商代 人物列表
昭明 Zhao Ming相土 Xiang Tu昌若 Chang Re曹圉 Cao Yu
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报丁 Bao Ding报乙 Bao Yi报丙 Bao Bing主壬 Zhu Ren
主癸 Zhu Gui商汤 Shang Shang大丁 Da Ding卜丙 Pū Bing
仲壬 Zhong Ren太甲 Tai Jia沃丁 Wo Ding大庚 Da Geng
小甲 Xiao Jia雍己 Yong Ji太戊 Tai Wu中丁 Zhong Ding
外壬 Wai Ren河亶甲 He Danjia祖乙 Zu Yi祖辛 Zu Xin
沃甲 Wo Jia祖丁 Zu Ding南庚 Na Geng阳甲 Yang Jia
盘庚 Pan Geng小辛 Xiao Xin小乙 Xiao Yi武丁 Wu Ding
祖庚 Zu Geng祖甲 Zu Jia廪辛 Lin Xin庚丁 Geng Ding
武乙 Wu Yi文丁 Wen Ding帝乙 Di Yi纣王 Zhou Wang
祖甲 Zu Jia
商代  (?~前1157年)

  祖甲,商朝国王,姓子名载,生卒年不详。商王武丁第三子,商王祖庚之弟,祖庚死后继位,在位33年,病死,葬于殷。商代鼎盛时期,高宗武丁偏爱幼子祖甲,打算废太子祖庚而改立祖甲祖甲认为这是违礼之举,不可强行废立,否则就可能重演“九世之乱” 的局面,因此他效法武丁当年之举,离开王都,到平民中生活。武丁死后,由太子祖庚继承王位。这使祖庚非常感动,使立祖甲为王位继承人,祖庚即位7年左右病死,祖甲这才回到王都继承王位。为了报效祖先功德,商人盛行祭祀,但所祭对象和顺序都很零乱,没有一定的规矩。祖甲即位后,创造了“周祭” 之法,具体方法是:从每年第一旬甲日开始,按照商王及其法定配偶世次、庙号的天干顺序,用羽、彡、三种主要祭法遍祀一周。周祭以旬为单位,每旬十日,都依王、妣庙号的天干为序,致祭之日的天干必须与庙号一致。如:第一旬甲日祭上甲、乙日祭报乙、丙日祭报丙,直至癸日祭示癸;第二旬乙日祭太乙(汤)、丁日祭太丁;第三旬甲日祭太甲、丙日祭外丙。如此逐旬祭祀,一直祭到祖甲之兄祖庚。用一种祭祀法遍祭上甲到祖庚的先工先王,需要九旬。祭毕,再分别用另两种祭法遍祀,直到全部祭遍为止。周祭之法,使殷人的祭祀系统更为严密规范,因此盛行于商代后半期,并逐渐达到最高峰。祖甲创立的周祭之法是祖先崇拜和宗教制度的最好体现。在上古文明中,各大民族都有自己的祭祀体系,周祭之法和古巴比伦、古埃及的祭祀法各不相同,是中国古代特有的祭祀系统。

  Zu Jia, Shang kings, named sub were set, date of birth unknown. Commercial Wang Wuding third son, the younger brother of Commerce Wang Zugeng, ancestral G died subsequent bit, 33-year reign, died, buried Yin. Shang Dynasty heyday, Gao Zongwu a small preference for the youngest son of the motherland, intended to repeal legislation Prince Zu Zu Jia G instead. I think this is a violation of ancestral ritual act, not to force Waste legislation, otherwise we may repeat itself, "IX Rebellion" of the situation, he follow the example of Wu Ding then move, left the king, to the civilians living. Wu Ding's death, succeeded to the throne Prince Edward G ancestors. This ancestral G is moved to a stand for the heir to the throne ancestors, ancestral G ascended the throne seven years dead, the king returned to the motherland Only a king. In order to serve the ancestors of merit, businessmen popular offerings, but the offerings are very messy objects and order, no fixed rules. Zu Jia came to the throne, created a "Sacrifice," the law, the specific method: A ten days from the first day every year, in accordance with the Shang kings and their legal spouses the world times, Temple name of the Heavenly Stems order, with the feather, San, three main Ji Act worship times a week. Sacrifice to ten days as a unit, every ten days on the 10th, all in accordance with the king, the posthumous names of the Heavenly Stems deceased mother for the order, the date of ROC posthumous names of the heavenly stems must be consistent. Such as: the first ten days festival for a day, B day festival newspaper B, C and C reported on offering up Kuei Kuei-day festival said; second-day festival in late B Taiyi (soup), Ding Festival is too small; third A late day festival Taijia, C C day festival outside. So by mid-worship, has been offering to the ancestral motherland G A brother. Method using a sacrificial offering on the A over the G's first work to the ancestral kings, need to ninety. Offering complete, then the other two offering methods were used all over the worship, until the full festival times so far. Sacrifice of the law, so that people of Yin of the sacrificial system is more rigorous standard, so popular in the latter half of the Shang Dynasty, and gradually reached a peak. Zu Jia created Sacrifice of ancestor worship and religious law is the best embodiment of the system. In ancient civilization, the major ethnic groups have their own ritual systems, Sacrifice of the law and Babylon, the ancient Egyptian ritual laws vary, is unique to the sacrificial system of ancient China.
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