huáng zuòzhělièbiǎo
huáng Yellow emperor; The huangdi; Mauslleumzhuān Zhuan Xu Ku
zhì Di Zhi yáo Di Yaoshùn Shun
yán Yan Dishén nóng shì Shen Nongshishǎo diǎn Shao Dian
chāng Chang Yi
shǎo diǎn Shao Dian

   shǎo diǎn shì chuán shuō zhōng huáng de qīn。《 shǐ · běn 》: huáng zhě shǎo diǎn zhī 。《 shǐ jiěqiáo zhōu:“ yòu xióng guó jūn shǎo diǎn zhī 。”《 guó · jìn 》:“ shǎo diǎn yòu jiǎo shìshēng huáng yán ”。

  Code of the legendary Yellow Emperor less father. "Historical writing material": "Yellow Emperor who, less typical son." "Historical Annals" Qiao Zhou: "There Xiong Guojun, less typical son also." "Jin Mandarin Language 4": "Xi married in a small insect's Code of Health and the Yellow Emperor, Red Emperor."
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