代国 List of Authors
Ta BamaoTa BadaiTa BaguanTa Balou
Ta BayueTa BatuiyinTa BaliTa Baqi
Ta BasiTa BajiTa BagaiTa Bakuai
Ta BalinTa BajiefenTa BaliweiTa Baxilu
Ta BachaoTa BafuTa BaluguanTa Bayilu
Ta BapugenBei WeiaidiTa BayulvTa Bahenu
Ta BagenaTa BayihuaiTa BashenyijianTa Bashamohan
Ta Bayisi
Ta Bapugen
代国  (?305 AD316 AD)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 文平皇帝
Reign305 AD316 AD

  305, Yituo died following a common root system with its digital cable head the central territory. 316, the then head of Xianbei cable head, on behalf of the king by his son Lu Tuoba Tuoba by murdering six repair, general root heard the news back to the military, killing six Shuhei disorder, which, following on behalf of the throne, died a few months later.
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(305 AD316 AD)
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