南凉 人物列表
秃发乌孤 Tu Fawugu秃发利鹿孤 Tu Falilugu秃发傉檀 Tu Fanutan
秃发利鹿孤 Tu Falilugu
南凉  (?399年402年)
姓: 秃发
名: 利鹿孤
网笔号: 康王
籍贯: 河西鲜卑
陵墓: 西平陵


  Alopecia Lee deer solitary (? -402), The 16 countries during the Southern Liang sovereign country. 399 -402 years in office, Hexi Xianbei people, the younger brother of isolated alopecia Ukraine, Uzbekistan solitary reign been called 骠骑大将军, Xi-Ping Kung. Southern Liang was in the beginning three years (399 years) Ukraine solitary death, last words should establish long-jun, Lee is alone, following the deer stand, and moved the capital to the Western level (this Xining). And construction of two (401), said Wang Hexi. Died the following year, Ik Kang, Fu brother Tufa Rutan.
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