扶餘國 人物列錶
解夫婁 Hae Buru金蛙王 Jin Wawang帶素 Dai Su
曷思王 He Saiwang都頭王 Dou Touwang尉仇臺 Wei Choutai
簡位居 Jian Weiju麻餘 Ma Yu依慮 Yi Lv
依羅 Yi Luo餘玄 Yu Xuan餘蔚 Yu Wei
依羅 Yi Luo
扶餘國  (?286年)


  According to Lo, is the husband during the Western Jin Wang Yu Guoguo. Emperor Wu Tai Hong six years (285 years), husband and I Murong Murong Hui States to break, according to consider suicide, according to consider the son of the royal family, led by Luo defected Okjeo. Emperor Wu furious, the removal of the Dongyi XiaoWei fresh in infants and to replace any niche. Tai Hong six years (286 years), established by Romania as a husband than the king, according to Luo Sending Envoys Meet any niche, please help husband Jin Yu Fu countries. Ho Jia Shen shuaibing shrine removal escort the inspector. Murong Hui robbery Road, Jia Shen defeated Murong Hui, according to Luo Fu country. After Murong Hui was the husband often swept over, sold for Jin. Emperor Wu pity on them, issued an edict to the state treasury things redemption, order the Secretary, Ji two states to prohibit the sale of husband over the population.
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