扶餘國 人物列錶
解夫婁 Hae Buru金蛙王 Jin Wawang帶素 Dai Su
曷思王 He Saiwang都頭王 Dou Touwang尉仇臺 Wei Choutai
簡位居 Jian Weiju麻餘 Ma Yu依慮 Yi Lv
依羅 Yi Luo餘玄 Yu Xuan餘蔚 Yu Wei
簡位居 Jian Weiju
扶餘國  (?~238年)


  Jane ranking, is the husband Yuguo Guo Wang Wei period. Wei Qiu Taiwan's death, Jane, following the established ranks. Gongsun Yuan Wei destroyed, we found more than libraries have Bi husband, Guyana, Zan few things on behalf of the husband over the king's seal made by "Wei Wang and India," the gift of the Han Dynasty. City-owned Old City Name Hui, the Hui silent place, but more than Cardiff City in the Wei king, claiming to be "dead people." King first two years (238 years), Jane ranked dead, Makati, plus cattle, swine Canada, plus a dog (both husband I Guan Ming) Kyoritsu Bastard Ma over his king.
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