tǔyùhún zuòzhělièbiǎo
róng tǔyùhún Murong Tuguhun róng yán Murong Tuyan yán She Yan
suì Sui Xishì lián Shi Lianshì Shi Pi
Wu Gedi róng shù luò gān Murong Shuluogan róng 'ā chái Murong Achai
róng guī Murong Mugui róng yán Murong Muliyan róng shí yín Murong Sheyin
hóu Du Yihou lián chóu Fu Lianchou róng kuā Murong Kualv
róng shì Murong Shifu róng yǔn Murong Fuyun róng shùn Murong Shun
róng nuò Murong Nuohebo
róng tǔyùhún Murong Tuguhun
tǔyùhún  (?283nián317nián)

   róng tǔyùhún ,(? yuē 317 niántǔyùhún de jiàn zhěwéi 4- 6 shì jiàn zhī tǔyùhún tǒng zhì zhě zhī shǐ wéi xiān bēi chányú róng shè guī shù cháng qián yàn jiàn zhě róng huàng zhī róng guī zhī shù xiōng róng guī liǎng rén yuán běn gǎn qíng liáng hǎoyīn róng guī bèi tiǎo jiàn shū yuǎnyòu gèng yǎo wéi yóu róng tǔyùhún zhēng zhíhòu róng tǔyùhún biǎo shì qiú suī róng guī zhì qiàn xiū hǎodàn róng tǔyùhún rèn wéi xián shēngjué xīn qiú shì zài gōng yuán 283 nián shuài suǒ 1700 qiān dào jīn nèimēng zhì yīn shān。 313 nián zuǒ yòu róng tǔyùhún yòu cóng yīn shān nán xiàzhì lǒng zhī bāo hǎnjīn gān shěng lín xià)。 wéi gēn sūn xiāng chéngxiàng nánběi sān miàn tuò zhǎntǒng zhì jīn qīng hǎi shěnggān shěng nán chuān shěng běi děng de qiāng mín 。 317 nián róng tǔyùhún shì shìyóu de zhǎngzǐ yán wèizài wèi jiān wéi 283- 317 nián

  Murong Tuyuhun, (? - About 317 years) Tuyuhun founder, for the 4-6 century, the ancestors of Tuyuhun ruler, he was involved in classified Shuzhang Murong Xianbei Chanyu son, the father of the former Yan Jianli who Murong Huang Murong Hui of Shu brother. Both the original and Murong Hui feeling good. Murong Hui is due discord gradually alienated once more reason to bite inter Horses Tuyuhun with Murong disputes seek to post said Murong Tuyuhun Although Murong Hui apology fix but Murong Tuyuhun been considered bad feelings hygiene is determined to seek So 283 annual rate in the year 1700 his troops moved westward to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region today Yin. 313 years, and from Yin Shannan Murong Tuyuhun under the land to the Longxi rare serrata (now in Linxia). This as a base, children and grandchildren each other, south, north and west sides to expand, this rule of Qinghai, Gansu Province in the southern, northwest of Sichuan Province and other places of the Di and Qiang peoples. 317 years, Murong Tuyuhun death by his eldest son spit extension to the throne, during the reign of the 283-317 years.
tǔyùhún róng tǔyùhún Murong Tuguhun
hòuyījūnzhù >>: róng yán

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