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耶稣 Jesus
耶稣 Jesus
公元  (前6年30年)

  耶稣(英译:Jesus;希腊语:Ιησούς Χριστός[汉语音译为:棱搜思 可里斯陶斯]公元1年~约30年)
  耶稣(公元前6年 / 2年 至 公元 29年 / 36年)是基督教的中心人物,他也被称为拿撒勒的耶稣,或耶稣基督。耶稣2字音译自希腊文“Ίησους”,景教称为移鼠,英文译为“Jesus”,是希腊文“Ίησους (Iēsous)”英语化后的写法,而“Ίησους”本身则是由希伯来语“יהושע (Yehoshua)”或希伯来亚拉姆语(亚兰语;阿拉米语;阿拉美语)“ישוע (Yeshua)”希腊语化后而来,“יהושע”或 “ישוע” 的意思是 “耶和华是救世主”,音译为「约书亚」。“基督”2字源自希腊文Χριστός(拉丁化的写法是Christós),源自音译为「弥赛亚」的希伯来文 מָשִׁיחַ(阿拉米语是משיחא,阿拉伯语圣经是يسوع ,古兰经记载是عيسى,伊斯兰教汉译为「麦西哈」),意思是“擦油净身的人”,或译「受膏者」、「受傅油者」、「受傅者」,也就是「被膏油浇灌的人」,「膏立」或「傅油」(也就是把膏油倒在「受膏」或「受傅」的人头上)是古希伯来册立君王的神圣仪式,细节详见《旧约·撒母耳记》先知撒母耳膏立扫罗和大卫做王;「弥赛亚」和「基督」都是头衔、尊称,在《旧约·以赛亚书》和《旧约·但以理书》等多部先知书中,「弥赛亚」是先知所预言的解救万民的救主。
  《路加福音》23:39-43 在众人不信耶稣的情况下,和耶稣同钉十字架的一名犯人,悔过并信了耶稣,他的罪被赦免,并得救。
  《罗马书》 1:20 自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但藉着所造之物,就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。
  《罗马书》 1:21 因为他们虽然知道神,却不当作神荣耀他,也不感谢他。他们的思念变为虚妄,无知的心就昏暗了。
  《罗马书》 1:22 自称为聪明,反成了愚拙,
  《罗马书》 1:23 将不能朽坏之神的荣耀变为偶像,彷佛必朽坏的人,和飞禽走兽昆虫的样式。
  《罗马书》 1:24 所以神任凭他们,逞着心里的情欲行污秽的事,以致彼此玷辱自己的身体。
  耶稣是基督宗教教义的中心人物,也是基督宗教的创始人。在基督宗教中,也称为耶稣基督(Iēsous Christos或Iēsous Christos)。基督为意为受膏者,指天主敷以圣膏而派其降世的救世主,本为尊称,后常与耶稣连称。也有人称他为拿撒勒人耶稣
  不到100年的时间,罗马全境(小亚细亚、欧洲)到处都有人跟随了耶稣。公元325年,跟随耶稣的信仰(基督教)被罗马皇帝君士坦丁确立为合法宗教。公元391年罗马皇帝宣布基督宗教为罗马帝国的国教。 500年以后,希腊境内希腊诸神的庙宇也都改造成了教会,成为跟随耶稣的人聚会的场所。虽然耶稣传讲的部分信息在宗教机构扩张的过程中没有受到应有的重视,甚至被人错误地传播,但耶稣的原话以及他的生命本身仍然万古长存。
  古兰经称为麦西哈 尔撒(弥赛亚 耶稣),是伊斯兰教六大先知之一,被称为“大圣先知”、“真主的灵气”,仅次于至圣先知、封印使者穆罕默德,承认他无父出生,肉身升天,但不承认他是真主的独生子,也不认为他曾经死而复活;有70多段《圣训》记载:尔撒在临近世界末日是在大马士革下凡,做穆斯林的领袖,继承穆罕默德的位置,以《古兰经》为主导,传播伊斯兰教,统一万教。新约圣经称为基督,是基督宗教的中心人物和上帝。
  耶稣是基督教信仰的救世主,基督教的创始人。其称号基督为希伯来文弥赛亚(意为受膏者,原指上帝派来拯救以色列的救世主)之希腊文译音。根据《新约》四福音书的记载,耶稣是天主之子,由童贞女玛丽亚受圣神感孕,生于伯利恒城客店的马厩之中。耶稣成年后从施洗约翰受洗,并经受了40天的考验,后开始在犹太各地和巴勒斯坦的加利利传教。他率领其12个门徒一方面宣传天国将临、悔改得救的福音,一方面治病救人,扶危助困。其教义宣扬“爱上帝爱邻人”、“爱人如己”,并抨击了当时的当权者和犹太教的某些戒规,因而遭到犹太教上层分子的忌恨。在逾越节前夕,被其门徒之一犹大所出卖,以莫虚有的罪名,被钉死在十字架上。死后第三日复活,并显现于众门徒中,第40日升天。关于耶稣其人的历史性问题,曾经引起学术界的争议。历史实证主义者力图剔除早期教会传说的信仰成分,要求返回有关耶稣的原始事实。而许多神学家如利奇尔等则认为不能把历史上的耶稣与信仰中的基督分开。从公元1世纪犹太史学家约瑟弗斯的《犹太古史》和古罗马史学家塔西陀的《编年史》中,都可以找到关于耶稣的一些资料,这些资料间接地说明了历史上的确出现过耶稣其人。研究基督教起源的人,总是遇到这样一个问题: 历史上的耶稣是否实有其人? 否认耶稣实有其人的学者大约持有下列几种观点: (1)认为耶稣只是基督教神话中的偶像;(2)耶稣是错误传说中的人物;(3)基督教中的耶稣实际上是历史上同名者的捏合杂揉; (4)在同时代的历史著作和考古发掘中找不到充分的根据;另外,教会中同样有一部分人否认耶稣有血肉之躯,他们认为耶稣基督是神,作为历史上有血有肉的人的耶稣只是一种"幻影",或者说是人的幻像。
  主张耶稣实有其人的既有护教人士,也有非基督徒的学者,各种看法之间往往大相径庭,大致可分为如下几种:(1)全盘接受圣经的记载,维护教会传统,认为耶稣就是道成肉体的基督;(2)耶稣是当时犹太人"叛乱的首领";(3)耶稣是一场革命运动的领导人;(4)耶稣是个大骗子; (5)耶稣是至死不悟的预言家;(6)耶稣是有血有肉的普通人,但後来的人们将他神化了。学术界对圣经中"拿撒勒人耶稣"这个名称展开过讨论。《新约》头 5卷称耶稣为"拿撒勒人(Nazarene)或"拿佐拉派。(Nazoraean);而在犹太教文献中,耶稣及其门徒被称作"拿撒利姆" (Notarim)。大多数学者认为这些词都与加利利一个叫做"拿匝勒"(Nazareth)的城市有关,但也有少数学者不同意这种看法,他们认在《旧约》中找不到这个拿撒勒城的名字,可能它是一个小村庄名字。近人罗伯逊(Archibald Robertson)引述4世纪约有关献後指出:公元前在叙利亚和巴勒斯坦境内就有一个教派叫"拿撒利派"(Nasaraens),并说:"另一桩奇事是,一个叫做曼达安派的教派,他们崇奉施洗者约翰为真先知,而斥责耶稣是说谎者和骗子,但是依然称他们的主要成员为拿撒拉(Nasoraye)也就是"拿佐拉派"。他因此得出结论说:"约翰和耶稣的信徒们被称为拿佐拉派。但是这个称号并不是源于拿撒勒的村名,却是源於希伯来语Natzar一词,原是'守' 的意思 即指守秘密者或严守犹太律法者。" 国内也有人认为基督教是由上述拿撒勒派发展而来。似乎更多的学者坚持拿撒勒派是基督教中的一个派别的观点,认为该派出现的时间应为1、2世纪。
  "耶稣"在希腊文作lesous,是希伯来文Jeshua(耶书亚)。Jehoshua (约书亚),Joshua(约书亚)等词的译音,原意为"耶和华(是)拯救"。罗伯逊认为希腊文中"基督‧耶稣"就是"弥赛亚‧约书亚",同《旧约》中的先知约书亚有内在联系。但这种一家之言忽略了"约书亚"这词本身的含义,也撇开了《马太福音》第1章第21节的解释,所以不能为大多数学者所接受。
  即使非常肯定耶稣实有其人的论者,对耶稣的生平仍存有种种疑点,比如耶稣的生卒年代,照教会的传统说法,耶稣生年就是公元纪年的开始,但是历史学家指出: 《路加福音》第2章第2节所载"°居里扭作叙利亚巡抚的时候",应在公元6 - 7年,然而按《马太福音》第2章第1节的记载"当希律王的时候,耶稣生在犹太的的佰利恒"来看,生年应定于公元前4年。不仅生年仍为悬案,卒年亦难以确定。
  《圣经》中记载耶稣生平事迹寥寥无几,童年的事几乎末提到,只在《路加福音》第2章讲到他12 岁时跟父母去耶路撒冷,在圣殿里坐在教师中间听讲发问的情景。然後就是第3章第23节说:"耶稣开头传道,年纪约有30岁。"此外,福音书记载的都是他传道以後的言行。所以黑格尔也觉得不无遗憾地说:"关於耶稣[思想]发展的成熟过程这一有趣的问题,我们没有得到任何消息。他最初出现时已经是在成年时期,那时他已经从犹太人传统旧俗念意识中解放出来了。"
  中国著名《山海经》权威、吉林学者宫玉海教授对《山海经》等古籍进行了多年的认真研究和考证后,最近提出一个堪称“石破天惊”的新说:耶稣并非只是宗教或神话的人物,而是实有其人:他就是中国上古时期“五帝”之一的颛顼;他死而“复活”后,回到了中国(西方学者有人认为他回到东方的印度);其墓葬则在吉林省扶余县! 而基督教上的耶稣则是以颛顼为原型重新塑造的。
  公元前1世纪到公元1世纪期间,“耶稣”在希腊化的犹太人中是一个非常普通的名字,其希伯来语义是“上主是救主”。希伯来圣经--基督宗教的旧约全书——其中一卷以其希伯来名字“约书亚” 命名,约书亚是旧约中保摩西的接班人,以色列民族历史上第一位军事统帅;在摩西带领以色列全民族出埃及过红海、流浪旷野40年后,是约书亚率领以色列人西渡约旦河、夺取迦南地定居,奠定了以色列王国的版图基础。今日的以色列国的版图,基本上承袭了约书亚的遗产。两约之间的犹太人很多以“约书亚”的亚兰语名字“耶书亚”或希腊语名字“耶稣”为自己的儿子命名。《圣经·新约全书》记载了5个“耶稣”:
  1. 拿撒勒人耶稣
  2. 拉巴的儿子耶稣耶稣·巴拉巴;
  3. 使徒圣保罗的同工耶稣(中文圣经和合本译作“耶数);
  4. 犹太会堂的管理人耶孙(“耶孙”是希腊语中“耶稣”的受格);
  5. 巫师巴耶稣的父亲(“巴耶稣”意思是“耶稣的儿子”)。
  晚餐后,耶稣走出耶路撒冷城,在橄榄山麓的革责玛尼山园向上帝祈祷了一些时间。当夜,他就被非法逮捕,被带到大祭司和犹太教最高评议会(Sanhedrin)面前,遭到非法刑讯和非法审判;最后被交给罗马帝国的犹地亚州总督般雀·彼拉多(Pontius Pilate),彼拉多把耶稣移交给杀害施洗约翰的分封王黑落德,希律又将耶稣退还彼拉多。彼拉多一个人就可以批准死刑,在公众强大的压力下,彼拉多后来恰恰就是这么做的。
  就在耶路撒冷城外,耶稣被钉在十字架上,直到他窒息而死,这是全世界的基督徒在耶稣受难日(Good Friday)要回忆的事件。一位追随耶稣的神秘人物——阿瑞马西亚的约瑟夫——向彼拉多要来了耶稣的尸体,并把它埋葬在自己还没有使用过的坟墓里——从一整块磐石中凿出的一个墓穴。
  注:福音书记载了耶稣在十字架上说的最后七句话。长期以来,“十架七言”是基督徒在耶稣受难节(Good Friday)里使用的祈祷辞的核心部分。
  在耶稣遇难后的最初几天里,耶稣的门徒们在耶路撒冷紧紧拥抱在一起,希望自己不会遭遇和耶稣一样的命运;当耶稣多次向不同的门徒群体显现后,耶稣的门徒们才非常迟缓地明白了耶稣复活的真相。逐渐地,他们明白耶稣是另一种新的“弥赛亚”——不是一个世俗的国王,而是一个天上的统治者。复活后第四十天,耶稣在门徒们的注视下升入了天堂,这是一些基督徒们在耶稣升天节(Ascension Day)里要庆祝的大事。在离开世上之前,耶稣对门徒许诺,他将为他们派遣一位安抚者或者保惠师——即“圣灵”(Holy Spirit),“圣灵”将永远和他们在一起。
   他为要拯救我们世人,从天降临,因着圣神、并由童贞女玛丽亚成肉身,而为一个人;他在般彼雀拉多执政下,为我们钉于十字架上、受难、埋葬;第三日复活;他升了天,坐在父的右边;他还要光荣地来临,审判生者死者,他的神国万世无疆。——《尼西亚信经》(Nicend Creed)
  耶稣基督的一个使徒伊斯卡利奥·犹大以 30枚银币的价格将耶稣基督出卖给了犹太权贵。耶稣基督于逾越节前夜在耶路撒冷城郊橄榄山麓的客西马尼园被非法逮捕,随后遭到非法刑讯和非法审判,被交给罗马帝国犹大省总督本丢·彼拉多;彼拉多迫于压力,释放了强盗耶稣·巴拉巴,而将耶稣基督钉死在城郊髑髅地的十字架上,当天下葬于磐石穴中。次日,彼拉多应犹太大祭司要求,派兵把守耶稣基督的坟墓。
  中文‘基督'是音译希腊文的Christos,而Christos是希伯来文“弥赛亚” (Messiah)的希腊语翻译。在旧约圣经弥赛亚的意思是上帝的受膏者(the anointed one),是上帝膏立的君王或先知。旧约圣经中的大卫王就是上帝的受膏者。到了两约之间的时间(约公元前二世纪),在犹太教的文献中显示,他们极渴望弥赛亚的来临,弥赛亚在这时的意思是一位上帝差派下来、像大卫王一样充满权能的救世者。他要拯救犹太人脱离罗马人的统治。但自从耶稣从死里复活后,一些追随耶稣的犹太人发现,上帝差派下来的弥赛亚不单要拯救犹太人,而且要拯救全世界的人,使凡信他的人得享永生,于是宣告耶稣是真正的弥赛亚,是基督,故称他为耶稣基督(Jesus Christ)。中文译名方面,东正教根据希腊文译作“基利斯督”,而天主教和新教只取首末两个字。 
  ①出生与受洗。关于耶稣诞生及幼年的记载,见于《马太福音》和《路加福音》,后据此衍化为圣诞节的传说。《新约》其他部分对此事都没有任何论述。四福音书中成书最早的《马可福音》,则以耶稣30岁时受施洗约翰之洗为起首。1世纪犹太历史学家约瑟弗斯对施洗约翰的事曾有记载。他说施洗约翰是个“义人”, “他号召犹太人遵循义路,叫人人对待邻人要公道,在上帝面前为人虔敬并要前来受洗……”(《犹太古事记》第18卷第 5章)。耶稣受约翰之洗亦见于“马太”和“路加”,可见此事在早期基督教的口传材料中,占有相当重要的地位。在晚出的《约翰福音》中未提耶稣受洗于约翰的事,而仅说约翰给耶稣作见证,证明耶稣就是那将要来的弥赛亚救世主。福音书称,耶稣在受洗时,真切感到自己是“上帝的爱子”。并觉得自己和一般人不同,与上帝有一种特殊的密切关系,到世界来负有一种特殊的使命。 
  马太福音里,马太提及过耶稣出生时,(大)希律王曾下令屠杀犹太的新生婴儿,以免王位受到威胁。历史学家计算出大希律王在公元前4年去世,所以耶稣其实应该在公元前4 年或以前出生。按最近的推算,耶稣其实应该在约公元前6年出世。然而,有历史学家指出,在那段时间的前后,位于犹太省和加利利省有三个名为“希律”的 “王”出现过。对于马太所指的希律是哪一位,其实还有商榷的余地。 
  关于耶稣出生的年份,一个有力的参考资料是圣经的记载。圣经指出,耶稣的表兄施浸者约翰是在罗马皇帝提比略·凯撒在位第15年开始先知生涯的。历史证实提比略于公元14年9月15日登基,因此他在位第15年应该是公元28年下半年至公元29年下半年。 在那段期间, 约翰开始向人传道;六个月后,耶稣也展开他的服事职务。这件事实跟其他佐证结合起来, 显示耶稣在公元29年秋季开始他的服事职务。圣经记载当时耶稣“约有三十岁”。(路加福音3:23)如果耶稣在公元29年秋季满30岁, 他就必然生于公元前2年了。
  耶稣在《古兰经》中的汉译为尔萨(阿拉伯语:عيسى‎ ),他是伊斯兰教之神真主安拉最爱和最重要的先知,被称为“真主的灵气”、“大圣先知”。伊斯兰教同样认为耶稣是童贞女马利亚(《古兰经》中汉译为麦尔彦)之子,而且没有约瑟的血统。真主(《古兰经》中汉译为真主,或安拉)将《引支勒》(圣经新约)赐予之。伊斯兰教否认耶稣钉十字架及其神性,认为耶稣在客西马尼园被捕时,真主令耶稣和叛徒犹大变脸,使得耶稣长了犹大的脸、犹大长了耶稣的脸,结果叛徒犹大被钉死在十字架上,耶稣没死,是肉身升上天堂的。
  《古兰经》中记载:你们说:「我们信我们所受的启示,与易卜拉欣(亚巴郎)、易司马仪(以实玛利)、易司哈格(以撒)、叶尔孤白(雅各)和各支派所受的启示,与穆萨(梅瑟)和尔撒(耶稣)受赐的经典,与众先知受主所赐的经典;我们对他们中任何一个,都不加以歧视,我们只顺真主(阿拉)。」(2 : 136)
  耶稣养父约瑟是亚伯拉罕的后裔,在马太福音第一章有所记载,由亚伯拉罕到约瑟一共有 42 代,但根据路加福音第三章的记载,由亚伯拉罕到约瑟则只有 36 代,比较两个列表,除了代数不同,人物也不尽相同。相信两份族谱是女系与男系族谱。根据马太福音的记载,马利亚是在约瑟还未迎娶的情况下怀孕的,而且耶稣不是约瑟血统上的儿子。然而耶稣出生后第8天行了割礼,第40天由父母带到圣典去献祭,可见他是约瑟承认的长子,是按照摩西律法继承家族产业最多的人,也是产业的合法继承人。
  《耶稣受难记》记录了耶稣基督一生中最后的12个小时,在耶路撒冷被犹大出卖、受刑、折磨直到死去的一天。逾越节的前夜,在最后的晚餐之后,耶稣抗拒了魔鬼的诱惑,然后被罗马士兵带到了耶路撒冷城内犹太法利塞教众的面前。他的言语被当成了僭越狂妄的疯话,大祭司和教众就这样宣判了耶稣的死罪。接着,耶稣又被带到执政官比拉多的面前,比拉多意识到自己的审判将无可避免的带来政治上的冲突,于是他决定听从希律王的旨意。希律王让百姓在耶稣和罪犯巴拉巴之间做出选择,结果是巴拉巴被无罪释放,而耶稣将接受惩罚。耶稣就这样被交到了罗马士兵的手中,饱受鞭笞之苦。然而,盲目的百姓仍然认为对耶稣的处罚远远不够,对他诅咒。直到此时 ,比拉多才意识到自己已经不得不将耶稣推向刑场。
  字架在苍穹下木然,耶稣静静地承受生命中最后的苦难,直到他将他自己的灵魂交给天父上帝。十字架上,耶稣经受了最后的考验——被上帝所遗弃。经受了恐惧的耶稣看着圣母玛丽亚,大声喊出了生命中的最后一句话:“我的十字架使命完成了。父 啊!我将我的灵魂交在你手里!”
  【片名】The Passion of the Christ
  【评分】7.2/10 (58,025 votes)
  【格式】X264 1553KBPS AC3 384K+AC3 96K x4
  【大小】3CD 3x49x15MB
  【导演】梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson
  【主演】詹姆斯·卡维泽 James Caviezel .... Jesus
  Maia Morgenstern .... Mary
  Hristo Jivkov .... John
  Francesco De Vito .... Peter
  莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci .... Magdalen
  Mattia Sbragia .... Caiphas
  Toni Bertorelli .... Annas
  Luca Lionello .... Judas
  Hristo Shopov .... Pontius Pilate (as Hristo Naumov Shopov)
  Claudia Gerini .... Claudia Procles
  Fabio Sartor .... Abenader
  Giacinto Ferro .... Joseph of Arimathea
  Olek Mincer .... Nicodemus
  Sheila Mokhtari .... Woman in Audience
  Lucio Allocca .... Old Temple Guard

  Jesus (English translation: Jesus; Greek: Ιησούς Χριστός [Chinese transliteration is: edge ideas can be found Rees Taos] in the year 1 ~ 30 years)
  According to Christian truth, Jesus is the Son of God the Father Creator, the universe and man are created by the Father. The Lord God had made the first person called Adam, God made his wife Eve to Adam. But Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, this is not the first time that people misunderstood sexual relations, but the defiance of the order of God the Father, the Father allowed to eat eat fruit from the tree of good and evil. This is a great sin, Adam and Eve are punished by God, is to lose God's favor, succumbed to death under the weight. The original Adam and Eve to live forever, carefree and enjoying life in paradise, after the crime, he was out of the park, barely working hard to make ends meet. As Pope Paul VI said: They live in justice and holiness among (the people of God Creed). To make matters worse, the descendants of Adam and Eve suffered in his crime, that is the whole mankind, therefore, everyone has an original sin, but also because people convicted of crimes would be difficult to avoid actually produce crime. Impunity, is a heinous crime against God and therefore everyone must be punished in hell. God is love, and hate to see people go to hell, sent his Son Jesus instead of people tortured. Therefore, Germany can help the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary gave birth to a baby boy, baby boy grow up, because the people sentenced to death, was brutally crucified, died. But Jesus is innocent, is to save the world's sinners to death. The third day after his death, resurrection, after the resurrection life of 40 days in the ground, then rose to heaven before his disciples. Jesus should come again, come again, when would the implementation of the final trial. People who believe Jesus to heaven enjoy a happy life, do not believe in Jesus go to hell tortured.
  Introduction of Jesus
  Jesus (6 BC / 2 years to AD 29 years / 36 years) is the central figure of Christianity, he is also known as Jesus of Nazareth, or Jesus Christ. 2, translated from the Greek pronunciation of Jesus "Ίησους", Nestorian called shift mouse, translated in English "Jesus", is Greek "Ίησους (Iēsous)" after the English of the wording of the "Ίησους" itself is from the Hebrew language "יהושע (Yehoshua)" or the Hebrew Aramaic (Aramaic language; Aramaic language; Aramaic) "ישוע (Yeshua)" come in after the Greek, "יהושע" or "ישוע" means "The Lord is the savior", transliterated as "Joshua." "Christ" two words from Greek Χριστός (Latinized written with Christós), from the transliteration of "Messiah" in Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Aramaic language is משיחא, Arabic Bible is يسوع, the Koran is written عيسى Islam translation of "Messiah"), meaning "purification Oil it's people," translated as "anointed", "subject to anoint the person", "anointed ones", or "anointed Oil watered "and" anoint "or" anoint "(that is, the oil and poured it in the" anointed "or" anointed "person's head) is the Hebrew sacred books up kings ceremony, details see" Samuel Old Testament "prophet Samuel anoint Saul and David to be king;" Messiah "and" Christ "is the title, respectfully, in the" Old Testament Book of Isaiah "and" Old Testament but management books "and many other books of the prophets," Messiah "is the prophet predicted the Savior to rescue 10,000 people.
  "Jesus" is the Chinese translation for Jesus and "Christ" is the title of one of Jesus means Savior, Messiah.
  "Romans" 1:20 since the creation of the world since God eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen, although the eye can not see, but when made, so you can know that men are without excuse.
  "Romans" 1:23 to the glory of the immortal God into an image made like mortal man and birds and beasts creeping.
  Jesus (also known as the Christ (the Church of Italy for the product is to honor persons), meaning the king, the Messiah, the church called the Messiah as a savior of Italy) was born in Palestine before 2000. Modern civilization is divided into the time BC (before Christ, that is) and AD (the primary years) in the Annals way to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Jesus was a carpenter 30 years ago, lived a traditional Jewish life. At that time all of Israel are in the Roman Emperor Caesar, under the dictatorship, including Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus of Nazareth growth.
  Jesus was brutally tortured, and then was hung up his hands, nailed to a wooden beam level (cross) on. This method allows the execution of air the lungs can not breathe, three hours later he died. However, more than 500 people have witnessed that he resurrected three days later, and after 40 days walking in the provinces north and south of Israel. Many people think that this proves that Jesus claimed to be God is true. Later, Jesus was killed not long ago returned to their city of Jerusalem, from where witnesses said he left the earth, rose to heaven go.
  Koran called 麦西哈尔撒 (Messiah Jesus), is one of the Islamic prophet six, known as the "Great Sage Prophet," "God's Aura", second only to Holy Prophet, Muhammad seal Messenger Mohamed, admitted that he no parent birth, bodily to heaven, but does not acknowledge that he is God's only son, do not think he had died and resurrection; has more than 70 paragraphs, "Hadith" record: Jesus, near the end of the world descend in Damascus, do Muslim leaders, Mohammed inherited the position to "Koran" oriented, spread Islam, unity of the many religions. New Testament as Christ is the central figure of Christianity and God.
  Jesus is the savior of the Christian faith, the founder of Christianity. The Hebrew title of Christ as the Messiah (meaning anointed, originally referred to the Messiah sent by God to save Israel) in Greek transliteration. According to the "New Testament" four gospels record that Jesus is the Son of God and the Virgin Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born in Bethlehem inn and stables into. Jesus from John the Baptist baptized as adults, and has withstood the test of 40 days, after the Jewish and Palestinian parts of the Galilee Missionary. He led his 12 disciples on the one hand promote the kingdom of heaven will be temporary, the gospel of repentance and salvation, on the one hand to saving lives, distress Subsidizing. The doctrine advocating "love God love your neighbor," "Love your neighbor as yourself" and criticized those in power at that time some ring rules and Judaism, which was the top molecule hate Judaism. The eve of Passover, was one of his disciples, betrayed by Judas, and some false charges to Mozambique, was crucified. The third day of resurrection after death, and appeared in all the disciples, the first 40 days to heaven. Jesus the man on the historic problems had caused the academic controversy. History positivists sought to eliminate the early church belief in the elements, asked to return to the original truth of Jesus. Many theologians such as Lechler think that can not be in the history of faith in Jesus Christ and separated. From the 1st century AD Jewish historian Yuesefusi's "Jewish ancient history" and the Roman historian Tacitus's "Chronicle" in Jesus can be found on some of the information, these data indirectly illustrate the history does there have been Jesus who he is. Of Christian origins, always face the question: the history of Jesus is indeed the people? Deny Jesus scholars who actually have some views held by the following types: (1) that Jesus is the Christian mythology idol; (2) Jesus is the error legendary figure; (3) Jesus Christ in the history of the same name who is actually the kneading hybridity; (4) in the contemporary history of archaeological excavation works and can not find sufficient According to; In addition, the church also have some people deny that Jesus had flesh and blood, they believe Jesus Christ is God, as the history of human flesh and blood of Jesus is only a "ghost", or is a human illusion.
  Advocates who Jesus really have to teach people not only care, but also non-Christian scholars often differ between the various views can be broadly divided into the following categories: (1) accept all the Bible records, maintenance of church tradition that Jesus, the Word into the body of Christ; (2) Jesus was Jewish, "rebel leader"; (3) Jesus is the leader of a revolutionary movement; (4) Jesus was a liar; (5) Jesus is Zhisibuwu prophet; (6) Jesus is the ordinary people of flesh and blood, but then people deified him. Academic circles in the Bible, "Jesus of Nazareth," the name to start a discussion. "New Testament" Jesus said the first five volumes of "Nazarene (Nazarene) or" Nazuo La Pine. (Nazoraean); literature in Judaism, Jesus and his disciples were called "Nasalimu" (Notarim). Most scholars believe that these words are related to Galilee, called a "take turns Le" (Nazareth) in the city, but it also has a small number of scholars do not agree with this view, they believe in the "Old Testament" not found in the Nazareth City's name, may be it is a small village name. Neighbor Robertson (Archibald Robertson) quote about the 4th century, after the offer states: BC on the territory of Syria and Palestine there is a sect called the "Nasa Li School" (Nasaraens), and said: "Another pile strange is that a religious faction called the Man Daan, who worship John the Baptist as the true prophet, and rebuked Jesus is a liar and cheat, but still said their main members of Na Sala (Nasoraye) is "Nazuo La Pine." He therefore concluded that: "John and Jesus, the faithful are called Nazuo La Pine. But this title is not the name of the village from Nazareth, but the word is derived from Hebrew Natzar, was originally a 'Code' means i.e. confidential or strictly abide by Jewish law. "China also suggested that Christianity is developed from the Nazareth School. Seems more scholars insist on a Christian school in Nazareth, a faction of the view that the allocation of time there should be 1,2-century.
  "Jesus" in Greek for lesous, is the Hebrew Jeshua (Yeshua). Jehoshua (Joshua), Joshua (Joshua) and other words of transliteration, the original intent of "the Lord (is) to save." Robertson that the Greek of "Jesus Christ ‧" is "Messiah ‧ Joshua," with the "Old Testament" of the prophet Joshua intrinsically linked. But this one ignores the words "Joshua" the meaning of the word itself, but also put aside the "Matthew" Chapter 1, Section 21 of the interpretation, so it is not accepted by most scholars.
  Synthesis of existing information and research point of view, the following points on the life of Jesus we can be certain:
  The late Cambridge professor, writer Lewis (C · S · Lewies) when he said: "If Jesus only human, but to say 'the New Testament is written, the' who, he absolutely can not be eternal Biao! He is either mad to a degree that he is a preserved egg, or is the devil of hell - we must make a choice: either Jesus, the Son of God, they must be crazy (even more terrifying than the maniacs who!) ... ... Do not self-righteous to nonsense What Jesus is "Jesus Christ Biao" - and his words and actions urging the way we have chosen - it does not exist among the ambiguous hesitation! "
  Jesus taught, is widely recognized the most pure whole, the most profound lesson - more than one degree at all times and Renhe Zhe said that's okay.
  Jesus is the only one to decide who should come into the world, but also a handful of Gan Yuanshou dead people. Jesus once said that he came into the world's sole purpose is to die for us: "Son of man came ... ... to be laid down His life a ransom for many."
  End flogging of Jesus, but also forced to cross six feet long to go back to the torture of the hill (Jesus on the way Buzhidaodi). To the crucified Jesus to where the soldiers, six inches long with large nails, vigorously to the wrist and feet of Jesus nailed, nailed, put the cross erected. Jesus hung on the cross as long as six hours, his life in indescribable pain in a little bit of passing.
  Lord Jesus, Who are you? Why so successful in winning the appreciation of the two historians. Jesus is the son of a carpenter, was born 1900 years ago. Throughout his life, not only in the Palestinian area in the range of 400 activities, he died young, only lived 30-year-old, it was the Romans put to death for unfounded charges. Our long years of the millennium, I wonder how many countries and great passing. Many doctrine, doctrine be eliminated, dash heroes be forgotten. But Jesus has always been people still respect and love.
  Lord Jesus, you who in the end? You make people in the world-class talent has also worship your Lord and Teacher. The era of human birth is actually in your watershed. People say the era before you were born for the BC (BC), known as the era you were born after the year or our Lord (AD).
  "Who are weary and burdened, can come to me and I will give you rest."
  "I am the way, truth and the life, except through me, no one comes to the Father."
  "When we were still powerless, Christ set by died for the ungodly. For a righteous man, though rare, death for the Habitat for Humanity, or a dare. Who still sinners Christ in our time, our death, love of God revealed it to us here. "" When we were enemies, and die with God through Jesus Christ and, having been reconciled, much more, through his God for music. "
  Jesus was born
  2. Raba son of Jesus (Jesus Barabbas;
  5. Shamans Palestinian father of Jesus ("Palestinian Jesus" means "son of Jesus").
  After dinner, Jesus out of the city of Jerusalem, at the foot of Olive Hill Garden of Gethsemane to pray to God for some time. That night, he was unlawfully arrested, was taken to the high priest and the Jewish High Council (Sanhedrin) before, was illegal torture and illegal trial; was finally handed over to the Roman Empire still to Georgia Governor Pilate-like bird ( Pontius Pilate), handed over to Pilate to kill Jesus, John the Baptist points champion black off the German, in turn Herod returned Jesus to Pilate. Pilate could approve a person to death, strong public pressure, Pilate was precisely to do so.
  On the third day, several women came to Jesus's tomb for his body rub sesame oil. The task of this immediately after the completion of the death, but when Jesus died almost Friday evening, the Jewish Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday's sunset, before the Jews can not do anything these days ; in particular, the Sabbath is the Sabbath of Passover, Judaism has a very special significance, unless forced to, the Jews do not touch the bodies, which are not clean items, and other sort of thing; so the body of Jesus this anointing oil painting matter was postponed to next week's first day (Sunday) at dawn, that is, Jesus died on the third day of the dawn, after the Passover Sabbath, the first day of Advent, when. When these women arrive at the tomb when they found the stone entrance of the tomb has been boiling, and the tomb is empty; They also met a few angels, and told Jesus had been resurrected. On that day, Jesus appeared among his disciples, later also appeared twice. In the following weeks, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, the news was spread to more and more people.
  Jesus Christ, an apostle Judas 30 pieces of silver 伊斯卡利奥 the price will be betrayed Jesus Christ to the Jewish elite. Jesus Christ on the eve of Passover in Jerusalem suburb at the foot of Gethsemane olive illegal arrest, then was illegal torture and illegal trial, was handed over to Roman governor Pontius Pilate Judas; Pilate forced pressure, the release of Jesus Barabbas the robber, but Jesus Christ crucified in the suburbs, the cross of Calvary, when the world is buried in the clefts. The next day, should the Jewish high priest asked Pilate, Jesus Christ's tomb guarded by troops.
  Jesus Christ's teachings are very interesting. "New Testament Bible, Matthew," Chapter 3 ~ 12 public records training in the mountains of Jesus Christ as saying:
  Blessed are the meek it! For they shall inherit the earth.
  Blessed are the pure in heart! For they shall see God.
  Who insults you because of me, persecute you and falsely all kinds of evil against you will be blessed! Rejoice and be glad! Because your reward in heaven is great; the prophets which were before you, so persecuted them. "
  But I want to tell you: you have to love your enemies, bless those who curse you.
  These ideas, of course there had been regarded as the most famous, most innovative ideas of morality, as these concepts are not part of Judaism in Jesus time, not part of other religions.
  Until after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he gradually understood that these teachings, because, after all, is not any other religious leader who died and rose again, What is atonement for sinners died. This is a unique historical event.
  Life of Jesus
  Joseph's ancestral home in the foster father of Jesus Christ, when the Roman province of Bethlehem was born Jewish, followed by the Executive of the Jewish escape Herod was king of the fatwa and gone to Egypt, to the back until after the death of Herod the Great to Joseph's place of residence, province of Nazareth in Galilee to settle (some say "Nazareth," the names of Jesus's death was named). Subsequently accepted the baptism of John the Baptist, began to carry out missionary work in the Galilee area, and personally chosen among the faithful as burglary of the Apostles 12. In about 33 years, by the city of Jericho to Jerusalem, welcomed by the masses. However, a variety of religious and secular reasons, when the Jews are hated on Jesus Christ. They bought one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Judas Iscariot, the price of 30 silver, and his complicity in order to kiss him for the number, the Jesus arrested and charged with "claiming to be King of the Jews" to the charges. Under the pressure of the masses was Pontius Pilate sentenced to crucifixion, and then marched to the execution ground Calvary. According to the Bible records that Jesus died and was buried in a tomb near Calvary. Resurrection three days later and returned to Galilee to meet with the disciples, and in 40 heaven later.
  Secondly, the "Jesus" is only "Joshua" the Greek wording, and "Joshua" is actually a very common name, the word means to God for salvation. Nazareth alone, according to historical records, it has at least three "Joshua." But no evidence that these three "Joshua" and one of them might be Jesus Christ.
  Most researchers believe that Jesus was a real person was once similar to the Prophet as the appearance and access to Jerusalem, and because of religious or ethnic grounds by the authorities killed; but other aspects of the church's traditional view and has not been widely accepted by researchers outside the believers .
  ① born and baptized. On the record of the birth of Jesus and the young are found in "Matthew" and "Luke", thus derived for Christmas after the legend. "New Testament" no other part of any discussion on this matter. The first four Gospels in a book of "Mark", Zeyi Jesus by John the Baptist at the age of 30 for the beginning of washing. 1st century Jewish historian Yuesefusi had something on the record of John the Baptist. He said that John the Baptist was a "righteous" and "he called Jews follow the righteous way, as people are treating the neighbors should be fair, before God and man to come to baptism ... reverence ..." ("Jewish Kojiki" No. 18 Chapter 5). The baptism of Jesus by John is also seen in "Matthew" and "Luke", visible matter in early Christian oral tradition materials, has an important position. In the night out, "John" is not mentioned in the baptism of Jesus in John's thing, but only to the testimony of Jesus Christ that John, that Jesus is the Messiah was to come, savior. Gospel says Jesus was baptized, the real feel that they are "God's love child." And most people feel and different, and God has a special close relationship to the world to bear a special mission.
  ② preaching in Galilee. John the Baptist in the middle of a great impact on the masses. He was accused Herod was the ruler of jail. John was arrested, Jesus began to preach Galilee region of northern Palestine. According to "John" records, before he was to preach in the southern Jewish. The main content of his propaganda is: God is near, we must repent and believe the gospel. Jesus said "heaven" is "God's country."
  ⑤ conflict with those in power. According to the Gospel records of Jesus with the then dominant in Judaism of the Pharisees and Sadducees of the conflict, mainly the different religious views. For example, Jesus claimed that he has power to forgive sins, and scribes of the Pharisees think this is blasphemy. Jesus do not agree with the Pharisees on the Sabbath of the cumbersome dogma. He angered some Sabbath healing power. Compassion of Jesus is condemned by the Pharisees referred to as the lower people, and eat and drink with them, the Pharisees become more hostile to Jesus. Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, the Son of God, so Jesus as high priest be guilty, handed him over to Pilate and asked for his crucifixion death.
  ⑦ the idea of God and heaven. According to the Gospel, "God is the Father" as Jesus, the most important ideas. He Who made the prodigal son as a metaphor: the younger son to the father points to his awakening after the industry spent all the money, determined to confess to his father. Not only did not blame his father, but also for his dinner to celebrate, saying that her son is dead and resurrection, but get lost. Jesus as an example of the attitude of God to the world.
  Year of the birth of Jesus
  AD 6 years
  Matthew Lane, Matthew mentioned the birth of Jesus, (large) Herod the king had ordered the massacre of Jewish newborns, so that the throne is threatened. Historians calculate Herod the Great died in 4 BC, so Jesus should in fact born on or before 4 BC. According to recent projections, Jesus in fact should be born in about 6 BC. However, historians point out that in that period of time before and after, in the Jewish Galilee province province and the three called "Herod" and "King" appeared. Matthew referring to Herod for which one, there is also open to question.
  Year of birth controversy
  According to the New Testament record of each chapter, we may have dates of birth of Jesus come to different conclusions.
  "Koran" in the record: You said: "We believe in the inspiration, and Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishmael (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), leaves Seoul Solitary White (Jacob) and the inspiration of all the tribes, and Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus) by giving the classic, and the prophets by the gift of the Lord classic; any one of them we have not be discriminated against, we just shun God (Allah). "(2: 136)
  Joseph foster father of Jesus is the seed of Abraham, in Matthew chapter has been written, from Abraham to Joseph, a total of 42 generations, but according to Luke Chapter records, from Abraham to Joseph, only 36 generations, more two lists, in addition to algebra different, the characters are not the same. I believe the two female family tree genealogy department and the male line. According to Matthew's record, Mary was not married at the Joseph case of pregnancy, and blood of Jesus was not Joseph's son. However, after Jesus was born and circumcised the 8th day, the first 40 days into the canon by the parents to sacrifice, showing that he is the eldest son of Joseph admitted, is in accordance with the law of Moses inherited the family business the most, is the legal successor Industry .
  "Passion of the Christ"
  Under the word frame in the sky woodenly, Jesus quietly endure the suffering of life in the last, until he sees his own soul to God the Father. The cross, Jesus endured the ultimate test - abandoned by God. Jesus experienced fear looking at the Virgin Mary, shout out their lives in the last sentence: "I completed the Cross mission. Father ah! I put my soul into your hands!"
  Translation】 【Passion of the Christ
  【Duration】 127Mins
  【Subtitles】 Chinese
  【Size】 3CD 3x49x15MB
  Maia Morgenstern .... Mary
  Monica Bellucci Monica Bellucci .... Magdalen
  Luca Lionello .... Judas
  Fabio Sartor .... Abenader
  Sheila Mokhtari .... Woman in Audience
  "King of Kings"
  Although the silent film movie, but it will not affect their great results, read minds after all people have a sense of washing received.
  Describes the life of Jesus of Chinese books
  [Jesus Christ (Photo Edition)]
  Ludwig life writing a lot, mainly the "Goethe Biography," "Napoleon Biography", "Bismarck Biography", "Stalin Biography", "Jesus Christ", "Abraham Lincoln" and other biographies, as well as some political of works, such as "Ji Xiao Farm II", "Hindenburg," "Roosevelt" and so on.
公元耶稣 Jesus

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