魏桓子(?─前446年),又称魏宣子,是中国春秋时期晋国魏氏的领袖,名驹,魏襄子魏侈之子。 魏侈死,桓子即位。魏桓子和赵襄子、韩康子一起打败了智伯瑶,瓜分了他的领地,他们三家的领地更大了,超过了诸侯。 魏桓子去世后,他的儿子魏文侯继位。
Wei Huan Zi (? ─ ago 446 years), also known as Wei Xuanzi, is the leader of the Spring and Autumn Period Jin Wei, name Ju, Wei Xiang Zi Wei luxury son. Luxury dead Wei, Huan Zi throne. Wei Huan Zi and Zhao Xiangzi, Yao Zhi Bo Han Kangzai beat together, divide his territory, and they had three more territory, more than the princes. Wei Huan Zi after the death of his son Marquis Wei Wen succession.