漢諾威王朝 人物列錶
喬治一世 George I of Great Britain喬治二世 George II of Great Britain喬治三世 George III
喬治四世 George IV of the United Kingdom威廉四世 William IV of the United Kingdom維多利亞女王 Queen Victoria
喬治三世 George III
漢諾威王朝  (1738年六月4日1820年元月29日)

  喬治三世(英文:George III,1738年6月4日-1820年1月29日),全名喬治·威廉·腓特烈(George William Frederick),1760年10月25日登基為大不列顛國王及愛爾蘭國王,至1801年1月1日後因大不列顛及愛爾蘭組成聯合王國而成為聯合王國國王,直到1820年駕崩為止。喬治三世同時為不倫瑞剋-呂訥堡公爵,因此在1814年10月12日成為漢諾威國王以前,也是神聖羅馬帝國漢諾威的選帝侯。喬治三世為漢諾威王朝的第三位不列顛君主,是首位以英語為母語的漢諾威王朝君主,而事實上,喬治三世從未到訪過德意志地區。
  喬治三世晚年的管治備受精神問題睏擾,其精神病最初僅反復出現,但後來卻演變成永久性的精神失常。喬治三世的病情曾令當時的醫學界大惑不解,但現今學者一般相信他所患的是噗瑳癥(Porphyria)。噗瑳癥是血液病的一種,能夠透過服用毒藥砒霜而引發,而根據近世研究,亦的確發現喬治三世留存後世的頭髮樣本中,存有高含量的砒霜。喬治三世在1810年最後一次病發後,其太子威爾士親王喬治以攝政王身份代為統治。喬治三世在1820年駕崩後,威爾士親王繼位,是為喬治四世。歷史學界對喬治三世的生平研究往往猶如“萬花筒般觀點多變”(kaleidoscpoe of changing views),這很大程度是因為受到歷來傳記作者的個人偏見所局限,以及受有限的歷史史料所影響的。
  儘管喬治三世在登基時獲得了政壇各黨派的歡迎,但他早年的統治卻受到政局不穩的陰影所籠罩,而這很大程度上是因為國內就七年戰爭的議題上出現重大分歧所致的。喬治日益寵信及托賴於托利黨官員,使得一直在政界占主導地位的輝格黨十分不滿,甚至於譴責喬治的行徑無異於獨裁者,與查理一世如出一轍。在1762年5月,紐卡斯爾公爵的輝格黨政府遭喬治以蘇格蘭托利黨貴族標得勳爵所取代,此舉一再引起輝格黨的不滿,而標得勳爵的反對者甚至散布流言,指他與王太後過從甚密,從而慢慢在英格蘭激起反蘇格蘭的偏見情緒。在1763年,七年戰爭告終,標得勳爵即在《巴黎條約》簽訂後辭職,輝格黨遂在喬治·格倫維爾的帶領下重新執掌政府。同年後期,大不列顛政府發出了《1763年皇傢公告》,製定邊界綫,限製大不列顛在北美的殖民地不斷嚮西擴展的情況。有關公佈的原意旨在迫使北美殖民者能夠與美洲原居民談判,減少因土地爭端而引發的前綫戰事,從而減省浩大的軍事開支。儘管這條所謂的 “公告綫”沒有對早已安頓的大多數殖民者造成多大影響,但此“公告綫”卻引起了邊區殖民者的強烈不滿,繼而成為北美殖民地與大不列顛政府出現紛爭的導火綫之一,也是後來美國獨立戰爭的遠因之一。另一方面,一般美洲殖民者嚮來衹需嚮大不列顛政府繳納甚低的稅捐,但大不列顛卻同時要在美洲佈置大批軍隊,鎮壓當地原居民的起義,以及防範法國對美洲殖民地侵略的野心,使得大不列顛在美洲的軍費開支十分沉重。為了平衡開支,格倫維爾政府在1765年引入了《印花法案》,嚮大不列顛北美殖民地的每份文件開徵印花稅,由於當時連報紙也徵收印花稅,使得反對徵稅的宣傳得以在北美廣泛流傳。與此同時,格倫維爾因試圖削弱君主特權而漸失喬治的支持,喬治曾試過遊說老皮特出閣任相,但並不成功,其後喬治曾一度患病抱恙(有意見認為此病乃他日後精神失常的先兆),病愈後成功以羅金漢勳爵組織內閣,再行將格倫維爾罷免。
  提及時的稱號 國王陛下
  語體稱號 陛下
  非正式稱號 閣下
   * 1738年6月4日-1751年3月31日:喬治王子殿下
   * 1751年3月31日-1751年4月20日:愛丁堡公爵殿下
   * 1751年4月20日-1760年10月25日:威爾士親王殿下
   * 1760年10月25日-1820年1月29日:國王陛下
  名稱 出生日期 逝世日期 註釋
  喬治四世 1762年8月12日 1830年6月26日 1795年迎娶不倫瑞剋-呂訥堡的卡羅琳公主,兩人有子女
  約剋公爵腓特烈 1763年8月16日 1827年1月5日 1791年迎娶普魯士的弗雷德裏卡公主,兩人沒有子女
  威廉四世 1765年8月21日 1837年6月20日 1818年迎娶薩剋斯-曼寧根的阿德萊德,兩人無活下來的合法子女
  長公主夏洛特 1766年9月29日 1828年10月6日 1797年下嫁符騰堡國王腓特烈,兩人沒有子女
  肯特公爵愛德華·奧古斯塔斯 1767年11月2日 1820年1月23日 1818年迎娶薩剋森-科堡-薩爾費爾德的維多利亞公主,兩人有子女(維多利亞女王)
  奧古斯塔·索菲婭公主 1768年11月8日 1840年9月22日
  伊利沙伯公主 1770年5月22日 1840年1月10日 1818年下嫁黑森-洪堡伯爵領主腓特烈,兩人沒有子女
  漢諾威的恩斯特·奧古斯塔斯一世 1771年6月5日 1851年11月18日 1815年迎娶梅剋倫堡-施特雷利茨的弗雷德裏卡公主,兩人有子女
  薩西剋斯公爵奧古斯塔斯·腓特烈 1773年1月27日 1843年4月22日 曾兩次結婚,但兩次婚姻都因違反《1772年皇傢婚姻法案》而被未被承認。他在1793年迎娶奧古斯塔·默裏貴女,兩人有子女,但此婚姻在1794年被宣告無效。他後在1831年迎娶塞西莉亞·安德伍德貴女(後為因弗內斯女公爵),兩人沒有子女
  劍橋公爵阿道弗斯 1774年2月24日 1850年7月8日 1818年迎娶黑塞-卡塞爾的奧古斯塔公主,兩人有子女
  告羅士打公爵夫人瑪麗公主 1776年4月25日 1857年4月30日 1816年下嫁告羅士打公爵威廉親王,兩人沒有子女
  索菲婭公主 1777年11月3日 1848年5月27日
  屋大維王子 1779年2月23日 1783年5月3日
  艾爾弗雷德王子 1780年9月22日 1782年8月20日
  阿米莉亞公主 1783年8月7日 1810年11月2日
  統治 1760年10月25日-1820年1月29日
  (59 年)
  加冕日期 1761年9月22日
  前任 喬治二世
  皇儲 喬治四世
  攝政王 攝政王喬治 (1811年-1820年)
  配偶 梅剋倫堡-施特雷利茨的夏洛特
  皇室 漢諾威王朝
  皇傢頌歌 天佑吾皇
  父親 威爾士親王腓特烈
  母親 薩剋森-哥達的奧古斯塔公主
  出生 1738年6月4日 [N.S.]
  Union flag 1606 (Kings Colors).svg大不列顛倫敦
  受洗 1738年6月4日及7月4日[N.S.]
  逝世 1820年1月29日 (81歲)
  英國 英國伯剋郡溫莎堡
  安葬日期 1820年2月15日

  George III (in English: George III, 1738 年 6 月 4 日 -1 820 1 29), all 名乔治威廉 Frederick (George William Frederick), 1760 年 10 月 25 日 ascended the throne as King of Great Britain and Ireland King, to after 1 January 1801 due to the composition of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to become King of the United Kingdom until 1820 Jiabeng up. George III, while Brunswick - Lüneburg Duke, so on Oct. 12, 1814 became King of Hanover ago, is elected Holy Roman Emperor Hanover, Hou. George III was the third Hanoverian British monarch, the first English-speaking Hanover Wang Zhaojun the main, in fact, George III never visited Germany districts.
  Early career
  Although George III ascended the throne when the political parties received a welcome, but the rule has been his early overshadowed by political instability, and this is largely because the domestic war on the seven major differences in the issues To the. George and Thorein increasingly specially trusted officials in the Tory party, has been in politics so dominated the Whig party very unhappy, even Qianze George De act tantamount to a dictator, and Charles I is exactly the same. In May 1762, the Duke of Newcastle was George Whig Party government won the bid to 苏格兰托利 Noble Lord Party replaced the Whig Party would again lead to dissatisfaction, and even won the bid for Lord's opponents spread rumors that he and the Queen Mother because of the close, so slowly stir in England emotional bias against Scotland. In 1763, the war ended seven years, won the bid for the Lord in the "Treaty of Paris", after signing the resignation, then the Whigs, led in Qiaozhigelun Virgin returned to power. Later the same year, British government issued the "1763 Royal Announcement," the development boundary to restrict the British colonies in North America continued westward expansion. The announcement was designed to force the colonists to North America, the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas negotiations, reduce land disputes caused by the war front, thus reducing the huge military spending. While this so-called "Notice line" does not settle most of the colonists had much impact, but this "Notice line" has aroused strong resentment among the border settlers, then as the North American colonies and Great Britain, the fuse of the government there disputes 1, is the underlying cause was one of the American Revolution. On the other hand, has always been just ordinary American colonists to the British government to pay the taxes low, but at the same time Great Britain was arranged in a large number of American troops to suppress the local indigenous inhabitants of the uprising, and the American colonies against the French invasion of ambition, so Great Britain's military spending in America is very heavy. In order to balance the costs, Grenville in 1765 the Government introduced the "Printing Act," British North American colonies to levy stamp duty on each document, even the newspapers that time stamp duty, making propaganda against the tax to be widespread in North America. At the same time, Grenville for trying to undermine the monarchy gradually lost the privileges and support of George, George, had tried to persuade any of the old Peter Chu Ge phase, but are not successful, Hou Qiaozhi once sick illness (with the view that the disease is a precursor to his later insanity), recovered after the success of the Organization to the Cabinet of Lord Rockingham, then soon dismissed Grenville.
  The new Tory Prime Minister Lord North and the growing dissatisfaction of American Government is very concerned about the mood of Great Britain, in order to appease the American colonists, he withdrew to the American colonies, most of the tax collected, but left unattended for a tea tax items. Tea tax on the importance of Great Britain, George III and even taste the tea tax was made by Great Britain "to maintain (to tax the American colonies) the right to a tax," but in 1773, Boston mob to oppose the tea tax and boarded in Boston Hong Kong tea cargo transportation and dumping tea into the sea for the purpose of demonstration, known to history as the Boston Tea Party. The incident in Great Britain caused a great negative, public opinion also appeared satisfied with the North American colonists, while their sympathy for the North American colonists also support the North Chatham, Lord, will the event be characterized as "undoubtedly criminal in nature." Lord North after the incident at the tea into a number of measures for retaliation, including the closure of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts amended the constitution so that the local legislature's upper chamber appointed by the monarch, rather than elected by the lower house. These measures have further aroused the colonists grievances, they even call these measures as "intolerable Act." Some scholars believe that, until this time, George III still prefer the "political means to solve the problem, although sometimes he made recommendations on the effectiveness of the Cabinet doubt, he is still very much left to the recommendations of the Cabinet, but only from 1763 to 1775 look what happened, George III should not be on the trigger to take direct responsibility regarding the American Revolution. "
  American war of independence
  American war of independence for British troops and colonial militia general in April 1775 in New England and the outbreak of armed conflict. After a year of fighting, Great Britain's colonies in North America in July 1776 declared independence from Great Britain the king and establish a "United States of America." The Declaration of Independence, the colony was also King of Great Britain, the legislature made a number of complaints of all citizens, including George accused of "abandonment of the government here in my area ... ... plundering, trampled the coast, burning towns, disabled people in order to succeed," and so on, these George reached after evaluation, are unfair to his indignation. In war, the British army successfully captured in 1776 in New York City, but then the British will Yuehanboge Fanglu Jun battle shuaibing for surrender in Saratoga, has led to a large extent the British from Canada plans counterattack ended in failure. To 1778, France (Great Britain's main competitors) and the U.S. signed a new treaty of friendship to the British situation is more severe, at this time, Lord North proposed take over by the Prime Minister Lord Chatham, but was rejected George III and a counter-proposal to be worked into the cabinet, Lord Chatham, Lord cooperation with the North. Chatham ultimately refused to cooperate, and soon died in the same year, the time is in a state of war between Great Britain and France to declare war with Spain in 1779 also.
  While his ministers do not agree, but still stubbornly to George III and the American Revolution British Army fighting in the end, and some ministers such as Lord and Wei Mao Sixun Ghor Jazz, etc. are not willing to have injured the dignity of the war have resigned. Prime Minister Lord North and his colleagues have the same views and have those views known to George, but he did not follow the resignation last. George later dispelled the idea of the United States continues to surge suppression, and said, "want to keep Pennsylvania a joke" and also that New England has no hope of regain, but he still determined to "never recognized American independence in which he promised to never-ending perpetual war, punish them firmly sustained disobedience. " George's plan is to keep garrison in New York, Rhode Island, Canada and Florida, 30,000 soldiers, the other forces active in the West is responsible for attacks on Indian troops in France and Spain. To punish the Americans, he plans to destroy the coastal commercial port, blow up their terminal, looting and burning of their coastal towns (such as Connecticut's New London), and the lifting of controls on the Indians, so that They attacked the colonial border civilians. George also believe that these actions can be effective in encouraging local royalist, split the Continental Congress, and "the rebels are continuing to annoyance, anxiety and weary, one day, even resentment and disappointment is inevitable natural and converted to repentance and self-blame "to beg for him back to governance. However, these plans Quedui George III and the loyal Indians royalist cause damage, but a prolonged war Gengrang French, and Spanish at any time take advantage of the two countries, coalition forces, onslaught the British Isles, which set in London in danger .
  George III, the appointment of Peter is a victory for the prime minister, because it proves that he can own interpretation of public opinion and public opinion to choose the Prime Minister, do not follow the majority of the lower house of the Prime Minister sent to selected candidates. The incumbent prime minister Pitt, George supported his many political objectives, even canonized an unprecedented number of new aristocracy, the upper house so that he can secure enough support. Pitt prime minister and after a period of time, George III of England's reputation in the high, widespread public support for his recognition of the Pacific expedition, which made Great Britain in Australia in 1788 to establish a colony of New South Wales; to 1793, George III repatriated to China's special envoy Lord Macartney and Sir George Thomas Staunton Fushi led mission arrived in Beijing, and an audience of the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong, who also participated in the Chengde Mountain Resort hosted 80 birthday celebration of Emperor Qianlong. On the other hand, George was happy to use their private funds, financial support to academic institutions such as the Royal College of Art, the British scientific and industrial development are also great at the time. Most British people are turning to their King to their hearts Wang Houzhong Fuji, which has with his two former monarch of Hanover born a great contrast.
  However, the body of George III at this time began deteriorating, and there was even a spiritual problem. From the perspective of modern medicine, according to records of his condition, is generally believed that he is suffering from disease pop luster of gems. In a 2005 study, researchers also left later in George III's hair samples tested high levels of arsenic, which estimates his pop luster of gems disease may be triggered. The researchers can not trace the source of arsenic, but arsenic may believe certain drugs or cosmetics ingredients. George's pop luster of gems disease may be short-lived disease was in 1765, to the summer of 1788 there was a time of more durable disease. George in 1788 that the disease early, he still can be sane in the Sept. 25 announced that the Congressional recess, but since then his condition has nosedive to year in November, he had a serious mental disorder, and sometimes kept to himself for several hours. At that time George's diagnosis and treatment of doctors can not explain his condition, and Fang Jian more gradually spread rumors about his mental disorders, was also falsely mistaken for George III of Prussia King of the tree, but also to shake hands with a tree as a ritual. When the Congress when it reconvenes in November, George could not usual in the opening ceremony of the Congress issued a throne speech. By convention, the monarch did not speak out, Congress can not be resumed debate, but then Congress did not address the case of George, on on one's own resume, and on the need for debate regarding the Prince Regent.
  George disorders after Charles James Fox and Peter immediately governance issues quarrel. Although both parties agreed that the eldest son of George III as regent and heir apparent, Prince of Wales is most reasonable, but the two parties is the legal basis on Regent significant differences. Fox is absolutely right that the Prince of Wales for their sick father took power, but Pitt has refuted Regent candidates nominated be approved by Congress. In addition, because Congress has not proceeded with by the throne speech on the resume, so that the credibility of the Congress has become a major doubt, so that the Regent was delay the debate. According to past practice, the king fails to attend the opening ceremony of the Congress, he can "Patent" commissioner appointed acting head, while the "Patent" must be stamped with the seal, only the force of law. Congressional mandate to address issues, Pitt, through legal fiction, proposals for hosting the seal of the judges do not consult George III, but the seal itself will be covered in the "Patent." Despite the judge's actions may be unlawful, but "Patent" As long as the seal is stamped, it will surely force of law. George III's second son, Frederick Duke of York has blamed Pitt's proposals on this as "unconstitutional and illegal", but still business as usual Parliamentary Commissioner for the proposed appointment, Congress also formally resumed in February 1789. Parliament resumed, the Government immediately introduce "the draft Regent", which is authorized to Prince of Wales, Regent, but at the same time the power of the prince regent to many restrictions. "The draft Regent" in the same month by the House of Commons adopted, the draft submitted to the House of Lords to vote on the eve of George III, the attending doctors 法兰西斯韦 Leith cure him in time, so that "the draft Regent" give up the idea. George recovered, he confirmed the use of the seal and the head of the appointment of the Commissioner's action is lawful and valid, and re-enter the control state.
  As part of its Irish policy, Pitt plans after the merger of Great Britain and Ireland, to lift some of the Roman Catholic country in the legal limit, but George III was alleged that Catholic emancipation would violate his coronation set to defend Protestant Oath. George III have expressed:
  George alone, I do not believe and "Peace of Amiens," the French could have "real" peace, he was just as peaceful as a "test" it. However, soon after in 1803, the two countries declared war on each other again, but public opinion has generally do not trust the Prime Minister Addington lead the country fighting the contrary, the eyes of the public who re-invested in the Pitt. In 1804, George has once again affected by the old disease, recovered later, Addington announced his resignation and re-appointed by the Prime Minister Pitt. Fox Pitt had sought the appointment to the cabinet worked, but George III, Prince of Wales because of dissatisfaction with Fox to encourage live a luxurious life and squandered his great discontent and objection to his joining the cabinet. Fox failed to join the cabinet, so that the other Whig leaders Lord Grenville heart a sense of injustice and refuse to join the cabinet. After Pitt took office to focus on Austria, Russia and Sweden formed another anti-French alliance, but the same old anti-French alliance, the third anti-French alliance in 1805, then was neutralized. After Napoleon even win the attempt to lead the army to invade England, but the plan soon as the French in the history of the famous Battle of Trafalgar, Lord Nelson defeated the British naval officer breaks down.
  Losing the war in Europe on the health of Pitt a great fight, and eventually in 1806, died in tenure. Pitt's death, who will head the cabinet once again become a problem, but this time won by Prime Minister Lord Grenville one. After taking office, Lord Grenville formed the so-called "elite cabinet", which to only use either the Foreign Secretary Charles James Fox, the most attention. Trapped by the current political situation, the appointment of George Fox, it is not forced to, the attitude of the Fox-friendly than before. But Fox in September 1806 after the death of George and the cabinet into an open conflict. In order to improve the efficiency of recruits, the Cabinet proposed to allow Roman Catholics to serve in the armed forces of all military, but George ordered the Cabinet to withdraw the proposal, but also promised to not to make such a proposal. Cabinet agreed to withdraw the proposal at that time, but the opposition promised to no similar proposal and the cabinet was dismissed in 1807 by the Duke of Portland became the second Prime Minister. Compared with the first term of office as Prime Minister, the Duke of Portland, a position of merely nominal, power falls on the hands of Finance Minister Spencer Perceval. Parliament was then dissolved and general elections, successfully brought the new government a solid majority in the House of Commons advantage. Since then, during the reign of George III, no further major political decisions, even though Percival replaced in 1809 with the issue on any of the Duke of Portland, also played only a small impact.
  81-year-old George III has 239 days throughout the year, the reign of 59 years and 96 days, the two records beyond the successive his former England or the British monarch. Today the record was only exceeded his granddaughter Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth II, although the long-lived than George, but is still less than the reign of the time. The comparison monarch George III before the third term, that Queen Anne, George I and George II, the reigning three of them combined have one short than George III.
  Although the early years of popularity in the rule high, but into the mid 1770s after George lost because of the revolutionary wave of colonial North America, 13 states support (equivalent to the British colonies in North America, one third of the population). Declaration of Independence from the United States have seen the allegations, George accused of "repeated destruction and hijacked", and tried to establish colonies in the Americas "absolute tyranny", which makes the American public generally left the impression that George III was a tyrant. As for Ireland, George, and because the violent repression of Great Britain in 1798 for reasons such as bad reputation rebellion. Contemporary scholars, the general evaluation of the life of George III divided into two camps, one party would "rule can focus on its late, that he became the strength to resist the French plan and a symbol of reverence" of that period; and the other from they "reign of George the first 20 years in pain partisan struggle, to establish their views of George III, so they reflected in the works, often the opposition views." From the latter point of view the development, which some 19 and early 20th century British historian Sir if off with Lee Wei and 厄尔斯金梅, etc., are imposed on the life of George III to the evaluation of hostile . But by mid-20th century, some historians such as Sir Lewis 伯恩斯坦纳 Mill thought that in the past to George's comments "too slander", and focus on re-assessment of George and its rule. Into the late 20th century, scholars such as Butterfield, Peres, McCaw Pan and Hunt, etc., are inclined to sympathize with the point of view, George, and his fate as the victims of the disease. Today, the long rule of George III, generally regarded as the sovereign political power, a continuation of the decline, and the embodiment of the sovereign state slow transformation and moral image of the era.
  To commemorate George III and his son George IV, and many former British colonies of towns have been named George Town. In many parts of the United Kingdom George III erected a statue, which in reality Fu Wai Lun Duisen Ma courtyard, and located in the most famous statue Duosetewei Plymouth. In addition, the erection of the New York City has been a gilded equestrian statue of George III, but the statue after the American War of Independence broke out in 1776 was down during the crash.
  George III
  Style Majesty title
  * March 31, 1751 -1,751 on April 20: His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh
  In Great Britain, George III's official title is "George III; asked God Hongfu; Great Britain, France and Ireland king; and other defenders of faith." In 1801, the merger of Great Britain and Ireland, he took the opportunity to abandon the claim to have served as England's monarch in "The French King" title, while eliminating the need for Zi since the reign of Elizabeth I, on the "defender of faith" behind the words The added "such as". Thus, since 1801 onwards, its title changed to become "George III; asked God Hongfu; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King; faith defenders."
  Frederick Duke of York, August 16, 1763 January 5, 1827 in 1791 married Princess Frederica of Prussia, the two have no children
  Kent Edward Augustus Duke of November 2, 1767 January 23, 1820 married 1818 Saxony - Coburg - Saalfeld Victoria Princess, they have two children (Queen Victoria)
  恩斯特奥古斯 Augustus I of Hanover, June 5, 1771 November 18, 1851 married in 1815 Mecklenburg - Strelitz of Princess Frederica, two children
  Duchess of Gloucester Princess Mary April 25, 1776 April 30, 1857 1816, married the Duke of Gloucester, Prince William, the two have no children
  Prince Alfred September 22, 1780 August 20, 1782
  (59 years)
  Crown Prince George IV
  William IV
  Princess Augusta Sophia
  Frederick Augustus Duke of Sussex
  Princess Sophia
  Princess Amelia
  His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh
  Praise God Save The Queen Royal
  Born June 4, 1738 [NS]
  Baptized June 4, 1738 and July 4 [NS]
  Windsor Castle Berkshire England United Kingdom
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