前涼 人物列錶
張軌 Zhang Gui張寔 Zhang Shi張茂 Zhang Mao
張駿 Zhang Jun張重華 Zhang Chonghua張曜靈 Zhang Yaoling
張祚 Zhang Zuo張玄靚 Zhang Xuanjing張天錫 Zhang Tianxi
張大豫 Zhang Dayu
張曜靈 Zhang Yaoling
前涼  (346年355年)
名: 曜靈
網筆號: 哀公


  Former Liang duke Ai Yao-Ling (346 -355) was 16 times the country's monarchy before the cool regime. Zhang Yao-Ling Zhang for the Former Liang Huan Wang Chung Wa, son of Zhang Zuo-353 was uncle killed monarch bit, to cool Ning Hou was put under house arrest. Cool peace two years ago in August (355 years), Zhang Yao-Ling involved in the restoration of the coup, was ordered to kill Zhang Zuo.
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