西周 人物列錶
周太王 Zhou Taiwang周公季 Zhou Gongji周文王 Zhou Wenwang
周武王 Zhou Wuwang周公旦 Zhou Gongdan周成王 Zhou Chengwang
周康王 Zhou Kangwang周昭王 Zhou Zhaowang周穆王 Zhou Muwang
周共王 Zhou Gongwang周懿王 Zhou Yiwang周孝王 Zhou Xiaowang
周夷王 Zhou Yiwang周厲王 Zhou Liwang共伯和 Gong Bahe
周宣王 Zhou Xuanwang周幽王 Zhou Youwang周攜王 Zhou Xiewang
周共王 Zhou Gongwang
西周  (?~前900年)
名: 繄扈

  周共王,姓名姬繄扈(“繄扈”,拼音:yī hù),西周第六代國王,謚號共王(“共”,拼音:gōng)。西周青銅器銘文多稱他為龔王。周穆王之子。穆王死後繼位。在位12年,病死,葬於畢原。

  King Gong of Zhou, name Ji Yi Hu ("Yi Hu", Pinyin: yī hù), the sixth generation of the Western Zhou kings, posthumous title of King ("Total", Pinyin: gōng). Western Zhou bronze inscriptions more than to call him King Gong. Zhou Mu prince. Mu died subsequent bit. 12-year reign, died and was buried in complete original.
  Ji Yi Hu to the throne, the country due to Mu Travel, spent a huge amount of wealth, which makes the state finance is empty, gradually difficult to support financially. However, in many occasions, the emperor had to maintain a shelf. Such as reward and punishment in order that a total capital of the king had to land near the land following the feudal nobility and the doctor to make itself less and less direct control of the region, less and less income. Western Zhou Dynasty began to decline continue.
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