吐谷浑 人物列表
慕容吐谷浑 Murong Tuguhun慕容吐延 Murong Tuyan叶延 She Yan
碎奚 Sui Xi视连 Shi Lian视罴 Shi Pi
乌纥提 Wu Gedi慕容树洛干 Murong Shuluogan慕容阿豺 Murong Achai
慕容慕璝 Murong Mugui慕容慕利延 Murong Muliyan慕容拾寅 Murong Sheyin
度易侯 Du Yihou伏连筹 Fu Lianchou慕容夸吕 Murong Kualv
慕容世伏 Murong Shifu慕容伏允 Murong Fuyun慕容顺 Murong Shun
慕容诺曷钵 Murong Nuohebo
慕容吐延 Murong Tuyan
吐谷浑  (?317年351年)


  Murong vomit extension, (? -351), The 317, the Murong Tuyuhun death by his eldest son spit extension to the throne. Western Jin Ham and four years (329 years), were spit Yan Qiang Jiang Cong chief stabbed to death, dying when asked to defend a long delay cotyledon Prynne. Later, leaf extension to the throne, the establishment of Mu Kechuan headquarters in shoals, and to spit extension of the clan to Tuyuhun surname, clan names and the country. During the reign of 317-329 years.
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