宋國 人物列錶
子啓 Zi Qi子衍 Zi Yan子稽 Zi Ji
子申 Zi Shen子共 Zi Gong子熙 Zi Xi
子鮒祀 Zi Fusi子舉 Zi Ju子覵 Zi Jian
宋哀公 Song Aigong子撝 Zi Wei子司空 Zi Sikong
子力 Zi Li子和 Zi He子與夷 Zi Yuyi
子馮 Zi Feng子捷 Zi Jie子遊 Zi You
子禦說 Zi Yushui子茲甫 Zi Cifu子王臣 Zi Wangchen
子杵臼 Zi Chujiu子鮑 Zi Bao子瑕 Zi Xia
子成 Zi Cheng子佐 Zi Zuo子頭曼 Zi Touman
子得 Zi De子購由 Zi Gouyou子田 Zi Tian
子闢兵 Zi Bibing戴剔成 Dai Ticheng戴偃 Dai Yan
子與夷 Zi Yuyi
宋國  (?前719年前711年)
網筆號: 殤公


  Song of public mourning, formerly known as Son and Yi, Song Xuangong son. Father of Kerry when he was in office for the Sima Kong, China Governor to Osamu. Song of public mourning militant, 11 years war, the people miserable. Osamu Ka Wah parent governor, eager hole wife of beauty, is the people in the Universal Declaration of State: "Minbukanming, whom the Father are holes." Hole then kill the father of Kerry and wins his wife, mourning the public was furious, then the Governor of China killing the public, then welcome back from the son of Mr Zheng is to Songzhuang public.
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