姓: | 姬 | |||||||||
名: | 鬍 | |||||||||
周厲王暴虐,國都裏的人公開指責厲王。召穆公報告說:“百姓不能忍受君王的命令了!”厲王發怒,尋得衛國的巫者,派他監視公開指責自己的人。巫者將這些人報告厲王,就殺掉他們。國都裏的人都不敢說話,路上彼此用眼睛互相望一望而已。厲王高興了,告訴召公說:“我能止住謗言了,大傢終於不敢說話了。”召公說:“這是堵他們的口。堵住百姓的口,比堵住河水更厲害。河水堵塞而衝破堤壩,傷害的人一定很多,百姓也象河水一樣。所以治理河水的人,要疏通它,使它暢通,治理百姓的人,要放任他們,讓他們講話。因此天子治理政事,命令公、卿以至列士獻詩,樂官獻麯,史官獻書,少師獻箴言,盲者朗誦詩歌,朦者背誦典籍,各類工匠在工作中規諫,百姓請人傳話,近臣盡心規勸,親戚彌補監察,太師、太史進行教誨,元老大臣整理闡明,然後君王考慮實行。所以政事得到推行而不違背事理。百姓有口,好象土地有高山河流一樣,財富就從這裏出來;好象土地有高原、窪地、平原和灌溉過的田野一樣,衣食就從這裏産生。口用來發表言論,政事的好壞就建立在這上面。實行好的而防止壞的,這是豐富財富衣食的基礎。百姓心裏考慮的,口裏就公開講出來,天子要成全他們,將他們的意見付諸實行,怎麽能堵住呢?如果堵住百姓的口,將能維持多久?” 厲王不聽。於是國都裏的人再不敢講話。三年以後,便將厲王放逐到彘(今山西霍縣東北)地,並死在那裏。
周厲王 - 攻噩與平定淮夷之戰
西周到懿王以後,國力日漸衰弱,四周方國部落交相發動對周的進攻和侵擾。厲王(名鬍,夷王子) 時,原來臣屬於周的噩國,其國在今南陽東北一帶,看到周的勢力衰弱,就乘機叛周並企圖侵占周的疆土。於是噩侯聯絡南淮夷和東夷部落,出兵進攻周的東部疆域和南部國土,聲勢浩大,氣勢兇猛,一直打到東都成周(今洛陽市東白馬寺一帶)附近,嚴重影響着京畿的安危。
周厲王為了保衛京都和周的社稷,從宗周調來了西六師的部隊,又從北部調來殷八師的大軍,從西、北兩個方向嚮河洛地區聚集,企圖形成夾擊之勢,一舉殲滅噩國的軍隊。厲王依靠貴族大臣的親兵來抵禦噩國的進攻,周將禹率大臣武公的私傢兵車百乘,廝禦 200人,徒兵千人參戰,經過激烈的戰鬥,周厲王終於擊敗了噩侯,保衛了成周的安全。
周厲王 - 《史記》記載
厲王暴虐無道,放縱驕傲,國人都公開議論他的過失。召公勸諫說:“人民忍受不了您的命令了!” 厲王發怒,找來一個衛國的巫師,讓他來監視那些議論的人,發現了後就來報告,立即殺掉。這樣一來,議論的人少了,可是諸侯也不來朝拜了。三十四年,厲王更加嚴苛,國人沒有誰再敢開口說話,路上相見也衹能互遞眼色示意而已。厲王見此非常高興,告訴召公說:“我能消除人們對我的議論了,他們都不敢說話了。”召公說:“這衹是把他們的話堵回去了。堵住人們的嘴巴,要比堵住水流更厲害。水蓄積多了,一旦决口,傷害人一定會多;不讓民衆說話,道理也是一樣。所以,治水的人開通河道,使水流通暢,治理民衆的人,也應該放開他們,讓他們講話。所以天子治理國政,使公卿以下直到列士都要獻諷喻朝政得失的詩篇,盲人樂師要獻所映民情的樂麯,史官要獻可資藉鑒的史書,樂師之長要獻箴戒之言,由一些盲樂師誦讀公卿列士所獻的詩,由另一些盲樂師誦讀箴戒之言,百官可以直接進諫言,平民則可以把意思輾轉上達天子,近臣要進行規諫,同宗親屬要補察過失,樂師、太史要負責教誨,師、傅等年長者要經常告誡,然後由天子斟酌而行,所以事情做起來很順當,沒有錯誤。民衆有嘴巴,就如同大地有山川,財貨器用都是從這裏生産出來;民衆有嘴巴,又好像大地有饒田沃野,衣服糧食也是從這裏生産出來的。民衆把話從嘴裏說出來了,政事哪些好哪些壞也就可以從這裏看出來了。好的就實行,壞的就防備這個道理,就跟大地出財物器用衣服糧食是一樣的。民衆心裏想什麽嘴裏就說什麽,心裏考慮好了就去做。如果堵住他們的嘴巴,那能維持多久呢!”厲王不聽勸阻。從此,國人都不敢說話,過了三年,大傢就一起造反,襲擊厲王。厲王逃到彘(zhì,智)。
一、 有關原始文獻及疑點
《國語》 、《竹書紀年》、 《史記》中的有關記載摘錄於下:
二、 厲王所面臨的局面
《國語·周語下》載:“靈王二十二年,太子晉諫曰:‘自我先王厲、宣、幽、平而貪天禍,至於今未弭。’‘自後稷以來寧亂,及文、武、成、康而僅剋安民。自後稷之始基靖民,十五王而文始平之,十八王而康剋安之,其難也如是。厲始革典,十四王矣”。細讀這段文字,(我們且不論太子晉的評論是否公允),不禁令人産生了幾點疑問:為什麽將“厲、宣、幽、平”並列? “貪天禍”的含義是什麽?連“中興”之主宣王一起否定,是否可以由此推斷以上幾王在政策上人體存在着連續性?
《國語·周語》:“夫榮公好專利而不知大難。……今王學專利,其可乎?匹夫專利,猶謂之盜,王而行之,其歸鮮矣”。這是芮良夫對周厲王所作的諫言。歷來認為是芮良夫“反對封建君主與貴族壟斷山林川澤的生産”。實則西周時代的山林川澤早巳為各級貴族所有,厲王的“專利”决不是“壟斷”的意思,更談不上“與民爭利”,倒是他從貴族占有的山林川澤中規定了若幹項嚮王室交納的“專項”物質財富,一一對此時人已有論述,本文不擬深論。芮良夫明確指出“今王學專利”,“學”就是講厲王要在貴族的山林川澤中規定專項的貢賦稅收之類的內容。鬍寄窗先生說芮良夫“代表了自由小工商業者利益”,這是正確的評價。《逸周書·芮良夫篇》有相似的記載。(芮良夫)戒執政同僚說:“道(導)王不若(順),專利作威。佐亂進禍,民將弗堪!”又說:“今執政小子惟以貪諛事王,不勤德以備難,下民胥怨。財力單竭,手足靡措,弗堪載上,不其亂而?” “今爾執政小子不圖大□,偷生苟安,爵以賄成,賢知箝口,小人鼓舌。逃害要利,並得厥術,惟曰哀哉!”芮良夫稱同僚為“執政小子”,說明執政者為中年以下的人,在厲王時代的“執政小於”很可能就是榮夷公。從語氣上看顯然是以勳舊宿臣的口吻訓誡後進的,指責的內容為“專利作威”、“以貪諛事王”。這主要是針對榮夷公幫助厲王在經濟上采取了打擊貴族經濟以加強王室經濟的改革措施。而其中的“爵以賄成”則說明爵位的授予開始有了功利主義的傾嚮一一用金錢出賣爵位以解决王室經濟的睏難了。
在軍事上,厲王力圖改變周邊少數族屢次入侵的狀況,解决積弱之弊。他派虢公長父在南方作戰:“ 三年,淮夷侵洛,王命虢公長父伐之不剋”( 《古本竹書紀年》 )。這是厲王即位三年時的情況:淮夷已進逼到洛邑,已為周王朝的大患,但由於國力不強,故虢公長父不能取勝。經過幾年的振作之後,大概是取得了一些軍事勝利的,然而史書無載,此不好斷言。不過從《史記·楚世傢》中可以透露一些消息:“當周夷王之時,王室微,……熊渠甚很江漢間民和,……乃立其長子康為句宣王,中子紅為鄂王,……及周厲王之時,暴虐,熊渠畏其伐楚,亦去其王”。這就告訴我們,在江漢間強大的熊渠,在夷王時即已稱王。但到周厲王改革後,周王朝強大震攝四方。絶非即位初期連一個淮夷都不能製伏的狀況了。不然,僅因為他的“暴虐”,面對實際上積貧積弱的周王室,熊渠怎麽能“畏其伐楚”而自動取消王號?熊渠必不怕紙老虎的。而且“亦去其王”的“亦”字,說明楚去王號前一定有好些諸侯在強大的中央軍事勢力下被擊敗,退而臣服,熊渠見了自然畏懼。
在法律上,厲王采取加強法製的措施。這在先秦以來的儒傢觀念中就是行“暴政”了。周厲王在宗法觀念極強的時候,為了保證經濟、政治上的改革,竟不惜使用了高壓手段:“王怒,得衛巫,使監謗者,以告則殺之”(《史記·周本紀》)。應註意的是:“以告則殺之”的標準是什麽?是無故濫殺嗎?顯然不是的。早在穆王時已製訂“五刑之屬”據說有三千種之多,厲王行法,不必草創:刑罰三千,量一“誹謗”之罪必有所本。厲王用法製來維護“革典”的進行,不會僅用衛巫一個人,很可能是以衛巫為首的一個執行法律的特別機構。因為明顯不過的是:衛巫一入能監視多少“謗者 ”?可以推斷:衛巫手下的人散在京城中監視在公衆場合發表議論的“國人”,而衛巫本人及其親信則可能留在宮廷周圍監視官吏中敢對新政提出不同意見的人。由此可見,厲王為了確保“革典”的進行,采用簡單、幼稚粗暴手段的,被反對派(不妨說是保守派)用來指責其行“暴政”,上下唾駡幾千年了。然而,厲王的“暴 ”不過是人們抽象出來的“以告則殺之”而已。
人們對桀、紂的結論是有具體內容的:桀“不務德而武傷百姓,百姓弗堪”(《史記·夏本紀》);紂“好酒淫樂,嬖於婦人”“以酒為池,縣肉為林”(《史記·殷本紀》)。追求個人糜爛的生活,是一切昏暴帝王的共同點,然而對於厲王,《國語》衹載其“虐 ”,沒有一種記載涉及到其個人生活的奢侈腐化、濫用民力的情況。到清代,魏源的說法更集中地概括了幽厲二王的情況, 《詩古微》說: “幽厲之惡,無大於親小人,而幽則豔妻、奄寺,皆傾惑柔惡之人;厲則疆禦、掊剋、皆爪牙剛惡之人”。古人稱西周昏王,嚮以幽厲並稱,而以幽居前,於貶損之中,尚稍有區別,因為幽王的罪惡比厲王具體得多。魏源說的“疆禦”,指的是厲王的卿士、主管軍事徵伐的虢公長父;所說的“掊剋”,指的是厲王另一卿士、主管財政的榮夷公。稱二人為“爪牙剛惡之人”,倒說明了厲王的這兩個心腹在推行改革時的堅决態度。
由上所知,周厲王是一個面對“積重難返局面”的改革傢,他在政治、經濟、軍事、法律等方面都進行了改革。但他的對立面是強大的就貴族,加之他沒有經驗(因為是第一人,因此他不可能嚮前朝藉鑒什麽),改革的牽涉到了過多人的利益,以至於貴族不滿,連 “國人”也反對。他進行了一場失敗的改革,但他的經驗教訓對後代的改革者是大有益處的。
其二,堵塞言路乃敗政亡國之劣策,廣開言路乃興國圖強之良策。曾記否?面對厲王施行暴政,使其 “民不堪命”時,召公勸告曰,現在“國人莫敢言,道路以目”,這是很可怕的喲!而厲王不但不聽,反而大喜曰:“吾能弭謗矣,乃不敢言。”其意是:老百姓怕我天子而不敢再發牢騷了,衹能斜着眼睛看我,多好哇!這是因為我消滅了批評譏諷我的人。召公見厲王如此喜昏然而不察乎民情,於是又以比喻勸諫之:“防民之口,甚於防川。川壅而潰,傷人必多;民亦如之。是故為川者决之使導,為民者宣之使言……民之有口也,猶土之有山川也,財用於是乎出……衣食於是乎生。口之宣言也,善敗於是乎興……夫民慮之於心而宣之於口,成而行之,鬍可壅也?”這段喻勸的今意是:堵塞人民的口而不讓他們說話,比堵塞江河的害處更大。就像江河一旦被堵塞,洪水一來就會衝垮堤壩造成更多人傷亡一樣;所以說善於治理江河的人,深知排除堵塞而使水流暢通之理,而領導人民也要像治理江河一樣靠疏導思想纔行。這是因為,人長了嘴就要說話,猶如大地上有山川一樣,滋養人民的財産就出在那上,人民的衣食資源才能由此産生。而國傢政事的好壞得失都是從人民口頭議論中反映出來的。人民心裏想什麽就會從口中說出來,一旦考慮成熟就會自然發於言語之間,大王為什麽要加以堵塞呢?
King Li of Zhou oppressive, the people in the States, publicly accused Li Wang. Zhao duke report said: "The people can not bear the command of the king!" Li Wang angry, find a defending of the witch who sent him to monitor publicly accused themselves. Wu Li Wang will report these people, they kill them. States where people are afraid to speak, the way each other a look at each other with the eyes only. Li Wang happy to tell the public response, said: "I can stop defamatory statement, and we finally dared not speak." Zhao Gong said: "This is the blocking of their mouth. Shut people's mouth, blocking the river is more than powerful. blockage of the river broke through the dam, a certain number of people hurt, people also like a river. So who control the river, to clear it, make it clear, control the people who, to letting them and let them speak. So the Son of Heaven Governance government affairs, public order, Qing Shi Xian as well as out in poems, music official offer music, the historians offering books, few teachers offered Monitor, blind reading poetry, to deceive those who memorize the books, all kinds of artisans at work regulations the bridge, and the people who sent a message, please, dedication Elegance exhortations, relatives up to monitor, Grand Preceptor, Aspirations for teaching, the veteran minister order to clarify, and then consider the implementation of the King. So the implementation of political affairs are not contrary to good sense. people have mouths, as if the land had high mountains, like rivers of wealth to come from here; if land plateau, depressions, plains and irrigated fields, like food and clothing produced from here. I used to make speeches in public life on the establishment of good and bad in it. to prevent the implementation of good and bad, which is rich in wealth the basis of food and clothing. people consider mind, mouth to speak out publicly, the Son of Heaven to fulfill them, their views will be implemented, how can you block? If blocked the mouth of the people, will be how long? "Li Wang do not listen. States where people so afraid to speak again. Three years later, they put Li Wang exiled to the pig (now the Northeast Mountain West Joan county) land, and died there.
Western Zhou Dynasty from destruction by the Duke and several generations of business week after the king's control, the 9th century BC to become Kang period, world peace, "not criminal wrong 40 years."
King Li of Zhou after the attack startling war, living in this northern part of the Huaihe River in Anhui Huaiyi, has sent his army to attack week. Zhou Li Wang Guo Zhong shuaibing life counter, could not win. Huaiyi momentum is more arrogant, more ferocious attack launched once again, mighty way deep into the heart of weeks, hitting the water in Iraq, between the Luo and the plunder and slaughter innocent civilians, and robbery. Li Wang in person at the command Strikes Back into weeks, weeks will lead the elite counter command.
King Li of Zhou - "Historical Records" record
Yi Wang's death, her son Li Wang HU Ji-bit. Li Wang came to the throne three years, greedy Ho Lee, Jung Yi close to the public. Big Furui (ruì, Rui) Yoshio regulation remonstrance Li Wang said: "I am afraid to decline the royal family! The wing just like the exclusive financial benefit the public, but not difficult to understand disaster. Cheoy Lee, is produced from a variety of things out, is the natural world has, but who want to monopolize it, and that endanger the larger. all things between heaven and earth should be a no one, how can I do to a person exclusive? exclusively will offend many people, but I do not know disaster preparedness difficult. Cheoy Lee Wing public to lure you, kings do not you have to do a long time? life ruler who is to develop a variety of property should be distributed to the people up and down the ministers. to God, people, things can get a deserved even so, should carefully guard against every day, probably attracted hate it. Therefore, "Song Poems" said: 'I Zuhou Ji had Bonaventure, power energy than Heaven and Earth. grow grain to support peoples, no no to do the same . '"Daya" said:' Open wide Shien Ze Zhou industry. 'Is not this talk Pusch financial interest but also to guard against misfortune come it? It is for this reason that the cause of the Zhou kings to set up until now. Today , king You have to learn exclusive financial benefit, this how to live? ordinary exclusive financial benefit, yet it was known as a bandit; if you do, then you are the person who hath too well. Sakae public if reuse the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty sure. "Li Wang did not listen to remonstrate, or the appointment of the public do Qing Shi Rong, in charge of national affairs.
Li Wang violence, and indulgent pride, people are openly discuss his mistakes. Zhao Gong remonstrate, said: "People can not stand your command it!" Li Wang angry, get a shaman defending, let him talk to those who monitor and found later she reported immediately kill. As a result, fewer people talk, but not to worship the lords. 30 years, Li Wang a more severe, people no one would have dared to speak, on the road can only meet each other wink to indicate it. Seeing Li Wang was very happy to tell the public response, said: "I can dispel talk to me, they dare not speak." Zhao Gong said: "This is only if their blocking back. Block people's mouths , is much heavier than the water block. water accumulated more, once burst, people will hurt more; let the people speak the same reason. So, people who open flood control channel, so that smooth flow, control the people who are should open them and let them speak. So the Son of Heaven governance national policy, so QINGDAO until Thorez must offer satirical Yu Zhaozheng gains and losses of the Psalms, the blind musicians to offer the reflected sentiments of music, the historians have to offer can learn from history books, musicians of Xian Zhen long to quit the statement read by a number of blind musicians disabilities or poor out the offerings of poetry, the other blind musicians quit reading the words of Proverbs, the King can be made directly to plain speaking, civilians can reach the point onward, the Son of Heaven, Elegance to regulate the bridge, and clan relatives to make up the police negligence, musicians, Taishi is responsible for teaching, teacher, Fu and other older people should always warned, then the Son of Heaven, where appropriate, the line, so things done very smoothly, no errors. people have mouths , just as the earth has mountains and rivers, and goods, Used are produced from here; the people have mouths, but also as a spare field fertile land, clothes, food was also produced from here. the people to speak out words from the mouth, and political affairs which What bad can be good also to see from here out. good on the practice, a bad reason to prepare for this, just land the property of Used clothes food is the same. people thought what his mouth said what a good mind to consider the just do it. If the block of their mouths, then how long they can do! "Li Wang heeding warnings. From then on, people are afraid to speak, after three years, all with the rebels on the attack Li Wang. Li Wang fled pig (zhì, Chile).
Li Wang of the prince was hidden in the church public static home, people know, put up surrounded by public call, call the public said: "I had been repeatedly remonstrate King, King did not listen, so that was such a disaster. If Dauphin now been scrapped and the king will think that I hold a grudge against their king in the hate it? pending instructions from the king's person, even if the danger is not the resentment; even if the anger is not hate, let alone when it Fengtian ? "was replaced with his own son Dauphin, Dauphin finally from the killing.
First, doubts about the original literature and
"Rong Yi Li Wang said the public, ... ... the public for the Qing Shi Rong, princes do not enjoy, Wang flow in swine."
3. "Historical Records Zhou Ji": "So out of the country Mogan words, three years, is the phase side, hit Li Wang. Li Wang, fled in the pig. Li Wang Jing Prince public house called hide, people heard of it, is surrounded. Zhao ... ... is their offspring public Dauphin, Prince Edward actually Detuo. "
Carefully weighing the few historical data, can not help but find one with a series of questions, 1. Li Wang tyranny of the contents of what? Records in addition to the original file a "violent" character outside, why not find and Jie, Zhou, humor, etc. lost his country the same dissolute brutal concrete facts?
From the Western Zhou Dynasty had from the king was "benevolent emarginated" ("Historical Records Zhou Ji"), and to the time of King Yi of Zhou, a "royal micro, princes or not North Korea, with cutting" ("Records of the Chu family"), the situation Zhou dynasty, challenged the status Castles, political and economic decline in the rate is alarming. Hu Yi Li Wang came to the throne to prince, the Zhou Dynasty building foundations have been shaken.
King Li of Zhou is a kind of what should be removed Abuse it?
In order to clarify these issues, should first find out, "Li began leather Code" lies.
Politically, Li Wang changed the week, call the second company "the world as the Qing Shi," the practice was introduced at the economic, military expertise of the public and Guo Rong Yi-km-long parent. This has naturally met with strong opposition from nobles. Is considered to call Duke Mu of Zhou big bad sad poem "swing", the protest Li Wang of "Tan Bao" person rather than the "old chap old veterans." "Child unknown to non-paternity without Emily." Mean is: you (referring to King Li of Zhou) qualities are unknown, so do not know who did his assistant, I do not know who did or poor. Then changed the subject, I start to use the historical tone of admonition: "bandits God from time to time, the Yin old. Substance though not in the old adults, there are typical." To the effect that: Yin can not blame the demise of God, is not old veterans of the reason Yin Wang. The "you" approach, but now there is Yin the "typical". Such comments also seen in "Poetry Taiga board" in: "Big Bonvie screen, large Wai Hon," meaning children of royalty and the Aristocracy is the backbone of the country. Repeatedly stressed the poem "Big Bang", "large", is intended not to break the old political order. "Preface to Poems," said: "" board ", where Peter barbed Li Wang also" and Zheng said, "where Bo, Zhou surname, Duke of Yin also, into the Qing Shi." Wei also think that this all is a total of Bo and Bo. Whether they are a total of Po, but the man-made "Zhou surname" of the Han is well established, but once into the dynasty of Qing Shi officials, showing his own "Big Bang", "block" list. However, the write poetry about Li Wang has been replaced, and their feelings of resentment, and escape into the poem. "Poetry Great Yasang soft": "Notice Seoul 'worries-shirt', Hui Er 'sequence Jazz'." This is another warning Ruiliang Fu Li Wang Xun your minister, let him carefully, so that he places the old preferential hero, giving them title of nobility.
Economically, Li Wang sought to revitalize the dilapidated royal economy, he grabbed the "patent" and the two main aspects of agriculture.
"Mandarin Language Week": "Cardiff Wing public do not know a good patent disaster. ... ... This Wang patent, it could almost? Every man's patent, still called the Pirates, the king thereof, the return of fresh carry on." This is Ruiliang Fu Zhou Li Wang made the remonstrance. Ruiliang Fu has always been considered to be "against the feudal monarchy and the nobility monopolized the production of Shan Lin Chuanze." Zhou Shan Lin Chuanze times actually always already for all levels of nobility, Li Wang's "patent" is by no means "monopoly" means, let alone "and the people for profits", it touches him from the aristocrats in the mountains Lin Chuanze provides a number of pay to the royal family's "special" material wealth, 11 pairs of people have been discussed at this time, not to be deep on this article. Ruiliang Fu clear that "this Wang patent", "learning" is about Li Wang Shan Lin Chuanze in the aristocracy of the tribute in the special provisions of taxes like the content. Mr. Hu Jichuang said Ruiliang Fu "representing the interests of free small business", this is the correct assessment. "Yizhoushu Ruiliang Fu article" has a similar record. (Ruiliang Fu) quit the ruling colleagues said: "The Road (Introduction) Wang is not as (cis), the patent for prestige. Zuo chaos into the disaster, people will be Vladimir worthy!" Added: "However, this power to corrupt flattering things boy king Germany to prepare for difficult ground is not the next China Xu resentment. financial single exhaust, hand, foot and extravagant measures, Vladimir Kan contained on, not the chaos while? "" Er governing this kid does not plan big □, drag on the situation and sustainable, Jazz to bribe into, Yin know the jaw, villain Gushe. escape damage to profits, and may Jue surgery, but said, Alas! "Ruiliang Fu said his colleagues as" boy power ", indicating those in power for the middle age, the era in Li Wang "The ruling is less than" very likely Rong Yi Kung. Judging from the tone is clearly the tone of admonition Robinson Xunjiu backward places, and accused the contents of the "patent for prestige," "corruption flattering things to the king." This is mainly for the public to help Li Wang Rong Yi has taken to combat the economic elite to strengthen the royal economy of economic reform measures. And one of the "Jazz in bribes to" the note began with the award of knighthood utilitarian tendencies 11 selling title of nobility with money to resolve the royal family's economic difficulties.
In military affairs, Li Wang minority trying to change around repeatedly invaded, and solve the disadvantages of weak. He sent Father Guo-km-long war in the South: "three years, Huaiyi invasion Luo, Wang Ming Guo-km-long cutting of her inability to parent" ("Ancient Bamboo Annals"). This is the case when Li Wang came to the throne three years: Huaiyi has pressed on to Luoyi, has been the scourge of the Zhou Dynasty, but strength is not strong, so the parent can not win Guo-km-long. After several years of cheer, probably made some military victory, but the history books not contained, the bad assertion. But from the "Historical Records Chu family" can be said of some news: "When Zhou Yi King, the royal micro, ... ... very very Jianghan Bear drainage between the public and, ... ... Nai Li Kang for the period of their eldest son of King Xuan, red for the neutron E King, ... ... and when King Li of Zhou, brutality, fear of their attack Chu Xiong drainage, also to the king. " This tells us that between the powerful bear in Jianghan channel, entered into when the barbarian king king. But after the reform Zhou Li Wang, Zhou Wang Zhaoqiang earthquake Photo Quartet. Not the early reign can not be subdued with a Huaiyi condition of the. Otherwise, only because of his "brutal" in the face of weeks of poor and weak in fact the royal family, how can Bear Drainage "fear of their attack Chu" and canceled the King? Bear drainage will not fear the paper tiger. And "also to the King" and "also", which shows go to the King of Chu there must be better before the princes in the powerful Central Military forces in the defeat, retreat surrender, bears natural fear of Drainage met.
Legally, Li Wang to take measures to strengthen the rule of law. This has been in pre-Qin Confucian conception is the line "tyranny" of the. King Li of Zhou in the highly patriarchal concept of time, in order to ensure economic, political reforms, actually hesitate to use the heavy-handed: "wrath of the king, was Wu Wei, to slander supervisor who told you to kill" ("Historical Records Zhou Ji. ") Should be noted that: "in order to defendant to kill," What are the criteria? An unwarranted killing? Obviously not. When back in Mu development "Five Forms of is" said to have as many as 3,000 kinds, Li Wang a method, not grassroots: penalty 3000, the amount of a "defamation" of the offense will have some of this. Li Wang with the legal system to safeguard the "reform of the Code" of conduct, not only a health witch, might be headed by Wei Wu a special law enforcement agencies. Because the obvious is: Wei Wu 1 entry to monitor the number of "slander by"? Can be deduced: Wei Wu's men scattered in the capital of surveillance in public statements of the "people", while Wei Wu himself and his cronies may stay around the monitor in the court officials in the am on the New Deal put forward different views. Thus, Li Wang in order to ensure a "reform of Code," the conduct of a simple, naive and crude means, the opposition was (one might say, conservative) is used to accuse its line of "tyranny", the upper and lower reprimanded for thousands of years. However, Li Wang's "violence" is nothing but people abstract out the "defendant to kill" only.
In order to maintain the regime, any ruler will kill, but to differing degrees, why Li Wang is exclusive to this name? And several other well-known history of stupid to compare, you will find the problem:
People Jie, Zhou concluded that the specific contents: Jie "No Service Germany and arms hurt people, people Eph worthy" ("Historical Records of summer this century"); Zhou "wine Yin Yue, favorite in the women" "in order to wine for the pool, the county of meat for the forest "(" Historical Records of Yin "). Erosion pursuit of personal life, the emperor of all faint bursts in common, but for Li Wang, the "national language" contained only the "child" does not have a record related to his personal life of luxury corruption, abuse of their resources situation. To the Qing, Wei Yuan, a more focused statement summed up the situation quiet Wang Li II, "Shi Gu Wei", said: "quiet Li evil, no more than pro-villain, but quiet is Yan's wife, Um Temple, are inclined confusion soft evil man; while Jiang Yu Li, exact grams, are lackeys just evil people. " Zhou said the stunning ancient king, and said to Li to quiet, and to house arrest before, in the derogatory being, yet slightly different, because You Wang Li Wang specific than the much more evil. Wei said, "Jiang Yu," refers to the Qing Shi Li Wang, director of military conquest of the Guo-km-long parent; called "break up g", refers to another Qing Shi Li Wang, director of public finance Rong Yi . The duo called "pawn just evil people," explains Li Wang down these two trusted firm in implementing the reform attitude.
Republic of China in the history of the first year: the year 84 BC, is a historian recognized the exact dating of Chinese history began. The exact dating of this is based on King Li of Zhou people thrust out of the country is a true story as a symbol of the recorded history. Why do people want to Li Wang thrust out of the country? Because of his tyranny, brutally oppressing the people so unbearable, so they were forced to rise up, so he became monarch in exile. To avoid a power vacuum, the Duke of Zhou and Zhao had to co-chair of public affairs of state to support the Prince's throne, What, then, if the court decline any subsolar Jiang, Zhou finally perished soon!
First: popular bidders the world, the world will lose its popularity. Zhou Li Wang is the greatest tyrant. He specializes in political violence, corruption relentlessly exacting Ho Lee has made the people live in misery, but unable to bear the common people for his point of ridicule or obloquy complain like, This is Ziranzhili it is a natural feeling also. What, then Li Wang was angry, can not wait for a slander or complaints will be ridiculed those who swallow. To this end, he ad hoc monitoring body, collect a large number of Wei Wu as his "spy" to keep close to him who reportedly attacked his fault, causing many people carry on moving skull. This constant, daily, provoked more dissatisfied people, decided to stage an armed insurrection and straight for the palace, forcing Li Wang hurried flight and died in a foreign country. Before long, the setting sun and the decline of Western Zhou Dynasty have perished. Li Wang tragedies warn us: the power of any powerful person, if, as the needs of the people regardless, exacting and brutal exploitation, ridiculed the face of slander and complain while the people in order to subdue tyranny, is destined to take the death of suicide as a political defeat. Look into history to rise and fall. Today, as the ruling party members and leading cadres at all levels, must always bear in mind the purpose of the party, truly right for the people, interests of the people, love the people, the people's suffering and well-being linked to heart, and more for the people solve problems and do practical things to do good, to get people's support and love to make people's government will never change color. Otherwise, the tragedy could be repeated Li Wang, run no means the death of the political history of cycle.
Second, plug the mind to defeat the political subjugation of the poor is a policy, airing of rejuvenating the country and strengthen the country is sound strategy. Does anyone remember? Li Wang faced the tyranny, to "Minbukanming", the response of public advice, saying, now "Mo outspoken people, roads for purpose", which is very scary yo! And Li Wang not only did not listen, but overjoyed, saying: "I could Mi slander men, and are not made." The meaning is: people afraid that I dare not complain of the Son of Heaven, I can only slanting eyes, much better wow! This is because I wiped out critical ridiculed me. Zhao Li Wang public see the police so hi Hunran almost without feelings, so Youyi metaphor admonition of: "anti-people's mouth, even in the anti-Chuan. Chuan stasis and collapse, wounding more than necessary; people Yiru of. Therefore in River were made for the decision of the leadership, the people who make promotion of people's words ... ... and a mouth, it's still a land of mountains and rivers also, Choi food and clothing with the reason that the reason that health ... .... I have the Declaration, the good defeated Ever Hing ... ... husband in the heart of the people consider the lip, into the line of, Hu may also obstruct? "this metaphor is advised of this intention: to plug the mouth of the people and not allow them to speak more than plug the harmful effects of river . Once the plug is like rivers, flood levees crushes one to cause more casualties as; So people who are good at management of rivers, know that rule out blocking the smooth flow of Er Shi Li, and leading the people to have to rely on the same rivers as the treatment persuade Caixing. This is because the length of the tongue who would speak as if there are mountains and rivers, like the earth, nourishing the people's property lies in that, the people, food and clothing to the resulting resources. The state government affairs for good or bad oral comments from the people's gains and losses are reflected. What people thought would come out from the mouth that once would consider mature natural fat in the words between the king why should it be blocked?