é luó guó zuòzhělièbiǎo
Peter I jié lín shì Catherine I 'èr shì Pyotr (Peter) II Alekseyevich
ān · fán nuò Anna Ivanovna fán liù shì Ivan VI Antonovich suō bái shì · luó Elizaveta Petrovna
sān shì Peter III jié lín 'èr shì Catherine IIbǎo luó shì Paul I
shān shì Alexander I shì Nicholas I shān 'èr shì Alexander II
shān sān shì Alexander III Alexandrovich 'èr shì Nicholas II
jié lín 'èr shì Catherine II
é luó guó  (1729niánsìyuè21rì1796niánshíyīyuè6rì)
kǎi lín 'èr shì

   jié lín 'èr shì · ā liè xiè é wén: ЕкатеринаIIАлексеевна), é luó guó huáng( 1762 1796 nián zài wèi)( 1729 nián 4 yuè 21 - 1796 nián 11 yuè 6 ), yòu xiē zhào yīng ( CatherineII huò CatherinetheGreat) ér chēng wéi kǎi lín 'èr shì huò kǎi lín
   shēng píng
  1729 nián chū shēng shì dīngyuán míng suǒ fēi · ào · léi ,( SophieAugustaFredericka), shì guó 'ān 'ěr - cǎi 'ěr gōng jué de 'ér。 1744 nián bèi 'é luó huáng suō bái · luó tiǎo xuǎn wéi huáng wèi chéng rén · 'ěr sān shìde wèi hūn 。 1745 nián jié hūn bìng guī dōng zhèng jiàogǎi míng jié lín zài chū dào 'é guó zhī shí xué 'é hòu lái zhú jiàn xiē jūn duì de zhī chíyóu sān shì lìng yòu xīn huān jié lín de huáng hòu wèi miàn lín bèi fèi de wēi xié shì zài 1762 nián shuài lǐng jìn wèi jūn dòng zhèng biàn 'ér wèi
   jié lín 'èr shì 'ěr tài luó děng guó xiǎng jiā jiāo wǎng mìqiè。 1767 nián xià tiān zhào xīn diǎn cǎo wěi yuán huì huì xuān huáng de xùn lìngzhù zhāng kāi míng zhuān zhìyán de zhì zhù miàn qián rén rén píng děng suī rán xiǎng gǎi shàn nóng zhì dàn shì yīn guì de fǎn duì 'ér méi yòu chéng gōng wài hái xiū gǎi fāng xíng zhèng zhì zhì guì shì dào jiā qiángnóng mín nóng de shēng cún zhuàng kuàng gèng jiā 'è huà。 1773 héng 1775 nián shēng jiā qiáo
   duì wài zhèng fāng miànsān guā fēn lánduì 'ěr zuò zhàn hēi hǎi yán 'àn bìng tūn bìng liǎo hàn guóchǒng chén qíng rén jiāng jīn shì hòu de nán jìn chóngjiàn bài zhàn tíng guó wéi biāo de nán jìn zhèng shòu cuòlìng wài zài 'ěr jiā xià yóu shì jiàn 'é luó rén dāng mín de huǎn chōng dāng shí 'ěr màn rén mín qián wǎng mínxíng chéng 'ěr jiā zhì rénér fēn zài dāng shòu dào de měnggǔ rén 1770 nián dài kāi shǐ xiàng dōng qiān , 1780 nián dài lái dào dāng shí de zhōng guóbèi chēng wéi 'ěr rén
   zhè shí de 'é luó chéng wéi míng shí de 'ōu zhōu zuì qiáng guó jiā zhī jié lín bèi zūn chēng wéi 'é guó shǐ shàng liǎng wèi zhī lìng wèi shì )。
  1796 nián shì shì jīn shì
   gǎn qíng shēng huó
   shǐ xué jiā rèn wéichú liǎo sān shì wài jié lín zài de shēng yòu sān wèi fēi cháng zhòng yào de nán rénér zhè sān wèi nán rén duì jié lín zuì hòu duó 'é luó shā huáng bǎo zuò yòu de gòng xiàn
   shǐ dān luò · táo
   · ào luò
   jié lín de qíng rén zhòng duō zhōng zuì zhù míng de shì jìn wèi jūn jūn guān gāo · ào luò bāng zhù jié lín shí xiàn liǎo zhèng biàn shì jié lín de 'ā liè xiè de shēng
   · jiāng jīn
   jié lín de lìng zhù míng qíng rén shì gāo · jiāng jīn yīn jiāng jīn cūn”( zhǐ wèile fěn shì tài píng 'ér rén gōng zhì zào de jǐng shì fán huá jǐng xiàngde diǎn wéi shì rén suǒ shú zhī
   jié lín shēng yòu liǎng 'ér zhǎngzǐ bǎo luó chū shēng 1754 niánhòu lái chéng wéi bǎo luó shìyóu sān shì néng shēng yòu yáo chuán shuō shì jié lín cháo chén xiè 'ěr gài · 'ěr de shēng suō bái · luó huáng duì zhè zhǒng shuō bìng jiè bìng shuō guǒ zhēn shì shēng shì men jiā zhōng de tóu ”。
   é guó guì méi yòu dào hěn hǎo de zhǎnshì yīn wéi 'é guó rén mín de tiān xìng jiào zhí jiē bìng mǎngdāng chū huáng yòu xiǎng dào guì zhèng bìng qiě fēn kāiràng dōuyòu tiáo dàn shì zhè fāng shì zhí dào 'é guó jié shù liǎo lěng zhàncái yóu guān fāng fǎnxǐngé guó mìng díquè yīn wéi shí dài yīn yòng rén mín de xiān xuè dài
   duì huáng jiā xué yuàn de gòng xiàn
   yīn wéi huáng duì xué yuàn de zhī yuán duànràng 'é guó méng xué de zhǒng hěn zǎo jiù zhǒng xià

  Catherine II (Russian: Екатерина II Великая, Yekaterina II Velikaya), also known as Catherine the Great, born 2 May [O.S. 21 April] 1729. She was Empress of Russia from 9 July [O.S. 28 June] 1762 until 17 November [O.S. 6 November] 1796. Under her direct auspices the Russian Empire expanded, improved its administration, and continued to modernize along Western European lines. Catherine's rule re-vitalized Russia, which grew ever stronger and became recognized as one of the great powers of Europe. Her successes in complex foreign policy and her sometimes brutal reprisals in the wake of rebellion (most notably Pugachev's Rebellion) complemented her hectic private life. She frequently occasioned scandal—given her propensity for lascivious relationships which often resulted in gossip flourishing within more than one European court.
  Catherine took power after a conspiracy deposed her husband, Peter III (1728–1762), and her reign saw the high point in the influence of the Russian nobility. Peter III, under pressure from the nobility, had already increased the authority of the great landed proprietors over their muzhiks and serfs. In spite of the duties imposed on the nobles by the first prominent "modernizer" of Russia, Tsar Peter I (1672–1725), and despite Catherine's friendships with the western European thinkers of the Enlightenment (in particular Denis Diderot, Voltaire and Montesquieu) Catherine found it impractical to improve the lot of her poorest subjects, who continued to suffer (for example) military conscription. The distinctions between peasant rights on votchina and pomestie estates virtually disappeared in law as well as in practice during her reign.
  In 1785 Catherine conferred on the nobility the Charter to the Nobility, increasing further the power of the landed oligarchs. Nobles in each district elected a Marshal of the Nobility who spoke on their behalf to the monarch on issues of concern to them—mainly economic ones.
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