战国 人物列表
周元王 Zhou Yuanwang周贞定王 Zhou Zhendingwang周哀王 Zhou Aiwang
周思王 Zhou Saiwang周考王 Zhou Kaowang周威烈王 Zhou Weiliewang
周安王 Zhou Anwang周烈王 Zhou Liewang周显王 Zhou Xianwang
周慎靓王 Zhou Shenjingwang周赧王 Zhou Nanwang
周赧王 Zhou Nanwang
战国  (?~前256年)

  公元前299年,秦王以结亲为名,约楚怀王去武关(今陕西省商南县)相会。楚怀王再次不听屈原劝阻,听信子兰之言赴会,果然被秦兵劫持,押送到秦都咸阳。两年后,他逃跑不成,忧愤而死于秦。他死前,秦军攻楚,杀楚军5万,夺去15座城市。公元前 280年以后,秦军更开始集中兵力攻占了大片楚地,并于公元前278年由名将白起率兵攻占了楚国都城郢。楚国就此一蹶不振,一步步地在走向灭亡。在郢都陷落后,伟大的爱国诗人和政治家屈原不忍心眼见楚国灭亡,投汨罗江(在今湖南省湘阴县北)自尽。
  秦在攻楚同时,又向三晋出击。公元前314年,秦趁齐攻燕之机,出兵攻打三晋,夺取了不少地方。公元前308年,秦军出函谷关进攻韩国的战略要地宜阳(今河南省宜阳县)。经过几个月的激战,秦军于第二年攻克宜阳,打开了通向中原的大门。公元前 293年,韩、魏两国合兵抗秦,会战于伊阙(河南省洛阳市南),秦军在白起指挥下大胜,歼敌24万多人,韩、魏两国的兵力受到严重削弱。此后,秦继续进攻、蚕食三晋,到公元前286年止,已经占据了三晋一半的土地,首当其冲的韩、魏大大被削弱了。

  Zhou Nan Wang, Ji Yan name (BC? ~ 256 BC). Zhou Shen Liang prince. Shen Liang Wang died subsequent bit. Reigned 59 years, died. Buried pull water north (now Long County in Shaanxi Province), one that was buried in Yueyang (Hunan Province, Yueyang County, today).
  Chu in 306 BC, destroyed more countries, almost occupied the whole of southern China, the Warring States to become the largest in the land, the most populous, most numerous in the great strength of the country, with Gongmie six countries, favorable conditions for the reunification of China. However, due to the failure of Qi Reform, the powerful forces of the old aristocracy, hindered the development of Chu, Qin became the object of attack. To Gang Qin, Chu and Qi alliances. Qin sought to break up neat and smart alliance to each break, in 313 BC, went on to send strategists Zhang Yi Chu, the grandson said, such as Chu and Qi Dear John, the King of Qin willing provider in the (now within the rural area of Hunan Province Zhejiang and Sichuan) Xian-Chu 600 in place. Grandson of the disregard of Qu Yuan, Chen Zhen, Zhao Sui and other people of insight to discourage, listen son Lan, Jin Shang, Zheng Xiu Chen Chong Fei such a group of eloquent words, promised, Zhang Yi, sent messengers to him by the way back to Qin. Qin Zhang Yi arrived, pretending to fall on the vehicle or injure a foot, behind closed doors, thank-you. Three months later, Zhang Yi that neat and smart indeed Dear John, before meeting with Chu envoy said: "How can the state of Qin of the land given away casually, I said six years his pension Yap donated to you." Grandson of the After listening to rage, regardless of Chen Zhen, who discourage, hair Bing Gong Qin, and Qin in 312 BC battle at Danyang (Jiangbei Dan, Henan province). Chu defeat, Lord Whitty uniform and lieutenants were Shengfu 70, 80 000 soldiers were killed, Hanzhong County was occupied by Qin. Grandson of the angry, the whole nation forces again attacked Qin. In the same year another battle with the Qin army in the Lam Tin (now Lantian County in Shaanxi Province), once again defeated. Han, Bing Gong Wei Chu opportunity out. Chu sides by the enemy, only hasty retreat, ceding territory and paying sums to the state of Qin. After some time, due to efforts to attack Sanjin Qin, Chu temporarily relieved from the threat of Qin, but the domestic social conflicts intensified, in 301 BC occurred in the village among the top leadership of the peasant uprising, so the ruling class by a heavy blow.
  299 BC, the King of Qin to marry in the name of the grandson about to force off (now County, Shaanxi Province) meet. Again do not listen to Qu Yuan, the grandson of dissuasion, listen to the words of vanilla to attend, and she was Bing Qin hijacked and sent to the Qin Capital. Two years later, he fled fail, Anger died YU Qin. He died, Qin attacked Chu, Chu 50 000 killed, took 15 cities. After 280 BC, Qin started to concentrate forces captured large areas of Chu and in 278 BC by the famous White captured the Chu capital from shuaibing Ying. Chu on this devastated, step by step towards extinction. Yingdu after the fall of the great patriotic poet and statesman Qu Yuan, Chu could not bear to witness destruction, vote Miluo River (in today Xiangyin County, Hunan Province) himself.
  Chu, Qi gradually decline, the State of Zhao is strong and prosperous. 307 BC, Zhao Guoguo Kimitake king Ling Yan aware of their own in the East Hu, Lin Hu, Lou Fan, Qin, Han, between weak soldiers will be conquered nation, determined to work hard to revitalize the State of Zhao. Zhao was the main rival for the Eastern Wu, nomadic peoples of the situation, he decided to establish a strong cavalry. But Zhao was wearing the robe coat, Sleeve waist fat, wide collar Hem large horse operations inappropriate. So he started from the reform of clothing, their first wearing a tight sleeves Duangua of Hu Dress. Many nobles think that this is contrary to propriety, outrageous. King Wuling of Zhao finally persuaded the influential noble son into, and then under the strict orders to his subjects change clothes, so be promoted Hu Dress in the country and establish a good at riding and shooting, powerful cavalry. This, known to history, "King Wuling of Zhao Hu Dress riding and shooting." It illustrates the complementarity between the various nationalities that time, the custom gradually close. Zhao rely on cavalry, attack year after year, to 296 BC, the Gongmie Zhongshan State (now the northern area of Hebei Province), the territory greatly expanded, enhanced national strength, the incident became a major force Gang Qin.
  In 256 BC, Ji Yan ready for the general appointed Western Duke, led the 5000 military Faqin, and about six princes to Yique (south of Luoyang City, Henan province) joined together to attack. Unexpectedly, in addition to Chu, Yan, China sent more troops to, other four countries of the troops and horses are not to missed appointments, the total strength in Yique but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Bing Qin far rivals. The results, so the 3 months is still not seen the other four countries the arrival of troops and horses, morale and lax, West Duke had to bring their troops without success.
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