宋国 人物列表
子启 Zi Qi子衍 Zi Yan子稽 Zi Ji
子申 Zi Shen子共 Zi Gong子熙 Zi Xi
子鲋祀 Zi Fusi子举 Zi Ju子覵 Zi Jian
宋哀公 Song Aigong子㧑 Zi Wei子司空 Zi Sikong
子力 Zi Li子和 Zi He子与夷 Zi Yuyi
子冯 Zi Feng子捷 Zi Jie子游 Zi You
子御说 Zi Yushui子兹甫 Zi Cifu子王臣 Zi Wangchen
子杵臼 Zi Chujiu子鲍 Zi Bao子瑕 Zi Xia
子成 Zi Cheng子佐 Zi Zuo子头曼 Zi Touman
子得 Zi De子购由 Zi Gouyou子田 Zi Tian
子辟兵 Zi Bibing戴剔成 Dai Ticheng戴偃 Dai Yan
子购由 Zi Gouyou
宋国  (?前403年前385年)
网笔号: 悼公


  Song Dao Gong, formerly purchased by the son, the son of Song Houzhao public, in office for 19 years. Historians believe that Yang W, Song Dao Gong, the Song has been declining, it may move the capital Peng (Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province today). Daogong there may have been captured, "Records Han family" reads: "Wen Hou years (385 BC), ... ... Fasong to Pengcheng, Directors Song-Jun." Song-Jun may be the Song Dao Gong. Dao Gong may also killed, so posthumous law "Mourning."
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