曹魏 人物列錶
曹操 Cao Cao曹丕 Cao Pi曹叡 Cao Rui
曹芳 Cao Fang曹髦 Cao Mao曹奐 Cao Huan
公孫淵 Gongsun Yuan
曹髦 Cao Mao
曹魏  曹魏(241年260年)
網筆號: 魏高貴鄉公
陵墓: 瀍澗之濱

  隨着小皇上的長大,曹髦日漸對司馬昭産生不滿。不久他寫了一首《黃竜歌》,司馬昭發現,也有了戒備之心。魏甘露五年(260年)四月曹髦召見王瀋、王經、王業等三人,憤慨說道:“司馬昭之心,路人皆知也!吾不能坐受廢辱,今日當與卿等自出討之。” 不顧郭太後及衆臣的反對,率領宮人三百餘人討伐。王瀋與王業先行嚮司馬昭通風報信,司馬昭馬上派兵入宮鎮壓,雙方在宮內東止車門相遇,中護軍賈充在南闕下率軍迎戰曹髦,賈充命令成濟殺曹髦,成濟一劍從曹髦胸部刺穿,曹髦立即死在車上,年僅20歲。後來司馬昭以“大逆不道”罪誅殺成濟一族。司馬昭立曹奐為曹魏皇帝。
  兄弟姐妹 曹啓 曹穆 曹殷
  相關人物 曹芳 曹奐 司馬師 司馬昭 王經 王瀋 王業 賈充 成濟
  【244年】 曹髦被封為郯縣高貴鄉公。
  【254年】 魏帝曹芳被廢,曹髦被立為魏國皇帝。登基後,曹髦下令減少後宮開支,禁止奢華。同年,曹髦被迫賜予大將軍司馬師黃鉞,並給予奏事不名、劍履上殿的特權。
  【255年】 鎮東將軍毌丘儉、揚州刺史文欽因廢立之事叛亂,司馬師率兵討伐成功,但於歸途中病逝。曹髦無力阻止司馬昭繼任為大將軍,於是朝政繼續由司馬氏把持。
  【257年】 諸葛誕叛亂,司馬昭率兵徵討,於次年平定。
  東漢是依靠豪強地主而建立起來的政權,逐漸形成所謂的“衣冠望族”(世代做官)或有名望的姓族,散布在各州郡。在反對宦官的鬥爭中,他們互通聲氣,互相支持。宦官失敗以後,士族內部的矛盾便加劇了。士族內部按族望的高低,門閥的上下,也就是按勢力大小來分配做官。魏文帝更行施九品官人法,就是對這一既成事實的法律肯定。因此取得了士族對曹魏政權的擁護。司馬氏要想奪取曹氏政權,當然也必須爭取士族的支持。出身河內名門望族的司馬懿起初曾因有“狼顧相”而遭多疑的曹操猜忌,直到曹丕篡漢稱帝後纔逐漸受到重用。明帝曹睿時,因“北平公孫、西拒諸葛” 而漸掌兵權、纍積戰功,終成魏國重臣,也成了士族門閥階層當然的利益代言人。他用優厚的待遇收買士族,逐漸形成司馬氏集團。雖然明帝臨終托孤,但因功高震主屢遭猜忌而被架空。於是老傢夥裝傻充楞、隱忍待時,終於等到機會,於249年發動政變,掌控了魏國大權。他的兩個兒子司馬師與司馬昭更是青出於藍而勝於藍,將曹魏皇帝玩弄於股掌之中。氣得魏帝曹髦嚷出了那句著名口號:“司馬昭之心,路人皆知”。
  司馬昭沒費多大工夫,就於263年,趁蜀國內亂,派鄧艾、諸葛緒、鐘會率大軍三路攻蜀,把蜀漢後主劉禪俘至洛陽,優待得樂不思蜀,蜀漢遂亡。兩年後,司馬炎效仿曹丕故技,重演“禪讓”鬧劇,廢魏帝曹奐,自立為帝,國號晉,都洛陽,史稱西晉。於公元 280年,發起統一戰爭,20萬大軍水陸並進,王渾、杜預率陸軍勢如破竹,以摧枯拉朽之勢橫掃江北,把前來迎戰的吳國主力兵團就地殲滅;王統率着當時世界上最龐大的艦隊出長江三峽,排江而下,“千尋鐵索沉江底,一片降幡出石頭”。接下去傳檄而定江南,割據江東近八十餘年的孫吳政權灰飛煙滅。

  Birthplace: Pei Guo Qiao County (now Anhui Bozhou) people, Han
  Kai Cao Cao Mu Caoyin brothers and sisters
  Related People Cao Fang Cao Huan Sima Shi Sima king was by Wang Shen Ye-Jia Chong Cheng economy
  【Overview】 Romance
  【255】 Town General Qiu Jian Wu, Yangzhou barbed Shiwen Qin rebellion for waste things stand, Sima division shuaibing successful crusade, but died on the way home. Sima Zhao Cao Mao powerless to prevent his successor as the major general, was Sima's affairs of state continue to be dominated.
  【Historical Evaluation:】
  Bell: only with Chen Si, Wu class Taejo.
  More obvious
  Han is to rely on despotic landlords and established political power, gradually formed the so-called "Dress for prominent families" (generation of an official) or a prestigious family name, scattered in the gun. In the struggle against the eunuchs, they complain exchange and support each other. Eunuchs failed, Nobles will be exacerbated by internal contradictions. Gentry family hope by the level of internal, patriarch of the up and down, which is allocated according to the size of official power. Wei Wendi more line facilities Naming law is legal certainty on this fait accompli. Nobles were therefore made on the support of Cao Wei. Sima's order to seize power Cao, of course, must also be support for Nobles. Hanoi established family of origin, Sima Yi first Zengyin a "wolf care with" 而遭 suspicion suspicious Cao Cao, Cao Pi usurped the throne until after the Han emperor gradually being reused. Emperor Ming Cao Rui, the result of "Peking Gongsun, the West refused to Zhuge" and gradually charge of military power, accumulate merit, and eventually became a senior official Wei, officials and power families became spokesman for the interests of class, of course. Favorable treatment he bought gentry, and, gradually Sima's group. Although the Emperor Ming dying Tuogu, but the main function of high seismic repeated suspicion and mere figurehead. So the old guys play the fool full leng, Tolerance to be, finally waiting for a chance, a coup in 249, power control of the Wei. His two sons Sima Shi and Sima Zhao is excel the predecessors, will Caowei Huang Emperor juggling being. Anger Wei Di Cao Mao's famous slogan shouted out: "more obvious."
  Conquest of Wu, the Emperor Wu Emperor Wudi of the Gao Liang exhaustive character fully shown that he is clearly interested in Wu Gong Pageant is much larger than the interest on the money and grain Wu account. His first order is directed Army collecting beautiful women in the south. In addition to all the contestants Wu Gong shipped outside the Imperial Palace in Luoyang, and ultimately stopped by a large number of beautiful women from the civil robbery with north. With previously Wei, Shu ladies between the two countries over the people. Even for one day have to be round all over 30 years, turn back the ladies are sure to see the emperor as an old woman. When there are too many choices often do not know how to choose a back, Emperor Wudi do not know where to come from the absurd idea, riding sheep car, hanging around in the palace at random, parked the car to where the sheep, where the interpretation of the "one-night stand," . So some ladies planted bamboo in their own Gongmen Qian, ground sprinkled with salt, a good car to lure the sheep to come to the emperor. The final estimate is naturally rallied together to do the same, so Palace bamboo pieces, salt and road roads, Yang Er getting fat, getting thin ... ... the throne Sima promote licentious, Nobles natural response. And changing nothing, fun, nature is spending money like water, although the world has doubled after the reunification of the taxpayer can still find enough money to spend Sima Yan, sale of public became a money-making shortcuts. Once, Emperor Wudi ritual presided over the ceremony, the spirits high, casually asked around, accompanied by the Si Li Xiaowei Liu Yi said: "I compared with the Han emperor, who can equally famous ah?" Liu Yi touches have the courage of his feudal , back: "The Emperor Huan of Han, Emperor Ling of Han." Huan, Ling Han Emperor is recognized as the subjugation sinner, is proud contentment of Emperor Wudi of course very angry: "how can I do with these two headed, compared to? "Liu Yi replied:" Huan, Emperor Ling and Selling of money into the official library, His Majesty and Selling of money into their pockets, from this perspective, you might as Huan, Ling Yi Tai yet. "Sima Yan air music, and laughed: "Huan, Spirit of the world, not who would say that such truth, and now I have you to do righteous person's courtiers, after all, than they ah."
  Nobles Zijin first lofty door, on the very cheap, as the merchants. Laws and regulations at the time, merchants have to kick the white shoes, black shoes, one foot, low social status, but many also offering merchants Gentry. Stuart Wang Rong house there are many vegetable garden, personally took the chips afterwards, day and night busy. Lee has a good family, good kind of fear that the buyer, before drilling a hole into the marketplace selling nuclear Lee.
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