扶余国 人物列表
解夫娄 Hae Buru金蛙王 Jin Wawang带素 Dai Su
曷思王 He Saiwang都头王 Dou Touwang尉仇台 Wei Choutai
简位居 Jian Weiju麻余 Ma Yu依虑 Yi Lv
依罗 Yi Luo余玄 Yu Xuan余蔚 Yu Wei
曷思王 He Saiwang
扶余国  (?22年)


  When shall I think the king is the sovereign Dongbuyeo the third son of King Frog King, with elements of the third brother. AD 22 years, with factors being the third generation of rulers of Goguryeo King lead the army to kill a large Fukatsu. With Prime's death, then in April, the third son of King Frog King inherited the throne of the East Fuyu. When shall I think he fled to the waterfront, killing the first king of the sea hunting, whichever is the people, to He-thinking waterfront capital in, so No. He-Si Wang. Good Tongwang Zi Wang large Fukatsu is He-Si Wang granddaughter (great Fukatsu plays Fei Wang) born.
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