西突厥 人物列表
阿史那室点密 Istami阿史那玷厥 Touxanth泥利可汗 Ni Likehan
阿史那达曼 A Shinadaman射匮可汗 She Kuikehan统叶护可汗 Tong Shehukehan
莫贺咄可汗 Mo Heduokehan阿史那咥力 A Shinadieli阿史那泥孰 A Shinanishu
阿史那同俄 A Shinatonge阿史那薄布 A Shinabaobu阿史那欲谷 A Shinayugu
乙毗射匮可汗 Yi Pishekuikehan阿史那贺鲁 A Shinahelu
阿史那达曼 A Shinadaman
西突厥  (?604年619年)
网笔号: 泥厥处罗可汗


  Heshana Khan (? -619), The name Ashina Daman and Western Turki Khan, mud Lee Khan, son of Han Chinese to the mother's. Mud after the death of Lee Khan, Dammam came to the throne. 603 years, reaching the first Sui Khan defeated, defected Tuyuhun, Heshana Khan occupy the land of Western Turks. After shooting up to the first grandson of Khan Khan Kui counterattack. Cause seven years (611 years) in December, Dammam come to appear before the Emperor, was detained for the He-Liquid Emperor Dammam closure that Khan, wife of her married female imperial clan. The following year, with the Emperor Dongzheng Goguryeo, Emperor, after inspecting, are to Dammam to follow. 618 Jiangdu Rebellion, the Emperor was killed, Dammam with Yuwenhuaji to Hebei Yuwenhuaji will fail, return the Tang capital Chang'an Ben Dammam. 619, Dammam was Emperor in Tang envoy to the East Turkestan, the killing.
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