xiàn wén huó dònghěn yòu néng wèiféng tài hòu jiǎo jìn nǎo zhīcèhuà duì xiàn wén zhī zuì hòuféng tài hòu xià liǎo hěn xīnliù yuè xīn wèi féng tài hòu pài rén hài xiàn wén wèi liú xià rèn zhū
   xiàn wén zhī yǐn liǎo duō rén duì féng tài hòu de chóu hènlán tái shǐ zhāng qiú duì xiàn wén de yīn biǎo shì huái lián luò zhōng xiàn wén de guān yuán jiāng cèhuà zhèng biàn men zhǔn bèi chèn tiān gōng nián de huìshè xià dāo shǒuchèn féng tài hòu jìn xiāng bài de huì shēng qín hái zhèng xiào wén tuò hóngshì qíng xiè féng tài hòu chū bīng dài zhāng qiú děng rén shā qiān 'àn yòu qiān lián de rénwèile wěn zhù zhèng féng tài hòu xià zhào lín cháo tīng zhèng

  North Weixian Wen Tai was born
  Xing Yin Wei Di frequent rows, and a long residence time in the Yin, generally two or three months, sometimes longer. Such as the Emperor in the Pacific Zhenjun too "nine-year (AD 448) Jun Xin, OK Yukihiro Palace," "Winter in December, the Crown Prince towards the palace," stay in the palace for six months Yin. For the needs of inspecting, Wei Di palace built in the Yin on. Wei Di palace is Weidi strategist, commanding the front line of command of military operations, is also accompanied by Empress Wei Di, and daily life of the host, while the famous palace in the historical records of Yin saw the Canton Palace (also known as Canton de Hall). "Wei Shu" contains: Emperor in the Pacific Zhenjun too, "three years in May, OK fortunate Yinshan North. Jun Leisure, Yang harder and harder towards the palace. First, from the house in Yinshan North, Temple into the harder and harder to, say due to wide Tak Yan. " "Wei Shu" continues: "six years of summer in August, car receives favor Yinshan North, second to Canton Palace." Clear that these few paragraphs: Wei Di Yin Yin palace in the north, named Canton Palace. Canton Palace was built in three years too Zhenjun Taiping Emperor (AD 442), the Wei Di Xing Yin north line, the Department incurred in the Palace in Canton. Xian-Wen Hung was born in Yin Tuoba North, would also be born in the Canton de palace.
  Xian-Wen Wei dynasty Tuoba Philip is a special emperor, his short political career, both full color comic, but also full of tragic mood. He Wenwuquancai, 12-year-old successor revealed his superhuman abilities and courage. Rectify internal affairs, enhancing national strength, four crusade, is committed to reunification, as if a wise monarch accomplish a great deal of posture. However, after five years of reign, when the rule of business smoothly, he is suddenly ceded to the throne Prince-year-old Robert W. macro.
  In fact, Robert W. Philip, though good Taoist, Buddhist map, but not world-weary, "Wei Shu Xian Zu Ji," said he, "Cong Rui machine of Understanding", there are monarchs of the sky since childhood, "people have already been taken of economic regulation." After his 12-year-old reign, "diligently for the rule of strict reward and punishment, pulling clear section, dismiss corruption" so greatly changed the face of the Northern Wei Dynasty Official. Baiguan early Northern Wei had no official's salary, official corruption a very serious problem, resulting in the corruption of officialdom, leading to the class conflicts and ethnic tensions intensified, Robert W. Philip and demote and promote use of reward and punishment approach may not fundamentally solve the corruption and bribery , but also temporarily had a noticeable effect, "Wei was the beginning of Mushou who are honest with news" ("Wei Shu Xian Zu Ji"). This is the Robert W.'s Central Plains have not been good since the phenomenon, said Robert W. Philip must therefore have statecraft. Furthermore, according to the actual situation in the Central Plains, reform the tax system, "life lost because of the people rich and poor rental law for the third class, such as the Three Grades, the Mishina lose Pingcheng, lost him in the state, the next input state" ("Wei Shu Hin Zuji "). This will not affect the use of state taxes, but also to solve the majority of poor people, long-range transportation Fu, tired of Taxes and the problem, but also the rich differently. Robert W. Tao, another change he has re-imposed tax policy, the national financial situation remains tense, taxes, implement policy, issued an edict to remove the often complex endowed than 15 kinds of tone, relieve the people of the Central Plains burden, ease the ethnic conflicts. Robert W. Philip ascended the throne has also made great military victory. On the north, four army conquered his personal Dushuai Rouran, beheaded 50000, captured some thousand dollars may not win his military devices. Rouran Yuandun, north to peace. On the south, reuse general Wei Yuan, down to complete the public King Song, Zhang Dang, achieving Liu Song of Xuzhou and Yanzhou, and widened the Northern Wei Dynasty in southern Xinjiang. Robert W. Philip ascended the throne five years, domestic and foreign affairs are the remarkable results achieved so much, enough to prove that Robert W. Philip is a text to military training, there are both ambitious courage of the emperor.
  Robert W. Philip also has strict quality just a politician, he was not Taoist, Buddhist graph theory bound. To further remediation style corruption, he has developed a strong law, "clerks under the supervision of sheep a Pro, Wine cups were dead, and who to sit on from the" ("Wei Shu Xian Zu Ji") further provides that "there could have been under the correct Book of counts were reported, with the severity of the correction granted the official." This law is very harsh, and fully embodied in the regulation of society at any cost determination.
  Robert W. Philip von Queen Mother is the father Emperor Wen Cheng Chun Robert W. Queen, but not the mother of Robert W. Hong. She is a "guess the right number of more tolerant" ("Mirror" Wang Hui Song Cangwu four years), power-hungry strong woman. She had just ascended the throne at the Robert W. Philip can not reign the period of mourning, the Court Affairs, said the system. During this time, she has planned a special right Heaven's chaotic affairs Qiu B muddy, so move towards truly yours. However, Eric has not had time to fully display her political skills, on the expiry of mourning for Robert W. Philip, had to go political. She has been interested in politics, however, Robert W. Philip reign after their prime, the country well and can be distinguished, so Feng can not interfere in affairs of state Queen Mother, so they inevitably had a gap between. Hung Fung and Robert W. coupled between the non-blood relations, they will gradually increase friction between. Feng younger widowed, "experts is not correct" ("after Weishu Huang Biography"), caused by his courtiers ridiculed stolen, damaged the image of the ruler Robert W. Hong. Robert W. Philip is very disgusted, he excuse the killing of the favorite of the Empress Dowager Feng Li Yi, a move that further two of them to the opposite position. As a serious lack of historical data, we can not know that they infighting between the specific process. Robert W. Philip was poisoned but later, von Queen Mother ruling, imposed on the succession of Emperor Xiaowen of the various incidents of persecution, can be inferred, von Queen Mother was being deliberately looking for opportunities to contest with Robert W. Philip, her power is gradually expanding, Robert W. Philip saw the inevitable end-death struggle of Ni, but also a premonition that the ruling after a difficult. Perhaps Robert W. Hong, "Rensiao purely to" ("Wei Shu Xian Zu Ji"), determined character, or some kind of power constraints, so he did not pre-emptive measures taken against von Queen Mother, but Christianity and Islam to the concept actual result.
  Robert W. Philip court faced with the imminent outbreak of civil strife, wants to Christianity and Islam to escape the struggle, which is made after careful consideration he decided. Prince has been established at that time, he did not intend to pass the throne Prince, but the first choice of the Huang Shu Wang Robert W. son Jingzhao push. Robert W. Philip that, both as a high official of the Robert W. son push "Shen Ya kindness, when the reputation is known" ("Mirror" Song Mingdi Taishi seven years), all the power of such a prestigious Robert W. heavy imperial clan members, such as to ascend the throne, should be able to deal with von Queen Mother, to ensure the rule of the Northern Wei Dynasty solid. More importantly, this way, the imperial system would transfer, Robert W. Philip and Prince Edward possible from their Queen Mother Feng calculation.
  However, the throne of inheritance and transfer of the feudal state but the most sensitive and important political issues, to some extent it is not one decided by the emperor, but by the ruling faction in the co-decision power. Moreover, this very unusual, Christianity and Islam, is a rare surprise. Therefore, Robert W. Philip of the idea had been suggested, or poor they first looked at each other, and then a strong opposition. First of all objections that any brother of Robert W. son of the king of pushing Robert W. Cloud, he said: "Your Majesty, Masataka peace, clinical follow-universal, Qi De violates the ancestral temple, under the abandoned Zhao Min. And his son is said, it to be numbered . Majesty dust which must be abandoned Services Committee, the Crown Prince Yi Cheng-orthodox. "then pointed at Robert W. son Zen push will lead to serious consequences," Your Majesty, if the more popular offshoot, "will" Kai evil heart disorder, Sinai fortune of the original, not accidentally also "(" Mirror "Song Mingdi Taishi seven years). He then minister of state resources, imperial clan Robert W. Pi, Shang Lu Bo also expressed opposition, they are opposed to Christianity and Islam to the common idea is that if Zen is an inevitable disorder in Huang Shu Huang Commission order against the chaos of the heart of Kai. On second thought, if necessary, Christianity and Islam, should be Zen in the Crown, which is willing to cater to the public, the best choice for stability and rule. But Zen is the Robert W. Prince Philip at the bogey, because that will lose him the meaning of Christianity and Islam. He heard the ministers statement, the color for anger. Elsewhere, he still would like to open a gap, get support, then asked the Ministry of Shang Zhao side black, get the answer: "Chen Yi Feng wear the crown prince died, I do not know the other." ("Mirror" Song Mingdi Taishi years) and veteran Gao Yun Han comprehensive ministers made comments: "His Majesty is willing to entrust the heavy Shangsi ancestral temple in commemoration of the Duke of Zhou assisted into the matter of the king." settled, everyone had to accept the views of Robert W. Philip, was forced to say out: "What, then stand Prince, Public supplemented group, Why not." This process has clearly demonstrated, Robert W. Philip, Christianity and Islam are compelling, but also compelling in Prince Edward Chan.
  Robert W. Philip, Christianity and Islam, the order to be successful adjuvant child emperor, lay a solid foundation for him, he better work hard, repeatedly issued edict, but in the political, military, internal affairs, foreign affairs on actively take effective measures to and achieved remarkable results.
  Hexi Tuyuhun join themselves to resume after the rebels also, Northern troops after crackdown, Robert W. Philip Hexi Hunts with little emperor that comfort, intended to Tuyuhun Zhang Yang Emperor Xiaowen of the power of small, lay the foundation for future rule. AD 473, the Robert W. Hong soldier cutting the South, and to make extensive set of tax people engaged in the country to make large-scale military forces south of the gesture, like to bluff, to the offensive play the role of stability in southern Xinjiang.
  As can be seen from the above, Tuoba Hong bent make every effort, both internally and externally, to create a clean and stable world, for the young Emperor Xiaowen's reign lay a good foundation, which is more proof of his Christianity and Islam are forced, is forced to stay in power. However, in the feudal regime, the political struggle is harsh, not life and death is a lose-lose, Robert W. Philip Although Christianity and Islam to be forced to pick ourselves up again later, to meet the struggle, but it means the end for not being tough enough, did not start treatment of people, In Christianity and Islam five years later, von Queen Mother was poisoned. The young overlord did not realize his long-cherished wish, for future generations left deep regret.
  Hong Wen Xian Tuoba people suffering from the face of a great headache, do not want to go to war to suppress, we have to discuss with or poor: "I was supposed to the people from harm, unfortunately bad thing for those officials, so that frequency from the chaos thing. Today, more people violating, can not put them all arrested and killed. I mean by amnesty to pacify you think? "
  Economic reform
  Royal Northern Wei Xianwen Tuoba Hong period, its social leap into the feudal system, the progressive development of productive forces. However, in form of rule, the Northern Wei still retaining their early remnants of slavery, particularly in the unity of the North before the war in captivity to the population not as slaves, and gave to the kings, nobles and military exploits are engaged in agriculture and handicraft industry productive labor. Taxes, the care system in the implementation of metropolitan areas of the Governor, the average household annual adjusted household is silk, two, Xu jin, silk pound, Su 20 stone, plus local fees collected tune of silk a nijo. And any increase in temporary requisition, frequently each household to pay 30, 50 Ishiguri. The bread was no formal officials, corruption, bribery, loan sharking company line. Offered during the reign of Emperor Wen Tuoba Hong, general Gongsun track to the previous party (today Shanxi Changzhi North), when the single-horse Zhibian to come back from the vehicle 100. Tuoba rulers to implement the policy of national discrimination. In war, soldiers were forced to drive people of all nationalities in the former charge, Xianbei cavalry force in the post-flooding. Xian-Wen Hong siege Tuoba years Xuyi (now Jiangsu Xuyi Northeast), the letter to Liu Song Morimasa quality Zang said, attacking the city's not my Xianbei people, you kill them, so they will rebel.
  Economy in the North Weixian Wen Wei Hong Tai Tuoba the reign of social productive forces and gradually restored and developed in northern China from the West Jin Yongjia Rebellion (310) and after 16 times of the war-torn countries, people die Bing Ge, death in the famine, surviving population of less than 50. Central Plains pack of depression in sight. Northern Wei Dynasty unified the north, after a long hard work of all the people and the common struggle, relations of production have been adjusted, the development of production significantly. Hong Wen Xian Tuoba particular reform, a significant increase in farmers China, Hong Xian Wen Tuoba ago, the country has reached five hundred thousand households, compared with the Western Jin Taikang years more than doubled. Agriculture, handicraft industry has a significant development. "In Luoyang," said the late Northern Wei Yan Fu people, on board folk music, food and clothing was to protect rough. In handicrafts, the late Northern Wei and new steelmaking technology achievements, I pull with the rule of the state (in this Anyang) made of sharp steel knife. Active business gradually, Wo ago, almost to a standstill in Northern business, money, goods flow nothing week. Xian Wen Tuoba Hong Shi, Yuan Shu as the prefect Dong, where many people abandon farming business. With the commercial development, money to restore circulation, Wo 19 years, has re-cast "Wo five baht," the money to provide this money in the capital and national states were the town can pass.
  Hong rule in Tuoba (reigned 465-471), the pa people at the expense of Chinese dynasties at the expense of the South, but also made a lot of victories. Pengcheng 466 years of occupation, 467 years to conquer the Huaihe River Basin, 469-year occupation of Shandong. 470 people punished in a Tuoba Xianbei tribe (the mongolian Tuyuhun), Tuyuhun since the early 5th century living in the Qinghai Lake area.
  Death of Emperor Northern Wei Xianwen
  After several months of consolidation, von Queen Mother found in many matters, how their efforts should take no time, then please Zhongshu Ling Gao Yun, assistant minister in the book show high-Jia Lu, and three of his assistant, she was ruling the country.
  As age increased, offering more and more rude Queen Mother of Feng Wen, not only disobedient, but deliberately finding fault provoked angry von Queen Mother.
  Buddhism is very interested in offering Wen offensive power and position, decided to vacate the throne, his uncle pushed Tuoba child so that it can retaliate Queen Mother.
  One day, Empress Dowager Feng was a chord pulled people cry upset the mind. Xian-Wen Wang Q. Why are you crying pa, pa Macro said: "The situation on the Fu Huang sentimental too serious."
  Tuoba macro to protect themselves, hiding in the palace school, no longer concerned with state affairs. After the Empress of civilization that no longer ignore the Tuoba macro.
  Yan Xing three years in October, offered once Wen prepare for the campaign. Xian Wen pregnant state when passing through the south, Xue Huzi kneeling see, calls to the office Fang Town, Xian Wen had allowed. Empress Feng is very angry, but she pretended not to know, and bear it.
  Xian Wen caused the death of many people's hatred of the Empress Dowager Feng. Lantai Censor Zhang demand the death of Emperor Wen of the offer expressed doubts that he offered to contact loyal to Emperor Wen of the officials and the earth, plotting a coup. They are ready to take advantage of tiangongsi annual Great Law, set Dao Fushou, while Empress Dowager Feng pilgrimage worship opportunities, captured her and forced her return power to Emperor Xiaowen Tuoba macro. Things leak, von Queen Mother, who sent troops to arrest Zhang demand, killing thousands of people involved with the case. In order to stabilize the political situation, issued an edict Powerbut Empress Feng hearings.

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