镰仓时代 List of Authors
After the Emperor TobaEmperor after Horokawa
After two EmperorEmperor Garden
镰仓时代  (July 9, 1249 ADOctober 4, 1305 AD)
Tomb: 龟山陵
Reign1259 AD1274 AD
正元March 26, 1259 ADApril 13, 1260 AD
文应April 13, 1260 ADFebruary 20, 1261 AD
弘长February 20, 1261 ADFebruary 28, 1264 AD
文永February 28, 1261 ADApril 25, 1264 AD

  Emperor Kameyama a series of imperial system is called Daigakuji system.
  1274, the shogunate's behest, Kameyama Emperor gave way, 8-year-old came to the throne Prince Prince sein, was later Emperor Uda. After the deep grass Uehata see Kameyama Uehata to his son inherited the throne, not mind the taste, they expressed their dissatisfaction to become a monk. In 1289, is a deep straw system after the Emperor Fushimi establish his son as crown prince, Emperor Kameyama and disappointed, and it brings up a monk's magic, just walk away.
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