193 nián nèi luàn zuòzhělièbiǎo
pèi Publius Helvius Pertinaxyóu 'ān Marcus Didius Severus Julianus
pèi Publius Helvius Pertinax
193 nián nèi luàn   (126niánbāyuè1rì193niánsānyuè28rì)

   pèi ( Publius Helvius Pertinax, 126 nián 8 yuè 1 chū shēng 'ài , 193 nián 3 yuè 28 shì shì luó shìshì 193 nián nèi de wèi luó huáng zhī
   chū shēng shì shēng
   pèi shì míng lái de bèi shì fàng de de 'ér shǒu xiān rèn jiào shīyuē 160 nián jìn luó jūn duì rèn jūn guānbìng qiě bèi shēng wéi shì shǒu xiān zài rèn gāo zhù jūn duì de zhǎngguānbìng cān jiā liǎo duì 'ān de zhàn zhēngyuē 165 nián bèi diào wǎng liè diānshēng wéi liù jūn tuán de bǎo mín guānhòu lái yòu rèn dāng qiān rén de tóng lěi rén duì de zhǎngguān
   hòu zài xíng shěng dài lǐng zhī 500 rén de zhù bīng duì( Alaquingenaria)。 168 nián zhuànxiàng mín zhèngchū rèn běi zuì de shēn zhǎngguānyuē 169 nián yòu huí dào jūn duìchéng wéi lāi yīn shuǐ jūn de zhǐ huī guān。 170 nián jīng chéng wéi sān xíng shěng shàng xíng shěng de zuì gāo shēn zhǎngguān liǎo de shēng shuō shì qīng yún zhí shàng hòu zài dǎng qīn de 'ěr màn rén de zhàn zhōng yòu gōng
   yuán lǎo
   yóu de jūn shì gōng láo yóu yòu qiáng de zhī chí zhě 171 nián zuǒ yòu chéng wéi yuán lǎo yuàn chéng yuáncóng 169 nián kāi shǐ jiù jīng chéng wéi dāng shí de huáng 'ěr · ào liè de liǎo 'ěr · ào liè lái liǎng rén shì zài jié shí de 'ěr · ào liè shǎng shí pèi de cáigàn pèi chū rèn zhù zhā zài shàng pān nuò de jūn tuán de zhǐ huī guānzài màn rén zhàn zhēng zhōng jiāng qīn de 'ěr màn rén quán cóng léi 'ān xíng shěng nuò xíng shěng zhú chū zài gōng cān jiā liǎo zài 'ěr màn rén de gōng shìwèicǐ 175 nián bèi shòu bié zhí zhèng guān de zhí
   kāng mào shí
  180 nián 'ěr · ào liè de 'ér kāng mào wèicóng 182 nián zhì 185 nián jìn wèi jūn zhǎngguān pèi ruì ( TigidiusPerennis) shì luó guó de shí zhǎng quán zhě jué dìng suǒ yòu zhòng yào de rén shì wèn bìng shǐ yòu xiē rén de shēng zhōng zhǐ pèi bèi zhí yǐn tuìzài zhè duàn shí jiān yǐn zài de jiā xiāng。 185 nián pèi ruì bèi shā hòu míng bèi shì fàng de 'ān ( MarcusAureliusCleander) dài liǎo pèi ruì chéng wéi kāng mào de jué zhě shí pèi chóngfǎn zhèng táncóng 185 nián zhì 187 nián shì liè diān de zǒng tōng guò píng dìng dāng díshì bīng bào dòng huò liǎo hǎo de shēng cóng 188 nián zhì 189 nián chū rèn 'ā fēi jiā shěng de shēn zhí zhèng guān hòu rèn luó shì de chéng shì zhí zhèng guān
   yóu 'ān chū shòu gōng zhíyīn chòu míng zhāo zhùbèi rén chóu hèn。 190 nián bèi yīn móu tuī fān de duì shǒu rén gōng shǐ luó shì nèi liáng shí jǐn quēbìng zhǐ wèicǐ zài luó shì nèi bào liǎo dòng luàn sāo dòngwèile wěn dìng rén xīnkāng mào xià lìng chǔsǐ 'ān zài zhè yīn móu zhōng pèi zuò wéi luó shì de chéng shì zhí zhèng guān liǎo guān jiàn zuò yòng zài zhè dòng luàn zhōng xiǎn rán yíng liǎo liàng。 192 nián 'èr huò liǎo bié zhí zhèng guān de róng
  191 nián xīn de jìn wèi jūn zhǐ huī guān léi ( AemiliusLaetus) jué dìng chú diào kāng mào lái miǎn chéng wéi duàn jìn xíng de yīn móu de shēng pǐn xiǎng yào míng xuǎn de huáng 。 192 nián 12 yuè 31 léi xià lìng móu shā kāng mào bìng tuī pèi wéi xīn huáng
   yóu léi shì móu shā kāng mào de rénér pèi yòu shì shù deyīn yòu rén huái pèi zài zhè yīn móu zhōng chā shǒuzhè tuī shì fǒu zhèng què shǐ xué jiā men de jiàn dāng shí liú xià lái de wén xiàn méi yòu dìng lùn
   tǒng zhì
   pèi zài wèi jǐn sān yuèzài jiān shēng liǎo duō bīng biàn yīn móu de chǔjìng hěn zāo gāoyīn wéi quē de shì chǔér shì wán quán kào jìn wèi jūn shǒu díshì bīngér léi suàn cóng hòu jué
   jīng guò kāng mào de cháng nián tǒng zhì hòu dàn guó jiā jīng bài ér qiě guó mín duì huáng de zūn zhòng chuán tǒng de quán wēi sàng shī dài jìnsuī rán pèi shòu luó shì mín de 'ài dàidàn shì zhè duì lái shuō bìng méi yòu duō shǎo yòng chù。 193 nián 3 yuè 28 bèi pàn luàn díshì bīng shā cóng jīn tiān de fēn zhè shì hǎo xiàng shì cèhuà de yīn móu huò zhě jìhuà hǎo de bīng biànér shì yóu shì bīng háo suǒ zào chéng de hùn luàn zhuàng tài suǒ dǎo zhì de
   hòu lái de huáng sài wéi dǎzháo wéi pèi chóu de hào shàng tái jiāng pèi zūn wéi shén

  Pertinax is the one from Liguria's the son of freed slaves. He first become teachers, about 160 years into the Roman army Renjun Guan, and was promoted to Knight. He first assisted in the Syrian army any 7th Battalion Executive Gaul, and participated in the war on the rest. About 165, he was transferred to Britain, was promoted to the Sixth Corps officers protect the people. Local 1000 who later appointed the first brigade of the Executive Tong ancient tiring.
  Because of his military merit, and because of his strong supporters of his 171 or so to become members of the Senate. From 169 onwards he had already become emperor 马尔库斯奥列里乌 Williams was the son of the.马尔库斯奥列里乌 Williams from Syria, two were there to get to know.马尔库斯奥列里乌 Williams appreciated the talents of Pertinax. Pertinax as the first stationed at the Army's Commander of Pannonia. The war in Makemanni people who will invade the Germans all the provinces and Norick province from Rettien expelled, and then hit the big time. He also took part in the offensive in the Germanic areas. To do this he was awarded the special consul 175 positions.
  As Keliande public sale, so notorious, was hate. 190 He was a plot to overthrow. His opponent to make the Roman city of artificial food shortages, and accused him of blame. In Rome, the city chaos and unrest broke out. In order to reassure the public, Commodus ordered the execution of Keliande. Pertinax in this plot as a consul of Rome City, the city played a key role. He clearly won the unrest in power. 192 received his second honorary consul in particular.
  As Lei Tusi who murder Commodus, whereas Pertinax is set by him, some people wonder Pertinax to intervene in the plot. This speculation is correct views of different historians. Legacy of literature was inconclusive.
  After Commodus's long rule, not only the national economy suffered a crushing defeat, and respect for people and traditions of the emperor's authority is also lost. While Pertinax by the Roman people's love, but which do not have much use for him. 193 on March 28 he was killed by rebel soldiers. From today's analysis of this accident as if not a conspiracy or a planned mutiny, but rather the result of undisciplined soldiers confusion caused.
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