此後他在默西亞行省帶領一支500人的輔助騎兵隊(Ala quingenaria)。168年他轉嚮民政,出任意大利北部最低級的資深長官。約169年他又回到軍隊,成為萊茵河水軍的指揮官。170年他已經成為三個達基亞行省以及上默西亞行省的最高級資深長官了。他的生涯可以說是青雲直上。此後他在抵擋入侵意大利的日耳曼人的戰役中有功。
180年馬爾庫斯·奧列裏烏斯的兒子康茂德繼位,從182年至185年起禁衛軍長官佩瑞尼斯(Tigidius Perennis)是羅馬帝國的實際掌權者,他决定所有重要的人事問題,並使得有些人的生涯中止。佩蒂納剋斯被迫辭職引退。在這段時間裏他隱居在他利古裏亞的家乡。185年佩瑞尼斯被殺死後,一名被釋放的奴隸剋裏安德(Marcus Aurelius Cleander)取代了佩瑞尼斯,成為康茂德的决策者。此時佩蒂納剋斯得以重返政壇。從185年至187年他是不列顛的總督,通過平定當地的士兵暴動他獲得了好的聲譽。從188年至189年他出任阿非利加省的資深執政官,此後任羅馬市的城市執政官。
191年新的禁衛軍指揮官雷圖斯(Aemilius Laetus)决定除掉康茂德,來避免自己成為不斷進行的陰謀的犧牲品,他想要自己立一名他選擇的皇帝。192年12月31日雷圖斯下令謀殺康茂德,並推舉佩蒂納剋斯為新皇帝。
Because of his military merit, and because of his strong supporters of his 171 or so to become members of the Senate. From 169 onwards he had already become emperor 马尔库斯奥列里乌 Williams was the son of the.马尔库斯奥列里乌 Williams from Syria, two were there to get to know.马尔库斯奥列里乌 Williams appreciated the talents of Pertinax. Pertinax as the first stationed at the Army's Commander of Pannonia. The war in Makemanni people who will invade the Germans all the provinces and Norick province from Rettien expelled, and then hit the big time. He also took part in the offensive in the Germanic areas. To do this he was awarded the special consul 175 positions.
As Keliande public sale, so notorious, was hate. 190 He was a plot to overthrow. His opponent to make the Roman city of artificial food shortages, and accused him of blame. In Rome, the city chaos and unrest broke out. In order to reassure the public, Commodus ordered the execution of Keliande. Pertinax in this plot as a consul of Rome City, the city played a key role. He clearly won the unrest in power. 192 received his second honorary consul in particular.
As Lei Tusi who murder Commodus, whereas Pertinax is set by him, some people wonder Pertinax to intervene in the plot. This speculation is correct views of different historians. Legacy of literature was inconclusive.
After Commodus's long rule, not only the national economy suffered a crushing defeat, and respect for people and traditions of the emperor's authority is also lost. While Pertinax by the Roman people's love, but which do not have much use for him. 193 on March 28 he was killed by rebel soldiers. From today's analysis of this accident as if not a conspiracy or a planned mutiny, but rather the result of undisciplined soldiers confusion caused.