北魏 人物列錶
劉虎 Liu Hu白亞慄斯 Bai Yalisi拓跋寔 Taba Shi
拓跋圭 Taba Gui拓跋嗣 Taba Si拓跋燾 Taba Dao
拓跋餘 Taba Yu拓跋瀎 Taba Jun拓跋弘 Taba Hong
拓跋宏 Taba Hong元恪 Yuan Ke元詡 Yuan Xu
元釗 Yuan Zhao元子攸 Yuan Ziyou元曄 Yuan Ye
元恭 Yuan Gong元朗 Yuan Lang元修 Yuan Xiu
拓跋燾 Taba Dao
北魏  (408年452年)
字: 佛狸
網筆號: 太武皇帝
廟號: 世祖
陵墓: 雲中金陵

  馬踏柔然 統一北方
  軍事傢,優秀的騎兵統帥。字佛狸,鮮卑族拓跋部人。北魏泰常八年 (423)十一月即皇帝位。他重用漢世傢大族崔浩等為謀臣,把握作戰時機。他非常善於使用騎兵,並且開創了騎兵閃擊戰的雛形。他從即位之初,便整治吏治,勵精圖治,先後攻滅北燕、北涼,討山鬍,降鄯善,逐吐𠔌渾,取南朝劉宋的虎牢(今河南滎陽汜水鎮)、滑臺(今河南滑縣東)等地,統一了中國北方。兵伐漠北高原,大破柔然,後者成為威震歐洲的阿爾瓦人。在歷次戰爭中,常親自率軍出徵,决策果斷,部署周密,講究戰法,指揮靈活。或分道並進,輕騎奔襲,或誘敵出城,設伏圍殲,因而多獲勝利。始光四年 (427),魏軍攻夏都統萬城(今內蒙古烏審旗西南)時,拓跋燾將主力埋伏在山𠔌中,以少量騎兵直抵城下,故意示弱,誘固守之夏軍脫離堅城,當夏軍出城追逐時,又采納崔浩分兵潛出襲其後之計,果獲全勝(參見百科:北魏攻夏統萬城之戰)。他率領北魏軍隊討伐大漠部落——柔然。尤其是在429年,他對柔然作戰中取得了最輝煌的一次戰果。從此,北魏在繼漢武帝破匈奴之後,中原王朝對草原部落作戰又一次取得了重大的軍事勝利(參見百科:北魏破柔然之戰)他常從卒伍中選拔將纔,用其所長。治軍嚴格,賞不遺賤,罰不避貴。他在生活中,樸素節儉,威武豪邁,剛毅自律,直爽坦率,喜歡聽取古弼,高允等忠臣們直言不諱的進諫,但是在晚年卻刑罰過於殘酷,誅戮過多。在位29年,正平二年三月被宦官宗愛(時任中常侍)暗殺。
  太武帝生活也十分清儉,討厭奢華。在進入統萬城之後,拓跋燾見夏國皇宮富麗堂皇,大發雷霆:“竪子之國,竟敢如此濫用民力!怎能不滅亡!” 後來,群臣進諫,希望太武帝能夠重修統萬城,並裝飾北魏宮殿。拓跋燾不以為然,說:“古人說得好:‘在德不在險。’赫連勃勃造了那麽堅固無比的統萬城,最後不還是被朕攻滅,國破傢亡。如今天下還沒有平定,朕更需要人力上戰場去da仗,而不是發動老百姓去建造房屋城墻。”而作為國本的軍事上的開銷,拓跋燾則絶不吝惜。
  始光元年(公元 424年)八月,太武帝拓跋燾(公元 408—452年)即位不久,柔然牟汗紇升蓋可汗大檀率 6萬騎兵進犯雲中(今內蒙古和林格爾),拓跋燾率軍赴擊,被柔然軍團包圍50餘圈。左右大懼,但見拓跋燾聲色剛毅威嚴,不為所動,軍心這纔穩定下來。北魏射殺柔然大將,柔然乃退。
  道武帝時代 柔然入寇 2 北魏還擊 3 柔然朝貢0 柔然詐降 1
  明元帝時代 蠕蠕入寇 3 北魏還擊 4 蠕蠕朝貢 0 柔然詐降 1
  太武帝時代 蠕蠕入寇 4 北魏還擊 13 蠕蠕朝貢 6 蠕蠕詐降 4
  文成帝時代 蠕蠕入寇 0 北魏還擊 3 蠕蠕朝貢 0 蠕蠕詐降 1
  拓跋燾特別重視軍隊建設。蒙古大草原的遊牧射獵生活,鍛煉了鮮卑人健壯的體魄,剽悍的性格和高超的騎射技藝。軍隊,特別是騎兵,是北魏剋敵緻勝的重要工具。拓跋燾為了提高軍隊的戰鬥力,屢下詔令,申明紀律。他對戰爭中“盡忠竭節”,“蹈鋒履難”的將士,或升官進爵,或賞賜以人口、牲畜及金銀、古玩、繒帛等物質;對違犯軍紀者,則給予嚴懲,雖親貴重臣,也不寬貸。如鮮卑貴族丘堆,明元帝時以軍功封侯,拓跋燾時封公。神 元年(428年),他與司空奚廳奉命率軍退出夏國王之弟赫連定時,當他聽到奚廳兵敗被俘消息,競棄兵而走。拓跋燾下令將臨危脫逃的丘堆斬首。太平真君五年(444年),中山王辰、內都座大官薛辨、尚書奚眷等八將,“坐擊柔然後期,靳於都南”。尚書令劉潔,因矯詔改易討伐柔然諸將的會期,緻“柔然遠遁,追之不及”,加之犯受賄等罪,拓跋燾下令“夷其三族”。太平真君八年(447年),扶風公元處真等八將,在鎮壓吳蓋起義的戰爭中,“盜沒軍資,所在擄掠,贓各千萬,井斬之”。
  北魏前期,畜牧業在社會經濟中仍占重要地位。它是財富和戰馬的主要來源。畜牧業形勢好壞,不僅關係到財政形勢,並將直接影響到以騎兵為主力的軍隊的素質。因此,拓跋燾對畜牧業的發展是十分重視的。神 二年(429年)打敗柔然、高車之後,拓跋燾“徙柔然、高車降附之民於漠南,東至濡源,西至五原、陰山,使其耕牧而收其貢賦。……自是魏之民間,馬牛羊其氈皮為之價賤。”神 中,“世祖之平統萬,定秦隴,以河西水草善,乃以為牧地。畜産滋息,馬至二百餘萬匹,橐駝將半之,牛羊則無數。”這些記載,反映了拓跋燾對畜牧業的重視,及當時畜牧業的繁榮狀況。
  拓跋燾在執政的實踐中,逐漸認識到,要維護和鞏固自己的統治,不僅需要武功,而且需要“文教”,即通過宣揚禮、樂、法度來化民。他在神 四年(431年)取得敗柔然,降高車、滅夏圖的軍事勝利後,就提出安“偃武修文”。偃武,他做不到;修文,確實是重視起來了。他尊崇孔子,提倡儒學,大量吸收漢族地主階級知識分子參政,目的是要用儒傢學說統治人民的思想,利用漢族知識分子的知識和經驗治國安邦。
  拓跋燾即位後,雄心勃勃,南徵北戰,主要是通過戰爭手段來解决對立政權間的矛盾。但拓跋燾不是一個魯莽的武夫,而是—個善於審時度勢的有策略思想的政治傢,軍事傢。他在采取戰爭手段的同時,根據形勢,也力爭通過通使、貢賜、聯姻,緩和與敵對政權間的矛盾,建立友好關係。拓跋燾統治的30年間,北魏和柔然、劉宋、夏,北燕、北涼,互通使節,相互貢賜財物的事實不勝枚舉。相互聯姻,也不乏其例。如神 元年(428年),拓跋燾把俘虜的夏國主赫連昌迎至首都平城,不僅供奉豐厚,封爵為王,並以其妹始平公主妻之。在此之前,拓跋燾已納夏主昌的三個妹妹為貴圮,並立其一妹為皇后。延和二年(433年),拓跋燾派使臣册封北涼主沮渠牧鍵為王,並以妹武威公主妻之,納北涼主之妹為昭儀。延和三年,拓跋燾以海西公主嫁柔然汗吳提,並納其妹為夫人。太平真君十一年,拓跋燾率軍伐宋,直抵瓜步。在勝利形勢下,他主動遣使求和、請婚。他以其孫示宋使曰:“吾遠來至此,非欲為功名,實欲繼好息民,永結緣援。宋若能以女妻此孫,我以女妻武陵王,自今匹馬不復南顧。”表示了他要通過聯姻,建立友好關係的願望。當然拓跋燾采用聯姻、通使、貢賜等手段的動機,並不是很純正的。但在戰亂年代,即使是短期的和平,對恢復社會生産,減輕人民痛苦都是有好處的。拓跋燾為了完成統一大業,能有效地使用戰爭和和平手段,足見他是拓跋燾對經濟,思想文化建設也很重視。他說:“財者,軍國之本”。他懂得物質財富是關係到戰爭勝負,政權存亡的大事。《魏書》記載:“世祖繼位,開拓四海,以五方之民各有其性,故倍其教不改其俗,齊其政不易其宜,納其方貢以充倉廩,收其貨物以實庫藏,又於歲時取鳥獸之登於俎用者以牣膳府。”他根據其統治區民族衆多,生産方式不一等情況,堅持實行不改變各族人民傳統生産方式、生活方式和風俗習慣的政策。既重視漢族人民農業生産,也重視少數民族的畜牧射獵習慣。通過發展農牧業生産,徵收人民租調,接受各族朝貢和通過戰爭掠奪等手段來增加物質財富,保證軍國費用。

  Unity north Mata Rouran
  Sung people's evaluation: "Buddha raccoon usurp false, Mi incite male prestige, the British strategy for map, driving before the old thing, although the birds of prey Modu Yong, Xiao Qiang Tan stone, and also can not. Sithon river right, the East held Long stone tablet, all in all Rong shortage, land and thousands of miles, even riding a million. "
  Military strategist, an excellent cavalry commander. The word Buddha raccoon, the Department of Xianbei Tuoba people. Northern Wei Tai Chang eight (423) November emperor. He re-Hao Han aristocratic families such as policy makers, to grasp the opportunity operations. He is very good at using the cavalry, and cavalry blitzkrieg created a prototype. He ascended the throne at the beginning, is teaching political corruption, good governance, has Gongmie Northern Yan, Northern Liang, Hu discuss mountain, descending Shanshan, by Tuyuhun, take Southern Liu Song of Hulao (today Xingyang sishui town), slide (now in Henan Hua County East) and other places, the unification of northern China. Army attack Mobei plateau, big break Rouran, which became Europe's Alba Megatron people. In previous wars, and often personally led his army to war and decisive, careful planning, attention to tactics, command and flexible. Or reservation in hand, Qingqi attack, or to lure the enemy out of the city, had laid an ambush to surround and annihilate, and they tend to be victory. Beginning of light years (427), Wei Jun Gong, the summer capital of Tongwan (now Inner Mongolia Wushen Southwest), the Tuoba Shou will focus on the ambush in the valley, leading to the city to a small amount of cavalry, under intentional sign of weakness, induced from the stick of the Xia Jun Kennedy Town, when the summer when the army chased out of town, but also the potential to adopt Hao divide our forces out of the passage of the plan was the fruit victory (see Wikipedia: Northern Attack Summer Tongwancheng war). He led the Northern troops crusade desert tribes - Rouran. Especially in the 429, he made war on Rouran one of the most brilliant victories. Since then, the Northern Wei Dynasty in the following break Hun Han, the central plains of the steppe tribes dynasty made operational once again a major military victory (see Wikipedia: Northern broken Rouran war) he will often be selected only from the Zu Wu, with its long. Strictly military, not left cheap reward, punish or avoid you. His life, plain frugal, mighty bold, resolute self-discipline, his frank and candid, like listening to old Bute, Gao Yun and other outspoken remonstrances were loyal, but the penalty was too harsh in his later years, killing over. Reigned 29 years, is flat in March by two eunuchs were loved (when he was in regular attendants) assassination.
  Emperor is also very clear too frugal life, hate luxury. After entering the Tongwancheng, Tuoba Shou see Xiaguo Huang Palace grandeur, was furious: "Shu Zi of China, such abuse of their resources dare! How can we not die!" Later, the ministers plain speaking, I hope so Emperor to rebuild system million in city and palace decoration Wei. Tuoba Shou disapproval, said: "The old saying goes: 'not in danger in Germany.' Helianbobo made so immense Tongwancheng strong, it was not or was I Gongmie, State ruins a family death. Today the world has not put down, I need to go to war da war manpower, instead of launching people to build housing wall. "As the country's military spending this, Tuoba Shou is not spared.
  Mata Rouran
  AD 425, because the war just past the near, both sides in the rest troops Tuoba Shou then give a full break, attack Rouran big break Rouran main army. Since then, beginning the Great Northern on the strategic counteroffensive Rouran prelude.
  He went into the Mobei, finally Rouran "terror into the North channeling, not complex south", "border police carry on interest rates."
  Road of Liu Wei returned fire Rouran Rukou 2 3 0 Rouran false surrender Rouran Tributary 1
  This spans the era of squirming Ru Kou Wen Wei retaliate 0 0 3 squirming squirming false surrender a tribute
  430, Southern's Liu Song Emperor Liu Yilong Northern Expedition, Wei Wang Huilong soldiers, Yan-Ben Han of, and Antonio, who led his army off the stubborn resistance to defeat the Liu Song.
  November: "Liu Yi Long Lu Cui Prefecture city of evil interest rates are down. To messenger to Tailao worship of Confucius. Prince, inferior Pengcheng, thus becoming Xu Yi."
  But he, on the Song of the war, although the victory, but so tired soldiers and civilians, and the expedition but also cost more financial and material resources, the officers and men infected, although it relative to the Southern and Northern dynasties of the loss is very small, but many outstanding soldiers in the back to Northern Dynasty, the seriously ill can not afford to make "people hate."
  Tuoba Shou suppression of Buddhism, is a major event in the history of the Northern Wei Dynasty in China, is famous feudal history. Too extended for four years, Pacific Zhenjun five and seven years, he issued an edict against the three Buddhist statues to be broken all over the country, the burning of Buddhist scriptures, Heaven's monks. Do not pay taxes, lord of the expansion of the number of monks, will greatly reduce the government's fiscal revenue; Temple, Tower, by, like the increase of human society, the great waste of resources. This Tuoba Shou strongly advocated the development of production, save costs and increase material wealth, to ensure the cost of the military policies of the country in conflict. In Tuoba Shou promote "culture and education" should Confucianism "together government" and "political Qi customs" of the case, he considered that to allow "virtual birthday without" and "barbarian" of Buddhism spread far and wide, only incurred, "Mr James O'Neil big bad", "days often chaos," "Fa-waste and no" consequences. Therefore, the Tuoba Shou to resolutely crack down on Buddhism, is very natural. Tuoba Shou Confucius and suppression of Buddhism, is conducive to social and economic development, promote the process of the Northern Wei feudal. However, because this is the first time the suppression of Buddhism movement, can not learn from past experience, the government adopted the Northern Wei Tuoba Shou means perfect, some degree too radical, but it has to struggle after a deep anti-Buddhist impact and valuable experience.
  Tuoba Shou special attention to the army. Hunting the Mongolian steppe nomadic life, tempered Xianbei people into strong, agile and brave character and superb riding and shooting skills. Army, especially cavalry, is an important tool for the Northern Wei win the victory. Tuoba Shou order to improve the military's combat strength, repeated under the edict, stated discipline. He War "loyal dried Festival", "Tao-Feng fulfill difficult" men, or promoted into the Jazz, or reward to people, livestock and gold and silver, antiques, silk fabrics silk and other material; on those who violate discipline, then severely punished, Although a senior official Qin Gui, not wide margin. Such as Hill Descent noble pile, when the Ming Emperor Yuan to military merit Monkey, Tuoba Shou public when the seal. God first year (428 years), he ordered his troops out of the Office Sagong Xi Xia king's younger brother, Helian time, when he heard the news Xi Hall defeated and captured, abandoned soldiers and go race. Tuoba Shou order to escape the mound heap Threatened beheaded. Pacific Zhenjun five years (444 years), Zhongshan Wang Chen, a high official within the Block are identified Xue, Shang Xi dependents other eight will "take hit Rouran later, Jin was all the South." Book of Order Liu Jie, because Jiaozhaogaiyi crusade Rouran Zhujiang the session, to a "Rouran Yuandun, chase of less than" guilty of accepting bribes and other crimes in addition, Tuoba Shou ordered the "barbarians of their prize." Pacific Zhenjun eight years (447 years), Fufeng AD Office did so eight will, in the suppression of the uprising Wu cover a war, the "Pirates of the failed military capital, where looting, stolen the 10 million, well cut of."
  He often will only be selected from the Zu Wu, using their skills. Strictly military, not left cheap reward, punish or avoid expensive, but kill too many.
  Tuoba Shou to save money, reduce waste also praised the country as a guarantee that the military use of important measures. History contains his "prime rate of the Qing Jian, clothes drink royal meal, take to it, poor Jennifer Lai, Fuji food taste, but fortunately Zhao Yi, honored person, clothes and color." Where "reward, are all dead things Meritorious home, relatives and the pet has not cross." Tuoba Shou Chun against more capital, modified palace, against the Buddhists, severely punish corrupt officials, often from the care of their resources, material resources focus of. Tuoba Shou series of cost-saving practices, will undoubtedly ensure the military state with fees, to reduce the burden the people played an active role.
  Tuoba Shou throne, the ambitious, Civil war, mainly through war means to resolve the contradiction between opposing the regime. But Tuoba Shou is not a reckless military man but - a good size up the situation of a strategic thinking statesman, military strategist. He means to war, while, according to the situation, but also strive to make by-pass, Tribute, marriage, and hostility to ease the conflict between the regime and establish friendly relations. Tuoba Shou 30-year rule, the Northern Wei and Rouran, Liu Song, Xia, northern Yan, Northern Liang, exchange ambassadors, the fact that each property Tribute numerous. Marry each other, but also many examples. If God the first year (428 years), Tuoba Shou summer to capture the main Helian country to the capital of Chang Ying-Ping Cheng, dedicated not only to rich, knighted as the king and the princess their sister wives start level. Prior to this, Tuoba Shou Xia Zhuchang already paid for your destroyed three sisters and signed one for the Queen's sister. Extension and two years (433 years), Tuoba Shou sent envoys canonization of Northern Liang main Juqu key is king, and to his wife the Princess Wuwei sister, the sister of the Lord is satisfied for the Northern Liang Zhao Yi. Extension and three years to Hercynian princess married Tuoba Shou Wu Rouran Khan mention and accept his sister as his wife. Pacific Zhenjun 10 year Tuoba Shou his troops Fa Song, reaching melon step. The situation in the victory, he sent envoys active sum, please marriage. He said its Sun Song to say: "I well to this point, the non-prefer to give fame, really want a good interest rate, following the people, never fates got tied aid. Song to women if the Sun's wife, my wife and Wuling Wang F, since this piece Malaysia no longer South Gu. "he said through marriage, to establish friendly relations. Of course Tuoba Shou with marriage, through to, Tribute and other means of motivation, not very authentic. But in the war years, even if short-term peace, the restoration of social production, reduce the suffering of the people are good. Tuoba Shou order to complete the great cause of reunification, can effectively use the tools of war and peace, indicates the economy is Tuoba Shou, also attached great importance to ideological and cultural construction. He said: "Finance is, forces of this country." He knows how material wealth is related to the outcome of a war, political survival of the event. "Wei Shu" recorded: "ancestor to the throne, to develop universally applicable to five parties of the people have their own sex, so times do not change the customs of their religion, Qi Qizheng difficult the times, satisfied that his side Depository tribute to charge to close its goods in real treasury, but also take the animals in the age of the users registered in ZU meal to fill up the government. "areas under his rule, many people in different production methods, etc., insist on the people of all ethnic groups do not change the traditional mode of production, lifestyles and customs policy. Not only to the Han people in agricultural production, but also focus on minority Animal Hunting habits. Through the development of agricultural production, the collection of people rent adjustment, acceptance of all tribute, and plunder through the means of war to increase the material wealth to ensure that the cost of militarism.
  Meanwhile, the Tuoba Shou Ming person with knowledge, only recommend two stories for all to see
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