南梁 人物列錶
蕭綱 Xiao Gang蕭衍 Xiao Yan蕭繹 Xiao Yi
蕭統 Xiao Tong蕭順之 Xiao Shunzhi蕭衍 Xiao Yan
蕭歡 Xiao Huan蕭棟 Xiao Dong蕭紀 Xiao Ji
蕭淵明 Xiao Yuanming蕭方智 Xiao Fangzhi蕭莊 Xiao Zhuang
侯景 Hou Jing
蕭統 Xiao Tong
南梁  (501年531年)
字: 德施
網筆號: 昭明太子
籍貫: 南蘭陵

詩歌文集 poetry corpus《昭明文選》

閱讀蕭統 Xiao Tong在诗海的作品!!!
  蕭統少時即有才氣,且深通禮儀,性情純孝仁厚。他十六歲時,母親病重,他就從東宮搬到永福省他 母親的住處,朝夕侍疾,衣木解帶。母親去世後,他悲切欲絶,飲食俱廢。他父親幾次下旨勸逼,纔勉強進食,但仍衹肯吃水果、肉食。他本來身材健壯,等守喪出 服後已變得羸瘦不堪,官民們看了,無不感動落淚。蕭統極富於同情心。他12歲時,去觀看審判犯人,他仔細研究案捲之後,說:“這人的過情有可原,我來判决 可以嗎?”刑官答應了,於是他就作了從輕的判决。事後,刑官嚮梁武帝蕭衍匯報了情況,蕭衍聽了連連點頭微笑,對兒子的寬厚表示嘉許。以至於以後大臣們想從 寬處理某人時就故意拉上蕭統,讓他來判决。梁普通年間,由於戰爭爆發,京城糧價大漲。蕭統就命令東宮的人員減衣縮食,每逢雨雪天寒,就派人把省下來的衣食 拿去救濟難民。他在主管軍服事務時,每年都要多做三千件衣服,鼕天分發給貧民。正因為蕭統太子具有這些高尚的品質,纔贏得了當世和後世人普遍愛戴和尊敬。
  蕭統酷愛讀書,記憶力極強。他的東宮裏藏書近三萬卷、“名纔並集,文學之盛,晉宋以來未之有 也。”他讀書時,“數行並下,過目皆憶”。因而他雖年齡不大,卻博覽群書,學貫古今。他更喜歡“引納才學之士,賞愛無倦”。所以他身邊團结了一大批有學識 的知識分子,經常在一起“恆自討論‘墳’、‘籍’,或與學士商榷古今。”學習之餘,他就從事文章著述。他治學嚴謹刻苦,無論鼕夏,筆耕不掇。
  蕭統有很高的文學才華和鑒賞能力,他的著作有《文集》20捲,典誥類的《正序》10捲,五言詩 《英華集》20捲,編選歷代詩文而成的總集《文選》30捲。可惜這位英華絶代的太子,在公元531年3月遊園時,乘船去采摘芙蓉花,不幸掉入湖中,摔傷了 胯骨,又耽誤了治療,病情惡化而死去,終年31歲。他死後的謚號為“昭明”,故此世人稱之為昭明太子,他所編選的“文選”就稱做《昭明文選》。
  蕭統不但自己好生了得,還結交了不少和他一樣聰慧、有才華、有見識、博覽群書的知識分子。他又 把自己的太子宮搞成一個龐大的藏書殿,收集了本朝以前三萬多捲書籍。這樣,圍繞太子蕭統,形成了一個“名纔並集”的文學中心。一大批“才學之士”出入於太 子東宮,漫遊在書海之中,他們談論古典作品,探討古今書籍,在這樣一個良好的研究文章著述的環境中,在朋們達到一致共識的基礎上,面對古代典籍繁多、後人 難以盡讀的問題,蕭統有條件編纂了《文選》。
  由於《文選》註意文采,所以,不少優秀詩文都因為《文選》的生命力而得以流傳、保存到了今天, 所以說,《文選》是研究梁以前文學的重要參考資料。較有見地的是,對於當時盛行內容空虛的華文豔詩,《文選》卻一概不選。當然,有些好的詩文,由於缺乏 《文選》所強調的駢倔、華藻而未能被收進《文選》,這是當時文壇的風氣乃至《文選》風格所决定的,使不少後來的學人感到點點遺憾。
  《文選》一問世,便受到普遍的歡迎。隨着人們閱讀《文選》的需求,後來有不少學者為它作註。唐 朝顯慶年間,李善搜集了很多資料,把《文選》分為60捲進行了註釋,為後人提供了較有價值的研習餘地。自李善註本産生後,《文選》得到廣泛的流傳。唐朝開 元年間,又有呂延濟、劉良、張銑、呂嚮、李周翰五人合註《文選》,稱“五臣註”。不過它衹着重解釋字句,與李善註有所不同。 《昭明文選》對後代文學的影響很大。唐以後文人往往把它當作學習文學的首選教材。唐代著名詩人杜甫就曾要求兒子“熟讀文選理”。宋代陸遊也提出民間有“ 《文選》爛,秀纔半”的諺語,就是說熟讀《文選》,也就差不多是半個秀纔了。後人受《文選》的啓發,出現了不少較好的文學選本。
  姚思廉-->梁書-->列傳第二 《昭明太子 哀太子 愍懷太子》之昭明太子篇
  昭明太子統,字德施,高祖長子也。母曰丁貴嬪。初,高祖未有男,義師起,太子以齊中興元年九月 生於襄陽。高祖既受禪,有司奏立儲副,高祖以天下始定,百度多闕,未之許也。群臣固請,天監元年十一月,立為皇太子。時太子年幼,依舊居於內,拜東宮官屬 文武,皆入直永福省。
  太子生而聰睿,三歲受《孝經》、《論語》,五歲遍讀五經,悉能諷誦。五年五月庚戌,始出居東 宮。太子性仁孝,自出宮,恆思戀不樂。高祖知之,每五日一朝,多便留永福省,或五日三日乃還宮。八年九月,於壽安殿講《孝經》,盡通大義。講畢,親臨釋奠 於國學。十四年正月朔旦,高祖臨軒,冠太子於太極殿。舊製,太子著遠遊冠,金蟬翠緌纓;至是,詔加金博山。
  太子美姿貌,善舉止。讀書數行並下,過目皆憶。每遊宴祖道,賦詩至十數韻。或命作劇韻賦之,皆 屬思便成,無所點易。高祖大弘佛教,親自講說;太子亦崇信三寶,遍覽衆經。乃於宮內別立慧義殿,專為法集之所。招引名僧,談論不絶。太子自立三諦、法身 義,並有新意。普通元年四月,甘露降於慧義殿,鹹以為至德所感焉。
  三年十一月,始興王憺薨。舊事,以東宮禮絶傍親,書翰並依常儀。太子意以為疑,命僕射劉孝綽議 其事。孝綽議曰:“案張鏡撰《東宮儀記》,稱‘三朝發哀者,逾月不舉樂;鼓吹寢奏,服限亦然’。尋傍絶之義,義在去服,服雖可奪,情豈無悲?鐃歌輟奏,良 亦為此。既有悲情,宜稱兼慕,卒哭之後,依常舉樂,稱悲竟,此理例相符。謂猶應稱兼慕,至卒哭。”僕射徐勉、左率周捨、傢令陸襄並同孝綽議。太子令曰:“ 張鏡《儀記》雲‘依《士禮》,終服月稱慕悼’。又云‘凡三朝發哀者,逾月不舉樂’。劉僕射議,雲‘傍絶之義,義在去服,服雖可奪,情豈無悲,卒哭之後,依 常舉樂,稱悲竟,此理例相符’。尋情悲之說,非止卒哭之後,緣情為論,此自難一也。用張鏡之舉樂,棄張鏡之稱悲,一鏡之言,取捨有異,此自難二也。陸傢令 止雲‘多歷年所’,恐非事證;雖復纍稔所用,意常未安。近亦常經以此問外,由來立意,謂猶應有慕悼之言。張豈不知舉樂為大,稱悲事小;所以用小而忽大,良 亦有以。至如元正六佾,事為國章;雖情或未安,而禮不可廢。鐃吹軍樂,比之亦然。書疏方之,事則成小,差可緣心。聲樂自外,書疏自內,樂自他,書自己。劉 僕射之議,即情未安。可令諸賢更共詳衷。”司農卿明山賓、步兵校尉朱異議,稱“慕悼之解,宜終服月”。於是令付典書遵用,以為永準。
  七年十一月,貴嬪有疾,太子還永福省,朝夕侍疾,衣不解帶。及薨,步從喪還宮,至殯,水漿不入 口,每哭輒慟絶。高祖遣中書捨人顧協宣旨曰:“毀不滅性,聖人之製。《禮》,不勝喪比於不孝。有我在,那得自毀如此!可即強進飲食。”太子奉敕,乃進數 合。自是至葬,日進麥粥一升。高祖又敕曰:“聞汝所進過少,轉就羸瘵。我比更無餘病,正為汝如此,胸中亦圮塞成疾。故應強加饘粥,不使我恆爾懸心。”雖屢 奉敕勸逼,日止一溢,不嘗菜果之味。體素壯,腰帶十圍,至是減削過半。每入朝,士庶見者莫不下泣。
  吳興郡屢以水災失收,有上言當漕大瀆以瀉浙江。中大通二年春,詔遣前交州刺史王弁假節,發吳 郡、吳興、義興三郡民丁就役。太子上疏曰:“伏聞當發王弁等上東三郡民丁,開漕溝渠,導泄震澤,使吳興一境,無復水災,誠矜恤之至仁,經略之遠旨。暫勞永 逸,必獲後利。未萌難睹,竊有愚懷。所聞吳興纍年失收,民頗流移。吳郡十城,亦不全熟。唯義興去秋有稔,復非常役之民。即日東境𠔌稼猶貴,劫盜屢起,在所 有司,不皆聞奏。今徵戍未歸,強丁疏少,此雖小舉,竊恐難合,吏一呼門,動為民蠹。又出丁之處,遠近不一,比得齊集,已妨蠶農。去年稱為豊歲,公私未能足 食;如復今茲失業,慮恐為弊更深。且草竊多伺候民間虛實,若善人從役,則抄盜彌增,吳興未受其益,內地已罹其弊。不審可得權停此功,待優實以不?聖心垂矜 黎庶,神量久已有在。臣意見庸淺,不識事宜,苟有愚心,願得上啓。”高祖優詔以喻焉。
  爰初敬業,離經斷句;奠爵崇師,卑躬待傅。寧資導習,匪勞審諭;博約是司,時敏斯務。辨究空 微,思探幾賾;馳神圖緯,研精爻畫。瀋吟典禮,優遊方册;饜飫膏腴,含咀餚核。括囊流略,包舉藝文;遍該緗素,殫極丘墳。績帙充積,儒墨區分;瞻河闡訓, 望魯揚芬。吟詠性靈,豈惟薄伎;屬詞婉約,緣情綺靡。字無點竄,筆不停紙;壯思泉流,清章雲委。
  現在,我們回到他們相遇的時刻,去見證那場煙花的綻放。那一天,他許是膩了宮娥翠袖,膩了絲竹 箜篌,膩了伏案編書。他出遊,信馬由繮,到郊外尋花問柳。那可是真的尋花問柳,他是一等一的才子,從小天資聰敏,過目不忘,來顧山隱居是為了編集《昭明文 選》,不似乾隆下江南的附庸風雅。
  此後,他便天天來,有時也着宮使接了她,去他的讀書臺上。他已經遣散了身邊的宮娥,她就成了燈 下伴讀添香的紅袖,在他疲纍時奉上香茶一盞,那是虎跑泉的水沏出的清冽情意。有時,她也會啓丹唇為他彈唱解乏,吳儂軟語,一麯歌畢,他不禁嘆道:“有此清 歌做伴,何必絲竹污耳呢?”又一笑,“有慧如相伴,何用姬妾成群?”
  紅豆生南國, 春來發幾枝,願君多采擷,此物最相思。
  到了明末清初,滿人入關,漢人為民族氣節所激引,這樣的意象更為清晰。明遺民詩中不僅“紅豆” 從象徵男女相思引申到故國之思,連“南國”、“碧梧”、“相思”等語匯亦轉而象徵與滿清對立的南明政權。如明末錢謙益藉註杜詩《江南逢李龜年》寄托南望永 歷之情,並以“一別正思紅豆子,雙棲終嚮碧梧枝”隱喻對柳如是的別後思念,那一縷隱微幽麯的故國之思也是昭然若見的。

  XiaoTong little time that is talented and deep through ritual, temperament Suetaka generosity. He was 16 years old, his mother was seriously ill, he moved to Vinh Phuc province from the Orient House, the residence of his mother, paternity overnight disease, carrying a wooden clothes. Mother's death, he feels very mournful, eating all waste. Decreed urge to force his father several times, barely eating, but still only willing to eat fruits and meat. He could build robust, such as mourning after a service has become Leishou unbearable, officials and people who read, are all moved to tears. Xiao Tong a highly sympathetic. He was 12 years old, to watch the trial prisoners, who files after careful study, said: "It's been forgiven, I'll sentence you?" Xing Guan promised, and he made the lighter the sentence. Afterwards, Xing Guan Xiao yan reported to the situation, Xiao Yan heard repeatedly nod and smile, said his son's generous recognition. So after the ministers want to leniency when a person deliberately linked together Tong, to sentence him. Beam normal years, due to the outbreak of war, Beijing prices rose. Xiao Tong on the command staff of the Orient House by reduced food clothing, every Yuxue Tian Han, the savings on food and clothing sent to Naqu relief of refugees. He is in charge of uniform matters, each year 3,000 more clothes in winter, for distribution to the poor. Because of Xiao Tong, Prince with these high quality, only after winning the world when the world and universal love and respect.
  Xiao Tong loves reading, memory strong. Orient House in his last three rolls of books, "Name it and set, literature Sheng, Jin has also been not of." He read, "the number line and the next, a look at all recalls." Although age, so he is not, it read, learned through past and present. He prefers "drawing people in Namibia scholarship, love without reward weary." So he united around a large number of educated intellectuals, often with the "Hang from the discussion of 'grave', 'nationality', or discussion with the Bachelor of ancient and modern." Learn and he would engage in article writing. His meticulous scholarship hard, both summer and winter, do not drop-pen.
  Xiao Tong, not only exceedingly amazing, also like him make a lot of intelligent, talented, knowledgeable, well read intellectual. He gets himself in too womb into an house a large collection of books, collected more than 30,000 volumes of the books before the DPRK. In this way, around the Prince Edward Tong, forming a "name it and set" literary center. A large number of "knowledge, people in" out of the Prince of Orient House, roaming among the sea of books, they talk about the classical works of ancient and modern books, in such a good research paper writing environment, the friends have reached a consensus basis, the face of many ancient texts, later generations to make reading difficult problems, Xiao Tong conditional compilation of the "Anthology."
  First, the promotion of moral sage scriptures do not choose; to speculative philosophical works as the core of thinkers not vote; mainly for the history books by Chronicle, only quite a little election in which rhetoric and style of literary praise some of the other things the history of description of cause and effect are not candidates.
  Prince born Cong Rui, three years old by the "Book of Filial Piety," "The Analects of Confucius", five times reading the Five Classics, learned to chanting. Geng-Xu five years in May, before the home Orient House. Prince of Rensiao, since the eviction, constant Silian not happy. Emperor know of, each on the 5th and once more they stay Vinh Phuc province, is also on the 3rd or the 5th house. Eight years in September, life safety in the house say "Book of Filial Piety", although through righteousness. Bi speaking, in person hold the essence of the Chinese culture. 14 New Moon in the first month once, Gao Zu Lin Xuan, crown prince in Taiji Dian. The old system, the Faraway Travel crown prince, cicada Rui Ying Tsui; to that, Chao Jia Jinbo Hill.
  Three years in November, Siheung Wang Rui pass away. Old things, to Orient House ceremony must Pong pro, book by John and regular meter. Prince agreed that the suspect, ordered Pushe Liu Xiaochuo meeting being to. Xiao spacious meeting said: "Case Zhang Mirror Writing" Orient House instrument in mind, "said 'dynasties made of sorrow, more than month do not move music; advocate sleep outs, service limit is no different'. Find absolutely beside righteousness to the righteousness of clothing, Although the service can be won, no sadness love Qi? Rao songs cease playing, good also for this. both sadness and Mu Yi said, Zuku after often cited by music, said the sad actually, this line management cases. that still and Mu should be said, to Zuku. "Pushe Xu Mian, left the rate Zhou homes, homes that Lu Xiang Xiao spacious meeting with. Prince Edward to make said: "Zhang Mirror" instrument record "cloud 'by" Shi Li, "Mu said Mourning on the final service'. Others but know yourself 'Where dynasties made of sorrow, more than music on do not move'. Liu Pu She proposed, cloud ' Pong never meaning, meaning to serve in, although service can be won, no sad feeling Qi, Zu Ku, the often cited by music, said the sad actually, the reason patients in line '. find love tragedy of that, after non-stop Zuku , Emotion as the theory, this self-difficult one too. with Zhang mirror move music, disposable sheets mirror called grief, a mirror of words, choices are different, this self-difficult two also. Miss home so that only the clouds 'and more over the years', Kong Fei facts and evidence; although tired Nim complex used, meaning often not safe. Near offenders are usually asked by this, the origins of conception, that still should have the words Mu condolences. CHEUNG not know that music for the big move, said the sad thing is small; it is therefore small but suddenly a large, good to have. to such element is 6-yi, a matter for the state chapter; though intelligence or security, while the ceremony is indispensable. Nao blowing martial music, no different than the. written the sparse side, things are as small , just like the edge of heart. vocal self, the self-thinning within the book, music from him, and the book itself. Liu Pushe the proposal, that the situation is not safe. can make more of Long wholehearted Wise Men. "Sinong Qing Ming Shan Bin, infantry XiaoWei Zhu objection, saying "Mu Mourning the solution, should the final service month." This will allow the payment of compliance with the Code book that never associate.
  Sexual landscape, in the mysterious garden built through more legislation Pavilion Hall, and travel towards persons who were among factors. After the taste of boating pool, track, Panyu Hou Sheng said, "there is a world women should play music." Prince did not answer, Yong Zuo Si "Hermit in the poem," said: "Why silk and bamboo, landscapes are voiceless." Hou ashamed shelling ceased. The eviction of more than twenty years, no animal vocal. Is low, the Chici too happy a female prostitute, slightly non-likes.
  Wu Xing county to flood repeatedly lost income, there Shangyan when the canal to diarrhea Zhejiang big ditch. Chase two years in the spring, before severance pay prefectural governor Wang Chao Bian false section, made Wu Jun, Wu Xing, the small people on the labor Yising third districts. Prince Edward Shang Shu said: "Fu Wen Wang Bian such as fat people on the East dating from the Wei Ding, open trough drains, vent Zhenze guide to Wuxing an environment, no complex flood, the Most Gracious Cheng Jin Xu, slightly away by the purpose. Yong Yi temporary workers, will be after the profit. is not difficult to see Meng, stealing a stupid pregnant. Wuxing Leinian heard lost revenue, people move quite flow. Wujun 10 cities, is not fully cooked. CD Yising last fall with Nim, Battle of the people is very complex. today throughout the East Valley Jia still expensive, Jiedao repeated, the Secretary in all, not all press play. this expedition failed to return, less powerful small sparse, this is a small move, theft of converting combined, Riichi call gate, dynamic people beetles. Also out of the office small, near and far different than was gathered, has been harm sericulturist. last year, called the Feng-year-old, public and private not enough food; if this is hereby re unemployment, a deeper consideration for fear of harm. and stealing more than wait on grass civil actual situation, if the good man from the reserve, then copied by unauthorized Mi, Wuxing were not their interests, the Mainland has been suffering its drawbacks. no right to stop this trial can be successful, to be superior to non-real? Sacred Heart hanging pity Li Shu, God has been at capacity for a long time. Chen Yong shallow opinion, did not know, will the GOU has stupid heart, willing to get on Kai. "emperor Youzhaoyiyu Yan.
  Prince Xiao like days to each entry into, not the porter, Ng Kwu will open. Orient House despite Oscillation Inner Temple, a sitting together, constant platform to the southwest. When places were called in, sat on Titan.
  Type set out in two, but really Shaoyang; both said the heir, and Yue-Yuan Liang. Miriam days than Jun, Li-Jing Teng light; playing worship Yan-fu, the Mass Shou Fang. Rui-Ying period, Dan Mu Si in; outside Hong Zhuang Su, content and Kai. Know deep hole machine, amount of shell Yinghai; Lide not devices, to power Eph slaughter. Lavish motives, temperature Christine by nature, filial piety through time, rate of serious respect. Salt a kind of moral, Hui and Qi San; three good delivery promotion, celebrations throughout the nations.
  Overview only, the quest for the British-mao; Science poor excellent contact, speech go Shigetomi. Or good at talking about bundle, or culture limited; four friends pushed Germany, Seven ashamed show. Wang Yuan Jobs, Huachi love off; care by the same boat, I even take public opinion. Into Yu Wen Yan algae rolling, flying Zhu Pan-dry; Enron home sweet wine, tours of more than give Bi. Hui Feng ya been, Sheng Industry Nisshin; Jen device non-heavy, easy to follow German Chronicles. Ze Zhao Shu-stream, blessing of God descending 100; 4 Fangmu Yi, the world Qui Nhon.
  Division opened the first summer, Harvest is discipline section; Yung Wei only police, essence Committee must. Sapporo Air Chang book, On the feast stop located; virtual feed Shi Meng Meng, Gu Deng nebula nebula. Blown from the water!
  Anaphalis mix a tone on the flute, changed sad in the light of day; though the forest shade of summer woods, back to the bleak Hanlin. Instead, both will be re doubt, if demand and thus lost; that the world its intention, suddenly Yung Wing potential in quality. Blown from the water!
  Here is Xiao Tong legend:
  Really, Vulgar, but with careful consideration, but Taiga. Own rigid sense among some in, not the poets, poet, mad men and Maid of mildly miserable.
  Now, we return to the moment they met, to witness the fireworks That bloom. That day, he is tired of Gongecuixiu Xu, tired of the string and wind harp, tired of the desk textbooks. He trips, Xinmayoujiang, to the outskirts of whoring. But it really whoring, he is the number one wit a young age talented Never forget to care for the compilation mountain retreat is "Ode to the" do not like Qianlong down the south of the arty.
  This encounter reminded me of them for some stunning lines, that part is what he wrote -
  The girl, please stop beautiful feet, you know what kind of mistakes they have committed?
  Liu Chunhua soft, beautiful woman jade, I think the Xin Jing Zhao Ming and the dramatis personae should be the same as swinging.
  Xiao Tong laughed. He seemed never to consider less than this, observe the general sadness than her, stroking her eyebrows, said: "I am a prince, and wisdom as I was Prince, you have to believe me."
  She stood under the desolately to look to his horse, no Yuning choking. A long while before gently remove the one thing on the palm of Xiao Tong, said: "Xi You woman tears into the blood drops, overtaken Xiangsi Dou, this pair of red beans to pay for monarch, if the monarch returned early, eyes as from the Ecuador, or in the future ... ... hope you see the beans as see who it. "
  Xiao Tong is no weeping cries, only personally planted two red beans and had to return to Beijing. Returned to Beijing after a terminal, a few months after the death of a prince died.
  Health and southern red beans, spring hair Ji Zhi, like multi-Jun pick, this material most Acacia.
  He is smart and treasure, and knew that love could not afford her, a heart just Xue Shao princess. May see red beans, he thought of the Prince and Hui Niang, also remembered that he and the Princess Taiping, they share a certain feeling of regret.
  "Rebellion", the famous musicians singing in Changsha turtle Li Wei red bean poem, has been distant homeland has missed the meaning, the war displaced people to less Meaningful touching, more profound reality of grief. Du Fu as a "red bean parrots pecking at the remaining particles, Biwu Habitat old Phoenix Chi," has this meaning. In the Tang Dynasty, "beans," the meaning of the word to refer to love, from simple, and gradually extend to old country hometown of thinking.
  Our lifetimes, that Acacia is still unknown tired of meeting. Is also eager for Well. Died because of impermanence, sentient beings, I have not revolve your red beans lingering wounds, beauty Auspicious not reward through, how can this let go?

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