法兰西第四共和国 List of Authors
Jules-Vincent AuriolRené Coty
Jules-Vincent Auriol
法兰西第四共和国  (August 27, 1884 ADJanuary 1, 1966 AD)
Reign1946 AD1954 AD

  Vincent Jules Auriol (27 August, 1884 – 1 January, 1966) was a French politician who served as the first President of the Fourth Republic from 1947 to 1954. He also served as interim President of the Provisional Government (head of state and government) from November to December 1946, making him one of only three people (with Charles de Gaulle and Alain Poher) who were heads of state of the French Republic on two separate occasions.
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(1946 AD1954 AD)
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