代国 List of Authors
Ta BamaoTa BadaiTa BaguanTa Balou
Ta BayueTa BatuiyinTa BaliTa Baqi
Ta BasiTa BajiTa BagaiTa Bakuai
Ta BalinTa BajiefenTa BaliweiTa Baxilu
Ta BachaoTa BafuTa BaluguanTa Bayilu
Ta BapugenBei WeiaidiTa BayulvTa Bahenu
Ta BagenaTa BayihuaiTa BashenyijianTa Bashamohan
Ta Bayisi
Ta Bashamohan
代国  (?~277 AD)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 文皇帝
Reign277 AD

  Tuoba desert Khan (? -277), The Chinese Western Jin Dynasty Three Kingdoms Period to the early years of the cable head Xianbei people, are the Northern and Southern Dynasties Northern Wei ancestors Zhuizun one of his father to claim power in the head leaders of pa, Tuoba deer, Tuoba Chuo, Tuoba Lu Guan Jie their brothers, Tuoba Yituo, Tuoba Lu, Tuoba Vladimir is her son.
  Although Khan had not been for the cable head desert chief, but when the Northern Wei Tao Wu Di Tuo Bagui emperor, will continue to pursue posthumous title for the text of their emperor.
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(?~277 AD)
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