冷戰結束 人物列錶
羅納德·裏根喬治·赫伯特·沃剋·布什 George Herbert Walker Bush
冷戰結束  (1911年二月6日2004年六月5日)
Ronald Wilson Reagan

  羅納德·威爾遜·裏根(Ronald Wilson Reagan,1911年2月6日-2004年6月5日)美國政治傢,第33任加利福尼亞州州長(1967年-1975年),第40任總統(1981年-1989年)。在踏入政壇前,裏根也曾擔任過運動廣播員、救生員、報社專欄作傢、電影演員、和勵志講師,他的演說風格高明而極具說服力,被媒體譽為“偉大的溝通者”。
  裏根在1980年的選戰中擊敗了當時的總統吉米·卡特,共和黨也在同年選舉贏得了26年來首次在參議院過半數的席次。裏根推行的經濟政策為供應面經濟學,被人稱為裏根經濟學,將所得稅降低了25%、減少通貨膨脹、降低利率、擴大軍費開支、增加政府赤字和國債,排除稅賦規則的漏洞,繼續對商業行為撤銷管製,使美國經濟在歷經 1981-1982年的急遽衰退後,於1982年開始了非常茁壯的經濟成長。他始終強調他對於聯邦政府在處理問題上的能力抱持着懷疑態度,尤其是在經濟問題方面。他的解决方式是撤回政府的干涉並減少稅率和撤銷管製,以此讓自由市場機製能自動修正所面臨的問題。他在就職典禮那天說道:“政府並不是解决問題的方法,政府本身纔是問題所在。”
  裏根生於1911年2月6日,在伊利諾伊州坦皮科的一棟公寓裏。父親是天主教的愛爾蘭裔人約翰·“傑剋”·裏根(John "Jack" Reagan),母親是蘇格蘭-愛爾蘭及英國後裔的妮爾·威爾森(Nelle Wilson)。他父親一方的曾祖父Michael Reagan於1860年代自愛爾蘭移民至美國。在他移民之前,傢族姓氏原本為Regan。他母親一方的曾祖父John Wilson,則是在1840年代從蘇格蘭移民至美國。
  裏根全家在經過數次遷徙後,於1920年定居在伊利諾伊州的迪剋森。在1921年裏根10歲時,裏根在他母親所信仰的基督會教堂受洗(不過裏根的哥哥Neil,則跟隨父親成為天主教徒)。在1924年,裏根開始就讀狄剋森市的北方中學(Northside High School),裏根往後也都自稱狄剋森是他的故鄉。
  在1927年裏根16歲時,裏根在狄剋森周遭的羅剋河畔的Lowell Park找了一份救生員工作,他在那裏擔任救生員長達7年,據說拯救了77名溺水者。裏根後來還開玩笑說這些溺水者都沒有嚮他道謝過。未來裏根對這段成就相當自豪,還會嚮白宮的訪客們展示挂在總統辦公室的羅剋河照片。
  裏根在1928年進入伊利諾伊州的尤裏卡學院(Eureka College),主修經濟學和社會學,並在1932年畢業。身為學院新生他加入了一次反對減縮學院開支的罷課。在1929年裏根加入了Tau Kappa Epsilon兄弟會,後來他回憶起來,認為加入兄弟會的這段經驗是學院生涯裏最難忘的回憶。他很少花時間在課業上,衹拿到了中等的成績,但他卻是校園裏許多俱樂部和運動隊伍的領導人,而被稱為“校園裏的大角色”。
  在1937年,當裏根在加州擔任芝加哥杯進行前的棒球春訓播報員時,他進行了一次試鏡,獲得在華納兄弟公司7年的契約。裏根清晰的嗓門、逍遙自在的風格、和運動傢的龐大體型使他相當受觀衆歡迎;他擔任的角色大多是B級片裏的男主角。他演出的第一部電影是在1937年的Love Is on the Air。到了1939年結束時,他已經在19部電影裏演出過。在他擔任Knute Rockne, All American中他飾演足球隊員George Gipp,由於一句著名的臺詞“去替Gipper贏一球!”而獲得了Gipper這個伴隨他一生的昵稱。裏根自認為為最好的演出是在1942年的Kings Row,飾演一名被截肢了的年輕人,後來他還使用裏面的臺詞“我剩下的身體在哪裏?”來作為他自傳的標題。其他的著名電影還包括Tennessee's Partner、Hellcats of the Navy、This Is the Army,而在Bedtime for Bonzo中則因為他是和一隻黑猩猩合演而遭廣泛嘲笑。好萊塢星光大道上也留有他的印記。
  在1950年後期裏根較少擔任電影角色,改為擔任電視節目的演員及主持人。裏根在超過50部電視劇中演出過。他在1954年與詹姆斯·狄恩(James Dean)一起在Out of the Night中的演出卻相當聲名狼藉。裏根並於1947年直到1952年、以及1959至1960年間擔任了美國演員協會的主席。在1950年後期的其中一年裏,裏根賺進了高達$125,000美元(大約是2006年的$800,000美元)。他最後一次正規的演出是在Death Valley Days裏擔任主持人和演員。最後一次電影演出則是在1964年的The Killers—以歐內斯特·海明威所寫的短篇故事改編的電影。在電影中裏根飾演一名幫派的頭目,這也是他唯一一次扮演反面角色的電影。本來這是拍攝作為電視播放的,但由於太過暴力而改為電影。
  裏根於1940年1月24日與女演員珍·惠曼(Jane Wyman)結婚;他們於1941年生下女兒Maureen,1945年收養了男嬰Michael;接着在1947年生下女兒Christine,但出生後不久便死去。他們於1948年離婚。(裏根是唯一一個曾經離婚的美國總統) 裏根於1952年3月4日再婚,娶了演員南希·戴維斯(Nancy Davis),在同年11月21日生下女兒Patti。在1958年他們生下第二個孩子Ron。
  裏根原本是民主黨的支持者,擁護富蘭剋林·德拉諾·羅斯福和他所推行的新政。在1940年代後期他是哈利·S·杜魯門的支持者中最知名的一個。到了1960年代初期他改變為在社會上和經濟上的堅定保守派,並且在1976年說道:“新政的基礎根本就是法西斯主義”。他在政治上最先擔任的角色是美國演員協會的主席,演員協會包含了大多數好萊塢的演員,但裏根宣稱演員協會已經被共産主義滲透了。在這種立場上,他嚮非美活動調查委員會(Un-American Activities Committee)作證共産主義對好萊塢的滲透。他也暗中監視一些他認為抱持着不忠誠態度的演員,並嚮聯邦調查局密報,他的代號是“Agent T-10”,不過他沒有公開譴責他們。他在公開言論上反對於好萊塢設立黑名單,但在私底下他和第一任妻子珍·惠曼曾於1947年與聯邦調查局幹員會面,告知一些被他們認為“有嫌疑的破壞份子”。
  在1966年裏根當選了第33任加利福尼亞州州長,擊敗連任兩屆的派特·布朗(Pat Brown);並在1970年的選戰中成功連任,但他選擇不再連任第三屆。裏根在1967年1月3日宣誓就任加州州長,在他第一屆任期中,他停止政府雇用更多人員,但也批準提升稅率以支撐預算。裏根對當時反越戰的抗議活動采取強硬路綫。在1969年於柏剋萊加州大學校區的人民公園(People's Park)進行的抗議行動中,裏根直接派遣了2,200名國民警衛隊前往鎮壓。
  在1971年,他與民主黨的議會會長鮑伯·莫瑞迪(Bob Moretti)合作改革加州的社會福利。裏根稍早曾反對在1964年的民權法案,和1965年的民權法案投票。但他後來改變了立場,並認為民權法案“如果必要的話,必須動用軍事力量來執法”。裏根也反對建立更大的聯邦水壩—Dos Rios水壩,以免水壩會淹沒溪𠔌的印地安人農場。後來裏根和傢人一同進行夏季登山,前往考察內華達山脈一處被提議建造高速公路的地點,考察後他便宣佈放棄建造的計劃。在死刑的議題上,他強烈支持維持死刑,加州最高法院卻在People v. Anderson一案的判决中使得1972年以前於加州的死刑宣判全部無效,儘管這個判决後來被憲法修正案所推翻,但這次判决成為裏根任內最大的挫折。儘管裏根支持死刑,但他在任內頒布了兩次赦免和緩刑命令,在裏根之後都沒有加州州長如此赦免死刑囚犯過。裏根任內唯一一次死刑執行是在1967年4月12日,在那次死刑後加州直到1992年為止都沒有再執行死刑過。
  裏根也是第一個以商業用噴射機來作公務旅行的州長,加州政府從塞斯納飛機公司(Cessna)取得了一架先進的噴射機。他的飛行員Bill Paynter在與裏根相識不到6個月內便改為支持共和黨,他常告訴別人裏根在私底下的表現就跟在電視上一模一樣,沒有絲毫虛偽。他也說裏根不像其他的政府官員或公司領導人,裏根會詢問他是否方便更改預定的飛行計劃,以免耽擱他的幕僚們與傢人團聚的時間。裏根表現出他將那些替他工作的人和他們的傢人都當作自己的傢人一般。同時裏根的詢問也表現了他對於飛行員的經驗和專業的尊重。
  1976年總統大選的結果,福特被吉米·卡特擊敗。當選舉結果出爐後,選舉團依據大選結果進行投票時,出乎意料的有一名共和黨的選舉人麥剋·帕頓(Mike Padden)沒有依照誓言投給福特,而轉投給裏根。有些人認為這突如其來的一票鼓勵了裏根於1980年再次競選,不過這種說法並沒有獲得證實。
  在選戰中,威廉·凱西(William J. Casey)主掌裏根陣營的競選計劃,他的策略是瞄準當時伊朗人質危機的議題;新聞媒體每天持續報道卡特政府在拯救人質上的無能失敗,許多分析傢認為這是導致卡特敗選的主因。同時,卡特也無能解决當時高漲的通貨膨脹和失業,經濟成長遲緩,不穩固的石油市場使加油站前大排長竜,更讓選民察覺到美國在國防上的弱點。在談到經濟時裏根如此說道:“我告訴你們我不能使用蕭條這個字眼。讓我來告訴你們這些定義,經濟的衰退是指你的鄰居失了業,經濟蕭條則是指你也失了業。而經濟開始復蘇指的則是—卡特已經失業的時候。”
  選舉的結果裏根在普選上獲得43,903,230票,比卡特的35,480,115票高出了10%。而在選舉人票上裏根則獲得壓倒性勝利,囊括 489張選舉人票,卡特則衹獲得49張。同時那年的選舉還使共和黨在參議院一舉增加了12個席次,成為參議院的多數黨,倒轉了28年來民主黨在參議院保有的多數地位。
  在競選連任的1984年美國總統選舉中,裏根以壓倒性勝利擊敗華特·蒙岱爾(Walter Mondale),贏得50個州裏的49個州(蒙岱爾衹取得他的老傢明尼蘇達州和華盛頓特區)。裏根獲得將近60%的選票。 裏根贏得連任的機會一直相當穩固,蒙岱爾在民主黨全國代表大會發表的演說被視為失誤連連,在演說中他說道:“裏根會提升稅率,而我也會這樣做。但他不會告訴你,而我會。”
  在1984年的選戰中,裏根做出他最著名的失態之一,在他於電臺準備發表演說時,沒有察覺到播音已經開始而開玩笑道:“我親愛的美國人們,我很高興的告訴你們今天我簽署了一項法案,將會宣佈俄國永遠為非法狀態,我們在五分鐘後開始轟炸。”一些人認為在美蘇處於如此緊張的狀態下發表這種言論,是一件大錯誤;一些人則引用裏根的話來質疑裏根在外交政策和國際關係上的現實認知。其他人則認為,這不過是一個在錄音室裏意外流出的幽默笑話罷了。這段錄音後來還被樂手Jerry Harrison和Bootsy Collins改編為舞麯“五分鐘”。
  裏根第一屆任期的主要目標便是復蘇美國的經濟,當時美國經濟處於所謂的滯脹(經濟發展停滯加上高通貨膨脹)。裏根所下的第一道命令是停止聯邦政府對石油價格的控製,以恢復國內在石油生産和探測上的市場動力。為瞭解决兩位數的通貨膨脹,裏根支持了聯邦儲備係統主席保羅·沃爾剋(Paul Volcker)以戲劇性提升銀行利率來達成減縮貨幣供應量目標的計劃。經濟學家米爾頓·佛利民描述當時裏根瞭解到“若要成功遏止通貨膨脹,金融的管製和短暫的經濟衰退是不可避免的”。裏根利用緊縮貨幣供應配合全面減稅的方法來刺激商業的投資(依據裏根的說法:“芝加哥經濟學派、供應面經濟學,隨便你怎麽稱呼它。我註意到有些人甚至稱它為裏根經濟學,直到它開始生效為止...”)。裏根的對手嘲笑這是“巫毒經濟”、“涓滴效應”、和“裏根經濟學”,但裏根成功的展開全面減稅,1981年推行的減稅法案規模是美國史上前所未見的。減稅不但將所得稅率大幅降低,也消除了稅賦制度的許多漏洞。
  米爾頓·佛利民提出了裏根任內每年聯邦公文(Federal Register,紀錄了聯邦政府每年發佈的法規與管製公文)的數量來說明裏根反對政府管製的政策走嚮。自從1960年代以來,每位總統每年的聯邦公文數都持續增加,但在裏根上任後發出的聯邦公文急遽減少,證明了裏根對政府管製的反對態度。聯邦公文的數量在裏根任內都衹維持小幅度增長,直到裏根離任為止纔又開始大量增加。
  裏根在愛滋病和同性戀權利上的政策一直廣受爭議,甚至直到他任期結束後仍然是爭論的話題。在他的政治生涯中,他曾經支持雞姦法,反對保障同性戀的反歧視法,他所指派的美國最高法院保守派法官也可能助長了在1986年的鮑威爾士對哈德維案(Bowers v. Hardwick),維持了佐治亞州反雞姦法的合法性。不過,他在1984年反對了由加州議員所發起的禁止同性戀者擔任教職的倡議。在1984年,他成為第一位邀請了公開的同性戀伴侶至白宮的總統。在一次少見的針對愛滋病的公開發言中,裏根說他相信科學加上道德的節制是避免愛滋病的最好方法。
  裏根也在另一場有關愛滋病的少見爭論裏扮演重要角色。美國研究員羅伯特·加羅(Robert Gallo)與法國科學家路剋·蒙塔尼埃(Luc Montagnier)都宣稱是自己發現了人類免疫不全的病毒(HIV),並各自為其命名,這場爭論最後終於由裏根和法國總統弗朗索瓦·密特朗談判達成共識,讓兩人和其團隊在名稱上都占有同樣的功勞。這次事件相當的罕見,忽視了在科學上命名的根據,也是第一次在生物學上的爭論竟上升到政治的層次。顯然的,蒙塔尼埃和裏根瞭解到兩個大國不該為了這個議題而産生爭執。
  裏根強烈反對墮胎,他出版了《Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation》一書,書中他指責墮胎是對生命的不敬。許多保守主義的激進份子認為裏根是歷史上最擁護生命權(Pro-life)的總統。不過,兩個由他指派的最高法院法官—桑德拉·戴·奧康納(Sandra Day O'Connor)和安東尼·肯尼迪(Anthony Kennedy)在羅訴韋德案中投票判定反墮胎的法令違反了憲法。在裏根身為州長時,也將自由墮胎的權利寫入加州法令中。
  雖然裏根的第二屆任期最顯著的是外交上的政策,但他也主導了許多重要的國內法案。在1982年,裏根簽署法案使1965年的選舉權法(Voting Rights Act)得以延長25年期限—儘管在1980年的選戰中他曾經反對延期。這項法案保護了盲人、殘障者、和文盲的投票權。
  裏根政府以“唯有實力才能獲緻和平”為名的政策進行大規模擴軍,這個名稱是為了對照西奧多·羅斯福的強硬外交政策和他的名言“說話溫和,手持大棒(意味軍事實力)”。裏根政府新設立的對蘇政策以贏得冷戰為最終目標,這個戰略被命名為NSDD-32(National Security Decisions Directive),這個戰略概述了裏根計劃在三個戰綫上對抗蘇聯:經濟上—減少蘇聯獲取高科技技術的機會並減少其資源,包括壓低蘇聯商品在世界市場上的價值;軍事上—增加美國的軍事支出以鞏固美國在談判上的立場並迫使蘇聯轉移更多經濟資源至軍事用途上;以及秘密地—支援全世界的反蘇聯勢力,從阿富汗的反蘇聯遊擊隊,到波蘭的團结工會運動(這同時也被索羅斯和教廷所支持)。裏根並提出了主動戰略防禦計劃,稱之為“星際大戰”,以外太空為基礎建立的導彈防禦網。這通常被美國以外的國傢視為是一種威脅,因為它將可能抵銷蘇聯對美國“保證互相毀滅”的能力—理論上將能使美國發起核戰的第一擊而躲過接下來的蘇聯反擊;由於感受到可能因此失去軍備競賽中的平衡地位以及世界的戰略根基,蘇聯的領導人和人民對於情勢越來越沮喪。在1986年10月裏根與蘇聯領導人戈爾巴喬夫在冰島會面,會中戈爾巴喬夫急切的希望美國取消這種防禦的、同時也是攻擊性的導彈防禦網。在1990年3月11日,立陶宛在新當選的維陶塔斯·蘭茨貝吉斯(Vytautas Landsbergis)總統領導下宣佈脫離蘇聯獨立,其餘的蘇聯加盟國也在1991年陸續宣佈獨立,蘇聯於是正式瓦解。撒切爾夫人對此描述道:“裏根不開一槍便贏得了冷戰。”
  裏根主張美國經濟開始復蘇了;快速電腦化的經濟、高科技的技術是主要力量,但蘇聯在這方面遠遠落後,甚至連韓國的高科技也超越了它,而且一年比一年的落後。裏根進一步禁止美國和盟國對蘇聯輸出高科技技術,使蘇聯處境更為惡劣。有一段時間當石油價位極高時,這種落後由於蘇聯輸出了大量石油而得以掩蓋,但這個優點在1980年代初期也喪失了。要和西方國傢進行經濟競賽顯然必須進行徹底的改革,戈爾巴喬夫開始了這次改革,他期望新政策中的開放性(glasnost)和新思維(perestroika)能夠重新復興蘇聯經濟,但這些改革卻得不到解决的方法、反而産生更多對蘇聯體製的不滿。裏根的大規模擴軍行動和他強硬的反蘇言論,造成蘇聯在1983年北約的例行演習(Able Archer 83)中産生近乎恐慌的反應,雖然這次核戰的危機隨着演習結束而迅速平息,但這次演習也顯示了裏根的強硬態度所可能産生的負面後果。一些歷史學家如 Beth B. Fischer在他所著的The Reagan Reversal裏主張這次危機對裏根的政策有着深遠影響,使得他的對蘇態度從直接對抗轉變為和睦友好的政策。
  儘管裏根與蘇聯簽訂了限武條約如中程核子武器條約(INF)和裁減戰略武器談判(START I),裏根依然進行着星際大戰計劃,部署外太空為基礎建立的導彈防禦網,以環繞地球的軍事衛星來攔截導彈,使美國能在核子大戰中不受損傷。批評傢認為這項計劃是不切實際的、而且也違背了反彈道導彈的條約,支持者則認為這項計劃能迫使蘇聯投入更多無法負擔的軍事支出。事實上,蘇聯也曾嘗試着自行建立起一套類似的係統,或至少同時經由限武條約來減緩與美國間的軍事差距。最後蘇聯在後者上表現的較為成功,由於試着追上美國的軍事和研究開發經費(不衹是星際大戰係統)而嚴重損害了原本已經不穩固的蘇聯經濟,這也被認為是導致蘇聯垮臺的主要原因之一。
  對於反共産主義團體(包括武裝的反共産政府暴動)的支援也是裏根的政策之一,他的支持者稱之為裏根主義(Reagan Doctrine)。在這項政策下,美國支援那些被他們稱為自由戰士的團體—也被反對者稱為恐怖份子的團體—例如阿富汗的反蘇聖戰遊擊隊(mujahideen)、尼加拉瓜的反政府遊擊隊(Contras)、安哥拉的納斯·薩文比(Jonas Savimbi)的反抗勢力,對抗那些由蘇聯或古巴支持的政府。裏根政府也資助歐洲的反共産主義團體例如波蘭的團结工會運動,並采取強硬路綫對抗柬埔寨的共産政權。支援尼加拉瓜反政府遊擊隊的資金來自於秘密販賣武器給伊朗的利潤,後來引發了伊朗門事件,使尼加拉瓜政府得以嚮國際法院提起控訴。
  裏根政府強硬對抗黎巴嫩的真主黨恐怖團體,真主黨在以色列入侵黎巴嫩後開始綁架美國公民並攻擊平民目標。裏根政府也強硬對抗在西岸地區和加沙地帶的巴勒斯坦恐怖份子。較具爭議性的是裏根將薩爾瓦多的FMLN和洪都拉斯的遊擊隊戰士也視為恐怖份子。他也將南非反種族隔離制度的武裝派係非洲之矛(Umkhonto we Sizwe)視為是恐怖份子組織。
  在聯合國下令於黎巴嫩進行限期的多國部隊托管後,800名美軍陸戰隊被派遣至貝魯特以撤離巴解部隊。在1982年9月16日於貝魯特發生了薩布拉-夏蒂拉大屠殺(Sabra and Shatila massacre)造成數百名巴勒斯坦平民死亡後,裏根組織一支新的多國部隊。在積極的外交行動後終於達成了黎巴嫩與以色列間的和平協議。不久後美軍部隊開始撤離,但卻在1983年11月23日發生了汽車炸彈對美軍軍營的攻擊,造成高達241名陸戰隊陣亡。裏根稱那天是他的總統任期和生涯裏最悲傷的一天。
  在支援伊拉剋的同時,裏根政府也秘密的進行軍武販賣以資助在尼加拉瓜的反政府遊擊隊,這導致了伊朗門事件醜聞。裏根公開承認他對這項秘密計劃並不知情,並迅速召集美國獨立檢察官辦公室(Office of the Independent Counsel)進行調查。最後10名裏根的政府幕僚被判罪而被迫辭職。裏根的國防部長卡斯帕·溫伯格(Caspar Weinberger)被控告作出偽證,最後在審判開始前一天取得了喬治·H·W·布什的特赦。歷史學家在2006年提出的一份報告將伊朗門事件列為美國總統犯過的最嚴重錯誤中排名第9的事件。
  但他也能喚起人們將美國視為自由捍衛者的印象和觀念。在他於1964年11月27日的演講中他將演講題目取名為“一個選擇的時代”(A Time for Choosing),重新引入了富蘭剋林·德拉諾·羅斯福廣為人知的著名用詞“命運的結合”(rendezvous with destiny)。其他演講中他稱美國為“山巔上的光輝城市”(shining city on a hill)、稱美國人為“慷慨大方、具有理想的、大膽勇敢的、正派的和誠實”的市民並且擁有“夢想英雄目標的權利”。
  1986年1月28日,在得悉挑戰者號意外墜毀後,他延遲了他的新年國情咨文演說並改嚮全國發表關於意外的演說,在演說中他形容那些罹難的太空人:“我們永遠不會忘記他們,這也不會是我們最後一次看到他們。因為就在今天早上,他們準備出發並且嚮我們揮手道別,接着‘脫離了陰沉的大地束縛’而‘觸摸了上帝的臉龐’”(在這演說中裏根引用了美國詩人John Gillespie Magee的著名詩句)
  或許是裏根的幽默,尤其是他的俏皮話,消除了他的對手的力量並使他廣受大衆喜愛。在1984年總統選戰語華特·蒙岱爾(Walter Mondale)的電視辯論中,在討論到他的年紀時他如此妙語道:“我不會以我的年紀來作為選戰的議題。我不會以此作為政治目的,來彰顯我的對手的年幼和缺乏經驗。”談到他的職業時他開玩笑道:“政治不是什麽糟糕的職業。如果你成功了將會獲得許多奬勵,如果你可恥的失敗了那你也可以出版一本書。”
  裏根的支持者和反對者都註意到他“開朗的樂觀態度”,使他比前幾任總統更受歡迎。如吉米卡特時常保持微笑,但卻是嚴肅的笑容。裏根有一次如此說道: “領導者的教訓是相同的;要辛勤的工作、瞭解事情的真相、樂於傾聽並瞭解他人、堅強的責任感和指揮感,並替你所代表的人民作出做好的决定。”
  1發子彈擊中了裏根的腋下,距離心髒衹有1英吋,裏根也因此得以幸免。手術進行時裏根還嚮醫生開玩笑道:“我希望你們都是共和黨人。”(雖然醫生並不是,但他仍回覆道“我們今天都會支持共和黨的。”)當第一夫人南希·裏根到達醫院時,裏根則以重量級拳擊冠軍傑剋·登普西(Jack Dempsey)被擊倒時的名言嚮她開玩笑道:“親愛的,我忘記躲子彈了。”
   * 1981年經濟復蘇稅法(Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981)
   * 1982年稅賦公平與會計責任法(Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982)
   * 1983年社會福利修正法(Social Security Amendments of 1983)
   * 1986年稅賦改革法(Tax Reform Act of 1986)
   * 戈德華特-尼科爾斯國防部重構法(Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986)
  職位 姓名 任期
  總統 羅納德·裏根 1981–1989
  副總統 喬治·H·W·布什 1981–1989
  國務卿 亞歷山大·黑格(Alexander M. Haig) 1981–1982
   喬治·舒爾茨(George P. Shultz) 1982–1989
  財政部長 唐諾·黎根(Donald Regan) 1981–1985
   詹姆斯·貝剋(James A. Baker III) 1985–1988
   尼可拉斯·布瑞迪(Nicholas F. Brady) 1988–1989
  國防部長 卡斯帕·溫伯格(Caspar Weinberger) 1981–1987
   法蘭剋·卡魯奇(Frank C. Carlucci) 1987–1989
  司法部長 威廉·史密斯(William French Smith) 1981–1985
   埃德文·米斯(Edwin Meese) 1985–1988
   理查·桑伯格(Richard L. Thornburgh) 1988–1989
  內政部長 詹姆斯·G·瓦特(James G. Watt) 1981–1983
   威廉·P·剋拉剋(William P. Clark, Jr.) 1983–1985
   唐納德·霍德爾(Donald P. Hodel) 1985–1989
  商業部長 馬康·巴德瑞茲(Malcolm Baldrige) 1981–1987
   威廉·維爾第(C. William Verity, Jr.) 1987–1989
  勞工部長 雷蒙德·唐納文(Raymond J. Donovan) 1981–1985
   威廉·布拉剋(William E. Brock) 1985–1987
   安·多爾·麥剋拉夫琳(Ann Dore McLaughlin) 1987–1989
  農業部長 約翰·魯斯林·布拉剋(John Rusling Block) 1981–1986
   理查·萊恩(Richard E. Lyng) 1986–1989
  衛生部長 理查·史威科(Richard S. Schweiker) 1981–1983
   瑪格理特·海剋勒(Margaret Heckler) 1983–1985
   奧狄斯·鮑恩(Otis R. Bowen) 1985–1989
  教育部長 泰德·貝爾(Terrell H. Bell) 1981–1984
   威廉·班奈特(William J. Bennett) 1985–1988
   勞羅·卡瓦佐斯(Lauro Cavazos) 1988–1989
  發展部長 薩繆爾·皮耳斯(Samuel R. Pierce, Jr.) 1981–1989
  運輸部長 安德魯·路易斯(Andrew L. Lewis, Jr) 1981–1982
   伊麗莎白·多爾(Elizabeth Dole) 1983–1987
   詹姆斯·班來(James H. Burnley IV) 1987–1989
  能源部長 詹姆斯·愛德華(James B. Edwards) 1981–1982
   約翰·赫林頓(John S. Herrington) 1985–1989
   * 桑德拉·戴·奧康納(Sandra Day O'Connor)– 1981
   * 威廉·藍奎斯特(William Rehnquist)– 1986年任首席大法官(1972年任大法官)
   * 安東尼·史格裏亞(Antonin Scalia)– 1986
   * 羅伯特·伯剋(Robert Bork)– 1987(被參議院駁回)
   * 道格拉斯·吉恩斯伯格(Douglas Ginsburg)– 1987(撤回)
   * 安東尼·肯尼迪(Anthony M. Kennedy)– 1988
  裏根的金融和減稅政策被批評拉大了貧富間的差距,他縮減社會福利和所得稅率則被一些批評傢批評為是加惠富裕人口的政策。在他任內空前的國債成長也被批評將會危及國傢經濟的健全。在1980年代解除了對銀行産業的管製後,信用合作社得以自由的將存款人的存款投資至商業不動産上(之前他們被限製衹能投資住宅不動産),許多信用合作社開始進行風險性的投資。主掌聯邦對産業管製的聯邦房屋貸款銀行(Federal Home Loan Banks)試圖限製這種風險行為,於是開始和裏根政府的政策産生衝突,裏根希望對大多數産業撤銷管製—包括銀行産業在內。裏根也因此拒絶嚮國會遞交聯邦房屋貸款銀行的預算審核,這項衝突使美國損失了$1,500億元而且幾乎導致了信用合作社産業的崩潰。
  許多其他的醜聞在裏根的八年任期中也不斷發生。裏根的助手Michael Deaver和Lyn Nofziger也因為進行遊說被判罪。
  裏根在1989年1月11日於白宮的總統辦公室經由電視轉播發表了全國性的告別演說,9天後便離開總統職位,由喬治·H·W·布什接任。在布什的就職典禮結束後,裏根回到了他位於加利福尼亞州聖巴巴拉附近的大牧場,每天在那裏寫他的自傳、騎馬、伐木。他最後遷徙至位於加州貝萊爾(Bel-Air)的新傢。在1989年的秋天,裏根應富士産經集團之邀前往日本進行兩次演說並參加幾次宴會,這9天的行程付給裏根的酬金高達$2百萬元,超過了他擔任8年總統的薪水總和。裏根偶而會代表共和黨露面,包括在1992年的共和黨全國代表大會上發表了精采演說。他公開支持單項否决權(Line-item veto)、平衡預算的憲法修正案、和撤銷憲法第22號修正案—限製了總統衹能連任一次的修正案。
  1994年11月5日裏根宣佈他被診斷出罹患阿茲海默癥─ 但有說法認為裏根早在第二任總統任內就已出現初期癥狀,如他在接受伊朗門事件的調查時曾表示記不得重要幕僚的名字。他經由手寫信件來嚮全國說明他的健康狀況,由於他一嚮樂觀的態度,他最後總結道:“我知道我正在走嚮我人生旅程中的黃昏。我知道對美國而言前方總是有着燦爛的黎明的。謝謝你們,我的朋友們。願上帝永遠祝福你們。”一年接着一年過去,阿茲海默癥慢慢的摧毀了裏根的腦部能力,迫使他過著與世隔絶的生活。2000年8月,美國《新聞和世界周刊》報道出裏根病危的消息。但頑強的生命力使裏根又活了近4年。到了2003年底,裏根進入阿茲海默癥的末期了。
  2004年6月5日,裏根於傢中辭世,死於肺炎,享年93歲。他的遺體也開放讓公衆瞻仰遺容。整場國葬莊隆盛大,在世的數位美國總統和衆多外國元首都參與了這次葬禮。由於裏根在世時酷愛吉利貝利公司出産的軟心豆粒糖(Jelly Belly jelly beans),也放了一小罐在口袋中隨他下葬。
  依據ABC新聞 依照日期:
  時間 大事 認可(%) 不認可(%)
  1981年4月22日 被欣剋利槍擊 73 19
  1983年1月22日 高失業率 42 54
  1986年4月26日 對利比亞進行轟炸 70 26
  1987年2月26日 伊朗門事件 44 51
  1989年1月20日 總統任期結束 64 –
  無 任期平均 57 39
  2001年7月30日 (回顧) 64 27
  裏根常常被稱為“Gipper”,來自於他在Knute Rockne, All American一片中飾演的George Gipp角色,通常伴隨著名的口號“去替Gipper贏一球!”。年輕時裏根還曾被父親昵稱為“Dutch”。身為總統時,裏根的支持者將他譽為“偉大的溝通者”或者最近的“偉大的解放者”—述及他的政策導致了共産主義的垮臺和冷戰的結束。他的保鑣們給他的代號則是“Rawhide”。他也被稱為“鐵弗竜總統”,意味着他就像不沾鍋一樣,沒有任何東西能黏住他。
   * 在5月14日,有綫電視新聞網和時代雜志將他譽為“最迷人的人物”
   * 在6月26日,在一場由美國在綫和探索頻道發起的測驗節目中,裏根被選為“最偉大的美國人”。
   * 美國影視演員協會的終身“黃金”會員
   * 在1989年,裏根獲得英國名譽上的爵位,巴斯勳位大十字勳章騎士(Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath)。使他能使用GCB的名義,不過因他非英國國民,並沒有賦予他“羅納德·裏根爵士”的稱號。至今衹有裏根、艾森豪威爾、布什三名美國人取得這項榮耀。
   * 大勳位菊花章,日本,1989年
   * 總統自由勳章,美國,1993年
  許多主張重新設計硬幣的人希望將裏根圖像鑄於美元一角硬幣上,以取代富蘭剋林·德拉諾·羅斯福(當初是為了紀念羅斯福創建出生缺陷基金會《March of Dimes》)。2003年國會中的共和黨員對此提案,但在南希·裏根拒絶之後便撤回了案子。有一段時間支持者希望將他鑄於一美分硬幣上,但美分硬幣將在2005年重新設計且將會永遠使用亞伯拉罕·林肯的圖像。一角硬幣尚未重新設計,而且也尚未有計劃要重新設計,因此還沒有完全排除這個可能。支持者也希望將裏根置於10美元鈔票或20美元鈔票上。20美元鈔票已經重新設計,而且也沒有計劃要更換先前使用的總統。10美元鈔票的設計則在2006年3月2日釋出,將繼續使用亞歷山大·漢密爾頓(Alexander Hamilton)的圖像。裏根將會於2016年出現於1美元硬幣上。
   * Altered Statesman - Ronald Reagan(臺灣中譯:“變樣的政治傢:美國總統裏根”,探索頻道,2005年)
   * "True Grit"(2005年)
   * Ronald Reagan - An American President(裏根圖書館發佈的正式影片,2005年1月25日)
   * Great Speeches(2004年10月19日)
   * Stand Up Reagan(2004年9月7日)
   * NBC News Presents - Ronald Reagan(2004年8月10日)
   * ABC News Presents - An American Legend(2004年7月13日)
   * Ronald Reagan - His Life and Legacy(2004年6月22日)
   * Ronald Reagan - His Life and Times(2004年5月11日)
   * Ronald Reagan - A Legacy Remembered(歷史頻道,2002年)
   * Ronald Reagan - The Great Communicator(2002年)
   * Salute to Reagan - A President's Greatest Moments(2001年)
   * American Experience - Reagan(1998年)
   * Tribute to Ronald Reagan(1996年)
   * The Reagan Legacy(探索頻道,1996年)

  His supporters praised his encouraging Americans face in 1980, the low Ang Shi Qi and frustration, and let laissez-faire capitalist system beyond government control. In foreign policy, he greatly expanded arms of the Soviet Union's policy of containment from the original to direct confrontation. Reagan implemented in the political ideology of democracy against Communism and capitalism. Reagan's tenure has also experienced several serious political scandal - and led to many officials and aides were convicted, but he was still able to ride out the crisis.
  Early career
  Ronald Reagan in 1927 at age 16, Reagan around the Rock River in Dixon's Lowell Park to find a lifeguard job, where he served as lifeguard for 7 years, is said to save a drowning man 77. Reagan later joked that the drowned man had not thanked him. Reagan on the achievements of the future very proud of this, they will show visitors to the White House hanging in the Oval Office of the Rock River photo.
  In 1937, when Ronald Reagan in California as Chicago's baseball spring training before the cup broadcaster, he conducted an audition, get 7 years in the Warner Brothers contract. Reagan's clear voice, be happy with style and sportsmanship made him a large body quite the crowds; most of his role in B-class film's leading man. His first film performance was in 1937's Love Is on the Air. To the end of 1939, he has performed in over 19 films. He served as Knute Rockne, All American football player, he played George Gipp, a well-known lines as "Go for the Gipper win a ball!" Which won the Gipper nickname that accompanied his life. Reagan was the best performance since that is the 1942 Kings Row, plays a young man to be amputated, and later he used that line, "I left the body where?" As the title of his autobiography. Other well-known films include Tennessee's Partner, Hellcats of the Navy, This Is the Army, while in Bedtime for Bonzo in a while because he is and chimpanzee starred Erzao widely ridiculed. Hollywood Walk of Fame, also left his mark.
  Reagan on January 24, 1940 and actress Jane Wyman (Jane Wyman) marriage; them in 1941 gave birth to her daughter Maureen, 1945 年 adopted a baby boy Michael; Then in 1947, gave birth to her daughter Christine, but shortly after birth died. They divorced in 1948. (Reagan was the only U.S. president ever divorce) Ronald Reagan on March 4, 1952 married, married actress Nancy Davis (Nancy Davis), in the same year on November 21 gave birth to daughter Patti. In 1958, their second child Ron.
  Reagan was originally a supporter of the Democratic Party, support Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal implemented. In the late 1940s he was Harry Truman's supporters S · the most famous one. To the early 1960s, he changed in the social and economic conservative firm, and in 1976, said: "New Deal is the fundamental basis of fascism." His first political role of the chairman of the American Actors Guild, Actors Guild contains most of the Hollywood actor, Ronald Reagan declared, but the communist Actors Guild has been infiltrated. In this position, he Un-American Activities Committee (Un-American Activities Committee) to testify on Communist infiltration of Hollywood. He also spy some of his attitudes that hold a disloyal actor, close to the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that his code name "Agent T-10", but he did not publicly condemn them. His public statements on the opposition to set up Hollywood blacklist, but in private he and his first wife Jane Wyman was in 1947, met with FBI agents to inform them of some is that "the destruction of suspected militants."
  Because I believe the Republican Party's ability to fight against communism, and believed him to do so to gain more political support, Reagan gradually abandoned the Democratic Party's tendency to support Republican presidential candidates began to -1,952 and 1956 of Dwight Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon in 1968.
  In 1971, he and the Democratic Party's parliamentary chairman 鲍伯莫瑞迪 (Bob Moretti) cooperate in reforming the social welfare of California. Reagan had earlier opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1965 votes. But he later changed the position, and that the Civil Rights Act, "if necessary, to use military force to law enforcement." Reagan also opposed the establishment of a larger federal dam-Dos Rios dam so the dam would flood the valley of the Indian farms. Later, with Reagan and his family to summer hiking, going to visit the Sierra Nevada is the proposed construction of a highway location, study after he renounced the construction plan. In the death penalty issue, he strongly supported the maintenance of the death penalty, but the California Supreme Court in People v. Anderson decision in making the case before 1972 in California, all death sentence invalid, even though the decision was later reversed by constitutional amendment, but The decision to become the largest setback Reagan. Although Reagan supported the death penalty, but in office he issued two pardons and probation orders are not followed in the Reagan governor of California had such a pardon prisoners to death. Reagan's only one execution in the April 12, 1967, that the death penalty in California until 1992, after the date of the death penalty had no more.
  Presidential election
  The nomination and election of Ronald Reagan's political career in the important moment, when Gerald Ford was seen as a Republican veteran of the House of Representatives because of his re-election several times, but was elected majority leader, to become someone else and vice president and the President, but Ronald Reagan once again in the National Congress was defeated by a few votes. Ronald Reagan in the National Assembly on the speech, described the danger of nuclear war and the threat of the Soviet Union in moral, after listening to his moving speech, many people said "very sorry had voted in error."
  In 1980, Reagan finally won the party nomination as presidential candidate. While Reagan in the early voting states of Iowa Department of conference party lost George H · W · Bush, but he's voting in other states in the next victory. In the National People's Congress, the Reagan partner had sought the Vice-President Gerald Ford, but in the end did not materialize. Reagan chose the opposite nomination election rival George Bush for H · W · partner.
  1984 presidential election
  Domestic policy
  Reagan's first term is the main objective of the U.S. economic recovery, when the U.S. economy is in the so-called stagflation (economic stagnation with high inflation). Under Reagan the first command is to stop the federal government price controls on oil in order to restore domestic oil production and exploration on the dynamics of the market. To address the double-digit inflation, Reagan supported Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker (Paul Volcker) to dramatically raise interest rates to achieve the reduction of money supply goals. Economists 米尔顿佛利 Reagan was aware of the people described in "To succeed in curbing inflation, financial control and short-term recession is inevitable." Reagan's use of tightening the money supply with a comprehensive approach to tax cuts to stimulate business investment (based on Ronald Reagan's saying: "Chicago school of economics, supply-side economics, call it whatever you how. I noticed that some people even call it Reaganomics until it begins to take effect until the ...")。 Reagan's opponents ridiculed it as "voodoo economic", "trickle-down effect", and "Reaganomics," but Ronald Reagan launched a successful comprehensive tax, the tax cut bill in 1981 to implement the scale is unprecedented in U.S. history. Income tax rate reduction will not only greatly reduced, but also to eliminate the tax system, many of the loopholes.
  In order to end inflation and tight money supply, the U.S. economy beginning in July 1981 a sharp decline, and in November 1982 dropped to the bottom, recession almost broke the record of the Great Depression. However, the U.S. economy after the recession years of 1981 -1982, after 1983 a dramatic robust recovery, this wave of economic growth also continued for several years until the end of Reagan's term of office had not yet stopped, a period in American history the longest economic expansion and rising unemployment in the original mid-1984 has been reduced to the number of early 1981, and in the next few years, also continued to decline.
  At that time the majority of the House of Representatives by the Democratic Party, is opposed to Reagan so reduced social welfare and other domestic spending. Some critics argued that Reagan substantial bet that the budget policy of the military industry, in fact belong to the classical Keynesian economics, and that the ensuing economic growth is not caused by tax cuts, but the result of government spending substantially .
  To address the budget deficit, the Reagan administration, a large number of domestic and foreign loans by the Treasury, to the Reagan second term, private debt has been held from 1980 to 26% of GDP, rose substantially to 41% in 1989, is since 1963 the highest record. In 1988, a total of 2.6 trillion USD in debt, foreign debt amounted to more than the domestic, the United States from the original into the world's largest creditor nation the world's largest borrowing countries.
  Gay rights movement the Reagan administration was criticized for not promptly Department and others in the rise of HIV-AIDS at that time. The White House in October 1982 from the first discussion of this disease; Reagan in the 1985 press conference, the first public discussion of the Government Department in this disease measures.
  Although Reagan's second term is the most significant diplomatic policy, but he also led a number of important domestic bills. In 1982, Reagan signed the bill to the 1965 Voting Rights Act (Voting Rights Act) to extend the 25-year period - even though the election campaign in 1980, he had opposed an extension. The bill protects the blind, the handicapped, and illiterate voting rights.
  Reagan was the first advocate of communism will collapse the world's major leaders. In the March 3, 1983 he said: "I believe that communism is a sad and bizarre human history page - still in the last page." At that time the mainstream Western view of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union, a group of new coming generations, while the Western world must cooperate with them. But Reagan was advocating the Soviet Union is undergoing a severe economic crisis, he intends to cut through the exchange of the Soviet Union and Western technology to make this crisis to increase. That the Soviet Union, the worst was "contrary to the tide of human history, wipe away the freedom and dignity of its people."
  U.S. scholars on the Cold War, the orthodox view is that these "As a free and democratic western countries continued status in the military, ideological and economic system power to maintain superiority, culminating in the surrender of the Soviet Union and the Cold War. These factors Communism revealed the illegal nature of the moral and highlighted its economic stagnation. "This view can be Republican (Ronald Reagan emphasized the role) and the Democratic Party (emphasis Truman, Kennedy, Johnson and Carter's long-Wai blocking policy) to accept. This view was widely accepted by Eastern European countries. For example, the Polish Solidarity leader Lech Walesa in 2004, it said: "When Ronald Reagan talked about, I have to talk to him my personal point of view, we have people in Poland are to us point to talk about him. Why? because we have given his freedom. "West Germany's Chancellor Helmut Kohl said:" His presence is the world's lucky. In Ronald Reagan called korba Geoff Berlin Wall collapsed 2 years after the Berlin Wall really down, but 11 months later, Germany will be unified. "Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern said:" President Reagan was a staunch communist insurgents, he play an important role in ending communism and the division of Europe after World War II, "later in 1989 became president of Czechoslovakia Vaclav Havel said:" He is a person who hold a firm principle, there is no doubt that he prompted the collapse of communism. "
  The Reagan administration to "Only strength can be caused by the peace" in the name of the policy of large-scale arms expansion, the name is tough to control foreign policy, Theodore Roosevelt and his famous "soft-spoken, armed with sticks (meaning military strength) . " Reagan established the Government's new policy towards the Soviet Union won the Cold War as the ultimate goal, this strategy was named NSDD-32 (National Security Decisions Directive), this strategic plan outlines the Reagan against the Soviet Union in three fronts: economic - to reduce the Soviet Union for opportunities for high technology, and to reduce its resources, including down the Soviet Union in the world market of goods value; military - increased military spending the United States to consolidate the position in the negotiations on the United States and the Soviet Union forced the transfer of more economic resources to military purposes; and in secret - to support the worldwide anti-Soviet forces from Afghanistan's anti-Soviet guerrillas, to Poland's Solidarity trade union movement (which is also supported by George Soros and the Holy See). Reagan and the Strategic Defense Initiative proposed initiative, known as the "Star Wars" to the establishment of outer space-based missile defense network. This is often outside the United States as a threat, because it could offset the Soviet Union, the United States, "mutual assured destruction" capability - in theory would allow the United States launched the first strike nuclear war and survive the next Soviet counterattack; as experience might lose the status of the arms race in the balance as well as the strategic foundation of the world, the Soviet Union's leaders and people for the situation more and more frustrated. In October 1986 Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev met in Iceland, Gorbachev will be in the United States, eager to abolish this defense, but also offensive missile defense network. In the March 11, 1990, Lithuania's newly elected Vytautas Landsbergis (Vytautas Landsbergis) under the leadership of President declared independence from the Soviet Union, the rest of the Soviet state also declared independence in 1991, one after another, the Soviet Union was formal collapse. Margaret Thatcher this description: "The Reagan shot will not win the Cold War."
  Reagan advocated a U.S. economic recovery; rapid computerized economy, high technology is the main force, but the Soviet Union lags far behind in this respect, even the high-tech South Korea has also gone beyond it, and every year backward . Reagan further against the U.S. and its allies against the Soviet Union out of high technology to the Soviet Union the situation even worse. A time when oil prices high, the output of this backwardness of the Soviet Union a lot of oil to cover, but this advantage in the early 1980s have been lost. To economic competition and the West is clearly the need for radical reforms, Gorbachev began the reform, he expects the new policy of openness (glasnost) and new thinking (perestroika) the Soviet economy can be re-revival, but Reform is not a solution, but create more resentment of the Soviet system. Reagan's massive arms build-up and his hard-line anti-Soviet statements, resulting in the Soviet Union in 1983, a routine NATO exercise (Able Archer 83) produced near panic, although the crisis of nuclear war ended quickly with the exercise subsided, but this exercise also shows that Reagan's tough stance may have negative consequences. Some historians such as Beth B. Fischer in his book The Reagan Reversal in favor of the crisis on Reagan's policies had far-reaching effects, making his attitude toward the Soviet Union from direct confrontation to rapprochement policy.
  Reagan term support for right-wing government of El Salvador very controversial, because he feared civil war in El Salvador, FMLN could win. The war led to 75,000 deaths, 8,000 missing and 100 people homeless. But Reagan was originally guaranteed by the democratic electoral process was also part of success.
  In 1980, the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war, the United States initially neutral, but it later became involved. Sometimes the United States to support both sides, but mainly to support Iraq because the United States that Iraqi President Hussein, the Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini than a threat to regional security was low. Kissinger indicated that the U.S. policy is "not allow any party to lose." If the United States fear Iran will be encouraged by the victory of the Arab countries, fundamentalist Islam, which may lead to the overthrow of secular government, thus jeopardizing the Western countries in local companies, such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Kuwait and other places. After the initial military victory in Iraq war situation began to reverse, Iran may win in 1982, the U.S. government then tried to cut off the Iranian regime to obtain weapons of opportunities (but later began shipping weapons to Iran and led to the Iran-Contra affair). The United States also provided many of Iraq's military regime on intelligence information and financial support. The U.S. government has allowed some to be used as biological weapons and chemical weapons, "military dual-use goods business," shipping to Iraq, Iraqi agriculture, medical research and civilian purposes in the name of importation of goods, he was Hussein for weapons of mass destruction program.
  Vice President Bush and Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev in New York City, 1988.
  But he also reminds people of the United States as a defender of freedom of impressions and ideas. In his November 27, 1964 speech in which he will lecture topic named "a choice of time" (A Time for Choosing), re-introduction of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt's famous well-known words, "the fate of combined "(rendezvous with destiny). Other speech, he called America "a glorious hilltop city" (shining city on a hill), said the Americans as "generous, with good, bold and courageous, decent and honest" people and have a "dream goal hero of rights. "
  Reagan's supporters and opponents noted he was "optimistic cheerful attitude", made him more than the previous popular president. If Jimmy Carter is often smile, but it is a serious smile. Reagan once said that: "the lessons of leadership are the same; to work hard to understand the truth, willing to listen and understand others, a strong sense of responsibility and command, and for the people you represent to make decisions . "
  1 bullets hit Reagan in the armpit, only 1 inch away from the heart, Reagan also was able to escape. Surgery to the doctors when Reagan also joked: "I hope you are all Republicans." (Although the doctor is not, but he still replies Road, "we will support the Republican Party.") When the first lady Nancy Reagan arrive the hospital, Reagan Zeyi heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey (Jack Dempsey) when they were down to her famous jokes: "Honey, I forgot to hide the bullets."
  * 1982 tax fairness and fiscal responsibility law (Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982)
  * Goldwater - Nichols Department of Defense Reconstruction Act (Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986)
  Position Name term
  Secretary of State Alexander Haig (Alexander M. Haig) 1981-1982
  James Baker (James A. Baker III) 1985-1988
  法兰克卡鲁奇 (Frank C. Carlucci) 1987-1989
  Richard Sandberg (Richard L. Thornburgh) 1988-1989
  Donald Hodel (Donald P. Hodel) 1985-1989
  Minister of Labour 雷蒙德唐纳 Man (Raymond J. Donovan) 1981-1985
  Agriculture Minister 约翰鲁斯林布 Lake (John Rusling Block) 1981-1986
  Macquarie Tehaikele (Margaret Heckler) 1983-1985
  William Bennett (William J. Bennett) 1985-1988
  Transport Minister Andrew Lewis (Andrew L. Lewis, Jr) 1981-1982
  Energy Secretary James Edward (James B. Edwards) 1981-1982
  Reagan nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court judges the following:
  * Anthony Shigeliya (Antonin Scalia) - 1986
  * Anthony Kennedy (Anthony M. Kennedy) - 1988
  Reagan's personal charm that he can almost make any statements to the public to accept, therefore have the "Teflon President" (meaning non-stick pan, nothing sticks to him) nickname. Iran-Contra affair he denied his knowledge of the deal, but now kept in the Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger archives of the citation will show Reagan informed, this may violate the U.S. Constitution, but he brings public image is "a great, strong Reagan adventure to try to free the hostages in exchange for weapons." Reagan in December 1985 the president wrote a secret "investigation" to record the "arms-for-hostages" scheme. Reagan-era secret documents could have been open since 2001, but President George W. Bush signed a bill to make these documents will continue to be kept confidential indefinitely, making it impossible to know more information in this regard. Reagan's tenure as U.S. support for Nicaraguan terrorists were found guilty International Court of Justice (Nicaragua to the U.S. case), although the United Nations General Assembly resolution calls on the United States subject to judgments, but the U.S. never to pay reparations.
  Scandal and controversy
  Many other scandals in the Reagan's eight-year term also continue to occur. Reagan aide Michael Deaver and Lyn Nofziger was convicted because of lobbying.
  June 5, 2004, Ronald Reagan passed away at home, died of pneumonia at the age of 93 years. His body is also open to the public viewing the remains of. The entire state funeral Village Longsheng large number of living of many U.S. presidents and foreign heads of state participated in the funeral. As Reagan was alive cool 爱吉利贝利 company produced jelly beans (Jelly Belly jelly beans), also put a small can in the pocket as he was buried.
  Gallup did a poll who is the most popular U.S. president in the investigation. Ronald Reagan received 87% support the highest, followed by order of John F. Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Reagan the next year many of the polls continue to be selected to test the best U.S. presidents.
  Time event recognition (%) is not recognized (%)
  April 26, 1986 bombing of Libya 7026
  No term average of 5739
  Reagan is often referred to as "Gipper", comes from his Knute Rockne, All American one in the role played George Gipp, usually accompanied by the famous slogan "to win a ball for the Gipper!." Reagan also was young father nicknamed "Dutch". As president, Reagan's supporters praised his "great communicator" or the recent "great liberator" - referred to his policies led to the collapse of communism and the Cold War's end. His bodyguards had to give him the code name was "Rawhide". He is also known as "Teflon President" means the same as he is like Teflon, nothing sticks to him.
  In the February 6, 1988, Washington International Airport renamed Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport. In 2003, its name of "Ronald Reagan No." full service carrier, which is the President of the United States for the first time to surviving aircraft carrier named after, but at the brink of the late President Ronald Reagan Alzheimer's disease I have no way of knowing all this. Many other highways, schools and organizations have to Ronald Reagan in the name. Ronald Reagan in 2005, was awarded two honors:
  In 2002, Congress authorized the Reagan home in Dixon, Illinois, as a historical site preservation.
  * In 1989, Reagan received an honorary British knighthood on the Bath Knight of Grand Cross of the Knight (Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath). So that he can use the name of GCB, but because of his non-British nationals, and did not give him "Sir Ronald Reagan" in the title. So far only Reagan, Eisenhower, Bush made the glory of the three Americans.
  Face coin
  * Altered Statesman - Ronald Reagan (Taiwan Chinese translation: "difference for politicians: U.S. President Ronald Reagan," Discovery Channel, 2005)
  * Great Speeches (2004 年 10 19)
  * ABC News Presents - An American Legend (2004 年 7 13)
  * Ronald Reagan - A Legacy Remembered (History Channel, 2002)
  * American Experience - Reagan (1998 years)

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