玛利·埃德姆·帕特里斯·莫里斯·德·麦克马洪,马真塔公爵(Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de Mac-Mahon, Duc de Magenta,1808年7月13日-1893年10月16日),法国军人,法兰西第三共和国第二任总统(1873年—1879年)。在克里米亚战争及意大利马真塔战役(1859)中扬名,被升为法国元帅,并受封为马真塔公爵(duc de Magenta)。
He is a James family descendants of the Irish party, started his military career in 1827, 1864 ~ 1870, served as Governor of Algeria, and later served as commander in the Franco-Prussian War. He is also the Versailles army commander, army defeated at the 1871 Paris Commune uprising. In 1873, Adolphe Thiers, after resigning, he was elected President. His presidential term in 1875 enacted the Constitution. Occurred after the constitutional crisis, McMahon resigned from Parliament over, the master government.