西漢 人物列錶
劉邦 Liu Bang漢惠帝 Han Huidi漢前少帝 Han Qianshaodi
呂後 Lv Hou劉弘 Liu Hong漢文帝 Han Wendi
漢景帝 Han Jingdi漢武帝 Han Wudi漢昭帝 Han Zhaodi
昌邑王 Chang Yiwang漢宣帝 Han Xuandi漢元帝 Han Yuandi
漢成帝 Han Chengdi漢哀帝 Han Aidi漢平帝 Han Pingdi
孺子嬰 Ru Ziying
漢哀帝 Han Aidi
西漢  西汉(前25年前1年)

  漢哀帝劉欣,字和 (公元前25年-公元前1年),漢族,生於成帝河平四年丙申(公元前25年)三月壬辰日。
  漢哀帝是西漢歷史上的第13個皇帝,元帝劉奭之孫,定陶王劉康之子。元帝三子:長子即成帝劉驁,皇后王政君所生;次子定陶王劉康,傅昭儀生;三子中山王劉興,馮昭儀生。成帝即位二十餘年而無子,為了繼嗣問題,需要在弟與侄中擇立一人為皇太子,以便將來可以繼承皇位。其時定陶王劉康已死,中山王劉興尚在,而劉康衹有劉欣一子,可以考慮的人選其實衹有劉興與劉欣二人。成帝綏和元年,皇帝召集丞相翟方進、御史大夫孔光、驃騎將軍王根、右將軍廉褒、後將軍朱博等有資格參與國傢大計的將相大臣人禁中,討論究竟應以何人為太子?翟方進、王根、廉褒和朱博都主張立劉欣,因為劉欣乃是帝弟劉康之子,於輩行上乃是皇帝的“猶子 ”,適於作為嗣子,而劉興乃是皇帝之親弟,輩行不合,不適宜。御史大夫孔光則以為親弟的血統關係較侄兒為親。援照兄終弟及之義,應以劉興為宜。但皇帝卻以翟方進等人之說為是,而且他認為劉興亦不如劉欣之聰明而有纔,所以終於决定以劉欣為皇太子。這一年,劉欣17歲。再過1年,成帝駕崩,劉欣繼立皇帝,時年 18。翌年改元,定年號為建平。
  但哀帝有治國之志卻無治國之才,是中國歷史上有名的同性戀者,著名典故'斷袖之癖"就源於此,他寵信一位男寵董賢,賞賜田,令限田變賜田。一天他們倆一同睡覺,董賢睡得十分香甜,而漢哀帝必須要上朝了,不忍心叫醒愛人,便割斷了直接衣袖,沒有驚動董賢。而董賢陪伴漢哀帝左右時,因為漢哀帝身體不好,極盡柔美之能事,放假也不願離開,身體力行照顧漢哀帝。在位五年卒。元壽二年庚申(公元前1年)六月戊午日,在位僅七年的漢哀帝去世。原本打算讓董賢即位,但董賢自動退居。劉欣自甲寅(公元前7年)——庚申(公元前1年),在位七年,葬於義陵(今陝西鹹陽市西八裏處),(一說葬在扶風,去長安四十六裏),謚為孝哀皇帝。後外戚王莽篡政。西漢走嚮沒落。 幾十年後,東漢開始。

  Emperor Ai of Han Chinese is the history of the 13th emperor, Emperor Yuan Liu shi grandson, the son of Liu Kang Wang Dingtao. Third son of Emperor Yuan: the eldest son of the Emperor Stick Liu Ao, Queen born Wang Cheng Jun; second son Dingtao Wang Liu Kang, Fu Zhaoyi Health; three sons, Zhongshan Wang Xing, Feng Zhaoyi Health. EMPEROR ascended the throne 20 years without a child, heir to the issue, brother and nephew need to establish a man-made crown prince in the choice for the future heir. Wang Liu Kang is dead for the time Dingtao, Zhongshan Wang Xing-still, while Liu Xin Liu Kang is only one child, consider the candidates in fact only two of Xing and Liu Xin. EMPEROR Sui and the first year, the emperor summoned the prime minister Zhai side forward, royal doctor hole light, king of root hussar general, General Lim praised the right, after the General Jubault eligible to participate in national plans, etc. will be prohibited in the person with the Minister to discuss whether it should be Who is the Prince? Di Fang Jin, Gen Wang, Lian praise and advocate legislative Jubault Liu Xin, because Xin Liu Di Liu Kang's son, but God, in the generation line but the emperor's "Jewish children", suitable as heir, but but pro-brother of the Emperor of Xing, generation line of substandard, inappropriate. Light hole is thought pro-royal doctor brother's blood relationship to a more pro-nephew. Assistance according to elder brother to younger brother and meaning, should be suitable to Xing. The king to Zhai side into the other person says yes, but not if he thinks Xing Liu Xin of smart and talented, so finally decided to Liu Xin as crown prince. This year, Liu Xin 17. Another 1 year, confederated Jiabeng, Liu Xin Li following the emperor, when he was 18. The following year reign title, will reign as Jianping.
  EMPEROR's death, 18-year-old Liu Xin Sui, and two years at Love stories (7 years BC) April succession emperor, changed the following year reign as the "Jianping", namely the history of another famous headed, Emperor Ai of Han . Known to history as Emperor Ai of Han teenager had bad sound effects, is familiar with the classics, diction Hirotoshi of talented monarch. Ascended the throne when faced with the decline of the Han dynasty Mean situation, Ai want to have a bright future. He has studied into practice thrift, destroy all provinces with the diligent conduct of public affairs, but also enable Gong Sheng, Bao Yin, Bao-such insight, Limiting Farmland promulgated orders, limit orders and other laws slaves, trying to suppress the growing land acquisition . But Ai untimely, a Han dynasty was the foundation has been fixed, no matter who is also powerless. Ai's innovation policy by the aristocracy because of bureaucratic opposition failed, and longer than trickery grandmother, Empress Dowager Fu's interference in domestic affairs, so that Ai Things have not, and the results led to the relocation of power, the DPRK from bad to worse. The face of failure and frustration, the young Emperor Ai of Han quickly discouraged. Elan will vanish very quickly came to the throne at the beginning, came on behalf of being in the sensual pleasures seeking stimulation. In this way, the throne of Emperor Ai will soon by a rather vigorous young ruler was something completely degenerated into a dissolute and corrupt than even EMPEROR stupid.
  Emperor Ai of Han had just ascended the throne, the 20-year-old is a young emperor. His family from the forces of the whole Xiaowang Shi, some lessons have to recognize, as the emperor, must have been out by the government, must not lose its power as After the emperor as the mercy of others. Ai ascended the throne at the beginning, Lang Ya Dong Wu (now in Shandong province) a teacher on behalf of Wang Mang Dan Sima shop for large affairs, he took to the Emperor made on Limiting Farmland, limit slavery's proposal, an attempt to get rid of bad luck Chinese family. After the ministers discussed with holes Chen light. Wu and other large Sagong He has developed specific regulations: Princes, Liehou, Princess, the history of the public accounting field not more than 30 ares; Kings in human limit of 200 slaves, Liehou, Princess 100, History of Man 30; merchants may not ownership of land, not allowed to become officials. Than the above limit, the field slaves build a revenue officer Lu did not. Although this program has given a great advantage bureaucratic landlords, but still met the opposition elite dominated court politics. Limiting Farmland, limited to an order of slaves, the first being a small, two Dukes Fu opposition. Ai does not support this ordinance, then he had a reward Dong Xian 2000 ares of land, is the most high Limiting Farmland near 70 times, then, Limiting Farmland, limit slaves that are empty. Limiting Farmland addition, limit orders slaves, the Ai has issued a series of edict, such as the abolition of any child that bullying slander and defamation law, stop Yue, prohibited animals, etc. Grading and offer names. However, these all become a dead letter.
  Jianping (4) BC 6 - BC 3
  】 【Gaishi
  Mausoleum】 【Posthumous name
  Ban Gu
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