扶餘國 人物列錶
解夫婁 Hae Buru金蛙王 Jin Wawang帶素 Dai Su
曷思王 He Saiwang都頭王 Dou Touwang尉仇臺 Wei Choutai
簡位居 Jian Weiju麻餘 Ma Yu依慮 Yi Lv
依羅 Yi Luo餘玄 Yu Xuan餘蔚 Yu Wei
解夫婁 Hae Buru
扶餘國  (?前86年前48年)
網筆號: 夫婁王

  《三國遺事》中記載建立北扶餘的解慕漱的兒子也叫做 扶婁,可能是傳說互相混合所致。解慕漱與河伯子女的兒子就是後來的朱濛,《三國遺事》認為扶婁與朱濛為衕父異母的兄弟。解夫婁的宰相阿蘭弗曾夢天帝要解夫婁搬遷到東海之濱。解夫婁帶領其擁護者東遷到朝鮮東海邊上的迦葉原,建立東扶餘。

  "East affairs ancient mind" of its records as: "China's Tang Yao, there Tangun those founding this Pyongyang, Hao Yue North Korea. Introduction to the Orient, also dressed by Asahi. Son Solutions husband Lou, and the Tu- the Council. transfer when the country is absolutely Wu Ding Shang. "
  Solution until the solution husband wife Lou Lou old husband failed to provide him with a boy. Xie Fu Lou later adopted a boy, named golden frog. BC 48, the solution after the death of husband Lou Chuan-bit to the golden frog. Kim Ji-bit frog immediately after the end of the East and North Fuyu Fuyu vassal relationship. Some people say that this story is the prototype of the Huns who occupied North North Fuyu Fuyu old haunt to tribal people dongqian
扶餘國解夫婁 Hae Buru
後一君主 >>: 金蛙王

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