美國嚮西擴展 人物列錶
喬治·華盛頓 George Washington約翰·亞當斯 John Adams托馬斯·傑斐遜 Thomas Jefferson
詹姆士·麥迪遜 James Madison詹姆斯·門羅 James Monroe約翰·昆西·亞當斯 John Quincy Adams
安德魯·傑剋森 Andrew Jackson馬丁·範布倫 Martin Van Buren威廉·亨利·哈裏森 William Henry Harrison
約翰·泰勒 John Tyler詹姆斯·諾剋斯·波爾剋 James Knox Polk
詹姆士·麥迪遜 James Madison
美國嚮西擴展  (1751年三月16日1836年六月28日)

  詹姆士·麥迪遜(James Madison,1751年3月16日-1836年6月28日),美國第四任總統(1809年-1817年)。他是最後一位去世的美國開國之父。

  James Madison (March 16, 1751 – June 28, 1836) was an American politician and political philosopher who served as the fourth President of the United States (1809–1817), and was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Considered to be the "Father of the Constitution", he was the principal author of the document. In 1788, he wrote over a third of the Federalist Papers, still the most influential commentary on the Constitution. The first President to have served in the United States Congress, he was a leader in the 1st United States Congress, drafted many basic laws and was responsible for the first ten amendments to the Constitution (said to be based on the Virginia Declaration of Rights), and thus is also known as the "Father of the Bill of Rights". As a political theorist, Madison's most distinctive belief was that the new republic needed checks and balances to protect individual rights from the tyranny of the majority.
  As leader in the House of Representatives, Madison worked closely with President George Washington to organize the new federal government. Breaking with Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton in 1791, Madison and Thomas Jefferson organized what they called the Republican Party (later called the Democratic-Republican Party) in opposition to key policies of the Federalists, especially the national bank and the Jay Treaty. He secretly co-authored, along with Thomas Jefferson, the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in 1798 to protest the Alien and Sedition Acts.
  As Jefferson's Secretary of State (1801–1809), Madison supervised the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the nation's size, and sponsored the ill-fated Embargo Act of 1807. As president, he led the nation into the War of 1812 against Great Britain. During and after the war, Madison reversed many of his positions. By 1815, he supported the creation of the second National Bank, a strong military, and a high tariff to protect the new factories opened during the war.
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