sòng guó zuòzhělièbiǎo
Zi Qi yǎn Zi Yan Zi Ji
shēn Zi Shen gòng Zi Gong Zi Xi
Zi Fusi Zi Ju jiàn Zi Jian
sòng 'āi gōng Song Aigong wéi Zi Wei kōng Zi Sikong
Zi Li Zi He Zi Yuyi
féng Zi Feng jié Zi Jie yóu Zi You
shuō Zi Yushui Zi Cifu wáng chén Zi Wangchen
chǔ jiù Zi Chujiu bào Zi Bao xiá Zi Xia
chéng Zi Cheng zuǒ Zi Zuo tóu màn Zi Touman
Zi De gòu yóu Zi Gouyou tián Zi Tian
bīng Zi Bibingdài chéng Dai Tichengdài yǎn Dai Yan
bīng Zi Bibing
sòng guó  (?qián362niánqián350nián)
wǎngbǐhào: huán hóu

  sòng huán hóu sòng hòu huán gōngyuán míng bīng zuò bīng huò ), sòng xiū gōng tián zhī biāo shuō shǐ rén dàoméng rén huán hóu míng ér qián wéi kuáng xiū gōng 'èr shí sān nián shì bīng wèi shuō shē chǐ huāng táng xīng jiàn zhù gōng(《 tài píng lǎnjuàn yǐnzhuāng 》)。《 shǐ · sòng shì jiāshuō:“ bīng sān nián chéng 。”《 shǐ rèn wéi wéi guó jūn shì chuán wèishì shí shàngzhè duàn shí shēngdài shì sòngde shì jiàn,《 zhú shū niánsòng chéng gān chéng hǎnfèi jūn bīngér 。” hán fēi shuō chéng hǎn néng duó zhèng quánshì yóu sòng jūn shī xíng 'ér hǎn yòng zhī”(《 èr bǐng piān》)“ sòng jūn shī zhǎo hǎn”(《 rén zhù piān》),《 shì chūn qiūshuō sòng bèi miè wáng dài shì zhī suǒ jué 。”

  Marquis Huan Song, or Song Houhuan company, formerly known as the provision of child soldiers (also for the provision of troops or the provision of), Song Tian's son, Hugh son. Phrase said, "calls the provision of, people avoid the Road. Mengren Marquis Huan name to the provision of, and precursor calls 'the provision of', it was crazy too." Hugh public 20 years died, his son the provision of soldiers came to the throne, is said to luxury absurd, massive construction projects, building the Soviet Union Palace ("Tai Ping Yu Lan" volume IV 88 cited "Zhuangzi"). "Song Records family," said: "The provision of three soldiers died, and the establishment of sub-tick." "Historical Records" that the child is father tick set up as a monarch pass bit. In fact, occurred during this period, "Dai take Song" of the "Bamboo Annals" record "Song tick into the liver (Division City Zaihan) Waste Qijun the wall (the provision of child soldiers) and self-reliance." Fei said, Secretary City Zihan can win political power, was due to "loss of torture and Zi Han Song-Jun used" ("Two Handles articles") "Ought to Seek missing the pawn in Zaihan" ("take charge of the Chapter"), "Lu" Song Qi said was destroyed, "Dai reason for this must have."
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