前秦 人物列表
苻洪 Fu Hong苻健 Fu Jian苻生 Fu Sheng苻雄 Fu Xiong
苻坚 Fu Jian苻丕 Fu Pi苻登 Fu Deng苻崇 Fu Chong
苻宏 Fu Hong窦冲 Dou Chong
苻坚 Fu Jian
前秦  (338年385年)
字: 永固
网笔号: 宣昭皇帝
庙号: 世祖
籍贯: 略阳临渭

  史称苻坚自有贵相,传说他背后有谶文曰:“草付臣又土王咸阳”,“草付”是“苻”;“臣又土”是繁体的“坚”,也就是说,他将来就要在咸阳称王立国了,这条谶文在迷信的古人看来是非常吉利的事,于是就为他取名“苻坚”。也许正是应验了谶文中的话,苻坚自幼聪明过人,7岁时就知道帮助周围的小伙伴了。8、9岁时,言谈举止犹如大人,所以倍受祖父苻洪的宠爱。当时有个善于相面的人,在路上看到苻坚长相奇特,就上前拉住他的手说:“这里是皇帝巡行的街道,你们在此玩耍,不怕司隶校尉把你们捆起来吗?”苻坚回答说:“司隶校尉只捆有罪的人,不捆玩耍的小孩。”相面人对随行的人说:“这孩子有霸王之相。 ”后来两人又相遇,相面的人悄悄对苻坚说:“你的面相不同寻常,日后必定大贵。”
  苻坚即位时,前秦社会一派混乱。关中本来是各民族杂居的地区,民族仇杀此起彼伏。前秦在战乱中建国,法律制度都不健全。苻生又实施残暴统治,已有水旱灾害发生.致使千里秦川豪强横行、老百姓苦不堪言。苻坚在做东海王时,就痛感时弊误国害民,因而即位后决心开创清明的政治局面,整顿吏治,惩处不法豪强,平息内乱,实行与民休养生息的政策。他深知明政无大小,以得人为本的道理,所以广招贤才,并首先从调整最高领导机构入手,果断地处斩了帮助苻生作恶的佞臣董荣 、赵韶等二十余人。提拔重用了一批精明廉洁的汉族士人参与朝政,其中最有影响的就是寒门出身的王猛。
  王猛以一介寒士,接连得到苻坚的重用提拔。一些元老显贵很不服气,妒火中烧。姑臧侯樊世,是随苻坚入定关中的氐族豪帅。他居功自傲、当众侮辱王猛说:“我们与先帝共兴大业,辛苦耕耘;你无汗马之劳.凭什么坐享其成?”王猛冷笑着说:“让你去耕种还算便宜了你,还想让你当屠夫作厨子呢。”樊世勃然大怒说:“姓王的,走着瞧,若不把你的脑袋割下来挂在长安城门上,我就不活在世上。”苻坚得知后说:“如果放任樊世之流跋扈不杀,朝纲就无法整肃。”此后,樊世进宫,又和王猛当场争吵起来。樊世破口大骂,并举起拳头想打王猛,被左右拉住。苻坚见樊世如此狂妄,当即下令把他拉出去斩首。 樊世被杀,在氐族蒙强中引起轩然大波。他们又纷纷到苻坚面前诋毁王猛。苻坚非常生气,除责骂外,还举起鞭子把他们揍了一顿,这才平息了这场风波。但仍有一些氐族显贵,自恃皇亲国戚,恣意妄为,特世强德就是其中的一个。他依仗自己是皇太后(苻坚皇后)的弟弟,酗酒何凶,抢男霸女,胡作非为。王猛早有所闻,一天又见他在大街上胡闹。王猛当即决定逮捕强德,斩首示众,陈尸街头。随后又和御史中丞邓羌通力合作,全面查处扰民乱政的权贵,接连诛杀了20多个不法的贵戚豪强。于是,京城内外百官震肃,豪强贵戚无不老实守法。社会风气大为好转,出现了路不拾遗,夜不闭户的良好秩序,老百姓拍手相庆。苻坚看在眼里,喜在心头。他深有感触地说:“现在我才知道天下有法制的好处。”
  建元十八年,苻坚在太极殿召见群臣说:“我从继承大业以来,将近三十年了。四方大致平定,只有东南一角,还没有蒙受君王的教化。我粗略计算了一下兵力,能有九十七万。我准备亲率大军东伐。你们以为如何?”面对苻坚的主张与发问,除秘书监朱彤表示赞成外,其余大臣都纷纷反对,久议不决。苻坚很生气地说:“算了吧,还是由我自己决断好了。” 群臣退朝后,苻坚又留下弟弟苻融商议。
  苻坚收纳慕容姐弟之际,想必正值其意气风发之时。大患已除,一对壁人尽入怀中。慕容冲貌美而“ 毒暴”,心志颇为高远,有龙阳之姿,而是否有龙阳之好,不得而知。苻坚虽幸之,而未见授其权柄,大概也有慕容尚幼的原因。较之以汉哀帝之幸董贤,贤20岁余见宠,从此平步青云,直驱中枢,位列三公,父亲兄弟姊妹妻子妻父一路高升,权倾朝堂,而终被王莽指为导致“间者以来,阴阳不调,灾害并臻,元元蒙辜”的罪魁,惶恐自杀,苻坚可谓明,慕容可谓幸了。董贤也是兄妹共侍一主。哀帝恐其回家不便, 把其妻也招入宫中居住,可谓照顾周全。

  Fu Jian-of-factly: "If there was one day, I will not forget your End life." Fu Jian 8 years old at the time of the day, his grandfather suddenly Fu Hongti out please request a tutor. Fu Hung looked with astonishment at grandson, said: "Our nation has never eat meat only know how to drink, and now you want to study, it was very good."
  353 AD, Fu Jian died, his son Fu Sheng inherited throne. Fu Sheng is the world little tyrant, as the murder as a matter of. Every meeting with the Minister, all to the Brink attendants, knife
  Make every effort to promote virtuous
  To ordinary poor of Wang Meng, Fu Jian reuse by successive promotion. Some veterans dignitaries very convinced, jealous. Guzang Fan Hou Shi, Fu Jian meditation is related with the Di Zu Hao Shuai. He grown arrogant, insult Wang Meng said: "We were Xing Xian Di cause and worked hard; you sweat-free horse labor. What basis and reap the profits?" Meng sneered: "for you to cultivate your pretty cheap, but also want When the butcher to make you cook it. "furious World Fan said:" The name is Wang, he would see, if not cut off your head hanging in the Chang'an city gates, I do not live in the world. "Fu Jian was known, said: "If the world and his ilk despotic laissez-faire does not kill Fan, Asatsuna can not purge." Thereafter, Fan World palace, but also, and Wang Meng on the spot to argue. Fan World shouted abuse, and raised his fist to beat Wang Meng, was pulled around. Shi Fan Fu Jian see so arrogant, immediately ordered him out and beheaded. World Fan killed in Dizu Muntyan caused an uproar. They also have to discredit Wang Meng, Fu Jian before. Fu Jian very angry, in addition to scold, but also raised his whip them beating This calm the storm. But there are still some Dizu dignitaries, count on royal, unconscionable, especially Shiqiang Germany is one of them. He relied on himself as Empress Dowager (Fu Jian Queen) and his brother, alcohol how fierce, looting male hegemony women, abuses. Wang Meng well aware, the day see him in the street prank. Wang Meng immediately decided to arrest strong moral, beheaded, lying dead on the streets. Then and Deng Yu Qiang Shi Zhongcheng cooperate fully investigated and dealt with disturbing the political chaos of dignitaries, one after another Heaven's more than 20 illegal Guiqi despotic. As a result, both inside and outside the capital Baiguan Su Zhen, despotic Guiqi are all honest law-abiding. Social atmosphere is much better there Lubushiyi, close the doors at night the good order, celebrated by the people clapped. Fu Jian look in the eyes of hi in the heart. He said with deep feeling: "Now I know the world has the benefits of the rule of law."
  Fu Jian also personally selected outstanding students to enable them to serve at all levels of authority. It also provides: Salary officials for more than a hundred stone, must "learn through once, just as one art." If the barrier, once an art, then be forced to resign for the people. Fu Jian as the great advocate, and combined with the elected officials, the Former Qin competition soon appeared Kangyo school, Honesty sense of shame culture. Not only the pool of trained bureaucracy, improve the cultural quality of the ruling class, but also promote cultural exchanges between nations.
  AD 358, the Former Qin were large areas of drought, in order to ride out the storm together with the common people. Fu Jian ordered to reduce their own meals, revocation Clarion, harem concubine concubines following change commoner. No longer wear grade silk. Reviewed all the documents correspondingly reduce the official's salary, to show the people of joys and sorrows. Directive also develop the mineral mountain forests, rivers and lakes to lift restrictions on fishing ban, the country and people to share. Cease all military action, so that the people get chance to recuperate. Fu Jian as the effective measures, although the experience drought, famine was not caused major disasters.
  Relations in order to solve the issue of drought prone areas drier, Fu Jian ordered the official card of the rich and powerful servant transferred three million people, development Jing water upstream, chiseled from the mountain wall, dredging ditches, terraces and saline irrigation to barren years of field grown back out the grain, the people greatly benefit. Fu Jian personally farming, his wife, Empress Gou also to the suburbs sericulture, to persuade farmers actively engaged in agricultural production and silk weaving. Fu Jian repeatedly sent envoys to various places visited, pension living alone. Advised Agriculture as to promote the advanced production technology, incentives to farmers in farming. Later, another suffered major drought Former Qin Fu Jian taking into account the farmers crop failure, they ordered the part of tax relief, save official expenditure, appropriate to reduce the government pension, and provided it is not urgent, do not send a lord of the levy. Fu Jian as the development of agriculture as a basic national policy, the Former Qin's economic recovery soon, a few years there Anding Qing Ping live in plenty in the new atmosphere. Contains the history, all from Chang'an to the states, all have built-channel Relay kiosks, visitors and vendors is very easy to take along. People are singing, said: "Chang'an Avenue, Acacia verdant; under the Chi-hua car, the happy couple habitat; talents gathered, Hui my people."
  With the economic strength of the recovery, Fu Jian, after civil unrest in Binh Dinh, but also successively conquered the former Yan, the former cold, collapsed on behalf of the States, so that the unprecedented prosperity of the Former Qin. Fu Jian then there have been signs of luxury. Met with the ministers of the hall, hang a bead curtain; palace eaves beam and the traveling dress and so on, also with pearls, precious stones, jade decorations up. Shangshu Lang Pei Yuan slightly plain speaking, said: I heard that Monarch Yao and Emperor Shun lived in a thatched cottage, Emperor Wen and King Wu also despise magnificent palace. They are industrious and thrifty the country, so can the world peace that had flourished for eight centuries. Emperor pursuit of pleasure, very poor with Korea, the results failed to spread on the death of the grandson of the country. Hope that on your warning, do not pursue the construction of the palace with carved beams, extensive facilities for simplicity of the fashion world, leaving a beautiful style. Ok for the cheap should to grain for the treasure, compassionate people suffering. To develop agricultural production. Remove those useless utensils, to abandon those rare economic goods. To carry forward the noble morality in order to encourage shallow practices, to set up education promotion benevolent to people in remote areas Huairou. This would enable people to live and work, ultimately unified the world. This is the wish of his courtiers.
  Fu Jian aim at unity of the world, after 20 years of careful management, basically unified northern China, the country rich strong military power, only located in the southeast corner of the Eastern Jin Dynasty has not yet conquered, Fu Jian to heart. Jianyuan 15 years (379 years), Former Qin capture the Eastern Jin Xiangyang, Wu Jiang Zhu captured sequence. Fu Jian that won the Eastern Jin, uniform conditions are ripe for the world and decided to cutting Jin.
  Fu Jian very disappointed and worried, he thought his country for many years Jing Qin, has maintained soldiers million capital stick as a mountain, why not take unity to conquer the North Eastern does win situation, so that night restless sleep, food is not Sweet.
  Murong siblings favored, the subjects as fear of its interference in politics, all remonstrance Wang Meng, Fu Jian then extroverted Murong Chong eviction. His mother's death, buried them with Yan Fu Jian after the ceremony; quiet home Timor Murong Wei Chang, Fu Jian closure of waiting for the new shows to be Murong Fu Jian family very well.
  Temple died in the new level - the final outcome of Fu Jian
  Chang outside the city, the younger brother of Mu Rongchong Murong Wei Qin led his army wiped out tens of thousands, take A Room City, step by step approach. Murong Chong is Yinhen fierce and brutal people, 12 years of age before the death of Yan State, with 14-year-old sister, Princess Qinghe into a harem for the Fu Jian as child molestation server Fu Jian Shi, sister and brother's pet, others Mo progress. Finally Wang Meng cut the bridge, and to release any big foreign prefectural governor.
  Chang'an City, thousands of people worse than Xianbei lived in the mansion yard, Murong Wei moment is not busy, ready to ambush troops secretly recruiting ethnic Xisha Fu Jian, during the leak, Fu Jian shocked, That Heaven's son and Murong Wei their clan, regardless of the city Xianbei all women killed in length and less light. Since then, destroy one country who does not have the heart of the family perished under the lore to make, often to remonstrate Fu Jian, the "soft Jen invited to name" the first, resulting in generations of royal rare preservation of those who perished.
  General Wu Zhong Yao Chang gallop rushed to tie up and sent to the new Fu Jian Ping, then Yao Fu Jian Chang has sent request to transfer the country Yuxi. Fu Jian cursed: "the seal has been sent to the Jin dynasty, how can we send you this ungrateful traitors!" Yao Chang Fu Jian permission of the throne to his demise, Fu Jian box and cox: "Zen generation among the saints things. what Yao Chang, dare to compare themselves ancient sage! "
  Historians believe the original Fu Jian Chen Teng-there are four good things: good literature, internal affairs remained so until, generous guests were, illustrious martial arts. Calendar View of Ancient Chinese emperors, really can do very few of these four points. Fu Jian and Wang Meng Jun Chenxiang too, very sharp and decisive, we must think of the success of high-Jun extraordinary, but unfortunately there is a great pity power, I do not know break the people's livelihood, Huai Furenzhiren, not including a Murong Chui, etc. In addition to the Shiyou large-scale cutting Jin, one or the loss of the world, become the target of attacks later ridiculed.
  (Fu) strong reason for death, victory and pride by the sudden it too. Rick Marquis Wei Wen Q: Wu (China) The reason why death, replied: "the number of war a few wins." Wen Hou said: "the number of war a few wins, the country is also a blessing, why die?" Replied: "War is the number of people tired, the number of wins is the main pride to the main imperial arrogance tired people, no not the dead also." Qin ( Fu) Jian like the now!
  By: Fu Jian is a hero, but his historical role is reactionary, and can not comment on his ancient feudal history, the Former Qin unified historical merits brief can not be regarded as his personal credit. Fu Jian able to reuse more than any other minority rulers of the Han people, and used the system to win over King Fan Jin Jin is the main reason for his success, but the purpose is based on deception, so the performance of more pretense and hypocrisy. His main policy is still implemented national oppression, the Dizu placed on top of other peoples, the migration of various ethnic relations in the same despotic, so Dizu ruled areas in parts of the implementation of management; he and the militaristic oppression of other nations so that all People's life is hard, war-weary, Sima Guang's assessment is correct. He advocates a luxury, even though the surface to accept dissuasive, but no change in the Former Qin Dizu decadent ruling class as a whole, Fu Long is a young prefectural governor, clique are surrendering after the Jin Dynasty was the most extravagant than the Secretary Ma Daozi will enjoy, a provincial governor like this, other known. Fu Jian corrupt life, open and fun ride Murong Chui's wife, as Shi Chen recorded his mistake and the Confidential Memorandum, history books burned, just as historian Zhao died before spring so not to pursue. On Wang Meng, Deng Han Qiang and other well-known talent is to use the landlord class, named after the prime minister Wang Meng was also reduced to Stuart, Tang Qiang, after just asked off as Sili Xiaowei Yan Fu Jian did not agree, Tang Qiang what we seek is not high, only the appointment of the final Fu Jian Qiang Zheng Lu Deng, General, stability prefect, and his record does not match, Fu Jian destroyed almost all the countries of recovery, indicating that the local people are not satisfied with the Former Qin's rule, and even had a few new separatist regime, visible unity is based on the weak, ethnic, sharp understanding of major historical figures should read his political stance.
  In 357 AD, Fu Jian, together with his brother Fu method will kill the oppressive Fu Sheng, emperor ascended the throne, is Xuanzhao Di.
  AD 383, the rate of Fu Jian Gong Jin army south, in the Battle of Fei River in defeat.
  1. Phrase "panic" to describe the nervous and skeptical of psychological horror.
  Allusion: "Book of Jin Xie Xuan Chuan": "smell the paranoia, all that His Majesty has to."
  Fu Jian story of one case
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