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圖拉真 Trajan, Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus
安敦尼王朝  (53年九月18日117年八月9日)

  圖拉真(Trajan, Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus,53年9月18日-117年8月9日),羅馬帝國皇帝(98年-117年),羅馬帝國五賢帝之一。 圖拉真在公元53年出生於西班牙伊大利卡,是第一位意大利以外出生的羅馬皇帝。他在位時立下顯赫的武功,使羅馬帝國的版圖在他的統治下達到了極盛。他曾經建立圖拉真柱記載自己的功績。元老院曾贈給他“最優秀的第一公民”(Optimus princeps)的稱號。
  其後,圖拉真將擴張的方向轉往亞洲,與羅馬帝國的東方勁敵--安息 (Parthia)交戰。自公元前一世紀中葉以來,安息曾與羅馬交戰多次,雙方相持不下。安息曾在公元前53年擊敗由剋拉蘇率領的羅馬軍隊,安東尼亦曾在公元前36年越過幼發拉底河進攻安息,但最終被迫退回幼發拉底河以西,並以此為界。公元105-106年,圖拉真命令駐守敘利亞的羅馬軍團占領巴勒斯坦與阿拉伯沙漠之間的大部分地區和西奈半島,建立阿拉伯行省。公元113年,圖拉真拒絶承認安息所扶植的亞美尼亞國王,並以此為藉口,親率大軍嚮安息大舉進攻。羅馬軍團占領亞美尼亞後,隨即南下進攻兩河流域,攻下安息的首都剋特西封(Ctesiphon)。圖拉真在公元116年宣佈廢除安息國王歐斯羅埃斯一世(Osroes I)的王位,扶植Parthamaspates為羅馬控製的傀儡安息國王。三個行省在占領地上建立:亞美尼亞行省、亞述行省和美索不達米亞行省。他的軍事行動成功將羅馬帝國的疆域擴至最大,東起兩河流域,西達不列顛的大部分地區,南至埃及、北非,北抵萊茵河和多瑙河以北的達基亞。

  Domestic policy
  Daji Ya War
  Later, Trajan transferred to the direction of expansion in Asia, with the rival Eastern Roman Empire - rest in peace (Parthia) war. Since the middle of the first century BC has been laid to rest at war with the Roman times, the two sides at loggerheads. Rest in 53 BC Crassus led in defeat by the Roman army, Anthony has also crossed the Euphrates in BC 36 years of attack laid to rest, but eventually was forced to return west of the Euphrates, and on this sector. AD 105-106, the order of Trajan's Roman legions stationed in Syria, Palestine and the Arab occupation of much of the desert region between the Sinai Peninsula and the establishment of the Arab provinces. In 113 AD, Trajan refused to acknowledge the support of the Armenian king laid to rest, and use it as an excuse, personally led a force large-scale offensive to the rest. Roman legions occupied by Armenia, immediately south Mesopotamia attack, capture rest of the capital Kete Xi Feng (Ctesiphon). Trajan abolished in AD 116 King 欧斯罗埃斯 I of Parthia (Osroes I) of the throne, support Parthamaspates controlled puppet for the rest of Rome the king. The establishment of three provinces in the occupation of the ground: the Armenian provinces, province of Mesopotamia Assyrian province. His successful military operation to extend the boundaries of the Roman Empire, the largest east Mesopotamia, much of west Britain, south to Egypt, North Africa, north to the Rhine and the Danube north of Da Jiya.
  As early as AD 86 years after the death of Trajan, cousin, cousin of Trajan left it adopted son of Hadrian as the adopted son and nephew of his granddaughter, "Sabine (Sabina)" to marry the adopted son. Trajan Hadrian's deathbed designation as heir. He died shortly after the East Team in the year 117 August 11 oath of allegiance to Hadrian, after the Senate ratified the throne of the Roman Hadrian's "first citizen."
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