西突厥 人物列錶
阿史那室點密 Istami阿史那玷厥 Touxanth泥利可汗 Ni Likehan
阿史那達曼 A Shinadaman射匱可汗 She Kuikehan統葉護可汗 Tong Shehukehan
莫賀咄可汗 Mo Heduokehan阿史那咥力 A Shinadieli阿史那泥孰 A Shinanishu
阿史那同俄 A Shinatonge阿史那薄布 A Shinabaobu阿史那欲𠔌 A Shinayugu
乙毗射匱可汗 Yi Pishekuikehan阿史那賀魯 A Shinahelu
泥利可汗 Ni Likehan
西突厥  (?587年604年)


  Mud Lee Khan, grandson of Khan Awa. 587 years, the Eastern Turks to send troops capture Awa Khan Mo Khan Ho, offered in the Sui Dynasty. The Secret National martingale prime son of Lee Khan for the mud. His wife, Han Chinese to the clan. 604 years ago, the mud Lee Khan died, his son Ashina Daman throne for Heshana Khan.
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