前仇池 人物列表
杨茂搜 Yang Maosou杨难敌 Yang Nandi杨毅 Yang Yi
杨初 Yang Chu杨国 Yang Guo杨俊 Yang Jun
杨世 Yang Shi杨统 Yang Tong杨纂 Yang Zuan
杨难敌 Yang Nandi
前仇池  (?317年334年)


  Young face of the (? -334), The Di people, one of the leaders for the 4th century Chou Chi.
  An Zili Chen Qin prefectural governor the same year for the cool king, defeated the following year by the former Zhao, Ann was killed, Yang face of the great fear, and the younger brother of Kennedy head Lamphun Hanzhong, to Cheng Han Qing Jiang. After the withdrawal of former Zhao, Yang face of the risk ourselves up to the Wudu It no longer take orders into Chinese. Cheng Han Yang points Èr crusade into the face of the soldier, not the way was blocked into him and another road defeat. 325, Chao Yang face of the old hands to recover Chou Chi.
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