nán liáng zuòzhělièbiǎo
Tu Fawugu Tu Falilugu tán Tu Fanutan
Tu Fawugu
nán liáng  (?397nián399nián)
wǎngbǐhào: wáng
miàohào: liè
jíguàn: xiān bēi

   (? 399 nián), shí liù guó shí nán liáng jiàn zhě。 397 nián -399 nián zài wèi xiān bēi rén wéi xiān bēi qiú cháng jiānhòu liáng lín jiā liù nián( 394 nián), shòu hòu liáng wáng guāng fēng wéi guànjūn dàjiàng jūn xiān bēi tǒng nián( 395 nián zhé jué 'èr zài shòu fēng wéi guǎng jùn gōnghòu liáng lóng fēi yuán nián( 396 nián guāng yòu qiǎn shǐ shǔ zhēng nán dàjiàng jūn zhōu zuǒ xián wáng shòulóng fēi nián( 397 niánpàn hòu liáng chēng dàjiàng jūn dān píng wánggǎi nián hào tài chūmíng nián( 398 niángǎi chēng wēi wángtài chū sān nián( 399 niányīn jiǔ hòu zhuì shāng 'ér shì wángmiào hào liè

  Tufa Wugu (? -399), The 16 countries during the Southern Liang creator. 397 -399 years in office, Hexi Xianbei people, his father thought for the Xianbei chiefs alopecia complex Jian. Jia Liang Lin after six years (394 years), labeled by the post-cold champion Wang Shi-Great General, Hexi Xianbei most systems, the following year (395) breaking B Dover, dig two fold, will no longer be labeled Guangwu County public. Tappi cool after the first year (396 years) has sent envoys Department 征南大将军 Lu Guang, the benefits of mok, Zuoxian Wang, isolated from Ukraine. Longfei five years (397 years) after the cool rebels, claiming to viceroy, great generals, great Chanyu, West King Ping, reform era name was in the beginning. Next year (398 years) renamed Wuwei Wang. Was in the beginning three years (399 years) due to injured ribs crushed to death after drinking, posthumous title King Wu, Temple name Liezu. Solitary brother alopecia following the established benefit of deer.
nán liáng Tu Fawugu
hòuyījūnzhù >>: kāng wáng

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