秦代 人物列錶
秦始皇 Qin Shihuang秦二世 Qin Ershi秦王子嬰 Qin Wangziying
秦始皇 Qin Shihuang
秦代  (前259年前210年)

  公元前221庚辰 二十六年—前220 辛巳 二十七年—前219 壬午 二十八年—前218 癸未 二十九年—前217 甲申 三十年—前216 乙酉 三十一年—前215 丙戌 三十二年—前214 丁亥 三十三年—前213 戊子 三十四年—前212 己醜 三十五年—前211 庚寅三十六年—前210 辛卯 三十七年
  據《史記·呂不韋列傳》記載,秦始皇的母親趙姬原是呂不韋的姬妾,呂不韋出於政治目的將已懷孕的趙姬獻給異人(即秦莊襄王),後來趙姬至大期生子名政;又據《史記·秦始皇本紀》記載,“秦始皇帝者,秦莊襄王子也。莊襄王為秦質子於趙,見呂不韋姬,悅而取之,生始皇。 ”作為一個並不受寵愛的質子的兒子,趙政少年時期是在趙國都城邯鄲度過的,此時異人經呂不韋從中斡旋已然回到秦國,並認華陽夫人為母,經過多次政治鬥爭終於獲得了華陽信任,呂不韋又花費大量精力與金錢將趙姬母子接回秦國,從此趙政開始了他在秦王宮裏的政治生涯。
  九鼎相傳為夏禹所鑄,象徵九州,一直受許多國傢所保護,由九州上貢的鐵所製。夏、商、周是奉為國寶,擁有九鼎者就為天子。公元前256年(秦昭王五十一年, 周赧王五十九年),攻伐趙國邯鄲的秦軍,繼續嚮韓,趙發動攻勢。值此之際,東方各國又發動聯合抗秦。在韓、趙等國的影響與脅迫下,不識時務的西周公也捲入這次活動。聯軍打着周王的旗號,合縱抗秦。昭王大怒。秦國早就想在地圖上抹去西周,盡快掃除統一天下的一個障礙。西周參與反秦,正好給秦國出兵以口實。公元前256年(赧王59年,秦昭襄王51年),秦兵攻打西周,赧王聽西周公之言,以西周三十六城、三萬戶降秦),秦王將周赧王貶爵為君,西周公為傢臣,封於梁城(今陝西省韓城縣南)。赧王至梁城一月而死,國除,置九鼎於鹹陽(途中一鼎落於泗水,所以秦國衹得到8鼎,但習慣上仍稱九鼎)。自次年起(昭襄王五十二年,前255年)史傢以秦王紀年。公元前255年,九鼎遷秦,意味着秦王將為天下共主,可以名正言順地討伐各諸侯國。
  南方大國楚國,疆域遼闊,山林茂密,物産豐富,號稱擁有甲士百萬。但是,楚國的內政一直不振,總是貴族爭權奪利,這種狀況到戰國末期尤為嚴重。公元前228年,楚幽王死,統治集團發生內訌。幽王的同母弟猶,即位為哀王,但僅兩個多月,就被異母兄負芻的門徒殺掉了。負芻成為楚王。楚王室更加分崩離析。就在楚國發生內亂的時候,公元前226年,秦王政不失時機地從北方伐燕前綫抽調秦軍,南下攻楚,連續奪得楚國10餘個城池。公元前224年,秦國與楚國的决戰就要開始了。秦王政先派年輕將領李信率 20萬秦軍攻楚,被楚軍擊敗。後又派大將王翦率60萬秦軍攻楚。王翦入楚境後,並未馬上發動攻勢。他總結了李信輕敵冒進的教訓,采取屯兵練武,堅壁不出,麻痹敵人,以逸待勞的戰略。這樣,度過了一年多的時間,秦軍對楚地的情況基本適應,士氣高昂,體力充沛。同時,被調來抗擊秦軍的楚國部隊,鬥志漸漸鬆懈,加上糧草不足,準備東歸。楚軍一撤,王翦就抓住時機下令全軍出擊。秦軍一舉打垮了楚軍的主力,並長驅直入,挺入內地,殺死楚軍統帥項燕。接着,秦軍攻占楚都壽春(今安徽壽縣),俘虜了楚王負芻,楚國滅亡,時為公元前223年(秦王政二十四年)。公元前222年(秦王政二十五年),剛在南方滅楚的大軍,又乘勝降服了越君,設置會稽郡。於是,長江流域全部並入秦的版圖。
  “皇帝”稱謂的出現,不僅僅是簡單的名號變更,還反映了一種新的通知觀念的産生。在古代,“皇 ”有“大”的意思,人們對祖先神和其他一些神明,有時就稱“皇”。“帝”是上古人們想象中的主宰萬物的最高天神。秦始皇將“皇”和“帝”兩個字結合起來,第一,說明了他想表示其至高無上的地位和權威,是上天給予的,即“君權神授”;第二,反映了他覺得僅僅是做人間的統治者還不滿足,還要當神。
  綿延萬裏的長城它並不衹是一道單獨的城墻,而是由城墻、敵樓、關城、墩堡、營城、衛所、鎮城烽火臺等多種防禦工事所組成的一個完整的防禦工程體係。這一防禦工程體係,由各級軍事指揮係統層層指揮、節節控製。以明長城為例,在萬裏長城防綫上分設了遼東、薊、宣府、大同、山西、榆林、寧夏、固原、甘肅等九個軍事管轄區來分段防守和修繕東起鴨緑江,西止嘉峪關,全長7000多千米的長城,稱作“九邊重鎮”,每鎮設總兵官作為這一段長城的軍事長官,受兵部的指揮,負責所轄軍區內的防務 或奉命支援相鄰軍區的防務。明代長城沿綫約有100萬人的兵力防守。總兵官平時駐守在鎮城內,其餘各級官員分駐於衛所、營城、關城和城墻上的敵樓和墩堡之內。
   長城的防禦工程建築,在2000多年的修築過程中積纍了豐富的經驗。首先是在佈局上,秦始皇修築萬裏長城時就總結出了“因地形,用險製塞”的經驗。2000多年一直遵循這一原則,成為軍事佈防上的重要依據。在建築材料和建築結構 上以“就地取材、因材施用”的原則,創造了許多種結構方法。有夯土、塊石片石、磚石混合等結構;在沙漠中還利用了紅柳枝條、蘆葦與砂粒層層鋪築的結構,可稱得上是“巧奪天工”的創造,在今甘肅玉門關、陽關和新疆境內還保存了2000多年前
   長城的城墻是這一防禦工程中的主體部分。它建於高山峻嶺或平原險阻之處,根據地形和防禦功能的需要而修建,凡在平原或要隘之處修築得十分高大堅固,而在高山險處則較為低矮狹窄,以節約人力和費用,甚至一些最為陡峻之處無法修築的地方便采取了“山險墻”和“劈山墻”的辦法,在居庸關、八達嶺和河北、山西、甘肅等地區的長城城墻,一般平均高約七八米,底部厚約六七米,墻頂寬約四五米。在城墻頂上,內側設宇墻, 高一米餘,以防巡邏士兵跌落,外側一面設垛口墻,高2米左右,垛口墻的上部設有望口,下部有射洞和擂石孔,以觀看敵情和射擊、滾放擂石之用。有的重要城墻頂上,還建有層 層障墻,以抵抗萬一登上城墻的敵人。到了明代中期,抗倭名將戚繼光調任薊鎮總兵時, 對長城的防禦工事作了重大的改進,在城墻頂上設置了敵樓或敵臺,以住宿巡邏士兵和 儲存武器糧襪,使長城的防禦功能極大的加強。
  長城的關城是萬裏長城防綫上最為集中的防禦據點。關城設置的位置至關重要,均是選擇在有利防守的地形之處,以收到以極少的兵力抵禦強大的入侵者的效果,古稱“一夫當關,萬夫莫開”,生動地說明了關城的重要性。長城沿綫的關城有大有小,數量很多。就以 明長城的關城來說,大大小小有近千處之多,著名的如山海關、黃崖關、居庸關、紫荊關、倒馬關、平型關、雁門關、偏關、嘉峪關以及漢代的陽關、玉門關等。有些大的關城附近還帶有許多小關,如山海關附近就有十多處小關城,共同組成了萬裏長城的防禦工程建築係統。有些重要的關城,本身就有幾重防綫,如居庸關除本關外,尚有南口、北口、上關三 道關防。北口即八達嶺,是居庸關最重要的前哨防綫。
  烽火臺是萬裏長城防禦工程中最為重要的組成部分之一。它的作用是作為傳遞軍情的設施。烽火臺這種傳遞信息的工具很早就有了,長城一開始修築的時候就很好地利用了它而且逐步加以完善,成了古代傳遞軍情的一種最好的方法。傳遞的方法是白天燃煙,夜間舉火,因白天陽光很強,火光不易見到,夜間火光很遠就能看見。這是一種傳遞信息很科學又很迅速的方法。為了報告敵兵來犯的多少,采用了以燃煙、舉火數目的多少來加以區別。到了明朝還在燃煙、舉火數目的同時加放炮聲,以增強報警的效果,使軍情傳遞頃刻千裏。在古代沒有電話、無綫電通訊的情況下,這種傳遞軍情信息的辦法可以說 十分迅速了。關於烽火臺的佈局也是十分重要的,要緊的是要把它佈置在高山險處或是峰回路轉的地方,而且必須是要三個臺都能相互望見,以便於看見和傳遞。烽火臺在漢代曾經稱過亭、亭隧、烽燧等名稱,明代稱作煙墩。它除了傳遞軍情之外,還為來往使節保護安全,提供食宿、供應馬匹糧秣等服務。還有些地段的長城衹設烽臺、亭燧而不築墻的,可見烽火臺在長城防禦體係中的重要性。
  傳說中的仙島,倒並不全是虛妄,仙沒有,島是有的。按照日本的記載,徐福所說的就是日本的本州、四國、九州三島。日本的文字史料中,對徐福的記載含糊不清。這也不能責怪日本人,因為徐福登陸的時代,日本還在蒙昧之中(大約是新石器時代),還沒有可靠的文字記載呢!但是按照部分日本史學界人士的觀點,徐福,就是日本古代著名君主,第一位天皇———神武天皇,他登陸日本的地點,便在日本的關西平原。 “神武東徵”橫掃日本的傳說就是基於徐福登陸日本,南徵北戰的事跡。
  一個星期以後,我的朋友回信,告訴我,這種“千歲”的確是一種稀有的植物,它學名 Actinidia chinensis Pianch。藤狀灌木。以根和果實入藥。具調中理氣、生津潤燥、解熱除煩、活血消腫之功效。果肉緑色,果皮軟而帶毛,今天已經存在人工栽培的品種,果實大小也增大了幾倍,常吃可以強身健體,延年益壽……它還有個中國名字,叫做———野生獼猴桃。
  秦國自商鞅變法以來重視以法治國,秦始皇繼承了這個傳統,十分推崇法傢人物韓非,曾自嘆“若與其同遊,則無恨矣”。對將領賞功罰罪,皆依法。秦始皇雖專製,認為“朕即天下”,但有秦一代,仍是依法治國。陳勝、吳廣起義,其理由也是“秦法嚴苛”,其罪當死,不得不反,乃是法逼民反。而並非如後世“朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨 ”那般因嚴重腐敗,而官逼民反。後世儒傢倡導人治,治國不依法,由君主一言而决,而至今日人治之風,馬屁之風猶在。
  李白的詩《古風》:“秦王掃六合,虎視何雄哉!” 桑弘羊的論著中肯定秦始皇統一中國的功績。 近代的章太炎在1913年撰寫的《秦政記》也贊揚秦始皇
  秦始皇對一些不貞的婦女,還進行了處罰,甚至對自己的生身母親也不留情。秦始皇的母親趙姬原為大臣呂不韋的愛姬,後來由呂不韋送給秦始皇的父親莊襄王,生下了秦始皇秦始皇即位後,趙姬和呂不韋情絲不斷,時有來往。呂不韋害怕事情敗露,便又嚮趙姬 (當時已是太後)推薦了假宦官嫪毐和他鬼混。太後和嫪毐生有兩子。此事後來被秦始皇發覺,勃然大怒。立即誅滅三族,又下令呂不韋服毒藥自盡,把自己的母親打入冷宮,把趙姬生的兩個同母異父的弟弟裝在囊中撲殺了。這件事當然還牽涉到不少政治上的因素,但秦始皇痛恨不貞行為,也是他嚴厲處理這件公案的依據。
  英雄 (電影)
  秦始皇 (電視劇)
  秦始皇 (歌劇)

  Qin Shi Huang (259 BC - 210 BC), China's first feudal dynasty - Qin Dynasty Emperor. Zhao surname, name of Zheng, the son of Zhuangxiang of Qin and Han. Zhao was born in the capital of Handan (Handan City, Hebei Province today), 247 BC, the Qin Wangzheng the throne at age 13 because young affairs of state and phase state by the Empress Dowager Lü Buwei and lustful of dangerous charge. In 238 BC (Qin Wangzheng nine), the emperor at the age of 22, held in the ancient capital city of Yong adult monarch coronation ceremony to begin, "pro-management affairs of state", get rid of Lü Buwei, lustful of dangerous and other people, reuse Trap Weiliao, from 230 BC to 221 BC, has destroyed Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan and Qi of the six countries, completed the great cause of reunification, the first to establish a powerful Han Han as the main multi-national unified feudal empire - - Qin Dynasty. Capital in Xianyang. Qinwang Zheng thinks the credit is better than before his Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the ministers agreed appellation to "emperor." The first emperor in Chinese history using the "Emperor" in the title of the monarch, the history of China and the world had a profound impact, is the actual onset of Han nationality who was described as the Ming thinker Li Zhi "Humans."
  Dragon 20 years 221 BC - 220 Government House 20 years ago - eight years before the 219 Horse 20 - 20 hours ago 218 Guiwei - 217 Jiashen three decades ago - before the 216 Yiyou 31 years - three years before the 215 Leisure - Top 214 Dinghai 30 years - 30 years before the Lunar 213 - 212 Jichou 30 years ago - before the 211 GY 30 years - 30 years before the 210 Xin Mao
  For the emperor, the most familiar to women than a mother. 4 years old when the first Qin emperor, father, mother and their differences will remain in the State of Zhao as a hostage. ZHAO Ji was Lü Buwei mother's concubines, so "two fathers" of the rumor has been accompanied by growing political Zhao, together with Zhao's spurned, despised all so young --- the only Emperor of the mother can rely on people full of mixed feelings of love and hate.
  Zhuangxiang of Qin three years (247 BC), Zhuangxiang of Qin Jia Beng, Zhao Zheng ascended the throne as King of Qin. When the throne as young, homeland government dominated by the phase state Lü Buwei, and respect for the Zhong Lü Buwei
  Jiuding】 【Qin wins
  Jiuding is said to Yu's Two Birds, a symbol of Kyushu, has been protected by many countries, from Kyushu by the tribute system of iron. Xia, Shang and Zhou is regarded as a national treasure, with those on the throne Jiuding. 256 BC (Qin Zhaowang 50 a year, Zhou Nan Wang 50 hours), attack the Handan's Qin Zhao, continue to Han, Zhao offensive. On this occasion, Eastern United States has launched Gang Qin. In the Han, Zhao and other countries affected and stress, given to the West, the Duke of Zhou is also involved in the event. Coalition under the banner name of King Zhou, Gang Qin longitudinal joint. The king was furious. Qin has long been wiped off the map to the Western Zhou Dynasty, as soon as possible to remove an obstacle to reunification of the world. Fan Qin Zhou involved, just to send troops to handle the state of Qin. BC 256 years (59 years, Nan Wang, Qin king Zhaoxiang 51 years), Bing Qin invasion of the Western Zhou, Nan Duke king heard the words of the West, the west Wed 16 city, 30 000 fall of Qin), Qin Zhou Nan Wang will be demoted to Jazz Jun, West Duke for the retainer, sealing in the beam Town (now County of Shaanxi Province South Korea). Nan Wang Zhiliang City, died in January, the country except, home Jiuding in Xianyang (on the way down to Surabaya, a tripod, so the state of Qin Ding by only 8, but still said Jiuding used). From next year onwards (king Zhaoxiang five years, 255 BC) historian to the King of Qin Annals. In 255 BC, Qin Jiuding move means that the King of Qin for Castles in the world can justifiably accuse the princes of the country.
  From 230 BC to 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang near to distant attack, divide divide, vertical and horizontal alliances [1] strategy, launched Qinmie six-nation war. He was emperor 17 years (before
  230) off Korea, 19 years (228 BC) off Zhao, 2 years (225 years ago) off Wei, 20 years (223 BC) destroyed Chu, twenty-five years (222 BC) off Yan, 20 years (221 BC) off Qi. Finally established the first unified Chinese history, multi-ethnic, centralized autocratic state - the Qin Dynasty.
  Off South Korea
  In 229 BC, Qin Zhao a major advantage of a large earthquake and famine of the opportunity to lead the troops attack also sent WANG Jian Zhao. Zhao sent Li Mu, Sima still shuaibing against both sides locked in a stalemate for a year
  Off Chu
  South powers Chu, territory vast, dense forests, rich natural resources, claims to have Jiashi million. However, Chu's internal affairs has been sluggish, always noble compliments, this situation is especially serious to the late Warring States Period. In 228 BC, Chu You Wang died, the ruling clique of internecine. You Wang still the same half brother, ascended the throne as the Silla, but only two months, half-brother was killed a negative Chu's disciples. Negative Chu became king. King room disintegration. At a time when civil strife Chu, 226 BC, the Qin Wangzheng lose no time in cutting from the north line drawn Qin Yan, south to attack Chu, Chu won more than 10 consecutive city. 224 BC, the Qin and Chu's battle to begin. Qin Wangzheng young officers first sent a letter rate 200 000 Qin Li attack Chu, Chu was defeated. Then send general rate of 600,000 Qin WANG Jian Chu attack. WANG Jian Chu into the environment, the did not immediately attack. He summed up the lessons of Lee aggressive letter underestimate the enemy, stationed themselves to take martial arts, Hardtop not, paralysis enemy to wait at strategic Yat. In this way, spent more than a year, Qin Chu situation on the basic adaptation, morale, and fitter. At the same time, was transferred to the Chu troops against Qin, fighting gradually relaxed, with less forage in preparation for the East return. A withdrawal Chu, WANG Jian ordered the army to seize the opportunity to attack. Qin Chu defeated the main force in one fell swoop, and drive straight, very into the mainland, killing the commander Xiang Chu Yan. Then, Qin captured Chu Dushou spring (now Shou County, Anhui), captured the king of negative Chu, Chu perish, when 223 BC (Qin Wangzheng twenty-four years). 222 BC (Qin Wangzheng twenty-five years), just off Chu's army in the south, then follow up a victory down all the more monarch, set Huiji County. Thus, all the Yangtze River and to Qin's territory.
  221 BC (Qin Wangzheng 20 years), Ben Hui Ge Wang Qin Wangzheng orders to move south, to attack the East in the last six countries: Qi. Spring and Autumn to the Warring States Period from the mid-Shandong Qi is the more powerful countries have a. However, 284 years BC, Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Chu Wuguo attack Qi, especially of Yan and Yue Qi sweep, so that Qi almost perished, after the complex has not been strong Qi. Moreover, at this time King of Qi Jian is incompetent. Mother alive, he was dependent on the mother; mother dying, he also Sipilailian to write to his mother can be his assistant, his minister's name. BC 249 (King of Qi Jian 16), the resolute unyielding king after the death of prime minister after the competent. Qin rapidly buying activities should be within, won back a large number of gifts of gold, jade. After the victory got the benefits of the state of Qin, they sent a large number of guests have to go to Qin. Qin another big bribe them, give money, treasure, so they should be back within the state of Qi as. These people came back from the state of Qin, Qin on pro-actively to create public opinion. They said the West should go towards King of Qi Jian Qin, as a submission, said that Chin is the marriage, do not have to prepare Gang Qin, and do not help Sanjin, Yan, Chu and Qin attack. It is in this case, south Fa Qi Wang Ben, almost not encountered any resistance. Wang Ben led his army has run, to Linzi, King of Qi Jian and immediately after the victory without a fight to the Qin Dynasty. Qi perish.
  Qinwang Zheng Qin mounted the throne in his twenty-six years, and finally unified China. Initially for the world, 39-year-old Qin Wangzheng hurry want to do first thing is to re-set itself a title.
  Since then, the "Emperor" has become the supreme ruler of China the title.
  Qinwang Zheng did the first emperor in Chinese history, self-proclaimed "Emperor." He also states: the throne passed to his descendants after his death, the successor to the emperor along the said II, III, emperor, and even eternal. Qin Shi Huang, a dream he never inherited the throne go, "Biography of the infinite" ("Historical Records First Emperor of the century").
  The emperor claimed to be "I am." "I" meaning of the word "I" the same, before most people can use, but limited only Emperor Qin Shi Huang to call themselves "I am."
  Only the emperor used to seal carved jade can be called "Xi."
  In order to effectively manage the country, and to lay the foundation for future generations, the emperor learned of the Warring States period to set the specific experience of office, established a relatively complete system and the power of centralized institutions.
  The prime minister, Qiu, royal doctor the following, which has the specific charge of government affairs Zhu Qing, including palm palace tuck portal doctor orders, guards stationed themselves in the Wei Wei Palace palm, palm Gyeonggi guards lieutenant, Zhang Xing provision of the Ting Yu, palm Su Valley in the history of the administration of goods, palm Shanhai Ikesawa the official handicraft manufacturing tax and less government to supply the royal family, government palace of the palm for less government, palm internal ethnic affairs and foreign affairs of Code off, palm ancestral ritual of Feng Chang , royal palm is a native being examined, such as palm opinion Taipu horse. The prime minister, Qiu, royal doctor and Zhu Qing government argument, ruling the emperor.
  Local institutions
  They are:
  Wei Location: kamigori, Dong-gun, Ōita, bagging County, Hanoi County;
  Qi: the East China Sea county, Dean Qi, Langya County, Jiaodong County, North County's economy;
  Hun old haunt: the original nine counties.
  There in the countryside, is the most basic administrative unit. There are in code, said future generations, he is, in Quebec, the "high commander" those whom the powerful. Where even the Wu set strict household registration organization to the tribe of servants, admission taxes. And provides for mutual supervision reported rape, one crime, the neighborhood even sit. There is also the Secretary for Security, thieves cut a specialized agency, called the Pavilion, the pavilion has long. Pavilion addition to the main administration of law and order, is also responsible for reception between the officials in charge of the government transport, purchase, transfer (instrument) and other things. Between the two booths, about ten miles away.
  Shang dynasty, the increasing popularity of text. As the official text of the inscriptions, more consistent shape. But the Spring and Autumn Period of weapons, pottery, silk, simple folk such as text books, then there are differences in the region. This has prevented the local economic and cultural exchanges, also affected the effective implementation of central government policies and regulations. So, Qin unified the Central Plains, the emperor ordered Li Si, who carried out the collation of the text, unified work.
  Degree with the system
  In the field system, the Qin Dynasty provides 6 feet (about this 230 cm) for the step, step 240 for the acre. The Mu system adopted after the Millennium and the same.
  Line homotopy
  Qinmie after the six countries, began building the Great Wall north, four-year levy issued more than ten million porters. Productivity was extremely low at the time, men still can not feed their families hard labor, a woman weaving cloth can not cover themselves, circumstances, mobilized so many people's financial resources to engage in unproductive labor, the result can only be the number of deaths can not be quantified, a thousand miles The land is full of dead bodies, bloody tragedy, so people 10 people want to rebel at home with 5 is not surprising.
  As the years of war, the former national agricultural facilities are considerable damage, or disrepair by the war; in unified agricultural production must be resumed as soon as possible; therefore spent considerable manpower to dredge the river, repair drains, waterways and on beneficial to agricultural irrigation, is necessary.
  This relic of the Western Han Dynasty Great Wall.
  Great Wall, the wall is the main part of the defense project. It was built in the high ranges, or plain to ourselves the Department, according to the topography and the needs of defense capabilities to build, where strategic pass between the plains or the construction of very tall and strong, but office is more risk in the low mountain narrow, in order to save manpower and costs, and even some of the most steep between the land can not be easy to build a "wall of mountain risks" and "mountains to the wall" approach, in Juyongguan, Badaling, and Hebei, Shanxi, Gansu and other regions of the Great Wall, wall, generally an average height of about 7 8 meters, 67 meters thick at the bottom, top of the wall width of 45 meters. In the wall on top of buildings located inside the wall, more than one meter high, to prevent soldiers patrol fall, lateral side wall located crenel, about 2 meters high, is expected to set the upper wall crenel mouth, lower part of hole shot holes and grind stone to watch the enemy and shooting, roll up grind stone used. Some of the important top of the wall, also has layers of barrier walls, wall mounted to resist the enemy in case. To the mid-Ming, Poet and star thistle transferred to the town of Chief General Qi Jiguang, the fortifications of the Great Wall made major improvements, set the watch tower on top of the wall or enemy units in order to stay on patrol soldiers and storage of weapons grain socks, so that the Great Wall greatly strengthen defense capabilities.
  Beacon is the Great Wall of Defense project one of the most important part. Its role is as a passing military facilities. Beacon of such transmission of information tools have a long time ago, when construction of the Great Wall started to make good use of it and be gradually improved and became a kind of ancient military transfer the best way. Transmission is burning smoke during the day and night give the fire, due to strong sunlight during the day, the fire is not easy to see at night can see the fire very far. This is a very scientific and very rapid transmission of information methods. To report enemy soldiers to commit the amount of fuel used to smoke, how much to give the number of fire distinction. In the Ming dynasty was still burning smoke, fire held up the number of guns were added in order to enhance the effect of alarm, to deliver an instant military thousands of miles. In ancient times there is no telephone, radio communications, this means passing military information can be very quickly up. The layout is also very important on the beacon, the important thing is to have it arranged in the mountains or the winding paths of the local insurance office, and must be able to three sets saw each other in order to see and pass. Beacon in the Han Dynasty had once called Pavilion, Pavilion tunnel, Bongsudae such as name, Ming called yandun. It is in addition to passing military intelligence but also for the protection of the safe from envoys and provide room and board, supplies and other services horse forage. Some sections of the Great Wall is also located only Feng Taiwan, Ting Sui rather than construction of the wall, visible beacon in the importance of the Great Wall defense system.
  Starting from 222 BC, Qin Shi Huang began to build a substantial capital Xianyang as the center, extending in all directions out of the Chi Road, similar to the modern highway. Chi Road and the "axle" are fifty paces wide. The role of several Chi Road, one that is so easily accessible, to facilitate the management of the six countries the old way, that the main purpose of a northern front in the war to facilitate the supply, there is a parade that is convenient for the First Emperor can be unobstructed. Qin Qin at large in addition to the straight and mostly outside the old haunt of the six countries in the Qin and Qin conquest Old Road, when the six countries on the basis of the construction of the road extension construction is made. Chi Road, including the famous: kamigori Road, linjin Road, East Road, Wu Guan Road, Qin plank, Western Road and Qin straight.
  At that time, the community, television seriously hindered the emperor of the original six countries to conquer the unity of the people thought, and a threat to the rule of the Qin Dynasty. Thus, the emperor to unify the thinking of the original six countries, beginning in 213 BC Qin mind than the destruction of all other history books, folk only allowed to stay on medicine, divination and planting book. Until the demise of the Qin Dynasty 206 BC, known to history as "burn books."
  Soon the emperor ascended the throne, began to send people to design the construction of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum. In unified the following immediately the construction of luxury Metrical up to 72 million when the employment (imaginary number, indicating that a large number).
  In addition, there Xing Yue Temple, Yangsan Palace and so on.
  Tomb Lishan starting from the king ascended the throne began to build, and it took 30 years, labor 70 million per year to build. Now retired from the periphery to see the tomb of the circumference of 2,000 meters, 55 meters high. Extremely luxurious interior, with copper roof to mercury for the rivers and lakes, and covered with bodies. Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors only to see, you can see this mausoleum had been built for people to afford. And the construction craftsmen in the mausoleum mausoleum after causing all been buried alive.
  "Qin Shi Huang, won the I grain, open my account (the door), it was my bed, drink my wine, drink my pulp, food my food, that food, Chang I bow east wall, the former to the sand dunes when the destruction." ("Tai Ping Yu Glance "大 6)
  Fu, crossing for the emperor to find elixir of legend, a long time. Japanese studies have said that elixir called "Your Highness", and produced in the Seto Inland Sea is located in the island wish, even more surprising is that today it is being cultivated.
  See here, can not but raise doubts about the First Emperor Who are they? Jing Ke professional assassins as died in his hands, how great was Xu Fu when? Unless ... ... unless he can make the Emperor believe that the East is really Spirit Mountain, Spirit Mountain on really elixir.
  Comparison of the unique Japanese way of thinking, so they are researching the Xu Fu problem, full of personality the same idea. They found that according to archaeological analysis of ancient burial remains to prove, Xu Fudong transition period, the Kinki region of Japan Kansai residents of a sudden increase in the average height of 5 cm, inference, is likely to Xu Fu and his staff created after landing Improved local race. Another interesting phenomenon is that Japanese scientists discovered the gene in the Japanese, 1% of China's Yunnan region, while the Japanese pronunciation of training time (dialect pronunciation) and the Naxi speech also have many similarities. This is how going on? Transition from Xu Fudong, may find the answer. According to China's historical records, Xu Fu asked the 3000 Boys & Girls, Qin Shi Huang also can not cobble together at once, this time of the conquest of Qin Jungang Qiao and Yi, so the emperor ordered the conquest of these tribes to provide the required child boy girl. And Yi, is the modern common ancestor of all ethnic groups in Yunnan. Therefore, if the descendants of these and Yi Xu Fudong by crossing into the Japanese race, give 1% of Japanese have far to follow the Yunnan gene.
  In Japan, as far as I know, the spread of a Legend to place at least 20, located north of Mount Fuji, Shizuoka, south of Kyushu, Kumano, Kagoshima and the Kansai region, which involves two themes: Penglai and elixir. We all know that today's world, there is no immortality drug, let alone 2200 years ago, but, Xu Fu's elixir, I would think it a little shadow, even when the Xu Fu for the first time when Dongdu Perhaps you believe it to exist.
  The problem is that the ancient Japan, there is an "elixir" exist? Fortunately, I study this problem, accidentally discovered in Japan, "Hsu Fu would" re-member village, Mr. Sadao an article, he believes that this magic elixir, not only exists, but also to produce in his hometown I wish the island, even more surprising is that today it still left a relic.
  If the "Chitose" legend had then spread to China, Fu, who lives in the East China Sea, it should not be heard very strange things. This legend, will be attached, the emperor passed through the ears of other ways is not impossible, it would be very persuasive at this time of Xu Fu. Even, I wish people still believe that Xu Fu island had patronized their island, because the rock in the Gulf, leaving a stone's board, local people say that Xu Fu is to stay.
  Days, the emperor of power the world looking for the dumping, is it? !
  In 219 BC, Qin Shi Huang and scholars led by Dr. Wen Wu Dachen 70, to the Mount to the ceremony held in Fengshan. The foremost of the ancient rulers of Ji Gao days
  In a ceremony. The so-called "closed" refers to building an altar Heaven. The so-called "Zen" means Jide, that is the ground on Mount Jide under the hill. Not to hold such activities as long-term, ministers do not know how to conduct the ceremony, so the emperor summoned the scholar asked. Scholars have different opinions. Emperor heard that difficult to implement, they dismiss scholars, the idea of opening their own lane, to establish a monument on top of Mount Tai, closure ceremony was held. Beam after the father went to the nearby mountains line the Zen ceremony.
  Some scholars believe that the emperor had since childhood illness, so physical weak. He was then self-willed, micromanager must personally award; marking instruments 120 pounds per day, working extremely tired; to parade in the July heat, more complicated factors, the way the disease prompted him to death. As he died of what disease, some people believe he died of epilepsy. Seizures generally four stages: initial dizziness, upset stomach, a sudden loss of consciousness following the Fall, every other muscle cramps, pale purple, dilated pupils, apnea, and generalized muscle twitching, froth at the mouth, the last tens of minutes be sober. Guo According to "Historical Records • Emperor of the century," record "quasi-king bee man, long head, Ying birds of prey, jackals sound, less grace and tigers heart ... ..." speculate Emperor childhood with osteomalacia, often suffers from bronchitis, so he grow up to chest and birds of prey, like, sound like the wolf, and later as the Chief heavy, lead to meningitis and epilepsy. Later the emperor crossed the Yellow River, carbuncle disease onset epilepsy after skull hit the ice Kam on bronze, adding to the meningitis disease, people in a coma; when the car arrived the day after the dunes, Zhao Gao, Li Si found that the emperor had been dead for some time.
  Qin Shi Huang's death, Zhao Gao Li Si adopted the tactics to persuade Hu Hai threat, three after some conspiracy, false emperor imperial edict issued by Hu Hai heir. Meanwhile, also in the name of Qin Shi Huang was accused of Fusu filial son, Meng Tian Chen infidelity to enable them to commit suicide, not defiance. Exact committed suicide by Fusu in the news, Hu Hai, Zhao Gao, Li Si This command team day and night, the speedy return of Xianyang. In order to continue to deceive the subjects, the team can not shortcut back to Xianyang, but assumed a continuing parade of posture, pass back to Xianyang. As the hot summer heat, the emperor's body was decomposed and smelly. To cover for them, Hu Hai and his party ordered to buy a lot of fish in the car, confused everyone. To Xianyang, the Hu Hai throne for Emperor Qin, Zhao Gao any doctor orders to do Lisi still prime minister, but the court's power actually fell Zhao Gao hands. Zhao Gao conspiracy to succeed, they began to lay violent hands on the people around them. He planted the trap, the force on a dead end and gradually Lisi, Lisi found that Zhao Gao plot, the informant on a letter to Zhao Gao. Emperor Qin Hu Hai Zhao Gao is not only biased, and will Lisi Code, and finally Lisi cut in Xianyang. Zhao Gao-Sheng Ren Chengxiang, because he can access Gong Jin, special called "the prime minister."
  This view that the First Emperor's death, essentially a palace coup, but the coup was directed by Zhao Gao, and Buso, Meng Tian, Meng Yi, Li Si, Hu Hai, etc. that is dominated by his victim. As for how to make the emperor Zhao Gao died, this is the history of the missing page.
  ⒈ unified text, making it a national basis, and continue to use the present;
  ⒋ axle, Road, with the distance, greatly facilitating the construction of Qin straight domestic traffic;
  ⒎ to build the Great Wall, making agriculture the natural boundaries of national and nomads, the Great Wall long as national boundaries;
  He was the first Chinese emperor, is also the founder of the emperor appellation is also the founder of the Chinese emperor system, so that China has entered a multi-ethnic, centralized imperial people. He also completed China's first political unification, the formation of a "car with the track, and the writing" situation, to seek its reunification after the dynasty laid the foundation. But since ancient times, the emperor has been a controversial figure.
  Since the Constitutional Reform Qin has great importance to the rule of law country, the emperor inherited this tradition, a very respected figure Legalist Han Fei, he sighed, "If its the same tour, no hate carry on." Power penalty on the offense will seek awards, all according to the law. Although the autocratic Emperor, that "I am the world", but Qin Dynasty, is still the rule of law. Sheng, Wu Guang Uprising, on the ground is "harsh Qin laws" against himself, when dead, have anti-, but forced to go against the law. And not, as later, "while the rich wine and meat smell, the road frozen to death of bone" is so because of serious corruption, and forcing people to rebel. Later Confucianism advocates the rule of man, not the country according to law, the monarch made the decision a while to wind today, the rule of man, the wind still in the ass.
  Qin Shi Huang's first inn system, and repair post roads. Accessible for the vast empire of the decree and the resulting system of prefectures and counties laid the technical foundation imperial countries. "Revised Post Road, located counties", which is able to use this advanced system of prefectures and counties, rather than the Western feudal system similar to a necessary condition. The same period of Roman occupation can not be effectively controlled, can only be set right a great governor (Governor's assuming a manner of military and political power, are noble, the local grass-roots organizations rely on the existing organization) is still similar to the feudal system, which is Roman Empire was divided a very important reason. Is a civilian system of prefectures and counties, its military and political leaders appointed by the emperor, according to performance on war service can be, it can be flat level mobilization, which led to career bureaucrats and the emergence of professional soldiers. Career bureaucrats and professional soldiers can come from civilians, county bureaucracy to ensure effective civilian (commoner) the right to political participation (such as Li Si, Meng Ao, etc. are commoner, according to military merit achievements will enter only the phase), phase score sealed system that aristocracy is undoubtedly a major historical progress. Modern state civil service system and the military origins of this system is.
  Li Bai's poem "Archaic": "king under Heaven, Hu Shi Xiong Zai!" Song hongyang sure of the Qin Shi Huang unified China in achievement. Taiyan modern written in 1913, "Chin Cheng Ji" also praised the Emperor.
  "Records of First Emperor of the century," cited Jia Yi's "On the Qin": ⒈ Qinwang Huai Tan Bi heart, line and pushing the intelligence, do not believe in hero, not pro-manifested people, waste kingly, established private rights, instruments of torture ban law, the first fraud force then righteousness to oppressive as the world began.
  Great Wall, Qin Chi Road, Lingqu, Metrical and Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, etc. are very large scale, the whole country's population as building work, and many documents were denounced in the works caused by many injuries and deaths, but on the other hand around Queshi the further development of transport will help in future transportation, trade, and integration of peoples. Therefore, has been a historian for the emperor, or too much power big point of contention.
  ⑵ time, he Shizhao say: you say the emperor is equal to the Communist Party, not more than a hundred times.
  ⑸ persuaded Qin Shi Huang Jun few curse, the burning pit business to discuss. Long Qin ancestral spirit dead still in the hole species of high real chaff. EMI will do Qin Law, "10 installment of" not a good article. Familiar with Chinese "feudal theory" from the sub-thick back to King Wen Mok. Successive politicians have accomplished in the early feudal society are legalists. They advocate the rule of law, breaking the law on behead, this thin thick stand of ancient. Confucian mouthful of virtue and morality, a stomach Prostitute, are advocates of thick old book today.
  【First Emperor is the chief advocate for women's feast】
  Qin Shi Huang's "Huiji Stele," clearly put himself in defense of those of the feudal status. He selected a typical Sichuan, which is a local wealthy families from generation to generation, asset giant million. Her husband's death, the widow alone support the family business, not remarried. Qin Shi Huang in the country to promote her up as a typical women's chastity, the widow built a special "Women and Qing", a sign that advocated a feast. This is roughly equivalent to the later arch bar.
  Step into the Past
  Hero (film)
  The Mummy 3
  259 BC, 1-year-old emperor was born; 247 BC, Emperor Qin ascended the throne at the age of 13 years;
  221 BC - 210 BC, aged 39 -50 years old, he has claimed the Emperor, unified system, built the Great Wall of China made an important contribution to history;
  In 210 BC, 50-year-old Emperor Jiabeng the parade on the way.
秦代秦始皇 Qin Shihuang
後一君主 >>: 秦二世

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