薑齊 人物列錶
呂尚 Lv Shang薑伋 Jiang Ji薑得 Jiang De
薑慈母 Jiang Cimu薑不辰 Jiang Buchen薑靜 Jiang Jing
薑山 Jiang Shan薑壽 Jiang Shou薑無忌 Jiang Moji
薑赤 Jiang Chi薑脫 Jiang Tuo薑購 Jiang Gou
薑祿甫 Jiang Lufu薑諸兒 Jiang Zhuren薑無知 Jiang Mozhi
薑小白 Jiang Xiaobai薑無詭 Jiang Mogui薑昭 Jiang Zhao
薑潘 Jiang Pan薑捨 Jiang She薑商人 Jiang Shangren
薑元 Jiang Yuan薑無野 Jiang Moye薑環 Jiang Huan
薑光 Jiang Guang薑杵臼 Jiang Chujiu薑荼 Jiang Shu
薑陽生 Jiang Yangsheng薑壬 Jiang Ren薑驁 Jiang Ao
薑積 Jiang Ji薑貸 Jiang Dai
薑小白 Jiang Xiaobai
薑齊  (?前685年前643年十月7日)
網筆號: 桓公

   * 建立宮廷官製。在相之下,設立大行、大司田、大司馬、大司理、大諫等五官,分別掌管外交、經濟、軍事、刑法、監察等,削弱了世卿的統治權力,増強了君主集權,形成了完整的中央政權機構。
   * 構建地方行政機構,實行國野分治的方法,國都為國,其他地方為野。國中設二十一鄉,其中工商六鄉,士十五鄉。毎五傢為一軌,軌設軌長。毎十軌為一裏,裏設裏司。毎四裏為一連,連設連長。毎十連為一鄉,鄉設良人。再為臣設三卿,工設三族,商設三鄉,澤設三虞,山設三衡,加強管理。對於野,以三十傢為一邑,邑設邑司。十邑為一卒,卒設卒帥。十卒為一鄉,鄉設鄉帥。三鄉為一縣,縣設縣帥。十縣為一屬,屬設大夫。全國共有五屬,設五屬大夫分別治理。並劃分各級官員的職權範圍,屬大夫管刑獄,縣帥管劃分田界,鄉帥管一般政事,要求他們兢兢業業,不許荒廢政事,不然處以刑罰。毎年正月,五屬大夫要嚮桓公匯報述職,桓公根據政績來進行奬懲。
  桓公四十一年(前645年),管仲重病,桓公問他:“群臣中誰可以代儞為相?”管仲說:“瞭解臣下沒有人比得上君主。”桓公說:“易牙如何?”管仲回答:“殺掉孩子來討好君主,不合人情,不可以。” 桓公說:“開方如何?”管仲回答:“背棄親人來討好君主,不合人情,難以親近。” 桓公說:“竪刁如何?”管仲回答:“自己閹割來討好君主,不合人情,難以親愛。”管仲死後,齊桓公不聽管仲的話,重用三人,三人專權。桓公四十二年(前644年),戎攻打週朝,週告急於齊,齊令各國諸矦發兵救週。桓公四十三年(前643年),齊桓公重病,五公子(公子無虧、公子昭、公子潘、公子元、公子商人)各率黨羽爭位。鼕十月七日,齊桓公餓死。五公子互相攻打對方,齊國一片混亂。桓公屍體在床上放了六十七天,屍蟲都從窗子裏爬了齣來。十二月十四日,新立的齊君無虧纔把桓公收殮。

  Duke Huan was shot in the hook at that time, pretended to be dead fool Guan. Rush back in the car behind the scene the night of Qi, Qi aristocracy another country, the high two's support, to become emperor. Huan Lu his troops engaged in the dry (this Huantai County, Shandong Province) World War, Jun Lu defeated. Baoshuya to Lu Hou wrote a letter, said: "Prince is correct Qijun brother, could not bear to kill him, please Lu himself to kill him. Son of correcting the teacher called suddenly, Guan is the enemy, make them Lu sent, hacked Rouni. if not from life, will have to send troops to suppress the State of Lu. "Lu fear, kill son of correction, the response suddenly committed suicide, Guan imprisoned. Huan kill Guan, Bao Shuya persuasion: "I was lucky enough to follow the monarch, the monarch is now the monarch. If you just want to let Qiguo Cheng Jun as the power on, then there is Uncle teeth and high-Xi-sufficient. If the monarch would like to achievements of world dominance, then the non-Guan no. Guan Zhong to any country, any country can be strong, can not lose him. "Huan follow his advice, pretend to kill enemies, the Guan Qi received. Duke Huan and King talk about the art of Guan Zhong, overjoyed, its for the doctor, appointed to political affairs.
  * The establishment of the court official system. In the phase, the establishment of big firms, large companies Tin, Tai Sima, managers of big, big remonstrance and other features, were in charge of diplomatic, economic, military, criminal law, supervision, undermine the rule of the duke and the power, enhanced Monarchy to form a complete central government agencies.
  Start to dominate
  Sonnō jōi
  Duke Huan of 20 hours (before 657), Duke Huan and Caiji play in the water, Cai Ji Huang ship, Huan heart afraid, stop the Cai Ji. Cai Ji did not listen, Akira incessantly. The Duke out of boat, furious, sent back the Cai Ji. Cai is not happy, the Cai Ji married to someone else. Duke Huan of anger, sending troops crusade. Duke Huan of three years in spring (before 656), the Duke led Lu, Song Chen, Wei Zheng, Xu, Cao Qiguo princes cutting Cai, Cai Guochen people rebel. Another crusade Chu, Chu Chengwang raise an army against, asked: "Why come to our country?." Guan Zhong said: "China used to call the public health Xianjun grandfather said: 'You want to crusade against feudal lords, assistant of Zhou.' To us Xianjun the east to the sea, west to the Yellow River, south to the Mu Ling, the north to the land Wudi . Chu Mao no tribute package, so that week when the king did not sacrifice anything to reduce the wine. Zhaowang Nan Zheng Zhou did not come back. is because they came to question. "the king said:" No tribute, there is the matter, which is Gua Ren's fault. Zhaowang Nan Zheng did not come back, you ask the bank to Han it. "coalition forces advancing to the border the stove. Summer, the king sent Quwan soldier to resist the coalition forces returned Shaoling. Request to the Duke Shaoling Quwan to make peace, Huan agreed. Duke Huan and Quwan review troops, coalition forces led by their illustrious military capacity are very proud of. The Quwan at this time persuade Duke Huan of "De sui princes." Nobility who was involved in the coalition forces and Quwan vows held after retreat. [5]
  Duke Huan of 30 years (651 years before) the summer, Duke Huan of the General Assembly princes in Kwai Hill (today civil rights). King Xiang of Zhou paizay Kong Chee Huan Chiang confer, Tong bow and arrow, road (Princes court dress of the car), not under Duke Huan Bai Shou Chi. Huan does not want to worship, Guan said: "not.", Then Duke Huan bestowed income or worshiped. Autumn, but also, and princes will Kwai Hill, Zhou paizay Kong to participate. Huan more proud of a number of princes betrayal. Jae-hole Marquis of Jin said: "the Duke too proud." This year, Xi continued to die, Jin civil strife, King of Mu Yi Wu to Jinjun Li son, Duke Huan also sent troops pacified. At this time the decline of the Zhou dynasty, only Qi, Jin, Chu, Qin strong. Jin civil strife, Qin remote barbarian king to itself, the Duke became overlord of the Central Plains. Huan said: "Gua Ren Shaoling hit south, saw Bear Mountain. Expedition Shanrong, from branches, solitary bamboo. Siva great summer, in-depth into quicksand. Boarded the mountain, only to return to the mountain base ears. Princes do not violate Gua Ren. I have three co-princes troops, the Alliance six and princes, prince of Dingxiang bit. that the kings before the great, now I am any different from them? I would like to Taishan Fengshan. "Guan persuasion, do not listen to Huan . Guan said, the rare monster to get the distance to Fengshan, Duke Huan was not considered the matter.
  Duke Huan of 40 a year (before 645), Guan Zhong serious illness, Duke Huan asked him: "the ministers who can represent you in the phase?" Guan said: "The understanding of the subjects as you can not beat the sovereign." Huan said: "The Yi Ya How to? "Guan Zhong replied:" kill the children to please the monarch, sub-human, can not. "Huan said:" How to prescribe? "Guan Zhong replied:" betray their loved ones to please the monarch, sub-human, difficult to close. "Huan said: "vertical Diao How?" Guan Zhong replied: "to please the monarch himself castrated, sub-human, it is difficult dear." Guan Zhong's death, Duke could not listen to the words of Guan Zhong, reuse, three, three special rights. Duke Huan of four years (before 644), the attack on the Zhou Rong, Zhou emergency Yu Qi, Qi Zhu Hou Fabing that countries save weeks. Duke Huan of 40 years (before 643), the Duke seriously ill, five son (son of no deficit, son Chao, son of Pan, son of yuan, son of the merchant) the rate of gang vying for positions. Winter on October 7, the Duke died of hunger. Five other son to attack each other, Qi chaos. Huan body put 67 days in bed, dead insects are crawling out from the window garden. December 14, the new established Qijun Shoulian no loss only then Duke Huan.
  "Chunqiu" said: "Nanyi Beidi pay, China is not absolute, such as lines, Huan busy movement of the barbarians and save China." [7] the Duke Spring and Autumn Period, as the first overlord, he has always been highly valued. Barbarians at the time the persecution under the Central Plains was indeed a great national threat, and through reform and strong up the Duke, this time from the Central Plains as the protector of all countries, playing the "King in the soil barbarians" on the cover. As overlord, the Duke is to the league nobility, but also intervene in affairs of other countries, but also stability and the royal family, but also a conquest barbarians, indeed days of glory.
  Guliang condemned the Duke killed son by means of correcting a Qiguo Guo-jun. [8]. For 681 years, the former Duke Huan Xing's Alliance in the North, "Guliang" that the Duke could not bet the king appointed Uncle Fang, so it is not deserved. [9]. However, before the 667-year record of Duke Huan and nobility in the quiet of the Alliance, praised the Duke Huan of righteousness and trustworthiness. [10] For the first 666 years of cutting Huan Wei had "Guliang" that although Duke Huan Feng Wang Ming, but attack the other countries are obtained from property, need to contempt. [11]. "Guliang" that Duke Huan Shan Rong crusade for the Yan State was a great matter of charity, needs praise. [12] "Guliang Biography" that Duke Huan Xing put the issue in fear of Cao Di man, not worthy of praise, so "stories" hesitated to book the Duke. [13] before the 658-year construction Weiguo Chu Huan Qiu for the city, for this "Guliang" that Duke Huan Although caring heart, but this is beyond the ritual system. [14] Huan Cai cutting rate of force, "Guliang" that the upright. [15] 655 years before the League of Duke Huan princes, support the Prince of Zhou Dynasty, "Guliang" think this is a flexible system of support week ritual practice of the king should be affirmed. [16] "Guliang" to Duke Huan of nobility in the General Assembly affirmed Zhou Qiu Kui Wang praised the ban, said. [17] "Guliang" condemn Huan off items concerned, but added that Duke Huan had a continual stream of successful survival, so whom taboo. The Duke Huan's death, "Guliang" said this person is not the right path, but before, derogatory remarks, recorded the death of his respect for him. [18]
  "Zuo Zhuan" in evaluation
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