瓦盧瓦王朝 人物列錶
腓力六世 Philippe VI約翰二世 John II the Good查理五世 Charles V le Sage
查理六世 Charles VI le Insense查理七世 Charles VII le Victorieux路易十一 Louis XI
查理八世 Charles VIII l'Affable
查理六世 Charles VI le Insense
瓦盧瓦王朝  (1368年十二月3日1422年十月21日)

  查理六世(瘋子)(Charles VI le Insense,1368年12月3日-1422年10月21日,又稱可愛的查理)法國瓦盧瓦王朝國王(1380年-1422年在位)。查理五世之子。

  Charles VI (madman) (Charles VI le Insense, 1368 年 12 月 3 日 -1 422 10 21, also known as the lovely Charlie) King of the French House of Valois (reigned 1380 -1 422). Son of Charles.
  After his father the king of good governance, as Charles VI of mental illness, the French once again into chaos. Contradictions between the feudal lords, of Orleans and Burgundy sent to fight for Charles VI sent the photo endless political infighting. Urban residents and farmers because of poor living environment held several riots. 1382, Rouen and Paris have occurred against the heavy taxes of the public riots (Lead hammer party movement).
  King Henry V of England the opportunity to take advantage of French weakness at the 1415 resumption of the Hundred Years War. Duke of Burgundy John the Fearless openly allied with the British. 1415, Henry V in the Agen Court archers destroyed by the absolute position of the French troops, French military commander captured Charles Duke of Orleans. After a series of failure, until in 1419 the British occupied the whole northern France has been. Charles VI was an ally of the British captured the Duke of Burgundy, and Henry V in Troyes forced to sign a treaty (1420 Treaty of Troyes). Under the treaty, Charles VI's son Charles (later Charles VII) was disinherited so that in Henry V.
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