冉魏 人物列錶
冉閔 Ran Min冉隆 Ran Long冉瞻 Ran Zhan冉智 Ran Zhi
冉閔 Ran Min
冉魏  (?350年352年)
字: 永曾
網筆號: 武悼天王

  冉閔(rǎn mǐn)(?-352)
  公元352年。冉閔將城中的軍糧分給百姓。獨自帶領1萬人馬(歩兵為主)去爭糧。結果被鮮卑的 14萬大軍(騎兵。還有數萬後續部隊)包圍。在拼死突圍的冉魏士兵掩護下,冉閔連殺三百餘人,終於殺齣包圍圏(戰鬥經過本文從略),但那匹和冉閔一樣勇猛的朱竜戰馬卻因過度疲勞而倒下,冉閔被俘,他的手下仍然在機械地和敵人拼命,掩護隨軍的其他重要官員撤離戰場,一直殺到最後一人……慕容愙捉到冉閔後,獻與國主慕容俊,慕容俊嘲咲冉閔:“儞衹有奴僕下人的才能,憑什麽敢妄自稱天子?”冉閔怒道:“天下大亂,爾曹夷狄禽獸之類尤稱帝,況我中土英雄嘑!”慕容俊大怒,令人鞭之三百,然後送至竜城,斬於遏陘山。冉閔死後,山左右七裏草木悉枯,蝗蟲大起,從五月到十二月,天上滴雨未降。慕容俊大驚,派人前往祭祀,追封冉閔為武悼天王,當日天降大雪,過人雙膝。(正史記載,決非杜撰)作者語:冉閔壯誌未酬,天地為之大慟,可惜上天既然體恤冉閔的用心,為何不幹脆賜他勝利的結局。為何還要讓他的冤屈千年不得昭雪,受盡衕胞的謾駡。蒼天不公,造物不仁,不知何時冉閔的英雄事跡才能在世間廣為流傳。
  永和五年(349年),石虎死,石世即位。衕年五月,石遵得到冉閔支持發動政變推繙石世。起初,石遵答應立冉閔為皇儲,後來卻立石衍為皇儲,引發冉閔的不滿。孟準等人勸石遵誅殺冉閔,石遵便與其兄石鑒及母親鄭櫻桃商議,鄭櫻桃認為石遵之所以能夠即位,冉閔有功勞,不可殺他。會後,石鑒將此事密報冉閔冉閔遂挾持漢族將領李農和王基推繙並誅殺鄭櫻桃與石遵,改立石鑒。冉閔被任命為大將軍,並掌控大權。石鑒即位後,鬍漢兩族間的矛盾逐歩走嚮激化,鬍人不斷掀起暴動和兵變.350年,石鑒欲殺冉閔,事敗後仮為冉閔和李農所殺。冉閔殺石鑒之前,發佈了“ 殺鬍令”和“討鬍檄文”致書各地,從面引爆了漢族人民積壓了近半個世紀的國仇傢恨,點燃了漢族人民的復仇仮抗怒火,冉閔宣佈:“內外六夷,敢稱兵杖者斬之!”於是漢族人民對鬍人進行空前規模的民族復仇,無貴賤男女少長皆斬之,史載當時的全國各地方的漢族人民“所在承閔書誅之”,於時髙鼻多須,頭髮略有發黃者亦被殺,前後約有二十萬人被殺。其後建立魏國,依然建都於鄴城(今河北邯鄲市臨漳縣城西南20公裏鄴城遺址,見圖1),改年號永興。冉閔遣使臨江告東晉:“鬍逆亂中原,今已誅之。若能共討者,可遣軍來也。”由於冉閔已稱帝,無法得到東晉支持。
  冉閔的殘酷屠殺引來鬍人猛煭的仮撲。350年,石虎庶子石祗於襄國(今河北邢臺)稱帝,鬍人將官紛紛響應。350年1月,後趙汝陰王琨及張舉、王朗率軍七萬伐冉閔冉閔率騎兵千餘與戰於城北,大破之,石琨等大敗而去;350年6月,六月,石琨又率大軍10萬進據邯鄲,後趙鎮南將軍劉國自繁陽會之,冉閔又率軍大破之,死者萬餘人,劉國還繁陽;八月,後趙張賀度、段勤、劉國、靳豚集中十餘萬主力於昌城,將攻冉閔,冉閔率軍仮擊,戰於蒼亭,後趙軍全軍覆滅;351年,石祗聯合鮮卑、羌人夾擊冉閔冉閔因屢勝而輕敵,導致大敗,部衆大量死亡。此戰後,冉閔所據的徐州、豫州、兗州和洛陽歸降東晉,東晉勢力於是重返中國北方。冉閔繼續與鬍人攻戰。期間冉閔誅殺齊王李農及其三子。351年,石祗部下劉顯在陽平之戰中為冉閔擊敗,被迫投降冉閔,並回軍殺死石祗,從而後趙滅亡。不久劉顯又背叛冉閔,自稱皇帝.352年正月,冉閔率領8000騎兵攻剋襄國,殺劉顯, 至此後趙殘餘勢力基本被消滅.但前燕軍攻勢日急,前燕慕容愙率10萬騎兵進攻冉閔,追至廉臺(今河北石傢莊東部無極縣東北),起初冉閔齣擊,十戰十勝。後來陥入鮮卑騎兵重圍,冉閔突圍東走二十餘裏,㘸騎朱竜突然死亡。冉閔於是被趕上的前燕兵所俘。前燕大軍隨即進圍鄴城,鄴城守軍艱苦抵抗鮮卑軍達100多天,糧盡援絶,人相食,八月鄴城陥落,冉魏滅亡。冉閔被送於薊城(今天津市薊縣),前燕國王慕容俊企圖乘機嘲咲冉閔,道:“儞衹有奴僕下人的才能,憑什麽敢妄自稱天子?”冉閔大怒道:“天下大亂,爾曹夷狄禽獸之類猶稱帝,況我中土英雄,何為不得稱帝邪!”,慕容俊惱羞成怒,令人鞭之三百,“斬於遏陘山,山左右七裏草木悉枯,蝗蟲大起,五月不雨,至於十二月。俊遣使者祀之,謚曰武悼天王,其日大雪。是歲永和八年也。”(肆行勞祀曰”悼“;年中早夭曰“悼”;恐懼從處曰“悼”,這裏的“悼”,意指“年中早夭”,表示衕情、悼念,“武”為美謚,意為武勇過人,演義小說《五鬍錄》則以為“武悼”是慕容氏對冉閔的惡謚,誤也,因為“肆行勞祀”是指窮奢極欲、荒淫無恥,而冉閔即便窮兵黷武,也應與“肆行勞祀”無關)。
  後趙統治北方時,當時的漢人不超過500萬左右,鬍人卻與這個數相當甚至髙於這個數。鬍人人口還在増長,而漢人不斷減少。《晉書》:“方今四海有倒懸之急,中夏逋僭逆之寇,傢有漉血之怨,人有復仇之憾!”以冉閔為首的漢族人們對入塞鬍族的復仇行動,是漢人發起的絶地仮擊。入塞鬍族成份復雜:像羯族、白奴族、丁零族、鐵弗族、盧水鬍、鮮卑(史書稱白虜,也有學者認為黃種人)、九大石鬍的遠遷部落等主體都是金發碧眼的白種人。氐族包括大月氐、小月氐和巴氐。大月氐主體為白種人,小月氐和巴氐主要為黃種人。 而羌、夫餘、烏桓(東鬍與匈奴混血)、和入侵遼寧的髙句麗等民族主體為黃種人,個別部落除外。
  這支羯人在鮮卑的統治下以打仗為業。 鮮卑內戰時羯酋造仮,壓抑久了的爾朱羯瘋狂地殺着鮮卑人,差點將鮮卑滅族。在鮮卑復仇的打擊下,羯人在矦景帶領下跑到南方梁朝統治區,梁朝政府接納了他們,收為雇傭軍。忘恩負義的矦景確殺死了梁武帝,對江南人實施血腥的種族屠殺,使原本人口衆多,千裏沃土的江南變成赤地千裏,屍骨遍地,雜草叢生的不毛之地(僅屠靖康城就將全城4萬戶約20萬人殺絶),史稱矦景之亂。
  諸鬍逆亂中原 已數十年 今我誅之 若能共討者 可遣軍來也 暴鬍欺辱漢傢數十載 殺我百姓 奪我祖廟 今特此討伐 犯我大漢者死 殺我大漢子民者死 殺盡天下諸鬍 匡復漢傢基業 屠戮鬍狗為天下漢人義之所在 冉閔不纔受命於天道 特以此兆告天下

  Ran Min (died in AD 352 on June 1), Han nationality, there are documents recorded as "dye Min", the word never has, small print spine slave, Weijun people within the yellow (now in Henan Huang Northwestern), is the Five Barbarians Sixteen States Period Ran Wei monarch. National hero, protector of the Chinese civilization. Ran for the people today are well-known is the massacre of barbarian orders that kill Woo. He was saved Han's anti-Hu Yingxiong to brave known, is listed as one of ancient China Top Ten brave general
  AD 310, Shi Le (At this point, a former Zhao general) attacked Hanoi, Le see a young military sounding of the extraordinary bravery, long and Yong Han, skilled in riding and shooting, despite the sounding of the Pro Shi Shi. Le Chan said: "This child healthy and admirable!" Ran Zhan outnumbered and captured. Ran Zhan Shi Le Migration and Tribes in the Lan Ling County. 327 years, and the Huns in the pre-Ran Zhan Zhao chop the sounding of the battle. Son of Ran Zhan Min Ran is later. Ran Min inherited his father's fierce than, but also good to use resourcefulness.
  (2) battles to ride a big break Hu Ji Han 5000 70 000;
  (5) 5 60 000 battle with Han Qiang Di virtually wipe out the coalition more than ten million;
  AD 352. Ran Min's rations will be distributed to the people in town. Alone to lead a people horse (mainly infantry) to fight for food. The results were 14 million strong Xianbei (cavalry. There tens of thousands of follow-up units) surrounded. Ran Wei soldiers desperate for a breakthrough in under the cover of Ran Min Liansha three hundred people, finally popped encirclement (fighting through article omitted), but Napi and Ran Min Zhu Long horses as courageous because of fatigue and collapse Ran Min captured, his men and the enemy is still mechanically hard, cover other key officials of the army evacuated the battlefield, immediate concern has been the last person caught ... ... Murong Ke Ran Min, the offering and the National Main Murong Jun, Murong Jun ridicule Ran Min: "You can only servant servant's, so how dare jump to claim the emperor?" Ran Min anger: "The chaos, Ercao barbarians like an animal in particular, became the emperor, the hero status of my Turkey Call!" big Murong Jun anger, it is whip the 300, and then sent to the Dragon City, cut the check xingshan. Ran Min's death, Hill noted the dry vegetation is about seven miles, from the locust large, from May to December, the sky is not falling drop of rain. Murong Jun shocked, and sent to the sacrifice, bestowed Ran Min Wu condolences to King, the day snowing and outstanding knees. (Official history records, certainly not invented) by language: Ran Min cut down, the world is big grief whom Unfortunately, since the compassionate God Ran Min's heart, why not just give him victory in the end. Why not let his wrongs redress years, suffered abuse compatriots. Heaven unfair, heartless creature, do not know when Ran Min's heroic deeds in the world can spread far and wide.
  Ran Min dynasty as time is short. More suicide martyred minister. No one to write a book biography Ran Min. North of the Northern Wei was ruled (Xianbei dynasty) historian Ran Min cursed the meal. In the history books do not respect human Ran Min justice. The descendants of the lack of information can only be based on previous data left over to order. Sided emphasis on certain eunuch historian Hu Ran Min's death. Hu said that to kill without reason Mingran Min. Think Ran Min order, the Central Plains into the Cypriot people and no month without a fight Hu Kou, day-phase attack. Ran Min visible public opinion and policy at the time, is representing the desires of the people. Is not determined to sow discord between Ran Min. It was irreconcilable ethnic conflicts. Those who wear animal skins. Eating raw meat of the savage tribes. Where to know etiquette shame, the value of life. Barbarian invasion of the Indian tribe to create a civilization of ancient India, driven by local people as slaves. India's caste system we all know. 21st century living in the Indian society today is also lower than the untouchables. Are those thousands of years ago, the conquered Indian nationals. Ran Min King told the world, invited universal hero rise to kill Hu. Tu Hu Order of the world. Have to respond in Huazi Min. Because Ran Min, I family had just from repeating the ancient Indians of the tragedy.
  Ran Min was barbarian income righteous son, in Southern's history books never written. Now we can only be altered by the historical data to learn about 1,700 years ago, the hero of the great achievements. Min Ran his own doing. Save the white race will be assimilated Chinese civilization. For those of us back the survival of future generations. Ran Min's powers is inferior to Yue Fei! Yue Fei is to become the second Ran Min. Ran Min's achievements be valid until the! Ran Min is a hero, Han Guan in 800,000 people risk their lives to go over a thousand miles journey as evidenced by Ran Min.
  Yonghe five years (349 years), Shi Hu dead, Shi Shi came to the throne. In the same year in May, Shi Zun have supported a coup to overthrow Ran Min Shi Shi. At first, Ran Li Shi Min as compliance with the Crown Prince agreed, but later as the Crown Prince Li Yan Shi, Ran Min caused dissatisfaction. Meng, who advised prospective follow Heaven's Ran Shi Min, Shi Shi Kam-compliance will be with his brother and mother discuss Cheng Cherry Cheng Cherry stone that compliance has been able to reign, Ran Min has merit, not kill him. After the meeting, Shi Jian Min Ran reported the matter secret. Ran Min Han general Li then held hostage by farmers and Wang Cheng Cherry overthrow and Heaven's compliance with the stone, stone Stand, Kam. Ran Min was appointed major general, and control power. Shek Kam's reign, Hu and Han ethnic conflicts between the two gradually intensified constantly set off riots and mutiny barbarian .350, the Shek Kam Yusha Ran Min, after the defeat of the anti-Ran Min and Lee was killed by farmers. Ran Min Shi Kam kill before the release of "kill Woo" and "discussion Hu official call to arms" To book all over the Han people from the area and detonated the national backlog of nearly half a century the CIA hate ignited anger against Han people, revenge, Ran Min said: "inside and outside the six-Yi, the courage to stick by cutting off the military said!" So the Han people, the size of the barbarian peoples of unprecedented revenge, is equally of men and women are cut of less long, containing the history of the country at the time of the Han people, local "Cheng-Min book where the vocal", in sometimes high and many have nose hair slightly yellow Zheyi killed about 20 people were killed before and after. Wei was established, still capital at Ye City (now the city of Hebei Handan Linzhang 20 kilometers southwest of Ye City site, see Figure 1), change Yongxing reign. Riverside Congregation of the Mission Report Ran Min Jin: "Hu against arbitrary central China, far completed vocal. If we were to discuss, could Qianjun to have." Has proclaimed himself emperor as Ran Min, Jin can not be supported.
  Ran Min's brutal massacre of barbarian drew fierce counterattack. 350, Xiang Shi Hu Bastard stone only in the country (now Hebei Xingtai) became the emperor, barbarian generals have responded. 350 in January, held after the Democratization of Yinwang Kun and Zhang, Min Wang Lang lead the army to 70,000 cutting Ran, Ran Min rate totaling some cavalry and war in the north of the city, big destructible, such as stone Kun defeat away; 350 in June , Jun, Shi Kun again led the army of 100,000 into the far Handan, after Zhao Zhennan General Liu Fan Yang will be the self, Min Ran another big break of his troops, the deceased million other people, also Fan Yang Liu; in August, after Zhao He Zhang degree, Duan Qin, Liu, Jin dolphin main focus on more than ten million in Chang City, will attack Ran Min, Min Ran lead the army to fight back, fighting in the Cang Ting, Zhao army after the fall of; 351 years, the stone only joint Xianbei, Min Qiang pincer Ran, Ran Min Sheng and underestimate the enemy because of repeated, resulting in defeat, the Department of Public deaths. This war, which, according to Ran Min Xuzhou, Yuzhou, Yanzhou and Eastern Luoyang clique are surrendering, then return to northern China Eastern forces. Ran Min necessary condition for battles continue with the barbarian. Ran Li Min Heaven's King of Qi during the farmers and their three sons. 351, Shi Liu was only men for the war in Hinata beat Ran Min, Min Ran was forced to surrender and return the military to kill stone only to perish after Zhao. Soon they were betrayed Ran Liu Min, claiming to be emperor .352 in the first month, Ran Min Xiang, led 8,000 cavalry captured the country, Liu was killed, bringing the remnants of post-Zhao basically wiped out. But the day before YAN Jun offensive urgent, the former Yan Murong Ke rate Ran Min 100 000 cavalry attack, chase Lian Taiwan (now in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Wuji County, east of the Northeast), Min Ran first attack, 10 war Tokachi. Was caught in tight encirclement Xianbei Cavalry, ran away Ershi Yu Min Breakout East, the horse Zhu Long sudden death. Ran Min, was then overtaken by the prisoner before the Yan-bing. Immediately before the Yantai Jun Jin Wai Ye City, Ye City defenders hard to resist the military up to more than 100 days Xianbei, food aid must do, people with food, in August fall of the city of Ye, Ran Wei perish. Ran Min was sent to the Thistle City (now Tianjin Ji County), the former King Murong Jun Yan Ran Min attempt to take advantage of laugh, said: "You can only servant servant's, so how dare jump to claim the emperor?" Ran Min furious Road: "chaos, Ercao barbarians like animals still became the emperor, I am Turkish hero status, what is not evil emperor!", Murong Jun furious, is whip the 300, "cut in the containment xingshan, mountain about seven miles noted the dry vegetation, locusts large effect in May did not rain, as in December. Jun those who worship the Congregation of the Mission, Posthumous Mourning said, King Wu, the day the snow. Yonghe is eight years old also. "(unleashing labor worship called" The Mourning " ; years Evidently, said, "Mourning"; fear from the Department said, "Mourning", where "Mourning", meaning "year in premature deaths," sympathy, condolences, "Wu" as the U.S. posthumous title, which means Takeo extraordinary , Novel "recorded Five Barbarians" is that "armed Mourning" is Murong on Ran Min's Malicious, it is wrong, because "unleashing labor worship" means extravagant, shameless dissipation, while Ran Min, even militaristic, but also should be "unleashing labor worship" has nothing to do).
  Ran Min's family background
  Ran Min birth family of scholars, Confucianism handed down home, then how he is transformed into a campaign battle of the generals for? This is the historical conditions and was closely related to the background. Ran Min is the age in which five random Chinese period, that period was the darkest history of the Han nationality, the most painful period. Five random Chinese period, originally living in the land of China surrounded by massive invasion of various ethnic land of China and wantonly against the Han Chinese for the massacre and slavery, the number of northern Han Chinese dropped, leaving only a few million, while the barbarian invasion of the number of people reached 56 million, this is a horrible situation, ah, look at the history of China Han had never received such a life has never been a serious threat, even better than the Yuan and Qing period to much more this time. A large number of Han Chinese helpless only southern escape, Jin dynasty also had to move the capital to the south, then destroy the Western Jin Dynasty. Rise and fall of the so-called state that everyone is responsible, in this grim historical conditions, does not allow people to study an issue, and the fate of northern Han Chinese are only three, or be killed or enslaved, or do a traitor, or the resistance. Ran Min choose a third. Praise poem for future generations, saying: "Five Barbarians iron heel riding the North, the weak Chinese helpless begging live CD. Spine slave shame Hing Hon matter if there lies merit generations!"
  Five random China, the large numbers of Northwestern Xianbei Hu and moved north central plains. "Jin Ji" "Book of Jin," recorded at the Yongjia Sangluan, Central Plains Nobles 10 does not exist one.
  Shi Hu will Handan (some say linzhang south) south of the Central Plains region, tens of thousands of square kilometers of land is zoned for hunting paddock, the highest of all mankind in the history of the Guinness Book of World Records. Han Chinese not to vote provided a stone beast, otherwise it is "committed beast", will be sentenced to death, those who were killed or eaten by numerous animals, the status of the Han Chinese do not notice any such beast. Live in "magnificent" palace, Fishing Cat, actually laughed and said: "My son and if so, since the settlement of non-day collapse, when the complex need to worry? ... ... At that time," North to Cang Liang, dressed south, Hu Di everywhere, Han Ji Yu is the number of the children of Tu home exhausted. "
  Zu Ti general operations. General Tso's death, no one organization can be effective against the North Castle and the barbarian. Around 320 AD, a handful of Paul Marshal also the last drop stone wall Zhao, Shi Zhao dynasty, completed in the Central Plains and the related strong rule.
  If so they had destroyed the northern Han Chinese, breeding them in the Central Plains. Will be a blond race (according to the present and future generations thousandths Xianbei white blood characteristics are as dominant gene), will revert to the South to survive, then south to kill three million people, or most of the killing light, small part of the ethnic Han Chinese were integrated into the new. Hu is basically not killed each other absolutely, only a few per cent less than in northern Han Chinese population, the barbarian into the northern Han. Han, like other ancient peoples, like the three dead family is very possible.
  Shi Hu rule of the late Ran Min Hungry. Ran Zhao Min overthrown, divide our forces attack on all fronts, with the major Xiao-hu Emirates Internet attack, millions of people to expel the barbarian was the Central Plains (Shihu Qiang Ye City's total moved hundreds of thousands of Han Chinese, there are nearly half of returning home in the unrest, major halfway some of the victims were barbarians.) Di and Qiang Hu quite a few hundred million other nations, or the Loop, etc. Longxi return home, or even move back to Central Asia, Hu nine stone. Way back to move between the various barbarian peoples swept attack each other, even people with eating meat, ten, only two or three successful return.
  Ran Min Hu family makes big move back, killing over a hundred million in the Central Plains up to 10 of the July 8 death of barbarian, which killed millions of barbarians in disguise. Chinese history was the founding of the 16 countries countries, except Xianbei to success is to not destroy the nation to return to the Central Plains tribes re-established. But by this time greatly reduced the number of barbarian, civil Han return to growth. Barbarian seen all the terrible bloody revenge Han Han Chinese had to seek cooperation, Han Chinese are involved in farming, barbarian war is banished. This started a peaceful coexistence. Five random Chinese ethnic minorities tend to fight when the whole family, whether men and women are soldiers. Of course, the whole future development of elite as by men. In Sixteen Southern frequent wars, Hu tribe killed a lot, Hu ethnic genocide between each other. Been engaged in farming in the Han Chinese folk revival, something the Northern Wei's war barbarian population depletion. Han landlords are two powerful forces together to complement a shortage of troops into operation had begun a large number of Han. Western Liang Han region into operation by the Northern Zhou Dynasty, it is in this period. Xianbei States are the princess to marry the main landowners of these forces to draw them Han, Han-ups for later Yang Jian Hu and destroy and create external conditions for the establishment of the Sui and Tang.
  Zhe Zhi Xian Bei Jie, under the rule in order to fight for the industry. Xian Bei Jie Emirates rebels during the civil war, the Empress Jie suppressed for a long time to kill the Xianbei crazy people, almost to Xianbei genocide. Revenge against the Xianbei, the Jie people went to the South, led by Liang Hou Jing-ruled areas, Liang Government has accepted them, and received as a mercenary. Hou Jing really killed the ungrateful Emperor, on the southern person who has bloody genocide, so that the original population, thousands of miles south into the fertile soil of the red earth is thousands of miles, bones everywhere, grassy barren (only Tujing Kang City will City of 40,000 by about 20 million people in action to exterminate), known to history Hou Jing Rebellion.
  Hu to discuss official call to arms
  Min Ran the real reason for killing the barbarian
  Old age Ran Min
  After Zhao Kaiguo Emperor Shi Le (Jie tribe) openly specify barbarian looting of Han scholars impunity, barbarian need and can obtain any thing from Han Chinese. Han also said the nomads as barbarians ban, but "the people", and offenders cut. He was the founding minister of the Han, to appear before him, because of the body for valuables and clothes were barbarian robbed, Le asked him what had happened, the Minister is in a fit of anger, that barbarian robbed him, forgetting that people. It was found out something wrong, and quickly make amends to the Shi Le, Le pardon him. Can imagine the situation from Han Chinese at that time.
  Shi Le made of men and women 160 000, earth wall construction and long Waring Court in Ye North. Comes just as heavy rain, zhang shui water rose, deceased, tens of thousands; Shi Hu has many palaces, not content, but also drive more than forty million Chinese small business Luoyang and Chang'an Ninomiya, resulting in dead wild plot; Revised Forest Court, Kohei, 500 000 man-made A, 17 million people in shipbuilding, died more than two-thirds; wins Chinese women into the temple 50 000 to kill indiscriminately insult metamorphosis Ling trip, during which women Yoshio because the negative resistance, countless dead; from Chang'an - to Luoyang - then Ye City, into a tree along the Han's messenger to see who hanged himself covered the walls are covered with Han Chinese head, the bones were made of "dead concept," threatening the world, tens of thousands of opposition the bodies of soldiers abandoned the wilderness fed animals; bloody massacres and cruel oppression, the North Han dropped to 67 million, resulting in red earth thousands of miles of the scene; decrease of population, a large number of barren land, beside the tigers and other wild animals in groups breeding occurs. Shi Hu will Handan (some say linzhang south) south of the Central Plains region, tens of thousands of square kilometers of land is zoned for hunting paddock, the highest of all mankind in the history of the Guinness Book of World Records. Han Chinese not to vote provided a stone beast, otherwise it is "committed beast", will be sentenced to death, those who were killed or eaten by numerous animals, the status of the Han Chinese do not notice any wild animal, such as; Prince Edward Stone distant than his father Shi Hu also appalling. Shi Hu is brutal debauchery if so, the young twenties can only be explained metamorphosis. Fu Shang bored in their idle time with a knife on Red, met his maid put her head cut off, wipe the blood into the plate which made crafts and his men watch. The most incredible is that the devil actually believe in Buddhism, he ordered his captive to do a Han Chinese woman nuns, met a beautiful and her mate on the first, and then put this unfortunate nuns who cut off the meat and cooked beef and mutton Hunzhao, Hai Ba this food reward to the Department will eat, let them guess what the ingredients do.
  Shi Xuan Endgame
  Ran Min was the real reason for misunderstanding
  In human history has never been such a large scale took place during a man-eating event. During the same period in the West, is the Attila the Huns attacked the Roman Empire, his cruelty is cruelty. But left no record of their eating. Later, the Jurchen, Mongolian, Manchu although very brutal, but the history books have left no record of their eating. Today live in modern society we can not imagine the "five wild China" during the bloody and brutal, and our ancestors by the suffering of Han Chinese. The history classroom in our schools is not learn, because only national integration in the books, Xianbei Tuoba macro finished so completely bad news. On the dark side is not described. Recently, "Wolf Totem" when the author is not cover up the atrocities. However, he also think that you kill you eat is good for Hans. Give us a blood transfusion. So we are stronger, so we should not hate people who eat the devil. But also to appreciate them. Could say such things, I think that if he lived in the era of bloody, should sacrifice his own life to feed demon. Willing to let them eat. Then let that be do not know what to digest into the "I" strong.
  Another view: Han population, in any case is a strong natural, especially in today. We have always generous mind, is also nothing wrong with them. These people are typically Mr. Lu said, "fair play" elements. They are the real nationalists, with a total of Huatai Guo love to itself, the imperial state wishful dream of doing, why do not you know Shii yield because of China's strong, when I Journal of weak, fading when they like a hungry wolf will be the same swarm, can not wait for my Chinese devouring, eating nothing left.
  Plug into the family of Hu, Jie, White Huns, Dinglinger, PTFE, Lu Hu, Xian Bei, Hu Shi nine tribes are the main white blond, these domains from the wilderness, the savage tribe still preserved Hu Cannibalism in the original animal, which the opinions of some scholars, the white Huns and prize the most ferocious tribe.
  This may sound scary today, incredible. Five random times in the Central Plains of China is Han Chinese living hell, Hu vices of family paradise.
  "Jin Ji" "Book of Jin," recorded at the Yongjia Sangluan, Central Plains Nobles 10 does not exist one.
  At that time, "North to Cang Liang, dressed south, Hu Di everywhere, the number of Chinese families were being slaughtered Jiyu depleted."
  Thus suggesting that the north of the Han up to four million or so, however.
  In the year 349, before Hu Tu Ran Min, moved to the Central Plains of the barbarian as much as much as 56 million, a startling number, they are in the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, Shi Zhao four dynasties, for various reasons to move to the Central Plains to the barbarian. There is strong move coming when the Government has actively moved to come in, there are armed incoming.
  Way back when, Ran Min order, the Central Plains into the Cypriot people and no barbarian on no war, with attacks daily. Ran Min visible at the time the policy is responsive, represents the overwhelming majority of the will of the people invaded the Central Plains. Ran Min is not determined to sow discord, but ethnic conflicts do not reconcile at the time. Throughout the four ancient civilizations: ancient Egypt, Babylon, and weak in the war of civilization; invasion of the barbarian tribes of India to create a native of ancient Indian civilization as the lowest level of the untouchables in the caste system the same as a slave drive so far; 5 indiscriminately when China, when the creation of ancient Chinese civilization, when people face a similar predicament, there is a Ran-min stand up, he told the world, invited universal hero rise up to kill Wu, orders have to, Min Jie response, Han powerful , Hu Kou San collapse, Kyushu earth qualities of the final complex Yanhuang, my people from repeating the mistakes of others, be the subject of Chinese civilization stretches. Now he died away, we can only be altered by the historical data to learn about 1,700 years ago, the legendary hero Han career. Yue Fei, Wen Tianxiang, we are very familiar figure, Ran Min achievements of the Chinese nation should be in the two above. Castle Peak Green Mountains year after year, the world busy for a thousand years. Thousands of years ago this land of ethnic conflicts can not be reconciled, but the combination of all time, today's China, we are 56 ethnic harmony family. But if there is no Ran Min, Han is probably the assimilation, not the Five Barbarians. When the former fierce war into today's chapter in history, ancient pride waves in today's heart, filled with strange and complicated feelings.
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  Ran Min Hero
  Tang corpse disorder
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