卡佩王朝 List of Authors
Hugues CapetRobert II le PieuxHenri IPhilippe Ier
Louis VI le GrosLouis VII le jeunePhilippe II AugusteLouis VIII le Lion
Louis IXPhilippe III le HardiPhilippe le BelLouis X le Hutin
John I of FrancePhilippe VCharles IV le Bel
John I of France
卡佩王朝  (November 15, 1316 ADNovember 20, 1316 AD)
Reign1316 AD1316 AD

  John I (posthumous) (John I of France, 1316 年 11 月 15 日 -1 316 11 20) the nominal king of France and King of Navarre (from birth to death).
  1358, Florence, Italy, there is a false claim to the King John I of.
<< Previous King: 路易十世卡佩王朝John I of France
(1316 AD1316 AD)
Next King >>: 腓力五世

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