西晋 List of Authors
Si MayiSi MashiSi MazhaoSi MayanJin Huidi
Jin HuaidiJin Mindi
Jin Mindi
西晋  (300 AD317 AD)
Last Name: 司马
First Name:
Name and Alias: 彦旗
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 孝愍皇帝
Reign313 AD317 AD
建兴April, 313 ADMarch, 317 AD

  Sima Ye (300 ~ 317), the word Yan Qi and Jin fourth emperor, filial pity the Western Jin Dynasty. Emperor Wu Emperor Wudi of the Sun, Wu Xiaowang Sima Yan's son, son. Four-year reign was the right generals Liu Yao Liu Hanzheng prisoners, after the Lord Ambrose Liu Cong killed, aged 18 years old, was buried for an unknown.
  Emperor Liu Cong had all sorts of humiliating pity. Hunting, the command line Juji his generals, the body fully armed and holding a Hercules, as the leading. During the Jin dynasty of the people met, onlookers wept, Liu Cong is very disgusted. Lite-five years (316 years) in December, Liu Cong banquet hall in the light most ministers, but also treat pregnant with God, as God commands pity to put on Tsing Yi, poured wine for everyone, wash pregnant, even when in their own toilet, God pity for him who commands canopy. Accompanied by pity to Chang'an with the Jin dynasty emperor Shangshu Lang Xin Bin, see the emperor so humiliated, crying aloud for Liu Cong to do. Later, emperor Liu Cong sent to kill a pity, when he was 18.
<< Previous King: 孝怀皇帝 晋怀帝西晋Jin Mindi
(313 AD317 AD)

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