黃巾起義 人物列錶
張曼成 Zhang Mancheng
張曼成 Zhang Mancheng
黃巾起義  (?184年184年六月)
籍貫: 南陽

  張曼成(?-184年六月),東漢末年黃巾之亂時南陽黃巾軍首領。 漢靈帝光和七年二月(184年),太平教大方(總指揮官)馬元義事敗被捕於洛陽車裂,張曼成聞訊立即率衆在南陽起兵。三月庚子日擊斬南陽郡長褚貢後,屯兵宛縣(南陽郡政府所在地)城下百餘日;六月,遭新任南陽郡長秦頡仮攻擊斬。

  Zhang Mancheng (? -184 Years in June), when the Eastern Han Dynasty in Nanyang Yellow Turbans Yellow Turbans Rebellion military leaders. Emperor Ling of Han Kuang seven years in February (184), the Pacific Education generous (total commander) Ma Yuanyi tying a person being arrested in Luoyang, Zhang Mancheng heard the news immediately raised his army, leading his men in the Nanyang. Boxer Day Strike March Nanyang after sheriff Chu Kung, stationed themselves Wan County (Nanyang county seat of government) under the city over a hundred days; in June, was the new sheriff Qin Jie Ren Nanyang cut against attack.
黃巾起義張曼成 Zhang Mancheng

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