吴国 人物列表
泰伯 Tai Ba仲雍 Zhong Yong季简 Ji Jian叔达 Shu Da
周章 Zhou Zhang熊遂 Xiong Sui柯相 Ke Xiang强鸠夷 Jiang Jiuyi
余桥疑吾 Yu Qiaoyiwu柯卢 Ke Lu周繇 Zhou Yao屈羽 Qu Yu
夷吾 Yi Wu禽处 Qin Chu转 Zhuai颇高 Po Gao
句卑 Gou Bei去齐 Qu Ji寿梦 Shou Meng诸樊 Zhu Fan
余祭 Yu Ji余眛 Yu Mei姬僚 Ji Liao阖闾 He Lv
夫差 Fuchai
去齐 Qu Ji
吴国  (?~前586年)


  To the Qi, Wu monarch is one of the Spring and Autumn Period, the 18th ruler of Wu, Wu Guojun inherited his father as the main base sentence. To the Qi's death, his son succeeded to the throne life dream, life dreams begin king.
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