孙吴 List of Authors
Sun JianSun CeSun QuanSun LiangSun Xiu
Sun HeSun Hao
Sun Quan
孙吴  (182 AD252 AD)
Last Name:
First Name:
Name and Alias: 仲谋
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 大皇帝
Temple Name: 太祖
Township: 吴郡富春县
Tomb: 蒋陵
Reign200 AD252 AD
黄武October, 222 ADApril, 229 AD
黄龙April, 229 AD231 AD
嘉禾232 ADAugust, 238 AD
赤乌August, 238 ADApril, 251 AD
太元May, 251 ADJanuary, 252 AD
神凤February, 252 ADApril, 252 AD

  Wu Dadi Sun Quan (182-252), the word Zhongmou, the founding monarch of Wu during the Three Kingdoms, AD 229-252 in the reign. Outstanding statesman. Han, Wu Jun Fuchun County (now Zhejiang Fuyang) people. Changsha Prefecture second son of Sun Jian, Sun Ce put down an early age to follow his brother Wu Hou Koto, 200 premature deaths in Sun Ce, Sun Quan said, before dying, "do not never asked inside Zhao, foreign affairs is not never asked Zhou Yu." Sun Quan to the throne as the Lord of Jiangdong. 208, Sun Quan dispatched troops west, recovered Canning, destroy the Huang. In the same year, Chinese prime minister Cao Cao south, Yuzhou Mu Liu Bei defeated, Cao Cao, after the occupation of the Jingzhou letter to Sun Quan, direct means to remove the Soochow. Soochow and owners within the main battle is divided into two factions, the main battle, led by Huang Gai, owners, led by Zhao. Zhao at the time was very convincing, but Sun Quan and Cao Cao is interested in a war. At this point, Lu Su Liu Bei's army, division, brought from Jiangxia Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei Wu to show that the determination of anti-Cao. Zhou Yu back in time to illustrate the drawbacks of Cao Cao, is expected to explain war to win. Sun Quan made a resolute decision to Zhou Yu as the Soochow commander, sent troops to three estuary, a decisive battle with Cao Cao, Zhou Yu Cao Cao at the Red Cliff Fire Attack to defeat the three million eight hundred thousand troops. This is the historic Battle of Red Cliff. Chibi war, Sun Chuan for joint Liu Bei, Liu Bei will marry his sister Sun Shangxiang. Lu Su then from the plan, will lend Jingzhou Liu Pei. Shu Liu Bei to take after the success of Liu Bei and Sun Quan returned to Jingzhou, Liu Bei refused. Lu Su then recover the third districts after single-handedly to attend the meeting. Sun Quan played together after the Fei River, was defeated Air / Wei generals. 217, Ru Xu Wei Wu World War I on both sides can not win. Ru Xu mouth of the war, Sun Quan and Cao Cao harmony, and signed a secret alliance of Wei Wu, cutting a total of Guan Yu.
  Kin 20 years (219 years), Guan Yu attacked Fancheng, Sun Quan appointed Lu remove Jingzhou. Lu with a "white cross the river," the plan to remove Jingzhou, but also captured the Pro disheartened by the Guan Yu, Sun Quan will kill Guan Yu and Cao Cao sent the skull, was given the title Nanchang Hou. Yan Kang Dynasty (220 years) in October, Cao Pi on behalf of the Chinese emperor, reign title Huangchu. Huang first two years (221 years), Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, and then immediately raised his army to attack Soochow, it is called revenge for the Guan Yu, in fact, compete in Jingzhou. 40-year-old Sun Quan appointed generals determined to a large military governor of Three Kingdoms, against Liu Bei. Yi Ling Wu Kingdom in the use of "Burning the Camps" in terms of destroying Liu Bei. Huang first three years (222), Sun Quan proclaimed himself as king, its capital in Wuchang (in Hubei Ezhou today), Chien-yuan Huang Wu (that is, the early yellow, Zhang Mo, collectively referred to). Huang Wu-years (223 years), Liu Bei Jiabeng in Baidicheng, at the age of 63 years. Zhuge Liang for the Northern Expedition, sent Dengzhi the river to make peace. Alliance with Sun Quan Shu, Wei were cutting. Huang Wu-three years (224 years), Cao Pi army attack Soochow. Let Xu Sheng Sun Quan defeated the enemy fire, the Pi was severely injured. Huang Wu-five years (226 years) in May, Pi Jiabeng, at the age of 40 years. Sun Quan took the opportunity to rate Jiangxia army to attack, because the text prefect appointed stick to fall back. Huang Wu-eight (229), Emperor Sun Quan of Wu claimed, changed the title of Big Wu, reign title Huanglong. Soochow dynasty was established, soon moved the capital to Jianye (modern Nanjing, Jiangsu Province). Golden Harvest three years (234 years), Sun Quan responded to Zhuge Liang's the last time the Northern Expedition, a personal expedition co-Yu Jia Fei River, Yangzhou captaincy Man Chong defeated. After the emperor Wen Wei Sun Quan sent a general mass of people such as rate of sailing, and strengthen Yi Chau (now the island of Taiwan), India, Southeast Asia and other countries of the contact. Also set the agricultural officer, the implementation of Farming; and more areas of the counties in the mountains, and promoted the development of the land south. But at the same time, Sun Quan, emperor of the increasing post-dictatorial and Jiaoshe Taxes and heavy penalties for cruelty, people often revolt against. Prince in legislation, the Sun Quan has committed a grave error. Son of Wu Tang at the red four years (241 years) died at the age of 33 years of age. Chi Wu thirteen years (250 years) Sun Quan Ren Taizi waste a second and third generations and also Prince in the fourth sub-Lu Sun-Pa, and finally establish the seventh son (son) Sun Liang as the Prince, the mother of Sun Liang Pan for the Queen. This is a coup for the future of Wu Gong buried seeds. God Phoenix Dynasty (252 years) April, Sun Quan Jia Beng, aged 71 years. Posthumous title of the great emperor, Temple name Taizu, reigned for 24 years. Rule of 53 years in southern China, for half a century.
  "Deities": Ms. Wu Wai Sun Ce, the dream of flying into the arms of the moon, Huai Sun Quan Shi You dream of the sun in my arms. Sun Jian heard his wife say, the enormous satisfaction of the claim, "Sun and Moon is the essence of yin and yang is a symbol of great wealth."
  [AD 199] (Jian four years)
  [AD 202] (Jian years)
  Siva Sun Quan Huang, water war victory, but not captured city.
  Hundred officials were advised Sun Quan to surrender most of Cao Cao, only Zhou Yu, Lu Su and Sun Quan mind, For engaged Cao.
  The first month, Cao Cao to attack Ru Xu, Sun Quan corresponding resist more than a month. Sun Quan, Cao Cao Yuan Wang Jun, praised Sun Quan Su Qi Rong Jun, was retired military.
  Shu Liu Bei income. Chen Wei Sun Quan sent Zhuge Jin repay the Jingzhou, Liu Bei refused, Guan Yu, Sun Quan sent the South expelled three prefectures prefecture officials, the two intensification of conflicts.
  Lu Meng and Sun Jiao, Pan Zhang, Lu Su several Army times, and Guan Yu with refuse in Yiyang.
  Chun, Sun Quan sent Du Wei Xu Long Yi Cao Qing Xiang, both temporary reconciliation.
  Lu Jun, according to Gangneung, to appease the people, the release of the ban.
  Sun Quan, Cao Cao on the table for the hussar general, lead Jingzhou, animal husbandry, closed Nanchang Hou.
  Qiu, Mei Wei will surrender the Grass Roots apply to Sun Quan.
  May, Jianye word manna down.
  Shu Army divided according to danger, even after more than 50 camps. With the severity of the Wu Kingdom in order to soldiers should resist, the leap month since the first month to the big break Shu Army, beheaded, tens of thousands of prisoners Shu Army, Liu Bei fled.
  In November, due to strong winds, Lvfan Jun drowning thousands of soldiers, returned south. Zang Ba Cao Xiu sent 500 ships with a light, Gansi military people hit attack Ling, burning siege vehicle, killing thousands of people.
  Jun, Sun Quan sent He Qi, Mi Fang and Liu Shao and other attacks qichun, Jin were captured.
  [AD 225] (East Wu Huangwu four years)
  [AD 228] (East Wu Huangwu years)
  Gongsun Yuan capricious and Soochow fell out, Sun Quan For North levy was to discourage subordinates, so crusade Wei Hefei, all without success.
  August, Sun Quan sent Zhuge Ke crusade against San Yue.
  Li Huan, LUO Li and other captured.
  August, Wuchang rumors unicorn secular.
  Sun Quan few resort to arms, a successful crusade against type, and so Rebel Liao.
  In May, so children registered premature death.
  The first month, Metropolis White Tiger secular rumors.
  [AD 245] (Chi Wu years)
  Son of Sun Quan and waste, Prince in Lu Sun-Pa.
  [AD 252] (UDL years, God phoenix first year)
  April, Sun Quan's death, when he was 71 years old, posthumous great emperor, Temple name Taejo. A total of 24 years in office.
  Maneuvers】 【Dragon BR
  Sun Quan's army did not fear the water, Jiangdong, General Director, led the passage of death squads, each wearing double-layer armor, dash to the large side of the boat Huang, Dong attack with a knife and cut off the two large rope tied to stone. The face of a strong military offensive Jiangdong water, Huang quickly send will face, and was killed. Huang had to retreat, being chased eventually died. After the defeat of Huang, Sun Quan will be incorporated into their summer territory mouth.
  Jingzhou was grazing (that is, the Chief Executive of Jingzhou) Liu Biao had just died, two sons, Liu Qi and Liu Cong substandard, Sun Quan sent Lu Su recommend him to persuade them to cooperate with the Koto, the joint is temporarily housed at the same time try to Jingzhou, Liu Bei, Cao Cao together to fight, and then look for an opportunity to win Jingzhou, lay the great cause of the emperor. Sun Quan after the action is basically a plan implemented in accordance with Lu Su.
  Chinese Story】 【
  And Cao Cao in the battle, when Sun Quan personally observed the enemy ship. Cao Cao's generals thought to challenge the men, and wanted to attack, Sun Quan, Cao Cao is considered to observe the military, and not allowed to attack, only increased preparedness. Sun Quan observations finished, the command returned for big business, but also ordered the music for cheer. Sun Quan, Cao Cao, see as much so extraordinary courage, Jiangdong of warships organized, it is a marvel: "In the future birth to a son like Sun Quan would like, if we did as the son of Liu Biao, even pigs and dogs do not like. "
  In the two decades Jian (AD 215), Sun Quan Cao Cao while large-scale attack using military forces elsewhere in Hefei, the experience a dangerous. Hefei Morimasa Air /, Li Dian, are all brave general, although disparity between forces, but the selection of the death squads Queshi Sun Quan can not win. Sun Quan siege of more than 10 days can not be won see Hefei, they ordered the withdrawal. Air / behind the hot pursuit, Sun Quan to withdraw the river, the bridge's wooden planks have been removed in advance of the Air / ten feet long and can not cross a river. Finally general Sun Quan Gu Li Meng Chou horse to a horse over a bridge, vacated, saved the day.
  Lu Meng and Sun Quan to act according to plan, such as Lu came back, he sent an anonymous Sun Quan Wu Kingdom Ru Jiang Lu to take over the post. This is not Dengxianzhibei Wu Kingdom, after that he set fire to revenge for Guan Yu, Liu Bei sent his army to attack the camp with 800 in the end so that even patients with Liu Bei in the Baidicheng mad. After the arrival of Three Kingdoms, immediately wrote a letter to Guan Yu, Guan Yu, the letter strongly to tout that he brave invincible, his admiration has been for a long time, please have the opportunity to exhibitions. See the letter after Guan Yu face value, off guard, as Lu Meng as they expected, most troops will be transferred to Jingzhou assists went to Xiangfan.
  Pi Jiangdong to enhance the remote control, requested his son to Sun Quan Wei capital hostage. Sun Quan has always refused, always looking for excuses decline, and finally Pi as an excuse, said Sun Quan are not sincere, then sent his army to attack Koto. Sun Quan to fight against Cao Pi, but also sent a request and good to Liu Bei, Liu Bei at this time can not recover Jingzhou, in order to concentrate on administering the rear, also agreed.
  To old age, many are like the Emperor Sun Quan as stupid together, perhaps a great relationship and age, such as Emperor Wen Yang Jian is also true, to destroy the rule of law later years, resulting in the Emperor to continue "efforts to" finally perish under the Sui Dynasty the. Sun Quan in his later years on the Gongsun Yuan a while: it was the Gongsun Yuan Liaodong separatist emissary sent to Sun Quan to concede defeat, this time the emperor had not formally established Sun Quan of Wu, but ministers have been persuaded into the beginning, let him emperor . Gongsun Yuan's knee is very pleased to Sun Quan, intends to send messengers to seal Gongsun Yuan for the Yan Wang, also sent generals shuaibing 11 000 with the forward, Wen Wu Dachen are strongly discouraged, said it was Gongsun Yuan after the betrayal by Wei Wei States pressure, would like to use to fight Jiangdong Wei. Does not have those launching a campaign, only to send a messenger of the herd. Sun Quan did not listen, or sent envoys and generals to go. Zhao, see Sun Quan so opinionated, angrily pretend to be sick at home. Sun Quan also very angry, people fetched home soil to the door blocked Zhang Zhao, Zhang Zhao is more prompt, and your family from the inside are blocked with earth and will never go out. Sun Quan period than some of the emperor, after all, generosity of many, and the Minister of vindictiveness is also very gracious, not arbitrary killings, but by blocking the door way to vent their anger, the one out of the air, and second, it will not affect the overall situation. Sun Quan has a story: Once he got drunk and gave birth to gas, to kill a minister, because she did not kill as persuasion. And other ministers the next day talking about this, what he actually did not remember. Sun Quan is very remorseful, especially under the one command: after his drunken state if we have to kill, kill not allowed.
  Yi Chau they are able to determine Taiwan depends Wuguo Dan Shen Ying Yang Prefecture's "Shi Chi coastal water" (see "Tai Ping Yu Lan" vol 780 quoted) on account of barbarian. "Seaboard Geographic Gazetteer" recorded, said: "barbarian in the coastal Southeast, two miles to the county, the land was no frost, vegetation die, surrounded by mountains and the mountains are home barbarian." Wu coastal county region around the north today Zhejiang Ninghai, rooftops, the south coast of Minjiang River estuary north of the area, the so-called barbarian "to the county two miles", which is consistent with the direction of Taiwan. The barbarian's climate, terrain, mountain barbarians, etc., are all the same with Taiwan. "Seaboard Geographic Gazetteer" another account Yi Yi Island property and mountain living, eating, marriage, body piercing, Zaochi, head-hunting and other practices, the situation can be described in the Ming and Qing writings were found on the check against Taiwan. Only "Seaboard Geographic Gazetteer" said a top shot of the king of Yue Whitehead, Taiwan is no longer in the Ming and Qing dynasties can be traced to ancient times probably is not saved as. Added to the mountain barbarians in the Stone Age, use the arrow made of bluestone, ax, etc., this situation of Taiwan in the Ming and Qing Dynasties disappear, this is because Taiwan has been out of the Stone Age fan family.
  Sun Quan on the Liaodong's investment strategy, so that when the regime had suffered some loss of Soochow, and paid the price, as its pass Yi Chau, Dan Chau, like when I had suffered losses, but it for the development of history, still has a positive meaning.
  First of all, is opened up through the northeast Jiangzuo marine traffic. Sun Wu ago, the northern coastal route has been opened section, Qin and Han periods have successively opened to the Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula from the fairway, to the Shandong Peninsula from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang coastal fairway. However, as the Eastern Han Dynasty Esa relatively backward economic and cultural areas, have not formed a strong political center and the city, so this route of travel is not frequent, but have not opened the Liaodong Peninsula from Esa direct route. Sun Wuli country Esa, the formation of the third world where there is one of the political center, economic and cultural development is also rapidly formed to APB as the representative of metropolitan, so there is further opened the needs of the northern maritime transport . Sun Quan frequent communication to Liaodong Liaodong region to Esa and direct routes to be opened. This route, such as the provinces of Hu said: "As the sea from the limits as a river, turn angle on to the pe ocean; northeast line of the island is too large Xie, Xin Turtle Island, silt Island Lake Island 300 Ukraine, the North ferry Ukraine and lakes, to Ma Shi Shandong capital town "(" Chronicle "vol 96). Specifically, the route is: from our health (now Nanjing) east along the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River estuary in the vicinity of the northern end of the feed horn Haimen turn northbound, beside the Yellow Sea coast of north, around the eastern end of Shandong Peninsula, a mountain corner, then enter Dengzhou Ocean, the Weihai, Yantai North Sea, thence along the temple north island archipelago, Tai Hsieh Island (Long Island), Uzbekistan Lake Island, (the North Island, the City God) and so on, crossing the Bohai Strait is the southern end of town to reach the Liaodong Peninsula . All the horses Shijin town, which is three times the Da-chun (or Da, Da Example), term of the present Liaoning near Port Arthur. Da-chun, in the Three Kingdoms period has been developed as Sun Wu and Liaodong important shipping and trading port. Sun Wu ambassador to Liaodong this fleet is parked in mutual market here. Then here come ashore by land to Gongsun Yuan capital Xiangping (now Liaoning Chaoyang).
  Historical Evaluation
  ◆ Sun Ce: give the public Koto, Chen decided between the two machines, and the world Zheng Heng, Qing as I; give the talented, the best in their heart, to protect the Yangtze River so as I Ching. - "Three Kingdoms Wu Shu • Sun Ce • Biography"
  ◆ Liu Ye: the right to have his talents. - "Three Kingdoms • • Liu Ye Wei Shu Chuan"
  ◆ Liu Wan: I view only show the Sun brothers although informed, however are not the end of Lu-Jo, but the younger brother Xiaolian, shape KIWI, bone body is not constant, the large your table, and most life years, Seoul trial insight. - "Three Kingdoms • Book • Wu Chuan Wu Lord"
  ◆ ji: Where to look towards China eyeful beautiful North-solid floor, the number of things rise and fall through the ages, long. Not the Yangtze River rolling by. Young million pocket iron pot, sat off the southeast war did not break, the world is a hero who is an opponent, Cao Liu. Have children when as Sun Zhongmou.
  Son: Sun Deng, Sun consideration, Sun and Sun Pa, Sun Fen, Sun Closed, Sun Liang
<< Previous King: 长沙桓王 孙策孙吴Sun Quan
(200 AD252 AD)
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