中山国 人物列表
中山文公 Zhong Shanwengong中山武公 Zhong Shanwugong中山桓公 Zhong Shanhuangong
中山成公 Zhong Shanchenggong中山王Cuo Zhong Shanwang中山王(妾子)???? Zhong Shanwangqiezici
中山王尚 Zhong Shanwangshang
中山成公 Zhong Shanchenggong
中山国  (?前349年前328年)


  Nakayama public, as one of the Warring States rulers Zhongshan, Zhongshan, the fourth monarch, he was the son of Duke Huan, Zhongshan, Zhongshan, Duke Huan of inherited political power, the incumbent is about 20 years. Zhongshan king ascended the throne after the posthumous title for Cheng Wang recovery.
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